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Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:19 pm
by thbp
i just got owned

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:54 pm
by M_D_K
just playing with Kroki's bot. I love how it summed up avansc :lol:

Code: Select all

<M_D_K> .heil
<KrokiBot> Heil M_D_K!
<M_D_K> :D
<M_D_K> .pwn avansc 
* KrokiBot throws a mac at avansc!

IRC fail.

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:50 pm
by avansc
"Mazza69: the most easy way to get laid with a girl are the prostitutes"

Re: IRC fail.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:19 am
by K-Bal
Is this out of context? :lol:

Re: IRC fail.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:33 am
by avansc

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:52 am
by M_D_K
Merged with IRC lulz.

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:27 pm
by M_D_K

Code: Select all

Apr 11 06:02:34 *	mv2112mv ( has joined #elysian_shadows
Apr 11 06:02:42 <mv2112mv>	Hello?
Apr 11 06:02:49 <mv2112mv>	does anyone here use linux
Apr 11 06:03:34 *	mv2112mv waits for a response
Apr 11 06:04:04 <mv2112mv>	i need some help 0_o
Apr 11 06:04:22 <M_D_K>	with?
Apr 11 06:04:27 <mv2112mv>	C++ and Linux
Apr 11 06:04:54 <mv2112mv>	in windows, i specify a filename in a std::string and the program finds it
Apr 11 06:05:01 <mv2112mv>	it doesnt work in linux
Apr 11 06:05:04 <M_D_K>	....
Apr 11 06:05:09 <M_D_K>	huh?
Apr 11 06:05:18 <M_D_K>	code
Apr 11 06:05:23 <mv2112mv>	hold on a sex
Apr 11 06:05:26 <mv2112mv>	sec
Apr 11 06:05:40 *	mv2112mv wishes the c and x keys wernt so close
Apr 11 06:05:57 *	mv2112mv is goin to
Apr 11 06:06:44 <M_D_K>	stop twittering on irc
Apr 11 06:06:55 <qpHalcy0n>	thx
Apr 11 06:07:07 *	M_D_K salutes qpHalcy0n 
Apr 11 06:09:00 <mv2112mv>
Apr 11 06:09:38 <M_D_K>	my bet is your execution dir
Apr 11 06:09:54 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 06:10:09 <M_D_K>	how do you run it?
Apr 11 06:10:09 <qpHalcy0n>	and what do you mean "Doesn't work" ? need to be more specific next time
Apr 11 06:10:19 <M_D_K>	like lets say
Apr 11 06:10:20 <mv2112mv>	./mvEngine
Apr 11 06:10:26 <M_D_K>	is file in the same place?
Apr 11 06:10:30 <mv2112mv>	yup
Apr 11 06:10:40 <M_D_K>	doubt it
Apr 11 06:10:45 <mv2112mv>	it is
Apr 11 06:11:08 <mv2112mv>	after i compile, i copy executable to folder where files are
Apr 11 06:11:28 <M_D_K>	uh huh
Apr 11 06:12:00 <mv2112mv>	and the weird thing is that its only when i try to load a bitmap
Apr 11 06:12:11 <mv2112mv>	i get integers from the file no problem
Apr 11 06:12:42 <mv2112mv>	i gots an idea...
Apr 11 06:13:15 <M_D_K>	show me load_bitmap
Apr 11 06:14:10 <mv2112mv>	thats what was on pastbin
Apr 11 06:14:52 <mv2112mv>	Shutting down Allegro due to signal #11 Segmentation fault
Apr 11 06:14:58 <mv2112mv>	thats the error
Apr 11 06:15:10 <M_D_K>	qpHalcy0n, I don't believe this
Apr 11 06:15:15 <mv2112mv>	its cuz its not loading the bitmap
Apr 11 06:15:20 <mv2112mv>	lol
Apr 11 06:15:22 <qpHalcy0n>	why wouldnt you?
Apr 11 06:15:30 <M_D_K>	it seems so wrong
Apr 11 06:15:36 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 06:15:40 <mv2112mv>	?
Apr 11 06:16:08 <M_D_K>	dude you're saying a lot
Apr 11 06:16:12 <M_D_K>	but none of it really helps
Apr 11 06:16:17 <mv2112mv>	ok
Apr 11 06:16:26 <M_D_K>	I'm still betting that you're failing when it comes to the execution dir shit
Apr 11 06:16:42 <mv2112mv>	the executable is in the same place as the file
Apr 11 06:18:00 <M_D_K>	mind if I ssh in and take a look at how you're shit's set up?
Apr 11 06:18:16 *	steve-mac has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
Apr 11 06:18:31 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 06:19:03 <mv2112mv>	how
Apr 11 06:19:11 <M_D_K>	nevermind
Apr 11 06:19:18 <mv2112mv>	lol
Apr 11 06:19:24 <mv2112mv>	i suck at linux
Apr 11 06:19:52 <M_D_K>	and yet you blame the OS
Apr 11 06:20:07 <M_D_K>	zip up everything and tinyupload it
Apr 11 06:20:26 <M_D_K>	bet you anything it's something stupid you're doing
Apr 11 06:20:49 <mv2112mv>	would there be a problem if there was no  \ before file?
Apr 11 06:21:31 <M_D_K>	you mean / and that wouldn't work since that's root
Apr 11 06:21:32 *	thanatos454 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Apr 11 06:21:33 <M_D_K>	try ./
Apr 11 06:21:48 <mv2112mv>	kk
Apr 11 06:24:12 <mv2112mv>	didnt work :(
Apr 11 06:25:09 <M_D_K>	then you're fucking up
Apr 11 06:25:34 <mv2112mv>	ok, i zip up and upload
Apr 11 06:25:54 <mv2112mv>	can ur IRC client receive files?
Apr 11 06:26:01 <mv2112mv>	or do i have to tinyupload
Apr 11 06:26:36 <M_D_K>	tinyupload
Apr 11 06:26:43 <M_D_K>	dcc has problems behind NATs
Apr 11 06:28:32 <mv2112mv>	i wonder why it works on windows and not linux...
Apr 11 06:29:25 <M_D_K>	cause you're fucking up
Apr 11 06:29:56 <mv2112mv>	i guess only on linux...
Apr 11 06:30:27 <mv2112mv>
Apr 11 06:32:06 <mv2112mv>	0_o
Apr 11 06:34:09 <mv2112mv>	o_0
Apr 11 06:35:25 <mv2112mv>	0_o
Apr 11 06:36:20 <mv2112mv>	so, how bad is mi code
Apr 11 06:39:17 <M_D_K>	so how are you compiling this on linux?
Apr 11 06:39:29 <mv2112mv>	codeblocks
Apr 11 06:40:49 <M_D_K>	dude are you manually calling a deconstructor
Apr 11 06:40:56 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 06:41:06 <mv2112mv>	just in case :)
Apr 11 06:41:06 <M_D_K>	map1.mvMapObjects.~OC();
Apr 11 06:41:30 <mv2112mv>	its my first engine!
Apr 11 06:41:39 <M_D_K>	dude that's no fucking excuse
Apr 11 06:41:49 <M_D_K>	that's just bad programming
Apr 11 06:42:11 <mv2112mv>	Well, i've learned my lesson, im a little bit better now
Apr 11 06:42:27 <M_D_K>	what have you learned?
Apr 11 06:42:44 <mv2112mv>	not to call decontructors
Apr 11 06:43:09 *	mv2112mv spelled decontructors wrong
Apr 11 06:43:16 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 06:43:24 <M_D_K>	you use delete
Apr 11 06:43:39 <mv2112mv>	where
Apr 11 06:43:46 <M_D_K>	no
Apr 11 06:43:48 <M_D_K>	you're meant to
Apr 11 06:43:55 <mv2112mv>	ok
Apr 11 06:44:01 <mv2112mv>	:)
Apr 11 06:45:04 <mv2112mv>	i commented out lua stuff cuz i dont have lua on mi laptop yet
Apr 11 06:46:16 <mv2112mv>	So...
Apr 11 06:47:06 <M_D_K>	what's your distro btw?
Apr 11 06:47:12 <mv2112mv>	Ubunut
Apr 11 06:47:15 <M_D_K>	knew it
Apr 11 06:47:22 <M_D_K>	sudo apt-get install liblua5.1-dev
Apr 11 06:47:23 <M_D_K>	done
Apr 11 06:47:41 <mv2112mv>	in main, map1.LoadMap("n.txt",sW,sH); should be map1.LoadMap(filename.c_str(),sW,sH);
Apr 11 06:47:55 <mv2112mv>	but it doesnt work so i changed to map1.LoadMap("n.txt",sW,sH);
Apr 11 06:49:10 *	mv2112mv is installing lua...
Apr 11 06:51:09 <mv2112mv>	So...
Apr 11 06:52:13 <M_D_K>	JESUS CHRIST I HATE ALLEGRO!!!!!
Apr 11 06:52:23 <mv2112mv>	WHY!!!
Apr 11 06:52:56 <M_D_K>	it fucking sucks, and they don't static link shit to the library which means I have to hunt down libs myself
Apr 11 06:53:31 <mv2112mv>	synaptic package manager FTW
Apr 11 06:54:03 <M_D_K>	dude I am this close to bitchslaping you
Apr 11 06:54:10 <M_D_K>	I'm on debian
Apr 11 06:54:10 <mv2112mv>	srry
Apr 11 06:54:14 <M_D_K>	Ubuntu's big brother
Apr 11 06:54:30 <M_D_K>	and anyway synaptic just wraps apt-get
Apr 11 06:54:48 <mv2112mv>	which is better for 2d graphics, allegro, sdl, or openGL?
Apr 11 06:56:08 <M_D_K>	well I'd use GL but that's cause I get a woody from hardware acceleration
Apr 11 06:56:28 <mv2112mv>	liballegro4.2  maybe?
Apr 11 06:56:48 <mv2112mv>	liballegro4.2-dev
Apr 11 06:57:16 <M_D_K>	what
Apr 11 06:57:27 <mv2112mv>	thats what i had to download
Apr 11 06:57:31 <mv2112mv>	and install
Apr 11 06:59:52 <mv2112mv>	sudo apt-get install liballegro4.2
Apr 11 06:59:54 <mv2112mv>	sudo apt-get install liballegro4.2-dev
Apr 11 07:01:01 <M_D_K>	-_-
Apr 11 07:01:15 <M_D_K>	just tell me where the code loading the bitmap is
Apr 11 07:01:33 <mv2112mv>	mvLoadMap.cpp
Apr 11 07:01:41 <mv2112mv>	and mvSprite.cpp
Apr 11 07:01:58 <mv2112mv>	mvLoadMap.cpp its in the loadmap function
Apr 11 07:02:04 <M_D_K>	you suck
Apr 11 07:02:10 <M_D_K>	mvLoadMap.cpp doesn't exist
Apr 11 07:02:14 <mv2112mv>	wtf
Apr 11 07:02:24 <M_D_K>	do you mean mvMapLoader.cpp
Apr 11 07:02:26 <mv2112mv>	omg
Apr 11 07:02:33 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:02:35 <mv2112mv>	yup
Apr 11 07:03:22 <mv2112mv>	sprite_sheet=load_bitmap(temp.c_str(),NULL);
Apr 11 07:03:29 <mv2112mv>	thats where the problem is
Apr 11 07:04:01 <M_D_K>	you use goto?
Apr 11 07:04:17 <mv2112mv>	it was late at night!
Apr 11 07:04:42 <mv2112mv>	im just trying to get it to work, not make it clean
Apr 11 07:05:16 *	mv2112mv can't figure out why he named a tile sheet sprite_sheet...
Apr 11 07:05:34 <M_D_K>	that's the least of your problems
Apr 11 07:05:42 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:05:54 <mv2112mv>	all the code works under windows
Apr 11 07:06:06 <M_D_K>	guess what
Apr 11 07:06:10 <mv2112mv>	what
Apr 11 07:06:16 <M_D_K>	you're not reading your right
Apr 11 07:06:20 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:06:25 <M_D_K>	filename holds
Apr 11 07:06:29 <M_D_K>	and I fucking quote
Apr 11 07:06:42 <M_D_K>	"\\n.txt\r"
Apr 11 07:06:46 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:06:50 <mv2112mv>	wtf
Apr 11 07:06:51 <M_D_K>	YOU PHAIL!
Apr 11 07:07:03 <M_D_K>	and btw try passing by reference
Apr 11 07:07:23 <mv2112mv>	where the hell does the r and extra \ come from???
Apr 11 07:07:53 <mv2112mv>	that doesnt matter cuz n.txt is hardcoded into maploader :)
Apr 11 07:08:04 <mv2112mv>	in main
Apr 11 07:08:32 <mv2112mv>	map1.loadmap("n.txt",sW,sH);
Apr 11 07:09:01 <M_D_K>	no
Apr 11 07:09:07 <M_D_K>	System.mvSetup(&filename,&sW,&sH);
Apr 11 07:09:11 <M_D_K>	fucks with filename
Apr 11 07:10:43 <mv2112mv>	your main doesnt say  map1.loadmap("n.txt",sW,sH);? I know it screws it up but it still doesnt work right with that
Apr 11 07:11:18 <M_D_K>	no
Apr 11 07:11:29 <M_D_K>	I changed it to filename.c_str()
Apr 11 07:11:33 <mv2112mv>	Oh
Apr 11 07:11:42 <M_D_K>	run a freaking debugger sometime
Apr 11 07:11:51 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:14:21 <mv2112mv>	ok, so now it loads n.txt correctly
Apr 11 07:15:33 <mv2112mv>	BUT, it gets "Mchimp0.bmp" from n.txt and tries to pass that to load_bitmap() which it fails to find
Apr 11 07:18:33 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:19:30 <mv2112mv>	hello...
Apr 11 07:19:39 <mv2112mv>	:(
Apr 11 07:20:57 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:21:55 <M_D_K>	yeah
Apr 11 07:22:01 <M_D_K>	it's called Mchip0.bmp
Apr 11 07:22:03 <M_D_K>	dumbass
Apr 11 07:23:04 <mv2112mv>	ya, it fails to load that
Apr 11 07:23:22 <mv2112mv>	unless you hard code load_bitmap("Mchip0",NULL);
Apr 11 07:23:44 <mv2112mv>	* add .bmp to Mchip0
Apr 11 07:23:54 <M_D_K>	dude
Apr 11 07:24:01 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:24:03 <M_D_K>	linux doesn't use backslashes
Apr 11 07:24:10 <M_D_K>	it uses forward slashese
Apr 11 07:24:13 <M_D_K>	slashes*
Apr 11 07:24:16 <mv2112mv>	ok i try that
Apr 11 07:24:27 <M_D_K>	no slashes
Apr 11 07:24:35 <M_D_K>	if it's in the same dir leave it
Apr 11 07:24:51 <mv2112mv>	ok still doesnt work without
Apr 11 07:25:33 <mv2112mv>	i cout and it's reading the file correctly
Apr 11 07:25:44 <mv2112mv>	mabye its allegro...
Apr 11 07:26:24 <mv2112mv>	allegro+linux=fail
Apr 11 07:28:18 <M_D_K>	no
Apr 11 07:28:32 <M_D_K>	when it's reading the first line of n.txt for the bitmap
Apr 11 07:28:36 <M_D_K>	it's still including \r
Apr 11 07:28:42 <M_D_K>	fix your damn parsing
Apr 11 07:29:08 <mv2112mv>	wtf
Apr 11 07:29:12 *	qpHalcy0n has quit ()
Apr 11 07:29:17 <mv2112mv>	does it cout the \r?
Apr 11 07:29:19 <mv2112mv>	mine doesnt
Apr 11 07:29:20 <M_D_K>	run the debugger
Apr 11 07:29:27 <M_D_K>	check the contents of temp
Apr 11 07:30:07 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:30:17 <M_D_K>	with the debugger
Apr 11 07:31:30 <mv2112mv>	ugh, where is it getting the \r
Apr 11 07:31:53 <mv2112mv>	unless there is \r in the file, idk
Apr 11 07:31:59 <M_D_K>	yeah it's the \r in the file
Apr 11 07:33:08 <mv2112mv>	wtf, i cant find it in the file
Apr 11 07:33:39 <mv2112mv>	is there a space between Mchip0.bmp and \r?
Apr 11 07:33:57 <M_D_K>	LOL
Apr 11 07:34:05 <M_D_K>	\r is a special char
Apr 11 07:34:06 <M_D_K>	like \n
Apr 11 07:34:10 <mv2112mv>	oh
Apr 11 07:34:23 <mv2112mv>	i see
Apr 11 07:35:54 <mv2112mv>	so, would maybe parsing the text untill it hits the p in bmp help?
Apr 11 07:37:33 <mv2112mv>	btw, what does \r mean
Apr 11 07:38:54 <M_D_K>	carriage return
Apr 11 07:39:03 <M_D_K>	where as \n means new line
Apr 11 07:39:13 <M_D_K>	see windows used \r because they're tools
Apr 11 07:39:21 <M_D_K>	it also has to do with typewriters
Apr 11 07:42:42 <mv2112mv>	so, how would i check if temp[i]==''
Apr 11 07:42:44 <mv2112mv>	\
Apr 11 07:43:24 <M_D_K>	no you need to check for \r specifically
Apr 11 07:43:31 <M_D_K>	\ is an escape character
Apr 11 07:43:31 <mv2112mv>	ok
Apr 11 07:43:40 <M_D_K>	like if you want to print "
Apr 11 07:43:40 <mv2112mv>	ya, i get errors
Apr 11 07:43:46 <M_D_K>	you need to do "\""
Apr 11 07:44:02 <M_D_K>	if you actually want to print \
Apr 11 07:44:04 <M_D_K>	you need to do \\
Apr 11 07:44:08 <mv2112mv>	ok
Apr 11 07:44:16 <M_D_K>	but it won't help ya doing \\
Apr 11 07:44:38 <mv2112mv>	gosh darnit
Apr 11 07:45:12 <mv2112mv>	so much trouble of \r
Apr 11 07:45:19 <mv2112mv>	*over \r
Apr 11 07:45:41 <mv2112mv>	so how would i check for \r
Apr 11 07:48:35 <M_D_K>	"\r"
Apr 11 07:48:36 <M_D_K>	duh
Apr 11 07:49:18 <mv2112mv>	oh
Apr 11 07:49:24 *	mv2112mv slaps himself
Apr 11 07:50:20 <mv2112mv>	OMG
Apr 11 07:50:23 <mv2112mv>	IT WORKED
Apr 11 07:51:51 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:52:33 <mv2112mv>	YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 11 07:52:42 <mv2112mv>	Thank you M_D_K!
Apr 11 07:52:53 <mv2112mv>	IT WORKS!!!!
Apr 11 07:53:01 <mv2112mv>	i hate \r
Apr 11 07:53:05 <M_D_K>	told you it was something stupid
Apr 11 07:53:16 <mv2112mv>	yup
Apr 11 07:53:26 <M_D_K>	and you can blame microsoft for not updating notepad to use \n
Apr 11 07:54:14 <mv2112mv>	of course, to try and found out what the problem was, i added a bunch of couts everywhere that i have to delete now :(
Apr 11 07:55:19 <M_D_K>	you could have just used a debugger
Apr 11 07:55:26 <M_D_K>	and stepped through the code
Apr 11 07:56:17 <mv2112mv>	ya, one other problem i had was i couldnt get it to load all the files from codeblocks so i would have to compile and copy and paste the exe to get it to work...
Apr 11 07:57:46 <mv2112mv>	wow, engine loads alot faster in ubuntu
Apr 11 07:58:45 <mv2112mv>	Ok, gotta go, thanks a bunch M_D_K!
Apr 11 07:58:48 *	mv2112mv is a noob
Apr 11 07:58:59 *	Guest15345 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
Apr 11 07:59:00 <mv2112mv>	i owe you one

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:45 pm
by XianForce
Reading that may have been the biggest waste of my life ^^....

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:10 pm
by M_D_K
XianForce wrote:Reading that may have been the biggest waste of my life ^^....
I was there so I know exactly what you mean.

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:17 pm
by eatcomics
its always a little thing...

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:48 am
by LeonBlade
M_D_K wrote:.......

Code: Select all

Apr 11 06:02:34 *	mv2112mv ( has joined #elysian_shadows
Apr 11 06:02:42 <mv2112mv>	Hello?
Apr 11 06:02:49 <mv2112mv>	does anyone here use linux
Apr 11 06:03:34 *	mv2112mv waits for a response
Apr 11 06:04:04 <mv2112mv>	i need some help 0_o
Apr 11 06:04:22 <M_D_K>	with?
Apr 11 06:04:27 <mv2112mv>	C++ and Linux
Apr 11 06:04:54 <mv2112mv>	in windows, i specify a filename in a std::string and the program finds it
Apr 11 06:05:01 <mv2112mv>	it doesnt work in linux
Apr 11 06:05:04 <M_D_K>	....
Apr 11 06:05:09 <M_D_K>	huh?
Apr 11 06:05:18 <M_D_K>	code
Apr 11 06:05:23 <mv2112mv>	hold on a sex
Apr 11 06:05:26 <mv2112mv>	sec
Apr 11 06:05:40 *	mv2112mv wishes the c and x keys wernt so close
Apr 11 06:05:57 *	mv2112mv is goin to
Apr 11 06:06:44 <M_D_K>	stop twittering on irc
Apr 11 06:06:55 <qpHalcy0n>	thx
Apr 11 06:07:07 *	M_D_K salutes qpHalcy0n 
Apr 11 06:09:00 <mv2112mv>
Apr 11 06:09:38 <M_D_K>	my bet is your execution dir
Apr 11 06:09:54 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 06:10:09 <M_D_K>	how do you run it?
Apr 11 06:10:09 <qpHalcy0n>	and what do you mean "Doesn't work" ? need to be more specific next time
Apr 11 06:10:19 <M_D_K>	like lets say
Apr 11 06:10:20 <mv2112mv>	./mvEngine
Apr 11 06:10:26 <M_D_K>	is file in the same place?
Apr 11 06:10:30 <mv2112mv>	yup
Apr 11 06:10:40 <M_D_K>	doubt it
Apr 11 06:10:45 <mv2112mv>	it is
Apr 11 06:11:08 <mv2112mv>	after i compile, i copy executable to folder where files are
Apr 11 06:11:28 <M_D_K>	uh huh
Apr 11 06:12:00 <mv2112mv>	and the weird thing is that its only when i try to load a bitmap
Apr 11 06:12:11 <mv2112mv>	i get integers from the file no problem
Apr 11 06:12:42 <mv2112mv>	i gots an idea...
Apr 11 06:13:15 <M_D_K>	show me load_bitmap
Apr 11 06:14:10 <mv2112mv>	thats what was on pastbin
Apr 11 06:14:52 <mv2112mv>	Shutting down Allegro due to signal #11 Segmentation fault
Apr 11 06:14:58 <mv2112mv>	thats the error
Apr 11 06:15:10 <M_D_K>	qpHalcy0n, I don't believe this
Apr 11 06:15:15 <mv2112mv>	its cuz its not loading the bitmap
Apr 11 06:15:20 <mv2112mv>	lol
Apr 11 06:15:22 <qpHalcy0n>	why wouldnt you?
Apr 11 06:15:30 <M_D_K>	it seems so wrong
Apr 11 06:15:36 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 06:15:40 <mv2112mv>	?
Apr 11 06:16:08 <M_D_K>	dude you're saying a lot
Apr 11 06:16:12 <M_D_K>	but none of it really helps
Apr 11 06:16:17 <mv2112mv>	ok
Apr 11 06:16:26 <M_D_K>	I'm still betting that you're failing when it comes to the execution dir shit
Apr 11 06:16:42 <mv2112mv>	the executable is in the same place as the file
Apr 11 06:18:00 <M_D_K>	mind if I ssh in and take a look at how you're shit's set up?
Apr 11 06:18:16 *	steve-mac has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
Apr 11 06:18:31 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 06:19:03 <mv2112mv>	how
Apr 11 06:19:11 <M_D_K>	nevermind
Apr 11 06:19:18 <mv2112mv>	lol
Apr 11 06:19:24 <mv2112mv>	i suck at linux
Apr 11 06:19:52 <M_D_K>	and yet you blame the OS
Apr 11 06:20:07 <M_D_K>	zip up everything and tinyupload it
Apr 11 06:20:26 <M_D_K>	bet you anything it's something stupid you're doing
Apr 11 06:20:49 <mv2112mv>	would there be a problem if there was no  \ before file?
Apr 11 06:21:31 <M_D_K>	you mean / and that wouldn't work since that's root
Apr 11 06:21:32 *	thanatos454 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Apr 11 06:21:33 <M_D_K>	try ./
Apr 11 06:21:48 <mv2112mv>	kk
Apr 11 06:24:12 <mv2112mv>	didnt work :(
Apr 11 06:25:09 <M_D_K>	then you're fucking up
Apr 11 06:25:34 <mv2112mv>	ok, i zip up and upload
Apr 11 06:25:54 <mv2112mv>	can ur IRC client receive files?
Apr 11 06:26:01 <mv2112mv>	or do i have to tinyupload
Apr 11 06:26:36 <M_D_K>	tinyupload
Apr 11 06:26:43 <M_D_K>	dcc has problems behind NATs
Apr 11 06:28:32 <mv2112mv>	i wonder why it works on windows and not linux...
Apr 11 06:29:25 <M_D_K>	cause you're fucking up
Apr 11 06:29:56 <mv2112mv>	i guess only on linux...
Apr 11 06:30:27 <mv2112mv>
Apr 11 06:32:06 <mv2112mv>	0_o
Apr 11 06:34:09 <mv2112mv>	o_0
Apr 11 06:35:25 <mv2112mv>	0_o
Apr 11 06:36:20 <mv2112mv>	so, how bad is mi code
Apr 11 06:39:17 <M_D_K>	so how are you compiling this on linux?
Apr 11 06:39:29 <mv2112mv>	codeblocks
Apr 11 06:40:49 <M_D_K>	dude are you manually calling a deconstructor
Apr 11 06:40:56 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 06:41:06 <mv2112mv>	just in case :)
Apr 11 06:41:06 <M_D_K>	map1.mvMapObjects.~OC();
Apr 11 06:41:30 <mv2112mv>	its my first engine!
Apr 11 06:41:39 <M_D_K>	dude that's no fucking excuse
Apr 11 06:41:49 <M_D_K>	that's just bad programming
Apr 11 06:42:11 <mv2112mv>	Well, i've learned my lesson, im a little bit better now
Apr 11 06:42:27 <M_D_K>	what have you learned?
Apr 11 06:42:44 <mv2112mv>	not to call decontructors
Apr 11 06:43:09 *	mv2112mv spelled decontructors wrong
Apr 11 06:43:16 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 06:43:24 <M_D_K>	you use delete
Apr 11 06:43:39 <mv2112mv>	where
Apr 11 06:43:46 <M_D_K>	no
Apr 11 06:43:48 <M_D_K>	you're meant to
Apr 11 06:43:55 <mv2112mv>	ok
Apr 11 06:44:01 <mv2112mv>	:)
Apr 11 06:45:04 <mv2112mv>	i commented out lua stuff cuz i dont have lua on mi laptop yet
Apr 11 06:46:16 <mv2112mv>	So...
Apr 11 06:47:06 <M_D_K>	what's your distro btw?
Apr 11 06:47:12 <mv2112mv>	Ubunut
Apr 11 06:47:15 <M_D_K>	knew it
Apr 11 06:47:22 <M_D_K>	sudo apt-get install liblua5.1-dev
Apr 11 06:47:23 <M_D_K>	done
Apr 11 06:47:41 <mv2112mv>	in main, map1.LoadMap("n.txt",sW,sH); should be map1.LoadMap(filename.c_str(),sW,sH);
Apr 11 06:47:55 <mv2112mv>	but it doesnt work so i changed to map1.LoadMap("n.txt",sW,sH);
Apr 11 06:49:10 *	mv2112mv is installing lua...
Apr 11 06:51:09 <mv2112mv>	So...
Apr 11 06:52:13 <M_D_K>	JESUS CHRIST I HATE ALLEGRO!!!!!
Apr 11 06:52:23 <mv2112mv>	WHY!!!
Apr 11 06:52:56 <M_D_K>	it fucking sucks, and they don't static link shit to the library which means I have to hunt down libs myself
Apr 11 06:53:31 <mv2112mv>	synaptic package manager FTW
Apr 11 06:54:03 <M_D_K>	dude I am this close to bitchslaping you
Apr 11 06:54:10 <M_D_K>	I'm on debian
Apr 11 06:54:10 <mv2112mv>	srry
Apr 11 06:54:14 <M_D_K>	Ubuntu's big brother
Apr 11 06:54:30 <M_D_K>	and anyway synaptic just wraps apt-get
Apr 11 06:54:48 <mv2112mv>	which is better for 2d graphics, allegro, sdl, or openGL?
Apr 11 06:56:08 <M_D_K>	well I'd use GL but that's cause I get a woody from hardware acceleration
Apr 11 06:56:28 <mv2112mv>	liballegro4.2  maybe?
Apr 11 06:56:48 <mv2112mv>	liballegro4.2-dev
Apr 11 06:57:16 <M_D_K>	what
Apr 11 06:57:27 <mv2112mv>	thats what i had to download
Apr 11 06:57:31 <mv2112mv>	and install
Apr 11 06:59:52 <mv2112mv>	sudo apt-get install liballegro4.2
Apr 11 06:59:54 <mv2112mv>	sudo apt-get install liballegro4.2-dev
Apr 11 07:01:01 <M_D_K>	-_-
Apr 11 07:01:15 <M_D_K>	just tell me where the code loading the bitmap is
Apr 11 07:01:33 <mv2112mv>	mvLoadMap.cpp
Apr 11 07:01:41 <mv2112mv>	and mvSprite.cpp
Apr 11 07:01:58 <mv2112mv>	mvLoadMap.cpp its in the loadmap function
Apr 11 07:02:04 <M_D_K>	you suck
Apr 11 07:02:10 <M_D_K>	mvLoadMap.cpp doesn't exist
Apr 11 07:02:14 <mv2112mv>	wtf
Apr 11 07:02:24 <M_D_K>	do you mean mvMapLoader.cpp
Apr 11 07:02:26 <mv2112mv>	omg
Apr 11 07:02:33 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:02:35 <mv2112mv>	yup
Apr 11 07:03:22 <mv2112mv>	sprite_sheet=load_bitmap(temp.c_str(),NULL);
Apr 11 07:03:29 <mv2112mv>	thats where the problem is
Apr 11 07:04:01 <M_D_K>	you use goto?
Apr 11 07:04:17 <mv2112mv>	it was late at night!
Apr 11 07:04:42 <mv2112mv>	im just trying to get it to work, not make it clean
Apr 11 07:05:16 *	mv2112mv can't figure out why he named a tile sheet sprite_sheet...
Apr 11 07:05:34 <M_D_K>	that's the least of your problems
Apr 11 07:05:42 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:05:54 <mv2112mv>	all the code works under windows
Apr 11 07:06:06 <M_D_K>	guess what
Apr 11 07:06:10 <mv2112mv>	what
Apr 11 07:06:16 <M_D_K>	you're not reading your right
Apr 11 07:06:20 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:06:25 <M_D_K>	filename holds
Apr 11 07:06:29 <M_D_K>	and I fucking quote
Apr 11 07:06:42 <M_D_K>	"\\n.txt\r"
Apr 11 07:06:46 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:06:50 <mv2112mv>	wtf
Apr 11 07:06:51 <M_D_K>	YOU PHAIL!
Apr 11 07:07:03 <M_D_K>	and btw try passing by reference
Apr 11 07:07:23 <mv2112mv>	where the hell does the r and extra \ come from???
Apr 11 07:07:53 <mv2112mv>	that doesnt matter cuz n.txt is hardcoded into maploader :)
Apr 11 07:08:04 <mv2112mv>	in main
Apr 11 07:08:32 <mv2112mv>	map1.loadmap("n.txt",sW,sH);
Apr 11 07:09:01 <M_D_K>	no
Apr 11 07:09:07 <M_D_K>	System.mvSetup(&filename,&sW,&sH);
Apr 11 07:09:11 <M_D_K>	fucks with filename
Apr 11 07:10:43 <mv2112mv>	your main doesnt say  map1.loadmap("n.txt",sW,sH);? I know it screws it up but it still doesnt work right with that
Apr 11 07:11:18 <M_D_K>	no
Apr 11 07:11:29 <M_D_K>	I changed it to filename.c_str()
Apr 11 07:11:33 <mv2112mv>	Oh
Apr 11 07:11:42 <M_D_K>	run a freaking debugger sometime
Apr 11 07:11:51 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:14:21 <mv2112mv>	ok, so now it loads n.txt correctly
Apr 11 07:15:33 <mv2112mv>	BUT, it gets "Mchimp0.bmp" from n.txt and tries to pass that to load_bitmap() which it fails to find
Apr 11 07:18:33 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:19:30 <mv2112mv>	hello...
Apr 11 07:19:39 <mv2112mv>	:(
Apr 11 07:20:57 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:21:55 <M_D_K>	yeah
Apr 11 07:22:01 <M_D_K>	it's called Mchip0.bmp
Apr 11 07:22:03 <M_D_K>	dumbass
Apr 11 07:23:04 <mv2112mv>	ya, it fails to load that
Apr 11 07:23:22 <mv2112mv>	unless you hard code load_bitmap("Mchip0",NULL);
Apr 11 07:23:44 <mv2112mv>	* add .bmp to Mchip0
Apr 11 07:23:54 <M_D_K>	dude
Apr 11 07:24:01 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:24:03 <M_D_K>	linux doesn't use backslashes
Apr 11 07:24:10 <M_D_K>	it uses forward slashese
Apr 11 07:24:13 <M_D_K>	slashes*
Apr 11 07:24:16 <mv2112mv>	ok i try that
Apr 11 07:24:27 <M_D_K>	no slashes
Apr 11 07:24:35 <M_D_K>	if it's in the same dir leave it
Apr 11 07:24:51 <mv2112mv>	ok still doesnt work without
Apr 11 07:25:33 <mv2112mv>	i cout and it's reading the file correctly
Apr 11 07:25:44 <mv2112mv>	mabye its allegro...
Apr 11 07:26:24 <mv2112mv>	allegro+linux=fail
Apr 11 07:28:18 <M_D_K>	no
Apr 11 07:28:32 <M_D_K>	when it's reading the first line of n.txt for the bitmap
Apr 11 07:28:36 <M_D_K>	it's still including \r
Apr 11 07:28:42 <M_D_K>	fix your damn parsing
Apr 11 07:29:08 <mv2112mv>	wtf
Apr 11 07:29:12 *	qpHalcy0n has quit ()
Apr 11 07:29:17 <mv2112mv>	does it cout the \r?
Apr 11 07:29:19 <mv2112mv>	mine doesnt
Apr 11 07:29:20 <M_D_K>	run the debugger
Apr 11 07:29:27 <M_D_K>	check the contents of temp
Apr 11 07:30:07 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:30:17 <M_D_K>	with the debugger
Apr 11 07:31:30 <mv2112mv>	ugh, where is it getting the \r
Apr 11 07:31:53 <mv2112mv>	unless there is \r in the file, idk
Apr 11 07:31:59 <M_D_K>	yeah it's the \r in the file
Apr 11 07:33:08 <mv2112mv>	wtf, i cant find it in the file
Apr 11 07:33:39 <mv2112mv>	is there a space between Mchip0.bmp and \r?
Apr 11 07:33:57 <M_D_K>	LOL
Apr 11 07:34:05 <M_D_K>	\r is a special char
Apr 11 07:34:06 <M_D_K>	like \n
Apr 11 07:34:10 <mv2112mv>	oh
Apr 11 07:34:23 <mv2112mv>	i see
Apr 11 07:35:54 <mv2112mv>	so, would maybe parsing the text untill it hits the p in bmp help?
Apr 11 07:37:33 <mv2112mv>	btw, what does \r mean
Apr 11 07:38:54 <M_D_K>	carriage return
Apr 11 07:39:03 <M_D_K>	where as \n means new line
Apr 11 07:39:13 <M_D_K>	see windows used \r because they're tools
Apr 11 07:39:21 <M_D_K>	it also has to do with typewriters
Apr 11 07:42:42 <mv2112mv>	so, how would i check if temp[i]==''
Apr 11 07:42:44 <mv2112mv>	\
Apr 11 07:43:24 <M_D_K>	no you need to check for \r specifically
Apr 11 07:43:31 <M_D_K>	\ is an escape character
Apr 11 07:43:31 <mv2112mv>	ok
Apr 11 07:43:40 <M_D_K>	like if you want to print "
Apr 11 07:43:40 <mv2112mv>	ya, i get errors
Apr 11 07:43:46 <M_D_K>	you need to do "\""
Apr 11 07:44:02 <M_D_K>	if you actually want to print \
Apr 11 07:44:04 <M_D_K>	you need to do \\
Apr 11 07:44:08 <mv2112mv>	ok
Apr 11 07:44:16 <M_D_K>	but it won't help ya doing \\
Apr 11 07:44:38 <mv2112mv>	gosh darnit
Apr 11 07:45:12 <mv2112mv>	so much trouble of \r
Apr 11 07:45:19 <mv2112mv>	*over \r
Apr 11 07:45:41 <mv2112mv>	so how would i check for \r
Apr 11 07:48:35 <M_D_K>	"\r"
Apr 11 07:48:36 <M_D_K>	duh
Apr 11 07:49:18 <mv2112mv>	oh
Apr 11 07:49:24 *	mv2112mv slaps himself
Apr 11 07:50:20 <mv2112mv>	OMG
Apr 11 07:50:23 <mv2112mv>	IT WORKED
Apr 11 07:51:51 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:52:33 <mv2112mv>	YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 11 07:52:42 <mv2112mv>	Thank you M_D_K!
Apr 11 07:52:53 <mv2112mv>	IT WORKS!!!!
Apr 11 07:53:01 <mv2112mv>	i hate \r
Apr 11 07:53:05 <M_D_K>	told you it was something stupid
Apr 11 07:53:16 <mv2112mv>	yup
Apr 11 07:53:26 <M_D_K>	and you can blame microsoft for not updating notepad to use \n
Apr 11 07:54:14 <mv2112mv>	of course, to try and found out what the problem was, i added a bunch of couts everywhere that i have to delete now :(
Apr 11 07:55:19 <M_D_K>	you could have just used a debugger
Apr 11 07:55:26 <M_D_K>	and stepped through the code
Apr 11 07:56:17 <mv2112mv>	ya, one other problem i had was i couldnt get it to load all the files from codeblocks so i would have to compile and copy and paste the exe to get it to work...
Apr 11 07:57:46 <mv2112mv>	wow, engine loads alot faster in ubuntu
Apr 11 07:58:45 <mv2112mv>	Ok, gotta go, thanks a bunch M_D_K!
Apr 11 07:58:48 *	mv2112mv is a noob
Apr 11 07:58:59 *	Guest15345 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
Apr 11 07:59:00 <mv2112mv>	i owe you one
Lol'd so hard... I need to start going in the IRC more often.

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:17 am
by M_D_K
the lulz frequency is starting to pick up again

Code: Select all

<Mad> alright now how the hell do I change my nick back
<Mad> not used to XChat
<LeonBlade> /nick name
<Mad> thougt it might...
* Mad is now known as name
<M_D_K> which is pretty standard across all clients
<LeonBlade> >.<
<name> oh my god i'm retarded....
<LeonBlade> lmao
* name is now known as MadPumpkin

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:57 am
by LeonBlade
Here are my IRC lulz

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:14 am
by GroundUpEngine
M_D_K wrote:.......

Code: Select all

Apr 11 06:02:34 *	mv2112mv ( has joined #elysian_shadows
Apr 11 06:02:42 <mv2112mv>	Hello?
Apr 11 06:02:49 <mv2112mv>	does anyone here use linux
Apr 11 06:03:34 *	mv2112mv waits for a response
Apr 11 06:04:04 <mv2112mv>	i need some help 0_o
Apr 11 06:04:22 <M_D_K>	with?
Apr 11 06:04:27 <mv2112mv>	C++ and Linux
Apr 11 06:04:54 <mv2112mv>	in windows, i specify a filename in a std::string and the program finds it
Apr 11 06:05:01 <mv2112mv>	it doesnt work in linux
Apr 11 06:05:04 <M_D_K>	....
Apr 11 06:05:09 <M_D_K>	huh?
Apr 11 06:05:18 <M_D_K>	code
Apr 11 06:05:23 <mv2112mv>	hold on a sex
Apr 11 06:05:26 <mv2112mv>	sec
Apr 11 06:05:40 *	mv2112mv wishes the c and x keys wernt so close
Apr 11 06:05:57 *	mv2112mv is goin to
Apr 11 06:06:44 <M_D_K>	stop twittering on irc
Apr 11 06:06:55 <qpHalcy0n>	thx
Apr 11 06:07:07 *	M_D_K salutes qpHalcy0n 
Apr 11 06:09:00 <mv2112mv>
Apr 11 06:09:38 <M_D_K>	my bet is your execution dir
Apr 11 06:09:54 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 06:10:09 <M_D_K>	how do you run it?
Apr 11 06:10:09 <qpHalcy0n>	and what do you mean "Doesn't work" ? need to be more specific next time
Apr 11 06:10:19 <M_D_K>	like lets say
Apr 11 06:10:20 <mv2112mv>	./mvEngine
Apr 11 06:10:26 <M_D_K>	is file in the same place?
Apr 11 06:10:30 <mv2112mv>	yup
Apr 11 06:10:40 <M_D_K>	doubt it
Apr 11 06:10:45 <mv2112mv>	it is
Apr 11 06:11:08 <mv2112mv>	after i compile, i copy executable to folder where files are
Apr 11 06:11:28 <M_D_K>	uh huh
Apr 11 06:12:00 <mv2112mv>	and the weird thing is that its only when i try to load a bitmap
Apr 11 06:12:11 <mv2112mv>	i get integers from the file no problem
Apr 11 06:12:42 <mv2112mv>	i gots an idea...
Apr 11 06:13:15 <M_D_K>	show me load_bitmap
Apr 11 06:14:10 <mv2112mv>	thats what was on pastbin
Apr 11 06:14:52 <mv2112mv>	Shutting down Allegro due to signal #11 Segmentation fault
Apr 11 06:14:58 <mv2112mv>	thats the error
Apr 11 06:15:10 <M_D_K>	qpHalcy0n, I don't believe this
Apr 11 06:15:15 <mv2112mv>	its cuz its not loading the bitmap
Apr 11 06:15:20 <mv2112mv>	lol
Apr 11 06:15:22 <qpHalcy0n>	why wouldnt you?
Apr 11 06:15:30 <M_D_K>	it seems so wrong
Apr 11 06:15:36 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 06:15:40 <mv2112mv>	?
Apr 11 06:16:08 <M_D_K>	dude you're saying a lot
Apr 11 06:16:12 <M_D_K>	but none of it really helps
Apr 11 06:16:17 <mv2112mv>	ok
Apr 11 06:16:26 <M_D_K>	I'm still betting that you're failing when it comes to the execution dir shit
Apr 11 06:16:42 <mv2112mv>	the executable is in the same place as the file
Apr 11 06:18:00 <M_D_K>	mind if I ssh in and take a look at how you're shit's set up?
Apr 11 06:18:16 *	steve-mac has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
Apr 11 06:18:31 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 06:19:03 <mv2112mv>	how
Apr 11 06:19:11 <M_D_K>	nevermind
Apr 11 06:19:18 <mv2112mv>	lol
Apr 11 06:19:24 <mv2112mv>	i suck at linux
Apr 11 06:19:52 <M_D_K>	and yet you blame the OS
Apr 11 06:20:07 <M_D_K>	zip up everything and tinyupload it
Apr 11 06:20:26 <M_D_K>	bet you anything it's something stupid you're doing
Apr 11 06:20:49 <mv2112mv>	would there be a problem if there was no  \ before file?
Apr 11 06:21:31 <M_D_K>	you mean / and that wouldn't work since that's root
Apr 11 06:21:32 *	thanatos454 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Apr 11 06:21:33 <M_D_K>	try ./
Apr 11 06:21:48 <mv2112mv>	kk
Apr 11 06:24:12 <mv2112mv>	didnt work :(
Apr 11 06:25:09 <M_D_K>	then you're fucking up
Apr 11 06:25:34 <mv2112mv>	ok, i zip up and upload
Apr 11 06:25:54 <mv2112mv>	can ur IRC client receive files?
Apr 11 06:26:01 <mv2112mv>	or do i have to tinyupload
Apr 11 06:26:36 <M_D_K>	tinyupload
Apr 11 06:26:43 <M_D_K>	dcc has problems behind NATs
Apr 11 06:28:32 <mv2112mv>	i wonder why it works on windows and not linux...
Apr 11 06:29:25 <M_D_K>	cause you're fucking up
Apr 11 06:29:56 <mv2112mv>	i guess only on linux...
Apr 11 06:30:27 <mv2112mv>
Apr 11 06:32:06 <mv2112mv>	0_o
Apr 11 06:34:09 <mv2112mv>	o_0
Apr 11 06:35:25 <mv2112mv>	0_o
Apr 11 06:36:20 <mv2112mv>	so, how bad is mi code
Apr 11 06:39:17 <M_D_K>	so how are you compiling this on linux?
Apr 11 06:39:29 <mv2112mv>	codeblocks
Apr 11 06:40:49 <M_D_K>	dude are you manually calling a deconstructor
Apr 11 06:40:56 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 06:41:06 <mv2112mv>	just in case :)
Apr 11 06:41:06 <M_D_K>	map1.mvMapObjects.~OC();
Apr 11 06:41:30 <mv2112mv>	its my first engine!
Apr 11 06:41:39 <M_D_K>	dude that's no fucking excuse
Apr 11 06:41:49 <M_D_K>	that's just bad programming
Apr 11 06:42:11 <mv2112mv>	Well, i've learned my lesson, im a little bit better now
Apr 11 06:42:27 <M_D_K>	what have you learned?
Apr 11 06:42:44 <mv2112mv>	not to call decontructors
Apr 11 06:43:09 *	mv2112mv spelled decontructors wrong
Apr 11 06:43:16 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 06:43:24 <M_D_K>	you use delete
Apr 11 06:43:39 <mv2112mv>	where
Apr 11 06:43:46 <M_D_K>	no
Apr 11 06:43:48 <M_D_K>	you're meant to
Apr 11 06:43:55 <mv2112mv>	ok
Apr 11 06:44:01 <mv2112mv>	:)
Apr 11 06:45:04 <mv2112mv>	i commented out lua stuff cuz i dont have lua on mi laptop yet
Apr 11 06:46:16 <mv2112mv>	So...
Apr 11 06:47:06 <M_D_K>	what's your distro btw?
Apr 11 06:47:12 <mv2112mv>	Ubunut
Apr 11 06:47:15 <M_D_K>	knew it
Apr 11 06:47:22 <M_D_K>	sudo apt-get install liblua5.1-dev
Apr 11 06:47:23 <M_D_K>	done
Apr 11 06:47:41 <mv2112mv>	in main, map1.LoadMap("n.txt",sW,sH); should be map1.LoadMap(filename.c_str(),sW,sH);
Apr 11 06:47:55 <mv2112mv>	but it doesnt work so i changed to map1.LoadMap("n.txt",sW,sH);
Apr 11 06:49:10 *	mv2112mv is installing lua...
Apr 11 06:51:09 <mv2112mv>	So...
Apr 11 06:52:13 <M_D_K>	JESUS CHRIST I HATE ALLEGRO!!!!!
Apr 11 06:52:23 <mv2112mv>	WHY!!!
Apr 11 06:52:56 <M_D_K>	it fucking sucks, and they don't static link shit to the library which means I have to hunt down libs myself
Apr 11 06:53:31 <mv2112mv>	synaptic package manager FTW
Apr 11 06:54:03 <M_D_K>	dude I am this close to bitchslaping you
Apr 11 06:54:10 <M_D_K>	I'm on debian
Apr 11 06:54:10 <mv2112mv>	srry
Apr 11 06:54:14 <M_D_K>	Ubuntu's big brother
Apr 11 06:54:30 <M_D_K>	and anyway synaptic just wraps apt-get
Apr 11 06:54:48 <mv2112mv>	which is better for 2d graphics, allegro, sdl, or openGL?
Apr 11 06:56:08 <M_D_K>	well I'd use GL but that's cause I get a woody from hardware acceleration
Apr 11 06:56:28 <mv2112mv>	liballegro4.2  maybe?
Apr 11 06:56:48 <mv2112mv>	liballegro4.2-dev
Apr 11 06:57:16 <M_D_K>	what
Apr 11 06:57:27 <mv2112mv>	thats what i had to download
Apr 11 06:57:31 <mv2112mv>	and install
Apr 11 06:59:52 <mv2112mv>	sudo apt-get install liballegro4.2
Apr 11 06:59:54 <mv2112mv>	sudo apt-get install liballegro4.2-dev
Apr 11 07:01:01 <M_D_K>	-_-
Apr 11 07:01:15 <M_D_K>	just tell me where the code loading the bitmap is
Apr 11 07:01:33 <mv2112mv>	mvLoadMap.cpp
Apr 11 07:01:41 <mv2112mv>	and mvSprite.cpp
Apr 11 07:01:58 <mv2112mv>	mvLoadMap.cpp its in the loadmap function
Apr 11 07:02:04 <M_D_K>	you suck
Apr 11 07:02:10 <M_D_K>	mvLoadMap.cpp doesn't exist
Apr 11 07:02:14 <mv2112mv>	wtf
Apr 11 07:02:24 <M_D_K>	do you mean mvMapLoader.cpp
Apr 11 07:02:26 <mv2112mv>	omg
Apr 11 07:02:33 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:02:35 <mv2112mv>	yup
Apr 11 07:03:22 <mv2112mv>	sprite_sheet=load_bitmap(temp.c_str(),NULL);
Apr 11 07:03:29 <mv2112mv>	thats where the problem is
Apr 11 07:04:01 <M_D_K>	you use goto?
Apr 11 07:04:17 <mv2112mv>	it was late at night!
Apr 11 07:04:42 <mv2112mv>	im just trying to get it to work, not make it clean
Apr 11 07:05:16 *	mv2112mv can't figure out why he named a tile sheet sprite_sheet...
Apr 11 07:05:34 <M_D_K>	that's the least of your problems
Apr 11 07:05:42 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:05:54 <mv2112mv>	all the code works under windows
Apr 11 07:06:06 <M_D_K>	guess what
Apr 11 07:06:10 <mv2112mv>	what
Apr 11 07:06:16 <M_D_K>	you're not reading your right
Apr 11 07:06:20 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:06:25 <M_D_K>	filename holds
Apr 11 07:06:29 <M_D_K>	and I fucking quote
Apr 11 07:06:42 <M_D_K>	"\\n.txt\r"
Apr 11 07:06:46 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:06:50 <mv2112mv>	wtf
Apr 11 07:06:51 <M_D_K>	YOU PHAIL!
Apr 11 07:07:03 <M_D_K>	and btw try passing by reference
Apr 11 07:07:23 <mv2112mv>	where the hell does the r and extra \ come from???
Apr 11 07:07:53 <mv2112mv>	that doesnt matter cuz n.txt is hardcoded into maploader :)
Apr 11 07:08:04 <mv2112mv>	in main
Apr 11 07:08:32 <mv2112mv>	map1.loadmap("n.txt",sW,sH);
Apr 11 07:09:01 <M_D_K>	no
Apr 11 07:09:07 <M_D_K>	System.mvSetup(&filename,&sW,&sH);
Apr 11 07:09:11 <M_D_K>	fucks with filename
Apr 11 07:10:43 <mv2112mv>	your main doesnt say  map1.loadmap("n.txt",sW,sH);? I know it screws it up but it still doesnt work right with that
Apr 11 07:11:18 <M_D_K>	no
Apr 11 07:11:29 <M_D_K>	I changed it to filename.c_str()
Apr 11 07:11:33 <mv2112mv>	Oh
Apr 11 07:11:42 <M_D_K>	run a freaking debugger sometime
Apr 11 07:11:51 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:14:21 <mv2112mv>	ok, so now it loads n.txt correctly
Apr 11 07:15:33 <mv2112mv>	BUT, it gets "Mchimp0.bmp" from n.txt and tries to pass that to load_bitmap() which it fails to find
Apr 11 07:18:33 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:19:30 <mv2112mv>	hello...
Apr 11 07:19:39 <mv2112mv>	:(
Apr 11 07:20:57 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:21:55 <M_D_K>	yeah
Apr 11 07:22:01 <M_D_K>	it's called Mchip0.bmp
Apr 11 07:22:03 <M_D_K>	dumbass
Apr 11 07:23:04 <mv2112mv>	ya, it fails to load that
Apr 11 07:23:22 <mv2112mv>	unless you hard code load_bitmap("Mchip0",NULL);
Apr 11 07:23:44 <mv2112mv>	* add .bmp to Mchip0
Apr 11 07:23:54 <M_D_K>	dude
Apr 11 07:24:01 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:24:03 <M_D_K>	linux doesn't use backslashes
Apr 11 07:24:10 <M_D_K>	it uses forward slashese
Apr 11 07:24:13 <M_D_K>	slashes*
Apr 11 07:24:16 <mv2112mv>	ok i try that
Apr 11 07:24:27 <M_D_K>	no slashes
Apr 11 07:24:35 <M_D_K>	if it's in the same dir leave it
Apr 11 07:24:51 <mv2112mv>	ok still doesnt work without
Apr 11 07:25:33 <mv2112mv>	i cout and it's reading the file correctly
Apr 11 07:25:44 <mv2112mv>	mabye its allegro...
Apr 11 07:26:24 <mv2112mv>	allegro+linux=fail
Apr 11 07:28:18 <M_D_K>	no
Apr 11 07:28:32 <M_D_K>	when it's reading the first line of n.txt for the bitmap
Apr 11 07:28:36 <M_D_K>	it's still including \r
Apr 11 07:28:42 <M_D_K>	fix your damn parsing
Apr 11 07:29:08 <mv2112mv>	wtf
Apr 11 07:29:12 *	qpHalcy0n has quit ()
Apr 11 07:29:17 <mv2112mv>	does it cout the \r?
Apr 11 07:29:19 <mv2112mv>	mine doesnt
Apr 11 07:29:20 <M_D_K>	run the debugger
Apr 11 07:29:27 <M_D_K>	check the contents of temp
Apr 11 07:30:07 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:30:17 <M_D_K>	with the debugger
Apr 11 07:31:30 <mv2112mv>	ugh, where is it getting the \r
Apr 11 07:31:53 <mv2112mv>	unless there is \r in the file, idk
Apr 11 07:31:59 <M_D_K>	yeah it's the \r in the file
Apr 11 07:33:08 <mv2112mv>	wtf, i cant find it in the file
Apr 11 07:33:39 <mv2112mv>	is there a space between Mchip0.bmp and \r?
Apr 11 07:33:57 <M_D_K>	LOL
Apr 11 07:34:05 <M_D_K>	\r is a special char
Apr 11 07:34:06 <M_D_K>	like \n
Apr 11 07:34:10 <mv2112mv>	oh
Apr 11 07:34:23 <mv2112mv>	i see
Apr 11 07:35:54 <mv2112mv>	so, would maybe parsing the text untill it hits the p in bmp help?
Apr 11 07:37:33 <mv2112mv>	btw, what does \r mean
Apr 11 07:38:54 <M_D_K>	carriage return
Apr 11 07:39:03 <M_D_K>	where as \n means new line
Apr 11 07:39:13 <M_D_K>	see windows used \r because they're tools
Apr 11 07:39:21 <M_D_K>	it also has to do with typewriters
Apr 11 07:42:42 <mv2112mv>	so, how would i check if temp[i]==''
Apr 11 07:42:44 <mv2112mv>	\
Apr 11 07:43:24 <M_D_K>	no you need to check for \r specifically
Apr 11 07:43:31 <M_D_K>	\ is an escape character
Apr 11 07:43:31 <mv2112mv>	ok
Apr 11 07:43:40 <M_D_K>	like if you want to print "
Apr 11 07:43:40 <mv2112mv>	ya, i get errors
Apr 11 07:43:46 <M_D_K>	you need to do "\""
Apr 11 07:44:02 <M_D_K>	if you actually want to print \
Apr 11 07:44:04 <M_D_K>	you need to do \\
Apr 11 07:44:08 <mv2112mv>	ok
Apr 11 07:44:16 <M_D_K>	but it won't help ya doing \\
Apr 11 07:44:38 <mv2112mv>	gosh darnit
Apr 11 07:45:12 <mv2112mv>	so much trouble of \r
Apr 11 07:45:19 <mv2112mv>	*over \r
Apr 11 07:45:41 <mv2112mv>	so how would i check for \r
Apr 11 07:48:35 <M_D_K>	"\r"
Apr 11 07:48:36 <M_D_K>	duh
Apr 11 07:49:18 <mv2112mv>	oh
Apr 11 07:49:24 *	mv2112mv slaps himself
Apr 11 07:50:20 <mv2112mv>	OMG
Apr 11 07:50:23 <mv2112mv>	IT WORKED
Apr 11 07:51:51 <mv2112mv>	...
Apr 11 07:52:33 <mv2112mv>	YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Apr 11 07:52:42 <mv2112mv>	Thank you M_D_K!
Apr 11 07:52:53 <mv2112mv>	IT WORKS!!!!
Apr 11 07:53:01 <mv2112mv>	i hate \r
Apr 11 07:53:05 <M_D_K>	told you it was something stupid
Apr 11 07:53:16 <mv2112mv>	yup
Apr 11 07:53:26 <M_D_K>	and you can blame microsoft for not updating notepad to use \n
Apr 11 07:54:14 <mv2112mv>	of course, to try and found out what the problem was, i added a bunch of couts everywhere that i have to delete now :(
Apr 11 07:55:19 <M_D_K>	you could have just used a debugger
Apr 11 07:55:26 <M_D_K>	and stepped through the code
Apr 11 07:56:17 <mv2112mv>	ya, one other problem i had was i couldnt get it to load all the files from codeblocks so i would have to compile and copy and paste the exe to get it to work...
Apr 11 07:57:46 <mv2112mv>	wow, engine loads alot faster in ubuntu
Apr 11 07:58:45 <mv2112mv>	Ok, gotta go, thanks a bunch M_D_K!
Apr 11 07:58:48 *	mv2112mv is a noob
Apr 11 07:58:59 *	Guest15345 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
Apr 11 07:59:00 <mv2112mv>	i owe you one
funny as fuck :lol:

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:51 pm
by pritam
[01:41] <LeonBlade> I already predicted my death
[01:41] <LeonBlade> see... I'll be an old man around the age of 70
[01:41] <LeonBlade> and I'll be looking back on my life
[01:41] <RyanPridgeonPC> humans inevitably die
[01:42] <LeonBlade> and I'll remember Elysian Shadows
[01:42] <LeonBlade> and I'll look back on the forums
[01:42] <LeonBlade> and see a new update
[01:42] <LeonBlade> WHAT MARCEL GOT WORK DONE?
[01:42] <LeonBlade> HNNGGGG
[01:42] <LeonBlade> heart attack
[01:42] <LeonBlade> die
[01:42] <RyanPridgeonPC> i always wonder what it will be like looking back
[01:42] <RyanPridgeonPC> LOL
[01:42] -->| avansc ( has joined #elysian_shadows
[01:42] <LeonBlade> the post will read something like
[01:42] <LeonBlade> "everyone else on the team has died but i finally got the editor done"
[01:43] <GyroVorbis|Win7> Well, I will say this.
[01:43] <RyanPridgeonPC> yeah lol
[01:43] <GyroVorbis|Win7> if Marcel gets even half of what he has planned done...
[01:43] <GyroVorbis|Win7> his level editor will single handedly rule the universe.
[01:43] <LeonBlade> fuck ye
[01:44] <Jaus> wtf did he promise it to give out blowjobs and pudding?