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Re: Shattered Wrath dev update thread

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:00 pm
by RyanPridgeon
programmerinprogress wrote:

We had to produce the coursework, to a specification, then take it into an exam, and then HOPE that we did ok on the parts that they asked questions for (bare in mind that both us and the teacher only had a rough idea of what we had to make, and no idea of what they were actually going to test us on), the exam basically asked questions like "which page did you do this?", it was a farse! the exam/coursework didn't asses your programming skills(actually it didn't even assess your project management skills because theres a chance that you could have done HALF the coursework, just as long as it was the right half), absolute bullcrap... I got a D :(
Ouch! That sounds like a load of bullshit.. Yeah they changed it for us.

We had a theory test in January (logic gates, internet/networking, laws, all that) and now we're gonna have an exam, but we've been given a HORRIBLY CODED pre-release program which they will use in the exam... I guess they will test us on how well we can fix it up.

It's still rubbish though, I hate VB...

Re: Shattered Wrath dev update thread

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:10 pm
by Moosader
Characters in game

Sample battle image (If we get around to make it graphical instead of text)

Re: Shattered Wrath dev update thread

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 3:44 pm
by rolland
Moosader wrote: Sample battle image (If we get around to make it graphical instead of text)
That would have to be the boss. You could put a text-bar at the bottom and have it be all like:
N00B Version of Game wrote: Sally-Teh-Gendur-Cunfoozd-Janiter beatz U with mop!1one!
Mynis 3.141592 life!111one1
N00B Version of Game wrote:You hit Sally-Teh-Gendur-Cunfoozd-Janiter with Ur pen!!11one!!1
Mynis 1.5e-45 life!!1one1
U suk!one11!!1won!!
u lose11!!one!!won!!lose!

Epic Failure

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:07 am
by Moosader
The thing is due Monday and I'm just completely fucking stuck.

The menu, inventory, equipment, cutscenes, and warps all need to be implemented, and the battle system needs to be fixed.
I keep trying and trying, but I can't put in warps now because the maps weren't done right (you can't even get to the doors, and it'd be weird to randomly warp from blank tiles, ala Deadly Towers), and for some reason MusuGo just keeps crashing if I open the map files and try to save (I've rewritten the save/load functions about six times now in the past week), and... well, the script file is a huge mess.
We should have done a shmup.

It's obvious that we won't be able to get done. Of course, I don't think any teams in the class are finishing with anything near what they had originally planned, but still. I would have liked to finish the game after school is over, but I don't see how I can with what I have to work with.

I don't really blame the team; we're all pretty inexperienced, especially them with making games, and we should have done something similar. Also, there were a total of two group meetings this entire semester, so it wasn't like we got to dev together at all. It was all separate, and half the time I didn't really know what the scripter was talking about when he started asking me about stuff or telling me about stuff he added.

Anyway. Right now I'm trying to figure out what to do. I may open up Old MusuGo and make some new maps, add the warps, and keep the NPCs that talk and the rudimentary battle system, but there won't be any quests or story like we had originally planned.

If anyone cares to see what the script file looks like, it's here:

I would very much like to know what the proper way to implement scripting would be, but there doesn't really seem to be much in the way of resources on it.

Also, I really freaking wish school taught us about Singletons. It would have been extremely helpful to know wtf they were before working on this. I knew they were to make one instance of a class, but I was like "Wtf, why would you want that?". I didn't know they were static/global.

Re: Shattered Wrath dev update thread

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:14 pm
by Moosader
(Full size: ... dWrath.png)

Rewritten the basic tile engine and movement. I've upped the res from 640x480 to 1024x768, with 64x64 tiles, and the player is 64x128 now.
I'm going to try to redo all the graphics (so they're, y'know, original), AND THEN update the maps, so they're still pretty similar but fixed up.
Also need to redraw Marcus sprite.

After that basic stuff, going to start on menu/battle system/cutscenes/etc. redo Lua with toLua++.

I have a class with the original designer and scripter, so it'll be pretty neat if we can remake it. ^^
Though school is, again, taking up way too much free time. :nono:

Re: Shattered Wrath dev update thread

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 3:10 pm
by Joeyotrevor
RyanPridgeon wrote:
programmerinprogress wrote:

We had to produce the coursework, to a specification, then take it into an exam, and then HOPE that we did ok on the parts that they asked questions for (bare in mind that both us and the teacher only had a rough idea of what we had to make, and no idea of what they were actually going to test us on), the exam basically asked questions like "which page did you do this?", it was a farse! the exam/coursework didn't asses your programming skills(actually it didn't even assess your project management skills because theres a chance that you could have done HALF the coursework, just as long as it was the right half), absolute bullcrap... I got a D :(
Ouch! That sounds like a load of bullshit.. Yeah they changed it for us.

We had a theory test in January (logic gates, internet/networking, laws, all that) and now we're gonna have an exam, but we've been given a HORRIBLY CODED pre-release program which they will use in the exam... I guess they will test us on how well we can fix it up.

It's still rubbish though, I hate VB...
Ugh The only programming class for freshmen at my school was this one titled 'VS.NET Programming (C++)'. On the first day the teacher announced we would be only using VB and that we would be doing all of our lessons out of this horrible book that quizzes you on shit like "In what toolbar in the Save Project button located?" and it claims it is impossible to make a program without using forms... :evil:

Re: Epic Failure

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:11 pm
by Pickzell
Moosader wrote:The thing is due Monday and I'm just completely fucking stuck.

The menu, inventory, equipment, cutscenes, and warps all need to be implemented, and the battle system needs to be fixed.
I keep trying and trying, but I can't put in warps now because the maps weren't done right (you can't even get to the doors, and it'd be weird to randomly warp from blank tiles, ala Deadly Towers), and for some reason MusuGo just keeps crashing if I open the map files and try to save (I've rewritten the save/load functions about six times now in the past week), and... well, the script file is a huge mess.
We should have done a shmup.

It's obvious that we won't be able to get done. Of course, I don't think any teams in the class are finishing with anything near what they had originally planned, but still. I would have liked to finish the game after school is over, but I don't see how I can with what I have to work with.

I don't really blame the team; we're all pretty inexperienced, especially them with making games, and we should have done something similar. Also, there were a total of two group meetings this entire semester, so it wasn't like we got to dev together at all. It was all separate, and half the time I didn't really know what the scripter was talking about when he started asking me about stuff or telling me about stuff he added.

Anyway. Right now I'm trying to figure out what to do. I may open up Old MusuGo and make some new maps, add the warps, and keep the NPCs that talk and the rudimentary battle system, but there won't be any quests or story like we had originally planned.

If anyone cares to see what the script file looks like, it's here:

I would very much like to know what the proper way to implement scripting would be, but there doesn't really seem to be much in the way of resources on it.

Also, I really freaking wish school taught us about Singletons. It would have been extremely helpful to know wtf they were before working on this. I knew they were to make one instance of a class, but I was like "Wtf, why would you want that?". I didn't know they were static/global.
Why didn't you just do levels through text? I mean yeah it's a tedious bite in the butt, but it's better than not having any levels?

Re: Shattered Wrath dev update thread

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:50 pm
by Moosader
Because I don't want to type this out:
w 32 h 48 v 1
bgimage none
bgsong none
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bgsong glow.ogg

begin warp
warpfrom_x 3
warpfrom_y 4
map bank_vault
warpto_x 4
warpto_y 45
end warp


We had plenty of levels, thing was the guy put the collision marks in places that made it impossible to get to the door... I guess we should have just put warps infront of the door or something. :P

But that's something I'm going to be redoing with this version.
And map format will be more like this now:

Code: Select all

W: 25	H: 25	v 2		TileAmt: 2500

tile 0 layer 0 x 0 y 0 image 1792 solid 0 end
tile 1 layer 0 x 32 y 0 image 1792 solid 0 end
tile 2 layer 0 x 64 y 0 image 1792 solid 0 end
tile 3 layer 0 x 96 y 0 image 1792 solid 0 end

Re: Shattered Wrath dev update thread

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 5:58 pm
by Pickzell
Whoa wait! 25x25 px tiles?

Re: Shattered Wrath dev update thread

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:27 pm
by Moosader
Pickzell wrote:Whoa wait! 25x25 px tiles?
No, that particular map is 25 tiles x 25 tiles. Tiles are 64x64 pixels. :P

Anyway, you guys were reading the old post, I'm not having trouble with the map editor anymore, and I'm not under a time limit now either. Rewritin' the game whenever I have free time.

Re: Shattered Wrath dev update thread

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:58 pm
by Moosader
Actually, I really like the way Legend of Heroes looks-

It doesn't seem terribly hard to do since I know some OpenGL (but then again, maybe novice ignorance). I don't know how to draw sprites yet in OGL tho (like, with the transparent area), and dunno if it'd take too much time to write/maintain/add on to as a whole. :S

Re: Shattered Wrath dev update thread

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:30 am
by K-Bal
Moosader wrote: I don't know how to draw sprites yet in OGL tho (like, with the transparent area), and dunno if it'd take too much time to write/maintain/add on to as a whole. :S

You can use SFML to draw sprites and pure OpenGL for the 3d stuff. That's what I'm doing at the moment and it is really comfortable. Try it out ;)

Re: Shattered Wrath dev update thread

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:46 am
by derbon
how long is it genna take until its finished

Re: Shattered Wrath dev update thread

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:06 am
by Moosader
derbon wrote:how long is it genna take until its finished
The independent variable here is "how much freaking time school takes up", with "progress of Shattered Wrath" being the dependent variable.
I am really thinking about trying to do it in 3D, also, since everyone gives me a hard time about not having any 3D games >_>

So new(ish) to 3D + new to Lua + new to writing battle systems + new to writing an inventory management system + new to figuring out how a lot of this works = hard to tell.

Re: Shattered Wrath dev update thread

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:33 am
by trufun202
Moosader wrote:I am really thinking about trying to do it in 3D, also, since everyone gives me a hard time about not having any 3D games >_>
Eek, that's mighty ambitious for a school project. In my Java Game Programming class, all of my team members wanted to do a 3D game, but luckily I managed to talked them out of it. We settled on pre-rendered 3D graphics and barely finished the project in time.

Even if you're working with a 3D graphics library like Ogre, building a 3D game is so much more work. For decent collision detection, you'll need to implement a physics engine, such as ODE. You can use bounding boxes for collision detection, but that's very limited and won't work for objects with varying height (such as a staircase). You'll also need to create your 3D models, skin them, animate them, and get them successfully imported into your game.

I'm not trying to discourage you, if you wanna go for it, go for it! I'm just sharing my experience. :)