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Re: Post every time you beat a game.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:28 pm
by Sanshin77
Bioshock earlier today

Re: Post every time you beat a game.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:58 pm
by eatcomics
Was it awesome? I only played the demo, and I loved it... It was too short, I want more.... :lol:

Re: Post every time you beat a game.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:29 pm
by Bludklok
Kcirtap1990 wrote:
Bludklok wrote:Just beat Diablo 1 for the Playstation.
Wow, I didn't even know Diablo came out for the PSX. Is it a good port of the PC version or kinda meh? (Admittedly I have never been a big Diablo fan, but it's hard to deny it's roll in video game history).
The PSX version came out like a year or two after the PC version which was like back in the 90's... Anyhow Its almost exactly the same except the PC versions graphics are noticeably better the the PSX's and there's no game speed options on the PC. In the PSX version theres an option for faster game speed which is helpful. ;)

Overall its (for me) a better way to play Diablo. Controller in hand slashing my way through the dungeons. :mrgreen:

Re: Post every time you beat a game.

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:42 pm
by Sanshin77
eatcomics wrote:Was it awesome? I only played the demo, and I loved it... It was too short, I want more.... :lol:
It was a really good game yes... Someone say it's "THE BEST GAME EVAH", I don't completely agree, but it's definitely one of the best shooters Ive seen(lately). Im more of a RPG gamer than fps, so I really prefer both fallout and bioshock over some other good fps's. Pretty much everyone liked it and the critiques were amazing so it's probably a safe buy :) My only minor problem with it is that I don't like how the story is presented, It's kinda hard to pay attention to what their saying on the radio thingy when your throwing fireballs/spraying with the machine gun while hearing 1-3 other voices at the same time, It's not often like this but I find it kinda hard to discover and enjoy all the details in the storyline when it's presented like this.

That said, Y E S it was awesome.

Edit: Typo and bad grammar

Re: Post every time you beat a game.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 12:26 am
by MarauderIIC
Sanshin77 wrote: fireballs/spraying with the machine gun while hearing 1-3 other voices at the same time,
Subtitles, on!

Re: Post every time you beat a game.

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:46 pm
by eatcomics
I would just borrow it from a friend, but none of them have decided to get it yet! Every other game I don't wanna play I can borrow, but when I'm waiting for one, they just don't seem to come across them :P... oh well, sounds like a great game though... I think I'll go daydream about playing it for a while...

Re: Post every time you beat a game.

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 3:53 pm
by Sanshin77
Gears of war(Story on Co-op)

My favorite shooter by far. The reason I just bought XBox Live Gold.

Edit: I meant to say Gears of War 2

Re: Post every time you beat a game.

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:09 pm
by AerisAndMe
Dragon Quest VIII, finally! It took me all summer, but I finally beat Rhapthorne just recently. Also, I defeated the King of Dragonians in the first three Dragovian trails, and intend on eventually having all of my party members lv 99 (they're about 65 right now), hopefully maxing out their skill points, and finishing off the rest of the trials. But, at least for now, I've beaten the game :D

Also I watched my little brother ALMOST beat Phalanx (legitly, might I add) last night. He made it to the final boss with like 9 credits, but after losing the first time, decided the level was too long to bother again. I can make it to level 3 if I try really, really hard, haha. Apparently there's all sorts of cheats though, that allow you to have 99 lives, powerups++, etc.

Re: Post every time you beat a game.

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:46 pm
by hurstshifter
AerisAndMe wrote:Dragon Quest VIII, finally! It took me all summer, but I finally beat Rhapthorne just recently. Also, I defeated the King of Dragonians in the first three Dragovian trails, and intend on eventually having all of my party members lv 99 (they're about 65 right now), hopefully maxing out their skill points, and finishing off the rest of the trials. But, at least for now, I've beaten the game :D

Also I watched my little brother ALMOST beat Phalanx (legitly, might I add) last night. He made it to the final boss with like 9 credits, but after losing the first time, decided the level was too long to bother again. I can make it to level 3 if I try really, really hard, haha. Apparently there's all sorts of cheats though, that allow you to have 99 lives, powerups++, etc.
Such a great game, probably the only Square-Enix PS2 title I actually enjoyed.

Re: Post every time you beat a game.

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:58 pm
by Bakkon
Buy the hell out of Shadow Complex if you have an Xbox 360. Easily the best XBLA title right now. I felt like I was in elementary school going through Super Metroid the first time all over again. I've beaten the final boss, but I'm still spending a ton of time going around finding all of the collectibles.

Re: Post every time you beat a game.

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:58 am
by Bludklok
Just got a Nintendo 64 emulator and downloaded a TON of roms.

Games beaten so far...

Star Fox
Super Mario 64
Mortal Kombat 4
1080 Snowboarding
Super Smash Bros.
Mario Kart 64

Next up...

Starcraft 64
Zelda (Both games)
And a lot of others...

Re: Post every time you beat a game.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:00 am
by Pickzell
Pokemon Red
Pokemon Crystal
Pokemon Ruby/Emerald.
Pokemon Stadium Pokemon is FTW
Halo 2
Megaman 1
Megaman 2
Final Fantasy 3(6)
Super Mario Bros.
Final Fantasy 9
Battle Arena Toshinden
Megaman Zero 4
Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury
Rayman 2 (N64)
Rayman 2 (GBC)
Rayman 1
Rayman 3 (GBA)
Rayman Arena
Sonic Heroes
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (GBC)
Legend of Zelda
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Hobbit
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the rings
Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Noitu Love
Noitu Love 2
Legend of Princess
Ivory Springs
Boxman and Boxbro 1-6

That's all I can think of.

Re: Post every time you beat a game.

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:37 pm
by Sanshin77
Pickzell wrote:Pokemon Red
Pokemon Crystal
Boxman and Boxbro 1-6

That's all I can think of.
This thread is called post every time you beat a game. Posts like that probably belong here: ... 9&start=60

Re: Post every time you beat a game.

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:39 am
by ChrissyJ91
Timesplitters future perfect single player - an awesome game that has literally hundreds of hours of gameplay in it.
I recommend that anyone who hasn't played it get it and play through it, easily one of the best fps games of last generation and multiformat too!
I still have two difficulties to go, co-op on all three difficulties, arcade mode and challenge mode to go and the mapmaker. I've also been spending quite a bit of time playing the game like a sandbox game seeing what happens when you do various things and seeing if you can do new things you didn't realise you could do or see things you didn't notice before. 9.2% complete so far!! (40 something percent on the xbox version which I can't play anymore due to bc).

Re: Post every time you beat a game.

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:27 pm
by Big Grizzle
Just blasted through Super Aleste on a one credit clear! Woohoo!

That one ship clear still eludes me even after 15 years.