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Re: Does marijuana cause men to grow breasts?

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 10:23 pm
by deryni21
Spikey wrote:
deryn21 wrote:
nice idiotic brag i'm betting money that you have enver even touched canabis
Nice bet,
I'll take your money, preferably in cash, but cheque, money order and paypal are also acceptable.
I was trying to be funny while expressing my own observations, too bad you didn't think so.
Anyway I think you're funny, keep on making an ass out of yourself.
sorry didnt mean to appear as a troll i just cant stand people that brag about pot its very annoying to me
@ spikey sorry man didnt mean to appear as an ass as i said

Re: Does marijuana cause men to grow breasts?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:24 pm
by LeonBlade
Smoking is just plain stupid to begin with...
I mean seriously... why do it?

You can fuck up your lungs... and it's just really pointless to do it... plus it makes you stupid...
There are so many kids these days that smoke, drink, and do other illegal stuff and it's just pathetic.
I mean why do these kids want to do this kind of stuff seriously? What is going through their heads?
The reason, I think, is so they can just defy rules that are set into place, they don't want to follow the rules of the government or anything like that.
Which is cool, I'm all for hating the government, but I mean seriously?
And then you get addicted to the stuff, so even if you where just doing it to "fit in" because of "peer pressure" (which I don't think is real) then now your addicted to the stuff and will most likely stay this way for the rest of your life...

You wont be able to fully succeed in a country when doing illegal things all the time, I mean I do some illegal stuff myself *cough*torrents*cough* but at least it wont effect my health and well being.
Not to mention my opportunities in getting a job that requires drug tests and stuff like that, and just living a normal life without having to worry about someone catching you.

Sorry, I just had a little rant there...
I've been clean my life, and I'll stay that way...
No smoking, drinking, and no drugs... none what so ever.
But, that is my opinion, and I'm not trying to tell anyone how to live their lives...

And I know someone very close to me who smokes marijuana, and he doesn't have breasts... lol

Re: Does marijuana cause men to grow breasts?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:26 am
by Poolhustler
Marijuana does not make you stupid, its called a mind expanding drug. You cant get addicted to it. I have know idea where you came up with that one. Its not like its Opium and you can die from withdraws if you stop smoking it. Marijuana was legal till around 1937 and it can do alot of good things for people if it is used in the right way, alot of tanning oil is made from hemp. Really the only thing bad about it is what it does to your lungs. 1 gram of weed is like smoking 5-7 cigarettes. I think the only reason its ilegall is because the goverment makes so much money from it. But then again if they took it off the street and taxed it, it could help the economy a little. I did always wonder though if you had lung cancer if they would give you marijuana to smoke. Because it would probally just make it worse. Did you know that Michael Phelps was caught smoking it? I guess he does need to be on the wheaties box

Re: Does marijuana cause men to grow breasts?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:46 am
by LeonBlade
Poolhustler wrote:Marijuana does not make you stupid, its called a mind expanding drug. You cant get addicted to it. I have know idea where you came up with that one. Its not like its Opium and you can die from withdraws if you stop smoking it. Marijuana was legal till around 1937 and it can do alot of good things for people if it is used in the right way, alot of tanning oil is made from hemp. Really the only thing bad about it is what it does to your lungs. 1 gram of weed is like smoking 5-7 cigarettes. I think the only reason its ilegall is because the goverment makes so much money from it. But then again if they took it off the street and taxed it, it could help the economy a little. I did always wonder though if you had lung cancer if they would give you marijuana to smoke. Because it would probally just make it worse. Did you know that Michael Phelps was caught smoking it? I guess he does need to be on the wheaties box
It is possible to get addicted, just not in a chemical way, your body just wants it...
Do you think that someone who gets high every day is just going to quit one day and never smoke again?
And if your high, I would count that is being stupid to me... lots of people do lots of stupid things when they are high, therefore, smoking it makes you stupid.

But I'm not trying to start a disagreement here :)

Yeah I heard about the Michael Phellps thing, and of course because he is famous they must make a HUGE ass deal about it like with anyone who is famous doing something wrong.
Eh... oh well... doesn't effect me...
Maybe he can just run away to the ocean and live with the fish... I mean he is a good swimmer...

Re: Does marijuana cause men to grow breasts?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:44 am
by KuramaYoko10
Poolhustler wrote:Marijuana does not make you stupid, its called a mind expanding drug. You cant get addicted to it.
If you want a close scientific explanation here it goes:
Marijuana is called "mind expanding drug" because what it does is to inhibit the action of some neurotransmissors, the substances resposibles to pass the "message" from neuron to neuron... since it does that, you lose your logic, and that is why you start thinking and believing in anything... that is a way that most poets, writers, and musicians found to compose their texts atcually. Howecer keep in mind that this action from the Marijuana kill your neurons.

And for the other part... yes you GET addicted, because it alsos stimulate the production of dopamine, one of the substances that causes the felling of pleasure and satisfaction, and when you stop using this stimulant, your body now adjusted to those high levels of dopamine will feel first a big depression feeling and the need of more stimulus to aniquilate the depression feeling. That creates an addiction cicle.

**And on topic.... it doesnt make breasts grow, since female hormons (strogen) are the responsible for that, and teh raw marijuana doesnt have it within it!

Re: Does marijuana cause men to grow breasts?

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:42 pm
by Poolhustler
KuramaYoko10 wrote: And for the other part... yes you GET addicted, because it alsos stimulate the production of dopamine, one of the substances that causes the felling of pleasure and satisfaction, and when you stop using this stimulant, your body now adjusted to those high levels of dopamine will feel first a big depression feeling and the need of more stimulus to aniquilate the depression feeling. That creates an addiction cicle.

Im not going to lie, I used to be a big pothead. And I quit cold turky one day because I knew if I keep on doing it I would be like everyone else I know and I didnt want to be that person. No I didnt get "depressed" or anything like that. It is NOT addicting. But Bud effects different people in different ways. Some people go and eat everything in sight, some people get depressed WHEN they smoke it, some start writing and reading, and they film alot of movies here in Shreveport and my friend builds the sets and he would smoke at work, and some people get so paranoid they think there having a heart attack and are dying. I seen that one happen lmao. But I got to thinking, yeah I guess it does make you stupid in a way. I know lots of people who smoke bud everyday, and when they dont have it they feel just the same. I dont suggest smoking it because it is hard to get any kinda good job because it takes almost a month to be out of your system. Im not trying to fight with anyone, I just dont like it when people think its a bad thing because its not. You can smoke bud and drive just fine, but if you get drunk and drive you can hurt yourself and others around you. But like I said, I quit cold turkey one day and felt just fine and went on with my life. Maybe someone else who does that WILL get depressed. Like I said it effects different people in different ways.

Re: Does marijuana cause men to grow breasts?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:25 pm
by deryni21
Poolhustler wrote:
KuramaYoko10 wrote: And for the other part... yes you GET addicted, because it alsos stimulate the production of dopamine, one of the substances that causes the felling of pleasure and satisfaction, and when you stop using this stimulant, your body now adjusted to those high levels of dopamine will feel first a big depression feeling and the need of more stimulus to aniquilate the depression feeling. That creates an addiction cicle.

Im not going to lie, I used to be a big pothead. And I quit cold turky one day because I knew if I keep on doing it I would be like everyone else I know and I didnt want to be that person. No I didnt get "depressed" or anything like that. It is NOT addicting. But Bud effects different people in different ways. Some people go and eat everything in sight, some people get depressed WHEN they smoke it, some start writing and reading, and they film alot of movies here in Shreveport and my friend builds the sets and he would smoke at work, and some people get so paranoid they think there having a heart attack and are dying. I seen that one happen lmao. But I got to thinking, yeah I guess it does make you stupid in a way. I know lots of people who smoke bud everyday, and when they dont have it they feel just the same. I dont suggest smoking it because it is hard to get any kinda good job because it takes almost a month to be out of your system. Im not trying to fight with anyone, I just dont like it when people think its a bad thing because its not. You can smoke bud and drive just fine, but if you get drunk and drive you can hurt yourself and others around you. But like I said, I quit cold turkey one day and felt just fine and went on with my life. Maybe someone else who does that WILL get depressed. Like I said it effects different people in different ways.

Now there are a few reason i have against smoking none of which are medical. It's medical effects are well not a BIG deal. The effects on those close to you, your thinking and you're outlook on life it does have a BIG effect on. Pot is the gateway drug anyone who knows anything about pot knows that. When someone starts smoking herb they begin to think that maybe most drugs arent really bad. Thus smoking pot chanegs you're outlook on drugs and makes you much more apt to do other drugs. Secondly i have noticed that almost everybody who does weed or starts doing weed does not care about things as much as they used to. for instance grades, friends, family, health. These things kind of slip away when you start doing pot not totaly obviously but enough for it to be bad. And obviously if you smoke pot your friends and family almost definately will get angry. This anger and sadness adds to the not caring effect weed has on you and thus the not caring effect leads into the gateway effect. SO those are my reasons against weed and theya re all psychological responses that i have seen from many many people including close family and friends. THe medical side effects of weed are mostly unimportant and will most likely do no permanent damage. Those of you that say it kills brain cells it does not it scatters the recievers in the brain cells but a months heiatus can fix that.