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Re: New Gyromite

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:07 am
by Arce
Haha, almost as bad as the fish simulator I had to make at school. xD

Though I will say it's good to try to be consistent with your style and indenting...In your code you've got

Code: Select all

if(mapt[x+1][y] == 'b') {
      xv=1; yv=0;
   } else if(mapt[x][y+1] == 'b') {
      xv=0; yv=1;
[ . . . ]

Code: Select all

      for(i=1; ; i++)
I know I'm being overly bitchy, but that coupled with your the lack of indention after

Code: Select all

case 'B':

are the only real problems I've got with readability.

Also, I noticed some old Blitz habits:

Code: Select all

mapt[x][y] = 0;
   xv=0; yv=0;
XDDD! Think I'm a code nazi, talk to Marauder for 10 minutes. ;p\

So, any updates yet? How goes it now that the epic class screw-up is fixed?

Re: New Gyromite

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:06 pm
by JS Lemming
I did run into a little hiccup. Creating stage objects had been smooth as butter until I made the pipes. I named the class "pipe" and whenever I created an instance of it I'd get an odd error about missing a parenthesis when clearly I had not. It baffled me for quite some time. I then thought to myself, "Hey, maybe it's in the name." Sure enough, pipe is a function in the C++ standard library.


As for the inconsistency in style... I didn't even notice it till you pointed it out. I rushed through that code like a coke fiend.

I'll post a video of the level rendering here in a bit.

Re: New Gyromite

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:40 am
by Arce
Woop, didn't even notice the response. xD
It baffled me for quite some time. I then thought to myself, "Hey, maybe it's in the name." Sure enough, pipe is a function in the C++ standard library.
What, seriously? Haha, that's intense.

I don't recall that I've ever run into a situation where I was conflicting with the standard namespace...xD
I'll post a video of the level rendering here in a bit.
How's that coming along? Can't wait to see it. xD

Re: New Gyromite

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:40 pm
by JS Lemming
Damnit... I'm experiencing the oddest thing. I can load my stage and push new stage objects into the list just fine. The crazy thing is, when I run my program the stage objects are either updated, some updated, or none updated. And it's different every time I run my program. It appears to be random. I guess I have some crazy issue with my lists... but I don't know what. This may take some time to figure out. It's also why I haven't posted the video yet.

EDIT: Nevermind. :oops:

Re: New Gyromite

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:51 pm
by eatcomics
So where is this video now that you say nevermind, I want to see some gyromite! 8-)

Re: New Gyromite

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:48 pm
by MarauderIIC
Do you have a gtalk or aim account, JSL? I could probably help you more often if you needed it that way...

Re: New Gyromite

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:01 pm
by JS Lemming
Thanks Mar. I have both but I'm rarely on. AIM screen name "JS Lemming". (I'm really sick of having a space in my name everywhere.)

Sorry for not updating guys. I've been away from my computer lately. Other personal reasons too. I don't foresee anymore problems (haa) except for actually having to think how I'm going to handle difficult collisions like pipes running into each other with things getting crushed between.

I'll get that video up asap, eatcomics. Just don't get your expectations up too high. =p

Re: New Gyromite

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:59 pm
by eatcomics
Oh I'm sure we will all be amazed :mrgreen:
Anytime is cool though don't rush through personal matters because some stranger wants to see the videogame you work on in your freetime ;)

Re: New Gyromite

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:44 pm
by JS Lemming
Reposting screeny from Nestix thread for the sake of <sake>. It just shows how it renders well with any given window dimension.
new gyromite.png
(291.43 KiB) Downloaded 36 times
EDIDTED: I got youtube working for once. Here is a video showing some pipe interactions.

Direct Link

My shitty laptop is responsible for the jerkyness.

Re: New Gyromite

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:23 pm
by Arce
DAMN! Looking NICE!

And he can jump now? That'll be some interesting gameplay. =P

Great job with the last pipe, creative. I like how he can survive the box of death. XD

Re: New Gyromite

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:56 pm
by JS Lemming
Ayyy thanks. Heh, no he can't jump. I just haven't implemented climbing or pipe-hector collision yet so I had to improvise to get around. :mrgreen:

EDIT: OH! Almost forgot, I'm going to convert everything over to SFML. There's a certain simplistic beauty to sfml that I cannot deny. I think competition with SDL will be a good thing.

Re: New Gyromite

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:32 pm
by eatcomics
That looks nice! I can't wait to see what else is in store for it... Good luck on the rewrite, they can be a bitch :lol:

Re: New Gyromite

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:18 am
by Falco Girgis
Wow, that looks really good, dude. I'm so impressed by your art, it looks super professional, not like programmer art.

Btw, what do you see that's so cool in SFML? I'm not questioning your tastes, I am just too lazy to look into it, and I trust your judgement. :D

Re: New Gyromite

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:43 pm
by MadPumpkin
GyroVorbis wrote:Wow, that looks really good, dude. I'm so impressed by your art, it looks super professional, not like programmer art.
i second that!
its way nice! I'd like to play it if at all possible

Re: New Gyromite

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:08 pm
by JS Lemming
Thanks, glad you like the art. I'm trying to give Gyromite an all around proper upgrade. Hopefully I can pull it off.

I was struck by how clean and simple SFML was. It appears well thought out and organized from some of the examples I've read through. Other than that, I have very little experience with it. OH, and the author listens to his users. Someone mentioned how both SDL and SFML don't seamlessly loop ogg files and he made the fix in no time. I'll be using that feature in New Gyromite.