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Re: Glamorize Me, Capt'n! -- Level Editor Preparations

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:01 pm
by Trask
Should we add a keyboard to the camera donation fund?

Re: Glamorize Me, Capt'n! -- Level Editor Preparations

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:10 pm
by Arce
Haha, no way. ;p

The fund's for a camera. Nobody's going to donate $$ for me to get a new KB. :lol:

After months of petitioning, I finally got permission to unblock the site from the school filter! I'm on from school atm, with permission. Therefore, I can begin to update this topic much, much more often.

Going to be working more on the GUI notebook segment, and some on the abstract now.

Re: Glamorize Me, Capt'n! -- Level Editor Preparations

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:04 pm
by Trask
Arce wrote:Haha, no way. ;p

The fund's for a camera. Nobody's going to donate $$ for me to get a new KB. :lol:

After months of petitioning, I finally got permission to unblock the site from the school filter! I'm on from school atm, with permission. Therefore, I can begin to update this topic much, much more often.

Going to be working more on the GUI notebook segment, and some on the abstract now.
Didn't that proxy work for you? Mine work currently has the forum unblocked, but they'll go back through another lock down as soon as the bandwidth usage spikes again, which it already has, so its a matter of time. Until then I can avoid the cons\ta\nt\ damn '\' that the proxy adds.

Ha, you need me to ship you an IBM keyboard? We're literally throwing them away by the ton.

Re: Glamorize Me, Capt'n! -- Level Editor Preparations

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:09 pm
by LeonBlade
I'll donate for Arce's new keyboard :mrgreen:
I know what it's like having a shitty keyboard (have to use one right now :oops:)

Re: Glamorize Me, Capt'n! -- Level Editor Preparations

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:42 pm
by eatcomics
Well Arce Igot an extra keyboard, I got it at a rummage sale for three dollars, in case I ever needed an extra ;). It's old and filthy, but give me an address and its on its way :mrgreen:

Re: Glamorize Me, Capt'n! -- Level Editor Preparations

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:43 pm
by MarauderIIC
$12 at staples (when I worked there). A kb'd probably cost more to send than to buy. Although if they'd take 5 hours and drive over here (more space!) instead of me driving over there I'd give one of my spare PS/2's to him. Or buy him a new one. I dunno.

Re: Glamorize Me, Capt'n! -- Level Editor Preparations

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:59 pm
by M_D_K
I got like 6 fully functional kbs at my place(where I am now) You want one no problem. But it will be marked postage due(my bro just cleaned me out)

Re: Glamorize Me, Capt'n! -- Level Editor Preparations

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:12 am
by Arce
Aight, I'm at school. My 'research plan' and 'abstract' are due today.

This is all I have so far on the research plan:

Engineering Plan
A. Purpose
A team of independent game developers are currently working on a new video game for PC and a gaming console known as Dreamcast. The main engine is being created from scratch and thus is largely different and highly costume when compared to those already available on the market. This difference, among other things, calls for unique system by which the main engine interfaces with input data. Because of this, level designers attempting to create playable scenarios are unable to implement their ideas without some kind of tool or utility to handle formatting their output data in a way compatible with the main game engine. It would be both impractical and unmanageable to teach each level designer how to manually convert their maps, items, characters, sheets, etc. into raw binary data readable both by the Dreamcast and PC.
As a result of this problem, a piece of software must be engineered that can synchronize with the main engine. It must provide a simple, easy-to-use way for level designers to create and implement their ideas. The software must be robust, reliable, and consistently up to date with the standards of the main engine.
In April of last year, I set out to undertake this engineering task. The purpose of this project is to detail the work that I have done and the engineering process that was vital to the development of the utility, as well as the numerous problems, revisions, modifications and future goals that make up the project.
EXACTLY 250 words (the limit for the abstract, if the purpose statement in the research plan meets the criteria, maybe I can use it for both?)

Revisions? Make it sound better/more professional? Any help is appreciated...but needs to be done/posted before 11:20 (1 hour 10 mins from now).

I'll update this as I get more typed.

Also, there's a footer defineing 'main engine' in the research plan...What exactly should it say? I definately need help there...I have this so far (obviously not done)
Main Engine – In video game creation, the backbone of a game is a large program that handles all maths, calculations, positioning, drawing/rendering, and all other general functions that a game may require. This backbone software is not a game in and of itself; the term ‘main engine’ simply refers to a vast segment of reusable code that handles the specifics of game data.

Re: Glamorize Me, Capt'n! -- Level Editor Preparations

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:14 am
by Arce
Right, here's the specifications on the 'research outline':

The research plan for ALL projects is to include the following:
A. Questions being Addressed
B. Hypothesis/Problem/Engineering Goals
C. Description in detail of method or procedures
D. Bibliography (list at least 5 major references)
I need to check the 'student handbook' for any more info...=/

I'm thinking that 'Question being Addressed' will be the segment i have typed above. Next is engineering goals. There I tell the specifications of the editor (how it must handel each layer, save out, etc. , and how it must stay constant and syncronized with the engine)

The procedure will detail iterative development. I may talk about the repositories, how I recieve user feedback via forums, make revisions, etc.

Bibliography will include references for an image representing iterative development, a some technical sites (Bp website? Any other random ones i can find?)

Re: Glamorize Me, Capt'n! -- Level Editor Preparations

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:23 am
by Arce
3) Abstract:
After finishing research and experimentation, you need to write
an abstract. The abstract needs to be a maximum of 250 words
on one page. An abstract should include the a) purpose of the
experiment, b) procedures used, c) data, and conclusions. It also
may include any possible research applications. Only minimal
reference to previous work may be included. The abstract must
focus on work done in the current year and should not include
a) acknowledgments, or b) work or procedures done by the
mentor. See below for an example of an appropriately written
abstract. See page 28 of the International Rules for the proper
formatting of an Official Intel ISEF Abstract and Certification.
Please Note: The Official abstract form is only for those
participating in ISEF and may not be required for many Affiliated
or local fairs.

A given sample abstract: (see my 1st post for better, more realivant ones)

Click here to see the hidden message (It might contain spoilers)
Hometown High School, Hometown, PA
This project in its present form is the result of bioassay
experimentation on the effects of two-cycle marine engine exhaust
water on certain green algae. The initial idea was to determine the
toxicity of outboard engine lubricant. Some success with lubricants
eventually led to the formulation of “synthetic” exhaust water which,
in turn, led to the use of actual two-cycle engine exhaust water as the
test substance.
Toxicity was determined by means of the standard bottle or
“batch” bioassay technique. Scenedesmus quadricauda and
Ankistrodesmus sp. were used as the test organisms. Toxicity was
measured in terms of a decrease in the maximum standing crop. The
effective concentration - 50% (EC50) for Scenedesmus quadricauda
was found to be 3.75% exhaust water; for Ankistrodesmus sp. 3.1%
exhaust water using the bottle technique.
Anomalies in growth curves raised the suspicion that evaporation
was affecting the results; therefore, a flow-through system was
improvised utilizing the characteristics of a device called a
Biomonitor. Use of a Biomonitor lessened the influence of evaporation,
and the EC 50 was found to be 1.4% exhaust water using
Ankistrodesmus sp. as the test organism. Mixed populations of
various algae gave an EC 50 of 1.28% exhaust water.
The contributions of this project are twofold. First, the toxicity
of two-cycle marine engine exhaust was found to be considerably
greater than reported in the literature (1.4% vs. 4.2%). Secondly, the
benefits of a flow-through bioassay technique utilizing the
Biomonitor was demonstrated

So I guess I cannot use my purpose statement. Aight...Gotta whip one out that's more specific and general. Gotta give the procedure and results...

Re: Glamorize Me, Capt'n! -- Level Editor Preparations

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:16 am
by Arce
This project focuses on the development and engineering of software to be used by a team of independent video game developers. There is no existing equivalent of the software, as it must be highly costume and has unique specifications. The tool is primarily used by level designers and creators for said team, who implement playable scenarios via my utility.

Upon other things, some specifications for the software include the need for rapid development, continual updates and revisions, perfect synchronization between input and output data of the main video game engine and said utility, as well simple, easy-to-use interfacing that still allows for an amount of control and power over projects.

To meet these specifications, I have chosen to use the Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI) and a programming language called BlitzPlus. The demands for rapid development and the lack of foresight into future additions/changes to my objectives have compelled me to take an iterative approach to software development. This approach is characterized by a cycle of analysis, design, implementation, testing, releasing, and assessing feedback; each demonstration of release only includes an addition of a few new objectives to ensure stability and user acceptance.

Because this is an ongoing software engineering project, it places a heavier emphasis on the development cycle than a finished product. Each iteration represents a newer, better stage of development, and although the latest stage will be exhibited, the process by which the current product came to be is central to my exhibit.
My abstrct. 246/250 words. Done? How do I make it sound better? Do you agree with my approach? Should I have included more or less detail..? How's it compare to others that we know have won cash prizes?

Thanks to anybody who gives feedback.

Re: Glamorize Me, Capt'n! -- Level Editor Preparations

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:42 pm
by Trask
This project focuses on the development and engineering of software to be used by a team of independent video game developers. There is no existing equivalent of the software, as it must be highly costume(did you mean custom?) and has unique specifications. The tool is primarily used by level designers and creators for said team, who implement playable scenarios via(use through for formality) my utility.
Suggestions in () and bold... but overall, I like it.

Re: Glamorize Me, Capt'n! -- Level Editor Preparations

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:04 pm
by Chaos Clown
Arce wrote:This project focuses on the development and engineering of software to be used by a team of independent video game developers. There is no existing equivalent of the software, as it must be highly [custom?] and has unique specifications.* The tool is primarily used by level designers and creators for said team, who implement playable scenarios [through] my utility.

[Among] other things, some specifications for the software include the need for rapid development, continual updates and revisions, perfect synchronization between input and output data of the main video game engine and said utility, as well simple, easy-to-use interfacing that still allows for an amount of control and power over projects.

To meet these specifications, I have chosen to use the Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI) and a programming language called BlitzPlus. The demands for rapid development and the lack of foresight into future additions/changes to my objectives have compelled me to take an iterative approach to software development. This approach is characterized by a cycle of analysis, design, implementation, testing, releasing, and assessing feedback; each demonstration of release only includes an addition of a few new objectives to ensure stability and user acceptance.

Because this is an ongoing software engineering project, it places a heavier emphasis on the development cycle than a finished product. Each iteration represents a newer, [improved] stage of development, and although the latest stage will be exhibited, the process by which the current product came to be is central to my exhibit.
*Due to the unique specifications of the software, there is no current equivalent in existence, and as such, must be custom.
^Does this sound better?

I agree with Trask, and added a couple of my own suggestions (bold). It's good, concise and professional. Good luck with the competition.

Re: Glamorize Me, Capt'n! -- Level Editor Preparations

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:45 pm
by MarauderIIC
Too bad I didn't see this earlier. It's already due.

Re: Glamorize Me, Capt'n! -- Level Editor Preparations

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:47 pm
by eatcomics
I still have to wright an abstract, and some other things going on for science fair at my school, ugh.... I don't have a choice of entering or not...