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Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 7:39 am
by Dark Crusader
TiredSikTwisted i take you seriously, Hey wheres my waffles... Just kidden, I never voted because I wished to see your side of the story. All of you should be ashamed. :twisted:

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:16 am
by Falco Girgis
I'm ashamed of being a dick, but the urgency of the need for a real site is undeniable.

I really didn't give him a deadline either which just adds to the point that I had no right to be an asshole to him.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:56 pm
by Guest
First off, I want to say, Arce, stay out of stuff that doesn't even concern you. I am doing this stuff for gyro, not you, so, to put it simple, stfu. There are reasons why I haven't been able to do much (though I have done a lot of things that you all can't see and I will tell you why).

Arce, I don't think that you know that a truly dynamic requires many tools. To make a good website I need things such as databases, phpinfo, some way of connecting to databases, an organised FTP so I can test.

Currently we have none of those (except the invisible DBses). I don't think that you all take me serious. Wanna see what has really kept me busy? Wanna see what my new job may be (the kind that pays)? Look here: (I tihnk it is still there, though my friend that is hosting it has been hacked lately so some pages may be missing).

Also, take away my admin powers, honestly, I don't use them. Maybe you could figure that out because I haven't been here in a long time.

I don't check the forums often. Want to know why? My business isn't with the forums, it is with Gyro. I have been REALLY busy making stuff for people that came before Gyro. I have also been working on getting things straight with my own hosts. I have gone through 18 Reformattings in the last 2 months (lost my work once because my pen drive died). I also have SATs this week (been studying for those), a project every month from a biology teacher, a sister who is graduating and maybe married, etc.

I think before you start throwing around accusations you should talk to people and not be an ass and bring it up infront a lot of people because you are afraid. Matters that don't concern you, shouldn't concern you. You will be concerned if you end up on my bad side.

By the way, just booting me isn't helping anything, I was given no deadline, so I thought I would get some of the more urgent and pressing matters out of the way first. Don't just IM me and tell me that I have pretty much a day to make a site. That isn't how business works. Gyro, you said you would work on a host that worked, you haven't got that. The idea was to get a better host and build off that but I don't see it happening any time soon. You wanna let me off let me off. Just don't call me when you need web help. I was glad to lend a hand, but not throw into a one day deadline.

I didn't edit the filters either, I actually HELPED add words to the filter (heheh) and that was about 2 months ago.

And all of you -blam!- at eachother like little girls, why the hell can't a community be a community? Someone always has to say something that sets eveyone else off.
TiredSikTwisted, I am sorry that you haven't been around the forums long enough to tell, but did you know that I am the OFFICIAL forum douche bag? If ANYONE has a problem with ANYONE else, they talk to me and I post it to prevent them from loosing friends.

This topic is nothing personal to you, I made it because I got complaints. Understand?

Anyway, did we say you had 1 day to make a site? We said one day before we de-admin you if you do not post or give us a reason not to. Can I de-admin? NO. It was just a suggestion, with a pull.

Anyway, as the topic progressed, I began to believe you should be de-admined more and more. You MIGHT do something for the site, and probably will, but you HAVEN'T. You EARN powers, not get them as a token to what can or could happen. What if we cannot get a new host? Then you will be utterly USELESS. Then what? We keep you as an admin just because you have leet web skills but cannot use them? Sorry, but I just don't see how that can work...

BUT, with that post, I believe that you should keep your admin powers for now. It appears that you do have reason reasons for not being able to do much. I seriously don't mean to be a bitch to you, and, as you said, you are working for Gyrovorbis. And, as you said, you never post. How was I supposed to know about all these technical problems? I'm not a web developer for crying out loud! I leave the hard part for people like you.

Oh, and BTW, nice job on that site, OMG it looks nice.

Yes, I am a he. Once again, you had just quoted me.
Fredibnah, you just emanate with stupidity and prove my point. I had just quoted you. You are a large moron to believe I was talking to you after the quote, because I said “him” rather than “you”. What, do you think I quote you, then talk to you in the third person and say “him”? Is so, then you truly are a dumbass.

Fredibnah, not another word. This Discussion is OVER. If you continue to bring it back up, I will request this topic to be locked. If it’s denied, I’ll delete the whole thing.

Chow. :spin:

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:58 pm
by Guest
All in favor of keeping him as an admin, post now, or forever hold your peace.

I'm in favor.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 5:04 pm
by Falco Girgis
Funny, you spelled every other word wrong and you don't have the power to delete here. Douche bag.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:09 pm
by JS Lemming
Do not lock topics due to an argument between 2 people not concerning the actuall topic. Deleting it is definately not an option, even if you had the power.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:14 pm
by Guest
You're right, I don't have the power to delete this topic. If I did, I would have done so a LONG time ago. Just shows how sad the Moderators of general off topic are. :D

Show me ONE misspelled word. Somehow, I don't see any. Maybe you just cannot read?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 9:26 pm
by Falco Girgis
He mispelled mispelled!


Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 9:41 pm
by Guest
OMFG! You just PWNT yourself! Learn how to read and write before you try to say I can't. I don't have ONE misspelled word in either of my two posts. Yes, it's misspelled. Don't believe me, go look it up.

OMG, you just PWNT yourself!!


Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:29 pm
by Falco Girgis
I, not being a douche bag, admit defeat.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 6:39 am
by FredDibnah
Anyway, him coming into topics and starting crap has been going on for a while. But you wouldn't know that now would you, considering you hardly ever post?

And you said he was acting like a child? Can't you handle one argument without screaming at someone?

Somehow, I believe I have a right to get pissed when some douche bag comes in EVERY topic I make and insults me. I'm getting pissed, and I am dead serious, if it doesn't stop actions will be taken.
Notice that the "him" that you keep referring to is BEFORE the quote. Good job genius, you can't even remember your own words.
You are a large moron
Clever insult. As opposed to a small moron, I suppose?
Fredibnah, not another word. This Discussion is OVER. If you continue to bring it back up, I will request this topic to be locked. If it’s denied, I’ll delete the whole thing.
Shutup. I'll stop arguing when you admit that your post could have been interpreted differently. Seriously, it's not that big of a deal. However, I don't appreciate it when someone calls me stupid, and until this post, I haven't insulted your intelligence at all.


After thinking about it for awhile, I'm willing to make a truce, as long as you admit the interpretation thing. If so, I'll admit that I shouldn't have come in here and started a fight or whatever you wanted me to admit (not necessarily in that order. If you agree I'll admit it). I'm not doing this to get out of anything, I'm doing it because this has gone on for so darm long, and I'm getting sick of it. If you refuse, then I don't mind taking this to PMs.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 7:30 am
by JS Lemming
A PM war! Quick, Arce, give me your password so I can see the action. :mrgreen:

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 7:38 am
by Dark Crusader
:machinegun: < I is not a bad sperlinger! :rocketwhore: < Yea you is!
:kickurass: <<<These are multiple reinacments of Fred and ARCE's epic battle of intelectual supremacy!!!
:cheers: Cant we all just get allong? Your hate is tearing us appart!!
Everyone! Monkey Balls! Why cant you remember monkey balls? They solve every thing!!!
In the epic words of Gir: Cumon piggy lets go to my room!

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 1:10 pm
by spideyspiderman2000
Somehow, Dark Crusader's demented, weird, and seemingly fucked up post makes sense (I can't believe I just said that).

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:34 pm
by Wutai
Arce wrote: loosing
There you go, Arce!