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Re: Some sprites

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:47 pm
by JaxDragon
Maybe I should stay out of this, but when I saw Pritams sprite I saw a guy making a pose like a final fantasy character would. Or a power ranger
Click here to see the hidden message (It might contain spoilers)

The blue guy on the far left, only imagine him standing up. And imagine hes not wielding a sword thingy.

Or this guy
Click here to see the hidden message (It might contain spoilers)

@Pingas, good start. My first sprite was more like a skeleton from an animation for modeling.

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:22 pm
by wearymemory
JaxDragon wrote:Maybe I should stay out of this, but when I saw Pritams sprite I saw a guy making a pose like a final fantasy character would. Or a power ranger
Click here to see the hidden message (It might contain spoilers)

The blue guy on the far left, only imagine him standing up. And imagine hes not wielding a sword thingy.

Or this guy
Click here to see the hidden message (It might contain spoilers)

@Pingas, good start. My first sprite was more like a skeleton from an animation for modeling.
Right, and I understand that pritam's goal was to make his sprite pose like that, and he does achieve this, but as I said in my last post, it doesn't look natural. Since you decided to post pictures of Power Rangers, here is an example of how I see it up close:

Click here to see the hidden message (It might contain spoilers)

The straight, forward-facing legs don't match with the twisted body, and the grass skirt makes his left hip (our right) look too exaggerated. This gives the illusion that the body is shifted to our left, and does not line up with the head and lower body. Of course, pritam suggested that a leg could use repositioning, but I'd say both need it, and if you're going to do the legs, then the head won't seem natural either, you would expect a small change in direction (as depicted by your first image), and not just a frontal position (like the action figure's which also looks unnatural). The one on the right of the first image with the black and white stripes looks more comparable.

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:19 pm
by Ginto8
wearymemory, I honestly think you're full of shit. I have yet to see you post a single thing positive or encouraging on this forum (and even if you have, they are in extreme minority). Everything you say is more critical than Simon Cowell. You hold everything up to the standards of professional quality, whether it be games, art, or anything for that matter. For once could you please shut the fuck up and appreciate the art style? It's supposed to mimic the Chrono Trigger style, and it does a fantastic job at it. Not everything is designed to please you, douchebag.

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:30 pm
by pritam
wearymemory wrote:
pritam wrote:
wearymemory wrote:That's only one example of your work, and it looks great, but this wasn't the piece that I was referring to. Keep in mind that I don't have access to any of your newest work, but I was referring to your "jungle man" sprite:
IMHO, I don't see how scoliosis plays in with the pros of "super deformed character design." I understand and promote the use of exaggeration and different styling techniques where it's appropriate, but the body, compared to its head and legs, are skewed to form an awful curvature and offset. But if "super deformed" was what you were looking for, then you certainly achieved it.
Thanks for taking what I said out of context. Also how the fuck is that scoliosis? It's a fucking pose, agreed one leg needs to be adjusted.
If so, then it's an unnatural pose that results in a disfigured anatomy. Maybe he's the missing link. Maybe he can't stand up straight without looking like he has muscular dystrophy due to his recent evolution. As I'm not the creator of this piece, I'm being drawn directly to what I believe stands out the most, and to me, it's the angle and displacement of it's upper body compared to its legs and head which are both pointing forwards.
The head has a neck but yeah maybe you've got a disabillity and have lived alone for your entire life and has only seen (as in your eyes) fictional dreams about a properly functioning neck, maybe you're the missing link who the fuck knows? Also you're fucking blind, legs are facing different directions.
wearymemory wrote:
pritam wrote:
wearymemory wrote:And, as I'm sure you're aware, there are different degrees of pillow shading, and not just the blunt example you've shown. The "jungle man's" hair and skirt do look pillow shaded. The hair is also disproportionate, has no depth, and imbalances the sprite due to its overly asymmetrical design.
It's the start of the sprite, get over it.
I retrieved the image from this post, and it didn't state that it was a "start of the sprite." In fact, you offered it up as a reference, which could confuse the reader into believing that it was a completed and historical piece of ES artwork. Get over it? You shouldn't be so defensive or hostile to someone who is providing constructive suggestions; your immaturity is showing.
I offered it as reference but NOT TO YOU. The Interview forum offers a straightforward way for APPLYING ARTISTS to communicate with the team. You know shit about the conversations I have with aspiring ES artist.
wearymemory wrote:
pritam wrote:Edit: And yeah, there are different degrees of pillow shading, but there is a big fucking difference in pillow shading and the shading in BOTH the hair and the skirt. By your definition of pillow shading EVERYTHING is pillow shading.
The reason for my pillow shading-accusations are due to the depthless and poorly shaded result that is often the outcome of pillow shading that is present in your sprite. If it was appropriate and integrated nicely with the rest of the artwork, then I wouldn't have made the comment.
Well, since you don't have private/appropriate/uptodate information about the development of my artwork, shut the fuck up.
wearymemory wrote:
pritam wrote:
wearymemory wrote:
pritam wrote:
wearymemory wrote:With that said, baggy pants that look like little water droplets coming off an elongated torso isn't very attractive, and should only be attempted by Nicole Richie and Michael Phelps.
Did you just suggest anyone at inferior skill level not to try anything new at all? How the hell does one progress with that kind of mindset?
Not at all, in fact, my implications were quite literal. Your drawing of the woman has a definitive shape and curve to her lower-body, unlike the OP's (and partially yours) which wasn't translated as well into pixel art.
Please rephrase that first statement.
To cope with your language barrier? The structure of my first sentence is fine. I stated that I was not discouraging people to try new things, and that what I said, should be taken literally, and by literally, I meant that the OP should pay closer attention to anatomy.
"to cope with the your language barrier" let's have me speaking swedish have you TRY to translate it into english you fuckwad, even with software you wouldn't understand shit. In your FIRST statement, YOU'RE CLEARLY SUGGESTING pants like shouldn't be attempted by ANYONE ELSE but Nicole Richie [and] Michael Phelps. You're fucked in the head suggesting all others to retard into retardation.
wearymemory wrote:
pritam wrote:Next time please point out what you are refering to.
My suggestions were made in general, and were directed at the minimal amount of your artwork that is publicly available. You should have taken my words with a grain of salt, rather than impeded me with a childish response that uses the word fuck every other sentence. Fuck.
Yeah, I am a child and also, I prefer to be one.

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:04 pm
by wearymemory
I'm beginning to think professionalism isn't such a bad thing. Name-calling and personal insults? Yeah, not my Mickey Mouse Mug of A&W Diet Root Beer.

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:08 am
by Ginto8
wearymemory wrote:I'm beginning to think professionalism isn't such a bad thing. Name-calling and personal insults? Yeah, not my Mickey Mouse Mug of A&W Diet Root Beer.
any "name calling" and "personal insults" are well and truly deserved. Now, this is my last post, at least for now, about this, but I will reiterate that I have yet to see you provide any criticism that is constructive, or even more articulate than "it sucks". Get your head out of your ass and your foot out of your mouth, grow up a little, then come back. This is supposed to be a community, not a showcase of professional games/art/etc.

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:14 pm
by wearymemory
Ginto8 wrote:
wearymemory wrote:I'm beginning to think professionalism isn't such a bad thing. Name-calling and personal insults? Yeah, not my Mickey Mouse Mug of A&W Diet Root Beer.
any "name calling" and "personal insults" are well and truly deserved. Now, this is my last post, at least for now, about this, but I will reiterate that I have yet to see you provide any criticism that is constructive, or even more articulate than "it sucks". Get your head out of your ass and your foot out of your mouth, grow up a little, then come back. This is supposed to be a community, not a showcase of professional games/art/etc.
If you had taken half the time that you did to formulate those mindlessly begrudging replies, to read my previous posts in this thread, then you would have found my critiques and suggestions in areas that I believe could be improved are constructive, if the target, of course, was receptive to the ideas. You would have also found that I have complemented pritam's work on several occasions throughout this thread.

I do respect ES as a community, but there's nothing wrong with critically comparing art to professional standards, which I wouldn't dare do, as there are others who are more capable than myself. My critiques were that of my own opinion, and shouldn't be responded to with such insolence because my only intentions were to help.

If you can't have a civilized conversation without resorting to, or even suggesting that profanity or personal attacks is appropriate, then perhaps it is you who should grow up. Profanity and personal insults only makes the writer sound ignorant, repetitive, and unintelligible. By the by, I did not say "it sucks" anywhere in this topic, so who are you quoting? You also have a history of enacting foolish decisions due to misconstruing my posts, so why don't you avoid them?
pritam wrote:I offered it as reference but NOT TO YOU. The Interview forum offers a straightforward way for APPLYING ARTISTS to communicate with the team. You know shit about the conversations I have with aspiring ES artist.
I don't claim to know what goes on between you and the other artists, but I was proposing a possible origin of my confusion, yet you insist on being agressive about it.
pritam wrote:Well, since you don't have private/appropriate/uptodate information about the development of my artwork, shut the fuck up.
If you have improved, then you should say so, rather than belligerently telling me to "shut the fuck up." You could have diffused the situation.
pritam wrote:"to cope with the your language barrier" let's have me speaking swedish have you TRY to translate it into english you fuckwad, even with software you wouldn't understand shit. In your FIRST statement, YOU'RE CLEARLY SUGGESTING pants like shouldn't be attempted by ANYONE ELSE but Nicole Richie [and] Michael Phelps. You're fucked in the head suggesting all others to retard into retardation.
Most of us post in English on this forum, and my initial reply to this thread was in English. I wouldn't attempt to read your post if it was in a language that I didn't understand, let alone reply to it out of respect. It was a sincere question that didn't deserve such a hateful response. Besides, I did my best to explain myself, but you've continued to misinterpret what I said. My primary focus for the statement, "baggy pants that look like little water droplets coming off an elongated torso isn't very attractive," was to advise the OP to concentrate more on anatomy, to normalize the torso, and to put more eloquent detail in the pants, so that it's easier to distinguish that the sprite is indeed female, and to make it nicer. Nicole Richie and Michael Phelps were only used as examples, and to divert complete seriousness from the statement.

I apologize for hijacking your thread, OP.

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:59 pm
by pritam
I'm not gonna keep arguing with you because it is pointless, and you weren't exactly being a gentleman yourself.

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:35 pm
by LeonBlade

I personally believe that wearymemory is only trying to give constructive criticism to the art, not to bash it entirely. The basis of most of his argument, if not all, was one one sprite alone. While there may be other sprites that are in existence, that doesn't change the fact that the topic at hand is on that one sprite and nothing more.

I understand what is being said about the placement of body and legs are of a forward facing position (based on the knees positioning and the hip placement) and the body is shifted off to the left of the image (his right) and it makes it look like an awkward pose. Is that a bad thing? No, of course not, I'm highly inspired by Pritam's work and I'm very jealous of his artistic talent. I just think that, like wearymemory that the positioning and angling of certain portions of the body seem to distort the overall image of the man himself.

Not to be too rude, but Ginto8 you are the last person I would get suggestion from only because I tried to reason with you before and try to be on a mutual level and you completely rejected me without even trying to admit that you possibly had false information to justify your actions and words you used towards me in the past and really I feel like you're doing the same thing here.

Pointless name calling and other insults personal or not are never necessary, what I see from wearymemory is truthful and quite harsh criticism for ones who can't handle it, however it's not an over exaggeration. Remember the most important part of criticism, it's always an opinion.
You have to remember that when someone is judging your image to examine their words and make your decision on what you may/may not do based on what they said. Sometimes you may decide to filter out their judgement entirely. Or, you may even take every work into account in bettering your work no matter what it may be. BUT you always have to remember that this is just someone else's opinion.

By stating that someone else's opinion is wrong; arguing their opinion against yours is saying "I don't agree with what you're saying, I want you to change your mind". While it's okay to make a counter and state some things supporting your disagreements, never should it be taken to a level that it was in this thread as it seems like wearymemory was never out for a fight. I don't think once he's ever made an insult directly towards anyone personally (please correct me if I'm wrong, I may very well be).

All in all, I'm sorry for this hijack, and I just feel like giving my side to what I see here; an outside source to try and settle these differences so that we may have peace on this topic and go about things with a more positive attitude, and also without all the hate!

Everyone keep up the good work on your artwork, I wish everyone the best of luck.


Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:51 pm
by Ginto8
If your part directed at me is referencing what happened OVER A YEAR AGO, I'm sorry, I was just barely 12 then and I've matured quite a bit since then (and no, I'm not claiming to be completely mature in any way). Just curious tho, why is your personal choice of not taking suggestions from me of any consequence to me telling wearymemory that he is a douche?

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:08 pm
by LeonBlade
Ginto8 wrote:If your part directed at me is referencing what happened OVER A YEAR AGO, I'm sorry, I was just barely 12 then and I've matured quite a bit since then (and no, I'm not claiming to be completely mature in any way). Just curious tho, why is your personal choice of not taking suggestions from me of any consequence to me telling wearymemory that he is a douche?
It was actually July 21st when I sent you the message, not over a year ago.
And I say this because wearymemory hasn't done anything to be called a douche or any other insult like that for giving criticism about artwork.

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:40 am
by eatcomics
I agree with leon, I think most of the time its meant as constructive criticism maybe he comes off to strong though? But I don't think he means to sound so abrasive