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Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 6:31 am
by MrDeathNote
eatcomics wrote:
ultimatedragoon69 wrote:About the video's, i will try and make another one. I feel as though i need to make more quality video's so it might take me awhile to get another video up.
Take your time, because an epic video makes you feel good, and motivates you like no other

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:50 am
by ultimatedragoon69
School has totally messed up my timetable for this game again.


Event system-

Added teleport functionality to my text files.



-> new UML
-- I am trying to rework the code so everything makes sense. This will take quite a bit of time because i plan to combine several of my source code files and rework others that need work. Doing this will get me to update all the code so i won't miss anything. Not only that but i don't want the spaghetti includes i had.

new/modified files

I'm starting from a fresh project and imbedding what i have, I will update periodically. This will do several things for me. First it will give me a structure to work with. Instead of just blind programming. Second my code will become neater and even more object oriented (which is what i'm aiming for). Third My code will be reworked so it is easier to use. Making new content easier and faster to program without having to look through a million files to find what i'm looking for. Last but not least, I have learned Alot since doing this project. I think it's about time to bring my project up to date with myself.


because i had no updates in awhile here's an old pic of my workspace

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 3:27 pm
by ultimatedragoon69
UPDATE 4/10/2010

I have begun rewriting my player object and handler.

-creating characters(can now create and store multiple characters)
-creating files for multiple characters // problem with making directories
-Setting characters attributes from files
-setting characters attributes from UI
-can now toss player object into battle system instead of calling spefic functions to get the information i can just load it locally and get the battle information inderectly from the player object reference.
-addCharacterExperience is now able to take experience add it to the player and alter the experience and check toNextLevel apropriatly and then call level up character if character has level, if character is multiple levels ahead it will take that into consideration.
-can now load characters directly from the playerName list (after checking the name on the name list to see if it exists it will go into the character folder and load the playerStats.txt file.
-+character attrib UI
--altered attributesCheckHighest from 370 lines of code to 4 lines of code (thx to ginto8 and MDK)
--altered attributesCheckLowest from 360 lines of code to 4 lines of code (thx to ginto8 and MDK's help)

-A generice player object with the ability to set and get the players attributes, and able to print the player information.

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:33 am
by pritam
Anything new on the game? Possibly a demo of some sort? :>

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:39 am
by ultimatedragoon69
Not as of yet, Once i'm done with a few things i will have an update for it though. That way at least everyone knows i havn't been doing nothing.

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 9:03 pm
by eatcomics
and you're not dead, we always like to know our fellow members are not dead :mrgreen: