Hi Folks,
I have been following the AIGD videos on youtube for about a year now, and it's amazing experience.
I work with programming (developing comercial software), but I always thinks about make my own games. And after saw all AIGD videos, I create a group with 7 members (1 - Roteirist, 1 - Designer, 1 - Script, 3 - Artists and 1 - Programmer ( me, of couse)).
So, It's more one indie game group like yours.
I'm develop around 70% of the our map editor, and around 5% of the engine. The engine is so slow because we looking for a best platform to concentrate on it. (Maybe only PC, or PC and PSP or PC and Mobile phones).
And finally, I'm from Brazil. (So, if I wrote or write anything wrong, I'm sorry, because my native language is Portuguese ).
Well that's it!
Congratulation's to elysian shadows team.