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Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:31 pm
by DJ Yoshi
God Arce is an idiot. Christianity is all about faith--if you don't have it, it's pointless to post any arguments against. Because only people who don't truly believe God is there will listen to you. Any logic is automatically cancelled by faith, which I know sounds stupid and petty, but you'd be surprised how intelligent most of the people who I know have faith that there is a Christian God compared to those who don't (compare JP to Arce...yeah...)

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:51 pm
by Falco Girgis

Yeah... I guess so. I don't know. I just don't have that "faith," and I'm not going to rip myself up for it. If there is a god, he wouldn't be low enough to get pissed at people for not having that faith. He's bestowed upon the earth a single book, if that (which often contradicts itself). With those resources, it really does take pure faith to be a Christian. I grew up calling myself a "Christian" because my whole family did. When I got older, I realized that no matter how hard I tried, how much I prayed, what I did, there was no faith that I could gain. I don't really want to call myself an atheist, because I just don't know if there is or isn't a god. I don't.

I can't say that I care too much either. If there is a god, and he is low enough to get pissed over people not 100% believing in him with the resources we have, he's no god I'd worship.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:05 pm
by Xylene
GyroVorbis wrote::guffaw:

Yeah... I guess so. I don't know. I just don't have that "faith," and I'm not going to rip myself up for it. If there is a god, he wouldn't be low enough to get pissed at people for not having that faith. He's bestowed upon the earth a single book, if that (which often contradicts itself). With those resources, it really does take pure faith to be a Christian. I grew up calling myself a "Christian" because my whole family did. When I got older, I realized that no matter how hard I tried, how much I prayed, what I did, there was no faith that I could gain. I don't really want to call myself an atheist, because I just don't know if there is or isn't a god. I don't.

I can't say that I care too much either. If there is a god, and he is low enough to get pissed over people not 100% believing in him with the resources we have, he's no god I'd worship.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:13 pm
by mofo joe
Hm.. These are all very interesting thoughts and all, and i will tell you ahead of time that I am Christian, but an open one that might not see eye-to-eye with other Christians. I don't think fortune telling or watching a rated-R movie is bad. I do believe in a superior power beyond me. I do believe someone is droping us hints in life and making some bread crumb trails to help us on our life journey. (No let's make it a gummy worm trail- Now im more tempted :wink: ) I just think if you're a good person, with your heart in the right place everything will turn out fine. At the end of life, I think God will hand me a big book of knowledge off his shelves and, every mystery will be solved or wave his hands over some clouds and they will part and revel all truths to me... like whatever happen to that lost homework from 6th grade.
God's got me covered. It's not really my job to judge other people much less thier fate anyways.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:59 pm
by Wutai
Where did you come from?

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 2:15 am
by Falco Girgis
I posted that like a year ago.

I'm a full-blown atheist, borderline satanist. I find lots of Christianity to be not only bullshit, but downright appalling. A god that floods the earth to kill everybody for their sins? A god that asks Abraham for a human sacrifice? A god that turns a chick into salt as punishment? A god who slaughters innocent first-borns for the sins of their parents? So women are nothing but the rib of man? (get back in the kitchen then, because you aren't worth half as much as I am.) God forgets to create dinosaurs, makes the earth the center of the universe, condones beastiality, incest, and other distasteful activities, and also believes that living things cannot change over time?

Fuck that. I don't think there's any sort of "divine" being. If there is, he certainly doesn't sound "divine" to me. Not the kind of guy I'm willing to worship.

I'm not saying that I hate Christians or anything, 90% of the people that I know, and my entire family are Christian. I'm just saying that I have some serious issues with Christian doctrine, and when something conflicts with science or proven fact, it's always wrong in my book.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 10:41 am
by Arce
I could care less if your beliefs are different than mine, so long as you don't try to cramb them down my throat and convert me. I don't mind hearing what you believe and say, so long as you don't immidiately dismiss my beliefs.

To begin, Gyro, you're a moron. Not being Christian is absolutely fine, and not having faith is okay--Somtimes it might be hard to in this world. But the reasons that you gave for not having faith are complete BS. If you said "I don't like Christianity simply because I don't believe in it," then okay, kewl, go about your day. But the reasons you gave, the 'issues with the christian doctorine,' exist simply because:

1) you haven't got sufficient knowledge over the bible to make the assumptions you did
2) You pulled shit out of context
3) you're too stupid to realize the difference between parables and life
4) You can't seem to understand that the bible was written by man, not god, and thus contains human error
5) the bible has existed for hundreds of years, and through translations and other shit, contradictions were formed. You can't dismiss a whole book because some lame-ass publishing company underpaid their Latin translators
6) you're too close minded to look at the millions of different intrepretations of bible stories; instead you take it to mean one thing, then bash on it simply because your own intrepretation is ass. If you intrepret the bible as depicting god as a killer, then that's your fault, not Christianty's. There's a fucking millions denomintations, you can't judge them all without being exposed to various ones--The way you intreprit the Bible isn't the way most Christians do, so don't act like it is
7) Your biased against many Christians who are willing to talk about religion simply because the majority of them you are exposed to are the douche bags who try to convert you and cramb their lame ass excuses of an intrepretation down your ass. Not all are like that, don't act like they are.

Now, to my beliefs: ((note: my beliefs are subject to change, and are likely contradictory, seing as I am human))
Note how he hasn't reined fire on us in a while? When was the last time you saw salt pillars walking around? I haven't heard of new oceans recently...Yet look at the people in this world. In the olden days, men were 'wicked,' but are they not today? How come the Nazis didn't errupt in flames for being corrupt, or drown in a large ocean? People today are capable of being far more wicked than in the olden days--Back then they didn't have atomic bombs or gas chambers, so I doubt any one man was capable of the death and destruction that Musolini, Hitler, Suddam, and other present day men have caused...

So, if the world is filled with wicked men, and we're not all being incinerated like in the Old Testament, then WTF? Why would a god kill millions when surely there are people present day more deserving of death?

Simply put: Gyro's a moron. God didn't kill those men because they were wicked. He merely asked for repentance from them of their sins. They didn't comply. God wasn't 'sick' in killing a civilization and starting a new; he gave them all a chance, and they had far more than a book to prove his existance. Essentially, god sent signs and messengers to prove to man his will, and after they were shown proof of his existance and still denied him, only then were they purged of the world. The men were sick, not god. He gave them life, he presented himself to them, they refused him. He simply told them to repent, they refused. He gave every last human a chance, and performed mericles that gave them undeniable proof of his existance, and they turned their backs on him. Look at Saudoman Galore--God told them to leave the city that was being destroyed. They had a chance. They only lost their chance when they directly disobeyed god and turned back.

The differnece between the sinners in the old testament and the ones today are quite simple. They knew, we don't. God essentially showed man he existed. Today, god has chosen not to do so. God is a loving and fair one--He is not going to cause Hitler to errupt into flames yet--He didn't decend from heaven, go up to Hitler and say, "Dude, repent or I kill you," like he did in the olden days to all the men he destroyed. At this point in time, men are allowed to do as they please, and disobey god without punishment, simply because at this time he hasn't revealed himself.

This is not to say, however, that you can do whatever you want. There still exists a right a wrong, and though in this life he isn't going to punish you (yet) with flames, there are still sins that are listed in the bible. One day, god will again reveal himself to the world (revelations) and there will be a judgement day. This day will not be a day where he decides if you've lived your life how he asked and punish those who didn't, no. This will be a day similar to that in the Old Testament. The moon will turn blood red. The plagues of egypt will decend on the world, and Jesus will return. There will be death and destruction everywhere. It will rain fire, and many, many people will perish.

However, just like the olden days, each man will be given a chance. On judgement day, you will judge yourself against god, you will confront him and decided if you want to accept or deny him. Those who wish to be saved will be. There will be undeniable proof of his existance...

Fuck, I'm at school..I'll finsih this post later. I gotta run!!

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:05 pm
by Falco Girgis
I respect everybody's Christian views except for yours, Arce.

Go back a few posts and look how blatantly atheist you were. You only changed to please your emo girlfriend. You don't actually believe any of that shit. Tool.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:28 pm
by Falco Girgis
1) you haven't got sufficient knowledge over the bible to make the assumptions you did
What kind of knowledge do I need? Do you need to know Santa Clause's fucking chemical composition and the molecular structure of his asshole to say that he isn't real? Try coming up with something better.
2) You pulled -blam!- out of context
Hey! You really are a Christian! Because that's the same shit every single one of them will give you when you find one of the thousands of quotes that make them look bad (aka the entire bible). Don't give me that shit, and go work on a better excuse.
3) you're too stupid to realize the difference between parables and life
And you are too stupid to realize the difference between life and a 2000 year old book full of bullshit.
4) You can't seem to understand that the bible was written by man, not god, and thus contains human error
I hope this was a joke. Trust me, I of all people realize that the Bible is the work of man and not god. Why? Because I don't fucking believe in god, moron. Human error is the least of its inaccuracies. Human bullshit is more like it.
5) the bible has existed for hundreds of years, and through translations and other -blam!-, contradictions were formed. You can't dismiss a whole book because some lame-ass publishing company underpaid their Latin translators
But you can dismiss a whole book, because it is supposedly the word of some imaginary fellow that created the universe and everything in it, and this particular book contradicts every shred of scientific knowledge known to man. Oh, and this god is a major douche.
6) you're too close minded to look at the millions of different intrepretations of bible stories; instead you take it to mean one thing, then bash on it simply because your own intrepretation is ass. If you intrepret the bible as depicting god as a killer, then that's your fault, not Christianty's. There's a -KAZAAM!-ing millions denomintations, you can't judge them all without being exposed to various ones--The way you intreprit the Bible isn't the way most Christians do, so don't act like it is
You think I'm actually going to take the time to look at different interpretations? How about if I were to tell you that there's a thousand different interpretations of Santa Clause. Then when you refused to look at them and call Santa fake, I call you a closed-minded prick. Quit being a hypocrite and a dick, dick.
7) Your biased against many Christians who are willing to talk about religion simply because the majority of them you are exposed to are the douche bags who try to convert you and cramb their lame ass excuses of an intrepretation down your ass. Not all are like that, don't act like they are.
Hrrrrm, lemme think for a minute... yes. Is there anything wrong with that? I'm also biased against Christianity for a few other reasons... like... it's bullshit?
Note how he hasn't reined fire on us in a while? When was the last time you saw salt pillars walking around? I haven't heard of new oceans recently...
Really? Not only that, but I haven't seen any shred of proof that a god exists like... ever? Quit proving my point correct and yours wrong. This is supposed to be a flame war, at least make me earn my verbal rape.
How come the Nazis didn't errupt in flames for being corrupt, or drown in a large ocean? People today are capable of being far more wicked than in the olden days--Back then they didn't have atomic bombs or gas chambers
Yeah... lemme think on that one for a minute. OH! OH! I got it! BECAUSE THERE IS NO GOD.
o, if the world is filled with wicked men, and we're not all being incinerated like in the Old Testament, then WTF? Why would a god kill millions when surely there are people present day more deserving of death?

Simply put: Gyro's a moron. God didn't kill those men because they were wicked.
You know what? You're right. God didn't kill those men. Why? BECAUSE HE DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST. I mean seriously, in my sarcasm, did you interpret that I actually think god did kill them all? My point was that god hasn't, won't, and never will do shit, because he doesn't exist.
God wasn't 'sick' in killing a civilization and starting a new; he gave them all a chance, and they had far more than a book to prove his existence.
So let me get this straight. Some fellow claiming to be my creator and god tells me to repent for my sins and worship him. I think that I'm going to be inclined to say no. So what does he do? He goes off and kills all of them. How does that not sound sick to you? That's petty murder. Your god is a petty fucking murderer, and you see nothing wrong with that. That's sick.
They knew, we don't. God essentially showed man he existed. Today, god has chosen not to do so.
I'm pretty sure that if I didn't exist, I would choose not to present myself to the world as well.
God is a loving and fair one--He is not going to cause Hitler to errupt into flames yet--He didn't decend from heaven, go up to Hitler and say, "Dude, repent or I kill you," like he did in the olden days to all the men he destroyed. At this point in time, men are allowed to do as they please, and disobey god without punishment, simply because at this time he hasn't revealed himself.
Did I miss something? I haven't seen him do anything loving or fair yet. You're right. He hasn't descended from heaven and done anything. So he's sitting on his lazy ass on a golden throne in the clouds watching the suffering of humanity and doing nothing? That in itself is sick.
The moon will turn blood red. The plagues of egypt will decend on the world, and Jesus will return. There will be death and destruction everywhere. It will rain fire, and many, many people will perish.
Wow, I didn't even think you were that low in your Christian beliefs. Now you're a literal interpreter. You interpret things literally and loosely, pretty hypocritical. That whole blood and plagues of Egypt thing sounds pretty tight. Sounds like the script to the Mummy 3. As long as they get Rachel Weisz back (oh my god, don't you just want to squeeze those titties?) count me in. I'll have a front row seat.
However, just like the olden days, each man will be given a chance. On judgement day, you will judge yourself against god, you will confront him and decided if you want to accept or deny him. Those who wish to be saved will be. There will be undeniable proof of his existance...
Uh, okay.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:21 pm
by JS Lemming
Back in the day I used to feel sick to my stomach when I saw someone who didn't believe in god... but ever since I became an atheist all I can do is look around at the billions of believers and think to myself that they're all fucking insane. It scares the crap out of me... It's like their human brains are diseased. And then I remember I used to be the same way. How was I cured? I don't remember.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:38 pm
by Falco Girgis
JS Lemming wrote:Back in the day I used to feel sick to my stomach when I saw someone who didn't believe in god... but ever since I became an atheist all I can do is look around at the billions of believers and think to myself that they're all -KAZAAM!-ing insane. It scares the crap out of me... It's like their human brains are diseased. And then I remember I used to be the same way. How was I cured? I don't remember.
By becoming independent minded and not believing what your parents think. I never thought you'd become an atheist, honestly. I always knew that you were smart enough to know the truth, but I know that you're under heavy religious influences. I'm proud of you, bro. I don't know if I would've snapped out if it if I were in your position.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 4:48 pm
by JS Lemming
Thanks man. Yeah, my whole family is hardcore catholic.... even got nuns in there. So I don't plan on telling any of them what I think because I know for a fact that they would waste their time praying for me. I don't want them to have that burden.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 5:45 pm
by mofo joe
Well I sure can raise hell...

Most of that is old test. stuff and the people that parrished didn't listen. Jesus's coming represents the new cov. I don't want to get into detail. Bits of the bible are just made up too..

And look dying is not a bad thing, it's apart of life.

Are atheist afraid of dying? Since you guys don't have a 'heaven' what do you think happens after you die? Like you just disapear forever or become a ghost and float around?


Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 5:54 pm
by JS Lemming
When you die, you die. That's it. Why fear it? Your brain won't still be functioning so it's not like you'll be thinking to yourself "Oh crap I'm dead!" after you kick the bucket.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 5:54 pm
by Falco Girgis
When I die, I'm going to rot in the ground 6 feet under like every other person who has ever and will ever die. Sure, I'm afraid of death. I love my life, I don't want to die. But it's just the way things are.