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Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:34 am
by spideyspiderman2000
Marx Chaotix wrote:Well I admit Sonic Hereos wasn't that great. Also Sega isn't working for all of the other companies what about sony they make some games for Lamecube and Nintendo is making games for playstation 2 and all the other systems. I don't know what is giving you the idea of Sega working for the other video game companies Spideyspiderman2000. Btw Sega works for Sammy the slot machine company. Get it through your head!!!!!So now time to bow down to your new master Sonic!
:worship: :worship: :sonic:
WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I GIVE A CRAP ABOUT SEGA WORKING FOR A SLOT MACHINE COMPANY?!?!?! Stop straying off topic!!! And did you even read my post?

I don't hate Sonic. I'm just saying that it makes me sick that Sonic is becoming popular through Nintendo and Sony rather than Sega.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:37 am
by JS Lemming
My 2 billion cents.

> 90% of PSP games are just eye candy with really crappy game play.
> 90% of DS games are just Puzzle/Mini games trying to utilize the touch screen.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:06 am
by DJ Yoshi
Have you even played more than one of said system's titles?

Coded Arms is great, though generic, same with Untold Legends. Just sexy in every way imaginable. Wipeout Pure is a great racing game, perfection on its predecessors. THUG is great for it, as is Twisted Metal, and Ridge Racer is just something to tide you over until GT4 (albeit a very NICE something).

DS-wise, Mario 64 DS is a great game,'s still for the most part just a port. And it's just not the same without an analog stick. Meteos is supposedly amazing (heard it blows Lumines out of the water), Wario Ware is great, Advanced Wars DS...well that's just another Advanced Wars title. Greatness as always.

This doesn't even TOUCH on the homebrew scene--the fact that the PSP has a working, speedy emulator for the SNES, the Genesis, NES, Gameboy, GBA, NeoGeo Pocket, and even some PC titles. Quake, Doom, Doom 2, etc have all been ported to the PSP and there's many homebrew softwares and freewares being made for it by MIPS4000 coders. You underestimate the homebrew, my son.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:54 am
by Falco Girgis
JS Lemming wrote:No, it's not surprising.

When you have fans with the intellect of Gyrovorbis, how could you not loose money? Let me guess Gyro, you thought Sonic Heroes was good too? Pathetic. It takes a real fanboy to brag about a game even he knows sucks big time.
Are you retarded? You want to talk about intellect? This is like the fifth time you've proven you can't spell lose. 'tard. You think I'm going to bother going through the work of finding valid sources to prove to people who can't spell that I'm saying the truth?

This is a flame war bitches. SEGA!!~!~!~1``111

ds <<<<< PSP <<<Dreamcast

SEGA r teh R0X!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:17 pm
by JS Lemming
GyroVorbis wrote:You think I'm going to bother going through the work of finding valid sources to prove to people who can't spell that I'm saying the truth!
Uhh.. Last time I checked bias isn't considered a valid source. You actually believe that Nintendo is loosing money? You poor Playstation sheltered fool. Go play your favorite game. You know, the hit: Sonic Heroes.

DJ Yoshi wrote:You underestimate the homebrew, my son.
Daddy? Is it really you? All these years..... When I posted that I wasn't talking about homebrew, ‘twas referring to commercially sold games. (Yes, I frequent the PSPemulation site just to see what's going on, so I know its homebrew is doing great.)

Now I still stand by what I said about those hand helds, but I might have just slightly exaggerated those percentages. Just a wee bit. Other than that, I say Ridge Racer blew corn... how could you possibly say that game was decent? Generictize me captain.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:46 pm
by DJ Yoshi
JS Lemming wrote:crap
Ridge Racer was great, if you like racing games. Wipeout was great even if you DIDN'T like racing games. And there's still a few titles on the horizon: Burnout Legends, GT4, GTA:LCS. The immediate future holds a better lineup for the DS though, and emulators are coming out like mad for it as well.

Also, Nintendo IS losing money. It's just not showing yet. Their profits are slowly sinking because they don't have anything new that they're throwing out there. And the revolution is going to die from lack of ports. I'm sorry, but not matter how strong your old library and everything is, if you can't be a decent enough system to port to you're always going to be the one that was bought second. And not too many people have more than one current-gen console until a few years after they all come out.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:56 pm
by Xylene
The touchscreen is RE-TARD-ED.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:22 pm
by Marx Chaotix
I know when I first heard of it I thought. OMG touch screen!! Now Nintendo is starting to make gay little games with touch screens and little mini games for it that only intertain you for like 20 minutes then you never want to play the game again the only games I saw that I that was awsome for DS is Mario DS and Kirby something I forgot what it was called but, besides that DS sucks.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:13 pm
by DJ Yoshi
Xylene wrote:The touchscreen is RE-TARD-ED.
Lovely to see such an intelligent and obviously educated statement on here.

Pwning everyone and no one at the same time! Oh noes!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:45 pm
by Yikarso
Well I agree with everyone in some way I suppose. DS==PSP==Dreamcast==GCN==Xbox(only because of Conker though...considering almost all Xbox games are ported to pc at some point)==All those other game systems that I don't feel like mentioning;

I've owned or at least borrowed every major game system since the NES, and I play games way too much, so I do know what I'm talking about. The thing is, every system has at least one great game that makes it a worthy system of purchasing.

On the topic of psp and ds sucking. Well first of all, anyone who says that ==wrong; The psp is not just eye candy, it's a small computer with just a huge amount of capabilities. The games are fast paced and the psp's good layout makes them easy to handle. The ds is highly innovative. I mean, for starters there's the obvious reason, a touch screen. No other consoles or handhelds have had one, and Nintendo does a great job of implementing it. There are also a good many new games coming out soon that look like they will be great. Need another reason why the ds is good? Meteos and Nintendogs.

Also, there's a difference between really liking what a certain company creates and being a fanboy. I really like salmon, but I don't wear shirts that say "Thank the rivers I done gots me some salmon! -Earth's Rivers Inc."

I realize Earth's Rivers Inc. doesn't exsist, so don't go and loose your head over it. :wink:

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 7:39 am
by JS Lemming
DJ Yoshi wrote:Also, Nintendo IS losing money. It's just not showing yet.
I didn't know you worked for Nintendo. Show me some sources or quit saying that fool!

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I hate the hand helds (I personally have a DS) but I've just seen a great deal of both their games so far that are just.. boring and clunky.

Then again.... it's like that on every console. Don't mind me I'm just rambling about some of the games these days. They disgust me.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 9:58 am
by DJ Yoshi
Then shut up about it?

And there's been news about nintendo losing revenue everywhere but in their GBA market so far, and that's just because the GBA is so widespread.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:23 am
by Falco Girgis
Hey man. Die. Neo Geo Pocket Color pwnz you all.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 11:22 am
by DJ Yoshi
Truth. And the PSP has an emulator for it. ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 3:15 pm
by JS Lemming
DJ Yoshi wrote:Then shut up about it?
Sure I'll shut up about it.... because you can't provide a source? Get real.