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Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:46 pm
by spideyspiderman2000
Sorry. I posted that after you posted the 2nd story. Never mind.

EDIT: Reveiw for story #3.

Good, except you're holding back. You need to make one where fighting and mass killing, destruction, death, etc. finally happen.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:42 pm
by Wutai
I didn't read any of them, but they were good.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:47 pm
by Marx Chaotix
Oh trust me you haven't even seen anything yet if you think that those story's have all the fighting in it. :twisted:

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:48 pm
by Wutai
That smiley makes you look like you think you're special, just like Dark Crusader.


Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:54 pm
by Marx Chaotix
LOL great one ok you get the job at Rhino Games enjoy.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:56 pm
by Wutai
What does that mean? Twelve year olds can't work, you barnyard animal.

Anyway, I would suggest that you go cut yourself.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:01 pm
by Marx Chaotix
So well I own it> Also YOUR FIRED! Oh and that whole thing was only a joke ok so chill.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:02 pm
by Wutai
Oh, sorry. I really thought you were serious.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:18 pm
by Marx Chaotix
Oh ok all is forgivin but please read the series Wutai.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:23 pm
by Marx Chaotix
Ok now this is not apart of the series of Dr. Robotnik's Hellrazer but, it's one of my stories please tell me what you think of it.

Sonic the Hedgehog and the Legend of the Six Warp Stones
By Marx Chaotix

Chapter one the great discovery
As all of you know Dr. Robotnik has always failed to conquer planet Mobius because of a speedy blue hedgehog and all of his friends but, this time the story will be different this time it involves multiple video game characters besides the Sega characters.
It all starts off when Dr. Robotnik is off in his lab researching new types of energy from a couple of gems in rocks to use to power up his machines. “Ah yes the diamond worth a lot and it has some pretty nice amounts of energy maybe I can use its energy to power up this here robot.” Said Dr. Robotnik in a nice relaxed voice. “Oh and what’s this a sandstone hmmm… it would probably make my new upgraded Mecha Sonic robot run off of this baby for a couple of hours.” Dr.Robotnik puts it aside in a large pile of minerals. “What the hell is this rock?” Said Dr. Robotnik in a confused voice pointing to a dark blue gem with a lightning bolt marking on it. “This is new, Mecha Sonic where were you when you found this stone?” Said Dr.Robotnik. “I was on an asteroid.” Said Mecha Sonic in a cold gassy voice. “I also found five other ones that are the exact same.” Said Mecha Sonic.
Dr. Robotnik starts studying them and then suddenly when he was trying to open of their insides to study the minerals it’s made out of a spark shoots out and shocks Robotnik’s hand. “Ouch that hurt!” said Dr. Robotnik rubbing his hand.
After a few hours of studying and testing he then says. “Mecha sonic get over here! You wouldn’t believe what I just found out about these six stones.” Said Dr. Robotnik in an excited voice. Mecha Sonic runs over to him and says. “What is it sir?” “Well after all of this study I discovered that these stones are no ordinary rocks. These stones are said to have been made approximately five thousand years ago by two gods. One of them was a thunder god and the other had special abilities to open up warp portals to other worlds. The thunder god liked his powers but he wanted to conquer more areas using the warp god’s powers and the warp god liked his to but, he wanted some powers that he can use to attack his opponents and he became interested in the thunder god’s powers. Over the years their powers slowly became weaker and weaker because an angel sent by god named Malvin cursed them and then he banished them into a galaxy that they can’t leave no matter what they do. Before Malvin did this the gods put all of their powers into six stones known as the warp stones and the way you can break the two evil gods out of their prison is by putting all of the stones into a circle and you say their names and after that you say come forth then the two will merge as one and absorb the stones and gain both of their powers but the powers would be three times stronger then they originally were before they got imprisoned into the galaxy.” Said Dr. Robotnik.
Chapter two the great accident
“Do you know what that means Mecha Sonic?” “No sir I don’t.” Said Mecha Sonic in a happy and yet rather confused voice. “It means we can conquer different worlds besides this one and Sonic can’t stop us because he doesn’t have any of these legendary warp stones.” Said Dr.Robotnik.
“That’s great but, how can we get the stones to open the warp portals?” Asked Mecha Sonic. “I will use this machine over there.” Said Dr.Robotnik who is pointing to some weird shrine for the six Warp Stones. Dr. Robotnik puts all the Warp Stones in the shrine then a portal opens up and then something goes wrong the shrine explodes into flames then “BOOM!!” Then the six legendary Warp Stones separate from each other and they blow a hole in DR. Robotnik’s laboratory wall. “Shit! All the stones are gone who knows what would happen if someone gets a hold of them. Also what did I do wrong? Why did that happen? Maybe you only need use one if you want and the stones were to powerful for my machine to handle it then it overloaded and it caused an explosion.” Dr. Robotnik mumbled while staring at his half destroyed lab.” “Yes I know it’s a terrible tragedy but look at this I found one of the six Warp Stones.” Said Mecha Sonic in his usual gassy voice holding up one of the stones in his hands.
Chapter three the hero’s adventure begins
Sonic, Miles AKA Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and Shadow are all at the beach chillin enjoying themselves. Sonic’s in a chair drinking a nice drink staring at Tails who is surfing while Knuckles is out building a giant Master Emerald out of sand and, Shadow is listening to some heavy metal music and Amy is out getting a nice tan. “Man nothing can get any better then this fatty Robotnik is gone while we are out enjoying ourselves.” Said Sonic while he starts drinking his Pepsi.
Then suddenly they see five things heading towards them and fast. “What the what’s that!?” Sonic yelled while pointing to the five mysterious objects that are heading their way. Then suddenly all of them fall and land right in front of them and all of them see five dark blue gems with a marking of a lightning bolt on each of them. “Umm… I think these are asteroids.” Said tails staring at them with a confused look on his face.
The suddenly 5 big portals open and slurp all of them in one of them. “AHHHHH!!!!” Everyone yelled while all of them get slurped in then it takes the 5 warp stones in and then the portal closes. “Oh know Dr.Robotnik most certainly won’t like this when he finds out.” Said Mecha Sonic. Then he activates his jets shoes then he flies away.
Chapter four Sonic goes psycho and lands in Nintendo world
Sonic gets knocked out and wakes up after a couple of minutes. “Man where the hell am I?” Sonic said while scratching his head. “I guess I fell asleep in the forest and I had the weirdest dream that I got slurped into a warp portal from a couple of voodoo rocks.”
Sonic starts traveling for hours and hours then finally he reaches Mushroom village where all the mushroom folk’s lives not knowing who the mushroom folks are. “Man I’m hungry” Said Sonic. Then he stares at a mushroom civilian that’s staring at him with curiosity. “Hi I’m Kevin how about you are you a rodent?” Said the little boy. “Now I can tell I’m asleep.” Sonic said while staring at the little mushroom boy. “But I’m hungry I feel like I’m going to die if I don’t eat something soon.” Said Sonic. “Are you ok mister?” Said the mushroom boy staring at him. Then Sonic starts staring at the boy with his mouth watering with hunger. “Mushroom tastes good get over here boy.” Said sonic staring at him. “Uhh… sir do you have rabies?” Said the boy pointing to the foam that’s dripping out of his mouth. “Come to papa!” Said Sonic. Then he dives at the mushroom kid and he starts violently biting the boy ripping him to shreds. “Man I never knew that mushroom ever tasted like chicken” Said sonic biting into him.
Chapter five Shadow meets mortal combat world
Shadow gets knocked out like Sonic and wakes up a few minutes later. “What the hell where am I?” Shadow said staring at fog that’s covering the whole area. Shadow stands up and starts walking around trying to get a better view of the area.
Then suddenly he sees a white figure with smoke all around him then he slowly starts walking up to him holding the warp stone in his hand. “I see that you got a hold of the legendary warp stone am I correct?” What are you talking about that stone I got warped here because of that what is it and what does it do?” Shadow asked. The figure tells him all about the stone and who made it and how to awaken the gods yada yada yada. “So I must have been warped here because of that stone right? Also it can give you the power to shoot electricity out of your body to fry your opponents.” Shadow asked. “Damn straight but, this stone is now mine and I shall use this one to collect all the stones to awaken the gods so they can merge and so they can kill you all Mwahaha!!” “Hell if I’ll let you do that.” Said Shadow. “Oh you think a rodent like you can stop me do you know who I am I am Smoke the fastest and most powerful fighter of all.” Oh I know you didn’t just call me a rodent.” Shadow said with a pissed off look in his face. “Bring it on!” Smoke yelled charging at Shadow.
Chapter six Amy meets Samba in Samba world
Amy just like Shadow and Sonic gets knocked out and wakes up a few minutes later in a bar. “Huh where am I?” “I must have fallen asleep drunk in this bar.” Said Amy getting up staring round.
Then suddenly she spots a Mexican monkey holding maracas dancing around. “Who the heck is this guy?” Said Amy asking someone in the crowd pointing to the monkey. “His name is Samba a popular guy who plays maracas and parties.” Said one of the people in the large crowd. “Hah you call him good with maracas I played for 3 years I can beat him like nothing.” Bragged Amy.
Then everyone stops and looks at her with an angry look. “What did you say little girl?” Said Samba staring at her with pissed off look. “You heard me.” Said Amy. “Lets see just how good you are.” Said Rio the lion.” Rio throws Amy a pair of maracas then the two begin their competition of who is better.
Chapter seven Knuckles and his pink enemy in Dream Land
Knuckles just like Sonic, Shadow, and Amy gets knocked out and wakes up a little while later. “What is this place?” Said Knuckles standing up looking at the place. He sees stars in the clouds he is standing on with weird looking planets.
Then in the distance he sees a pink blob on a star flying towards him with a star rod with the warp stone on the end of it.
“Huh it’s the stone we found!?” Said Knuckles pointing to the stone that’s in the star rod. Then the blob hops off of the star and says something that Knuckles didn’t really hear. “Say that again.” Said Knuckles holding his ear closer to the little pink blob. Then it kicks Knuckles in the knee and he steals his wallet and runs off with it. “Oh you little ass get the hell back here with my wallet!” Knuckles yelled while he starts chasing it around. But then Knuckles falls over then the pink puffball thing walks up to him and makes the peace sign and hands him his wallet. “Peace.” Said Knuckles making it back and he takes his wallet back. Then the pink thing kicks him in the balls and runs off with his wallet. “Ouch that hurt!!! That does it you little pink glob of shit your ass is grass!!!” Knuckles hollers as he holds his balls in pain.
Chapter seven Tails and Poke’mon world
Tails just like everyone else gets knocked out and wakes up a few minutes later. “What the where am I?” Said Tails as he stands up looking around.
Ash is on his journey heading to Vermillion city. “What the since when did Mobius have a narrator.” Said tails with a confused look on his face. “Brock how much longer until we reach Vermillion?” Ash asked. “Uhh… let’s see we have to walk about 2 more miles then we should reach there.” Said Brock staring at the map.
Then Ash, Misty, and Brock start walking down a trail then suddenly Ash stops. “What is it Ash?” Said Misty. “I see a strange Poke’mon over there.” Said ash pointing to Tails who is about 15 feet away from him. What the hey those are humans like Robotnik.” Said tails pointing to Ash. Ash pulls out his pokedex and aims it towards Tails. The pokedex then says. “Unknown Poke’mon.” “Oh well I’ll catch it anyway.” Said Ash. “Go Pikachu!” Said Ash. Tails stares it Pikachu. “Awww it’s a cute little mouse come here little mouse.” Said tails staring at it. “Pikachu use thunderbolt!” Ash hollered. Then Pikachu clenches his fist together then a giant bolt of lightning explodes out of his body and it strikes Tails Tails goes blowing 5 feet away. “Great job Pikachu!” Said ash. Then he pulls out a Pokeball and throws it at Tails. Then it hits Tails then Tails tries to bust out of the Pokeball but it’s too late. “Yeah I just caught a new species of Poke’mon1!” Said Ash with excitement. Tails then looks around and does not know that he is another world. Will Sonic’s madness stop?
Will Shadow beat Smoke and obtain one of the legendary warp stones? Will Amy beat Samba in the maraca dues against Samba? Will Knuckles get his wallet back? What will happen to Tails? You will find out if you shut up and stop reading these last few pointless sentences that I typed just to try to get you to read the series of sonic and the Legend of the six warp stones. End of book #1

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:52 pm
by MarauderIIC
If you put a few spaces and made each speaker's dialogue a new paragraph like it's supposed to be, I wouldn't scroll past it because I can't read a large solid block of text easily. Please. I asked nice already. A side note, what tends to happen in reality is people skip past things that look ugly, just like that.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:54 pm
by Wutai
Again, great work. I thought the plot was great.

I didn't read it though.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:38 pm
by Marx Chaotix
Wutai you are beggining to piss me off. :x Oh and thanks for the advice Marauder bu did you read it if so then please tell what you thought of it.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:35 am
by JS Lemming
No one is going to read that crap if you don't do it right the first time..... Edit your post and fix EVERYTHING and just maybe I might glance at it.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:13 am
by Wutai
If you delete all of your stories, I might read them. :lol: