If I were the mother, I'd be insulted if the choice were given to a parasite in my womb rather than me, the person who would have to go through hell in order to deliver it.
Maybe the mother should have thought about that before she spread her legs. Abortion almost promotes unsafe sex; people can always say, "Oh, if I get pregnant, I can always abort it.
JS Lemming, I am positive that it's illegal to about a baby after it's a Zygote. In other words, it must be aborted before it takes shape. The pictures you saw must have been in another country with some sickening fuckbags, or it was a fake. :spin:
My views on abortion are not yet clear to myself, so don't even ask them. I am just contributing to the conversation.
Oh, and BTW, did you know that 2/3 of pregnancies end in a miscarriage? Not only that, but they happen far after the baby is a Zygote, so if an abortion can be felt, then that definitely can. Half the time the parents must go to the hospital to have large chunks of the baby removed.
If Abortion is so evil, why do you think this happens? Having a baby aborted can prevent such things. If the baby was aborted, it would make the baby feel much less pain; supposing it could feel pain at all during an abortion.
Oh, and BTW Js lemming, are you sure that the images you saw were of an abortion? The metal 'hangers' sound almost exactly like what they use to rid the mother of the baby's body after a miscarriage if it is too big to come out in the spew of blood that follows after the sad death of the baby.
Is that sick? Maybe. Do you think god would give babies a soul yet if he know that 2/3 would just die? Maybe. Only god knows. The main question to abortion is when the cells actually gain a soul and become human. Again, do you think that god would give babies souls at that early of a stage if he knew that so many would die of natural causes? Maybe, I have no clue.
Again, I am not yet for or against abortion. I just like to argue.