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Re: Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:28 pm
by eatcomics
I have reliable sources saying sometime in the next couple weeks?

can this be confirmed?

Re: Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:19 pm
by Trask
eatcomics wrote:I have reliable sources saying sometime in the next couple weeks?

can this be confirmed?
I heard that as well from Gyro in the Gyrovorbis Revisited thread
GyroVorbis wrote:Let this video be a warm-up for Elysian Shadows Revolution 2, which we are hoping to launch in the next two weeks.

Re: Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:24 pm
by eatcomics
well that's no fun... I thought I heard it on Facebook or something lol

Re: Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:13 pm
by OmegaGDS
GyroVorbis wrote:Oooooh, you children and your gossip.

ESRev2 is going to rock your worlds.

</end video promotion>
1) I feel that the word gossip takes away from my man points

Re: Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:17 pm
by MrDeathNote
5 days until ES Rev 2!!!!!!!! :bow: Can't wait :mrgreen:

Re: Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:00 am
by OmegaGDS
4 Days :shock2:

Re: Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:49 pm
by LeonBlade
3 DAYS!! wait... no... well... if you don't count today... lol :P

Re: Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:47 pm
by eatcomics
Yep, can't wait! Gonna get me some beverages, and stay up on IRC and work on OpenGL... and you know... chill, after I watch the new episode, probably watch some Time and Eric awesome show... A good night in my book :D

Re: Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:04 am
by programmerinprogress
I'm actually going to a headphone party tonight, so I'll likely come in about 2am UK time, so if I'm still awake by then I could probably join any convos and heck I might even stay up and watch ESR 2 when it goes live. just out of curiosity, what is the UK equivalent of 12am in the ES teams timezone?

Re: Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:37 pm
by OmegaGDS
programmerinprogress wrote:I'm actually going to a headphone party tonight, so I'll likely come in about 2am UK time, so if I'm still awake by then I could probably join any convos and heck I might even stay up and watch ESR 2 when it goes live. just out of curiosity, what is the UK equivalent of 12am in the ES teams timezone?
That question kind of got me interested so I looked up the times... Where I'm at right now (Kentucky), in the central time zone (which is the one I think vorbis is in), the time right now is 4:36 p.m. and in UK it is currently... 9:36 pm. So thats a difference of five hours. Seeing that ES Rev 2 will be put on YouTube at 12:00 midnight (here in the US), it should be around 5:00 am in the UK. I think I did that correctly :]

Re: Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 11:39 pm
by spirit bomb!
Has any of the elysian shadows storyline been released to the public? i would love to hear a spoiler-free synopsis.

Re: Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 1:17 pm
by Falco Girgis
spirit bomb! wrote:Has any of the elysian shadows storyline been released to the public? i would love to hear a spoiler-free synopsis.
Nah, not yet. I would love to somehow introduce the storyline to our audience, but I'm DEFINITELY not anywhere near ready to do that until we have first presented playable levels and a battle system... a little farther along the development cycle.


Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:45 pm
by Esler
I saw in your code the void(*func){Asset::DGB_TYPE.....}

What it is for?
Do you pass a function reference?, i never saw it on c++.. i know..i'm lazzy.

One more question what are the advantages of using static functions/methods/class?

Thanks.. :bow:

Re: Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:56 pm
by Esler
One more question.. XD
How do i print in the console if the aplication run in window mode, if i just give a printf or a cout it opens a console...?


Re: Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 1:06 pm
by dandymcgee
Esler wrote:I saw in your code the void(*func){Asset::DGB_TYPE.....}

What it is for?
Do you pass a function reference?, i never saw it on c++.. i know..i'm lazzy.

One more question what are the advantages of using static functions/methods/class?

Thanks.. :bow:
Yeah, that's the function pointer in the Asset debug framework that he was arguing with Marcel over. Marcel wanted to implement a fully virtual abstract base class.

The static keyword allows a function or variable to be accessible independent of an instantiated object of the class. It can be used for all kinds of things, the simplest of which is probably a counter.

For Example:

Code: Select all

class Item {
		static int count;
		static int Count(){ return count; }
		Item(){ ++count; }
		~Item(){ --count; }
		void Equip();
		void Draw();

//In Item.cpp
int Item::count = 0;
The count variable isn't associated with any one Item, but rather the item class as a whole. The Count() function can be called without creating an item ( Item::Count() ) and will return the current number of objects of the Item class in existence.
See here for more info:
Esler wrote:One more question.. XD
How do i print in the console if the aplication run in window mode, if i just give a printf or a cout it opens a console...?

Depends what you use for the window. SDL makes it slightly more difficult at it redirects standard output (which is where cout << sends to) to the file stdout.txt.

P.S. I'm obviously not Falco, but I figured I'd answer your question as Falco's a busy man. ;)