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Re: Games you'd like to see remade (or demade?)

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:15 pm
by dandymcgee
LusikkaMage wrote: Sounds like the "Oh, you're a game programmer? Make a game like GTA but with fully customizable cars and the entire united states as the game world!" syndrome.
So that's what you've been so busy with lately. Can't Wait to see it!

Re: Games you'd like to see remade (or demade?)

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:31 am
by eatcomics
Moosader wrote:
thejahooli wrote:They should make a single game with all the pokemon games on it and that you could travel between the worlds with the same character
Sounds like the "Oh, you're a game programmer? Make a game like GTA but with fully customizable cars and the entire united states as the game world!" syndrome.

Though admittedly, more plausible. ;P
especially cause some of the games are based on the same place :lol:

Re: Games you'd like to see remade (or demade?)

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:00 pm
by Maevik
Moosader wrote:What games would you like to see remade or demade (aka remade for a console earlier than it was put out on)?
Rock N' Roll Racing! Mario Kart is fun, but it doesn't hold a candle to this title IMO. I heard ( about a year ago now I guess ) that Interplay was reviving some of their old titles like EWJ, MDK, and a baldur's gate thing. Sadly, Rock N' Roll Racing was not one of them QQ
Moosader wrote:I would really love to remake Cheetahmen, Shadowgate (or a similar 1st-person dungeon crawl), and I'm kinda working on ET.
Was Shadowgate the Sierra title? The one with the little inn where you could gamble by choosing a color on a spin-wheel? And a dungeon with virtually no way of mapping/navigtaing?
Moosader wrote:I'd love to see a Wii version of Pokemon Snap. Anyone? Or a console version of Pokemon, similar to the handheld games but with more depth.
You can get it for Virtual Console, although I dont think they adapted any of the controls :( Might be worth looking into though.
Moosader wrote:If someone competent were behind making a new Commander Keen, it'd rock.
They could do some really need stuff with this franchise on Wii. Add some new dynamics to the pogo stick maybe? Has a lot of potential methinks.

Re: Games you'd like to see remade (or demade?)

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:49 am
by Moosader
Maevik wrote:
Moosader wrote:I would really love to remake Cheetahmen, Shadowgate (or a similar 1st-person dungeon crawl), and I'm kinda working on ET.
Was Shadowgate the Sierra title? The one with the little inn where you could gamble by choosing a color on a spin-wheel? And a dungeon with virtually no way of mapping/navigtaing?
Nuhuh, it's a game by an unheard of company for the NES.

And yeah, I was hoping for Pokemon snap with Wiimote controls, not the same analog joystick thingy.

Re: Games you'd like to see remade (or demade?)

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:23 pm
by Maevik
ok, I wonder what the name of the game I'm thinking of is then... I poured countless hours into it one summer, cheating at gambling (only saving when I won) then completely failing to navigate the dungeon. Maybe it's better I don't know.

Have you tried Pokemon Ranch? I only know one person who bought it, and said it was a mistake ><.

Re: Games you'd like to see remade (or demade?)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:41 am
by fireVein
The game I would like to see re-done is Chrono Cross. It was an alright game, but I think it was a horrible sequel and did not follow the underlying mechanics of what made the original, Chrono Trigger, such a great game. As far as demade goes, I would say Runescape. Being one of the original 8 people to ever log into that game, I don't understand how it got so popular. I mean, don't get me wrong, an embeddable mmo in a browser with very little downloading is a great thing, especially when marketing a game... but seriously.
Rock N' Roll Racing! Mario Kart is fun, but it doesn't hold a candle to this title IMO.
I agree, Rock N' Roll Racing was awesome, I had a lot of fun with that one when I was younger. The reason why Interplay won't(can't) make a remake is because it is actually owned and was developed by Blizzard(back when they where Silicon & Synapse). The Lost Vikings, and Blackthorne are also Blizzard games that were published or owned by Interplay at one time.

Hmm... Shadowgate... NES game.. little known company. Cool, I think I will try to get away with embedding it on my site! (done!)

Re: Games you'd like to see remade (or demade?)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:40 pm
by Maevik
fireVein wrote:
Rock N' Roll Racing! Mario Kart is fun, but it doesn't hold a candle to this title IMO.
I agree, Rock N' Roll Racing was awesome, I had a lot of fun with that one when I was younger. The reason why Interplay won't(can't) make a remake is because it is actually owned and was developed by Blizzard(back when they where Silicon & Synapse). The Lost Vikings, and Blackthorne are also Blizzard games that were published or owned by Interplay at one time.
Right, i was under the impression, though, that Interplay had the rights.

I've often wondered why Blizzard, with all their homage paying, never referenced R&RR in one. At least I never found one. Maybe SC2 will have a protoss named Tarquin or something ::shrug::

Re: Games you'd like to see remade (or demade?)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:21 pm
by trufun202
Maevik wrote:
fireVein wrote:
Rock N' Roll Racing! Mario Kart is fun, but it doesn't hold a candle to this title IMO.
I agree, Rock N' Roll Racing was awesome, I had a lot of fun with that one when I was younger. The reason why Interplay won't(can't) make a remake is because it is actually owned and was developed by Blizzard(back when they where Silicon & Synapse). The Lost Vikings, and Blackthorne are also Blizzard games that were published or owned by Interplay at one time.
Right, i was under the impression, though, that Interplay had the rights.

I've often wondered why Blizzard, with all their homage paying, never referenced R&RR in one. At least I never found one. Maybe SC2 will have a protoss named Tarquin or something ::shrug::
Man...there was another isometric racing game on the SNES that came out before Rock N' Roll Racing, but for the life of me, I can't remember the name. I used to rent it all the time...and I actually liked it more than RN'R... DAMNIT Google, you have failed me.

Re: Games you'd like to see remade (or demade?)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 5:59 pm
by Moosader
trufun202 wrote:
Maevik wrote:
fireVein wrote:
Rock N' Roll Racing! Mario Kart is fun, but it doesn't hold a candle to this title IMO.
I agree, Rock N' Roll Racing was awesome, I had a lot of fun with that one when I was younger. The reason why Interplay won't(can't) make a remake is because it is actually owned and was developed by Blizzard(back when they where Silicon & Synapse). The Lost Vikings, and Blackthorne are also Blizzard games that were published or owned by Interplay at one time.
Right, i was under the impression, though, that Interplay had the rights.

I've often wondered why Blizzard, with all their homage paying, never referenced R&RR in one. At least I never found one. Maybe SC2 will have a protoss named Tarquin or something ::shrug::
Man...there was another isometric racing game on the SNES that came out before Rock N' Roll Racing, but for the life of me, I can't remember the name. I used to rent it all the time...and I actually liked it more than RN'R... DAMNIT Google, you have failed me.
Biker mice from mars? D:

Re: Games you'd like to see remade (or demade?)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:06 pm
by Maevik
trufun202 wrote:
...and I actually liked it more than RN'R...

j.k, I assume it's not F-Zero, so maybe:
Radical Psycho Machine Racing (also Interplay)
Road Riot
Super Off-Road
Street Racer

Re: Games you'd like to see remade (or demade?)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:14 pm
by trufun202
Maevik wrote:Radical Psycho Machine Racing (also Interplay)
YES!! Thank you, Maevik saves the day. I LOVED that game. It came out a year or two before RN'R if I remember correctly.

Re: Games you'd like to see remade (or demade?)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:22 pm
by fireVein
Blizzard has references in World of Warcraft for every game that they have created(and possibley worked on?). I can't find the url where I found this information, so don't hold me to it, but as far as I know the only reference to R&RR is a dwarf named Olaf somewhere around Uldaman(I think).

Oh, and I am eagerly awaiting StarCraft2. That game is gonna halt my dev to a dead stop.
Radical Psycho Machine Racing (also Interplay)
Sounds cool, looks like I found a new game to try out. *downloads now*

Re: Games you'd like to see remade (or demade?)

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:58 pm
by LeonBlade
I want to see Final Fantasy VII remade... hell, they've remade all the other ones so far!

Re: Games you'd like to see remade (or demade?)

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:29 pm
by OrinCreed
I'd like to see a few remade. For starters lets get some Rocket Knight Adventures in here. Also even though it's kind of shunned by Zelda fans I'd like a Zelda 2 remake. Another good one to remake would be Secret of Mana. I just feel like every Mana game after that fell very short of my expectations and I'd like to see the game with a fresh coat of paint. Super Metroid would be fun to polish too. Man I could go on forever.

Re: Games you'd like to see remade (or demade?)

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 9:55 pm
by Maevik
OrinCreed wrote:I'd like to see a few remade. For starters lets get some Rocket Knight Adventures in here. Also even though it's kind of shunned by Zelda fans I'd like a Zelda 2 remake. Another good one to remake would be Secret of Mana. I just feel like every Mana game after that fell very short of my expectations and I'd like to see the game with a fresh coat of paint. Super Metroid would be fun to polish too. Man I could go on forever.
I know some hardcore Zelda fans that absolutely love Zelda 2, so don't feel like you're alone in wanting to see it remade.

As for the Metroid remake, have you seen this: ... oid-sr388/