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Re: Starcraft 2 Officially out!!

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 10:25 pm
by dandymcgee
xiphirx wrote:ATTN Zerg Players:

I have been working on a site (designing it) with two other guys dedicated to Zerg Strategies, and everything else Zerg in StarCraft II. We're a growing community. You can find us at

I'm currently redesigning the site, look out for that!
Did you make that template?!?! That's sick.

Re: Starcraft 2 Officially out!!

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:47 pm
by xiphirx
dandymcgee wrote:
xiphirx wrote:ATTN Zerg Players:

I have been working on a site (designing it) with two other guys dedicated to Zerg Strategies, and everything else Zerg in StarCraft II. We're a growing community. You can find us at

I'm currently redesigning the site, look out for that!
Did you make that template?!?! That's sick.

Yes I did. It's currently going under a redesign. Should be up in the next week.

Re: Starcraft 2 Officially out!!

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:47 pm
by eatcomics
Sweet I'm gonna have to check that out more in detail...

Re: Starcraft 2 Officially out!!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:05 pm
by Arce
Oh, right. I probably shoulda told ya guys this...:P

I'm now rank 1 Diamond with ~600+ wins on my practice account. Also, I've been watching the GSL on every season thus far, and am a diehard fruitdealer (cool) fan. ;p

Ever want to play, hit me up.

The GSL is a huge tournament that lasts several weeks and is held once a month in Korea. It's like a full fledged sport with commentators and everything. 1st place prize is 87K EVERY MONTH. Anyone can enter (if you live in Korea) and it's amazing to watch some of the greatest players alive (Boxer, FBox, Fruitdealer, Nadda, Idra, IntoTheRainbow/Hopetorture, HungUnPrime, etc) literally INVENT never before seen metagame strats as the tournament went on. However, you have to get up at 4:00am to watch it, as it is in Korea. ;p

Re: Starcraft 2 Officially out!!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:17 pm
by Arce
eatcomics wrote:So I'm so fucking pissed... I have to share this with you guys. I just played a game... a good long game. So I was zerg. The opponent terran. My opponent has only played terran seven times. He knows no other race... so he says. I pretty much believe it. I had 6 bases... all but two... I crushed his expo later in the game. He then proceeded to destroy me. This pissed me off, I have the replay and highly encourage you guys to say you want it so I'll put it up. This has to mean that Terran is OP come on now. I guess brood lords would have worked. But my amount of Ultras should have DESTROYED HIM. He had to have no minerals or at least no gas. ONE TO TWO BASING THE WHOLE GAME VS SIX! wtf

oh yeah he had no air, and he held off my damn mutas because of fucking thors.

Edit: starting to watch the replay, the game is an hour and eight minutes long

Edit++: I guess I didn't get as many upgrades as I could have, but STILL this is dumb considering I had most of the bigger upgrades

Edit again: God fucking terran. lol. I guess the real reason terran are so hard to beat is that to destroy them as zerg you need to micro, and have a decent unit mix. If I had hydras plus lings, and a couple Ultras, granted the ultras weren't focused down, which any decent player would do, I probably could have won, but this is still kind of imba if you ask me...
HHHHAAAAAA. This was my EXACT same sentiment for literally my first SEVERAL HUNDRED strarcraft two games. Because of this, I've developed a natural HATE for terran, and thus they are now my best matchup. I RAPE terran almost 100% of the time, simply out of hatred for BULLSHIT like this in the novice leagues.

Anyway, here's some tips in situations like that. A two base terran can KILL YOU, no matter how many bases you have. A timing push is deadly, esp. at the lower leagues. After several patches, terran really aren't OP anymore...But still are at the lower levels. Meaning, it's CONSIDERABLY easier to be good at terran for a complete noob than it is to be good at zerg--all you do is mass units into a bigass ball, get a 200 army, and literally his the "a" button on the enemie's base. With half-decent unit comp, you win at lower levels.

This is simply because of how many fucking Terran units deal splash damage. It's insane--thors even do AIR splash! So, in a situation like this, when you've got 6 bases and he's got two, you should always win theoretically...But the key is simply not dieing to a retarded terran ball push. You know what SINGLE tier 3 unit completely PWNS a terran push like that? Nope, not Ultras! After more diamond losses to terran than I can count, I've learned that in a long game like that, just go CORRUPTORS to RAPE medivacs, and once you've got air superiority, BROODLORDS. Everything dies, you have no problem, game. ;p

Also, note that terran is being nerfed CONSIDERABLY at lower levels this next patch. I say at lower levels because this change will likely not affect leagues above planium at all. They are simply changing the attack priority of repairing SCV's to the same as the unit they are repairing. This means that as zerg, you can just "hit a and click" on a thor being repaired by scv's, and win with lings everytime. At higher level leages, again, this makes no difference, as the players are already good enough at micro to snipe the SCV's anyway, mix banes, etc.

Also, note that (many people don't know this, for some reason?) crawlers actually pwn thors/tanks. If you do aggressive creepspreading, you'd be surprised. They do bonus damage to armored units. :P This fact only comes into play in Steppes of War and lost temple, though.

Re: Starcraft 2 Officially out!!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:20 pm
by Arce
Oh, and finally, if you guys want to start a replay topic, I'd enjoy posting and watching.

To start, here's one I played a few days ago against a zerg scrub. My BO is my standard zvz play, and I mess it up slighly (oops) when building my nest, but that's okay. :P

Most people who do my build order and directly countered by my opponents, who, despite the appearance of this match, is actually incredibly good and moderately high rated diamond as well. If you don't believe me, check out his overlord placement mid-game, his timing on his tech buildings, and his drone count after throwing up 5 buildings. PERFECT saturation. ;p

Woops, I'll have to find a free place to upload it here in a sec.

Re: Starcraft 2 Officially out!!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:54 pm
by xiphirx
Arce wrote:Oh, and finally, if you guys want to start a replay topic, I'd enjoy posting and watching.

To start, here's one I played a few days ago against a zerg scrub. My BO is my standard zvz play, and I mess it up slighly (oops) when building my nest, but that's okay. :P

Most people who do my build order and directly countered by my opponents, who, despite the appearance of this match, is actually incredibly good. If you don't believe me, check out his overlord placement mid-game, his timing on his tech buildings, and his drone count after throwing up 5 buildings. PERFECT saturation. ;p

Woops, I'll have to find a free place to upload it here in a sec.

I take it that you play Zerg? If so, I'm currently building a replay system for free use over at It should be available at around Christmas :P

Until then theres sc2replayed

Re: Starcraft 2 Officially out!!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:34 pm
by dandymcgee
xiphirx wrote: I take it that you play Zerg? If so, I'm currently building a replay system for free use over at It should be available at around Christmas :P
That site's lookin sweet dude!

Re: Starcraft 2 Officially out!!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:29 pm
by xiphirx
dandymcgee wrote:
xiphirx wrote: I take it that you play Zerg? If so, I'm currently building a replay system for free use over at It should be available at around Christmas :P
That site's lookin sweet dude!
Thanks :)

Re: Starcraft 2 Officially out!!

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:41 pm
by Arce
pretty killer man. I'll hold out on posting my replay until your site is done. Looks fucking great!

Re: Starcraft 2 Officially out!!

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:01 pm
by eatcomics
Sweet, I have starcraft 2 but my PC (linux laptop) just really can't handle it... It was playable in windows, but was still really hard to play, especially late game. Anyways the site looks great, and I'd love to watch some of your guy's replays if you were to put them up on youtube :D

Re: Starcraft 2 Officially out!!

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:19 pm
by StoveBacon
I just got starcraft 2 for christmas and i would really love it if someone could help me learn build orders and stuff...IDK if anyone is good with protoss but i really like playing as them. i really like zerg too.

Re: Starcraft 2 Officially out!!

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:59 am
by thejahooli
KeithStoffel wrote:I just got starcraft 2 for christmas and i would really love it if someone could help me learn build orders and stuff...IDK if anyone is good with protoss but i really like playing as them. i really like zerg too.
If you want to learn some build orders do the custom game called YABOT, it shows you build orders and times how quickly you can do them.

Re: Starcraft 2 Officially out!!

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:51 am
by StoveBacon
I've used it a little bit before, i think it would be more fun just to play with a real person.

Re: Starcraft 2 Officially out!!

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:18 pm
by eatcomics
KeithStoffel wrote:I've used it a little bit before, i think it would be more fun just to play with a real person.
I was primarily a zerg player, but I do really like playing protoss, simply because warp gates are AMAZING!

god I need to buy a new computer so I can play again... I love starcraft SOOOO much....