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Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:32 pm
by avansc
apple stock as in money market stocks. or as in the dish apple stock.
poor guy just wasted 5 years of his life....

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:07 pm
by mllarson
avansc wrote:apple stock as in money market stocks. or as in the dish apple stock.
poor guy just wasted 5 years of his life....
Apple Computer stock. He bought a bunch when they were near bankruptcy, then cashed it out as the stock went up in value.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:26 pm
by avansc
mllarson wrote:
avansc wrote:apple stock as in money market stocks. or as in the dish apple stock.
poor guy just wasted 5 years of his life....
Apple Computer stock. He bought a bunch when they were near bankruptcy, then cashed it out as the stock went up in value.
i hope he still has some money, because he is gonna be on poor street soon if he doesent get a real job.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:41 pm
by dandymcgee
I took the liberty of e-mailing Nintendo and personally asking them about "Bob's Game". Here is the result:
Hello and thank you for contacting Nintendo,

We appreciate hearing about the types of products that you would like to see from us in the future. While there hasn't been an announcement concerning a game like that , you never know what the future holds! As the worldwide leader and innovator in the creation of interactive entertainment, and because of our history of pushing the limits of gameplay and design, you can always count on Nintendo offering the most imaginative products.

In the meantime, keep checking our website's "What’s New" section ( for the latest information and announcements.

Alain Dao
Nintendo of America Inc.

Nintendo's home page:
Power Line (Automated Product Info): (425) 885-7529
Either Nintendo thinks it's absolutely amazing and don't want to give away any Nintendo secrets, or they could care less about "Bob's Game". My money's on the latter.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:06 pm
by Falco Girgis
Nintendo hasn't given a fuck about anything but money since the Super Nintendo.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:08 pm
by dandymcgee
GyroVorbis wrote:Nintendo hasn't given a fuck about anything but money since the Super Nintendo.
Unfortunately many game companies go that way completely. I'm hoping Blizzard comes back from WoW (pure profit) with Diablo III by making a kick ass game.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:18 pm
by cypher1554R
dandymcgee wrote:
GyroVorbis wrote:Nintendo hasn't given a fuck about anything but money since the Super Nintendo.
Unfortunately many game companies go that way completely. I'm hoping Blizzard comes back from WoW (pure profit) with Diablo III by making a kick ass game.
I don't know.. What does "come back from" mean..? If you're thinking that they'll lower their investment rate on WoW and pull it over to Diablo 3, I doubt that it's going to happen. It would just be a stupid move. There are more and more companies growing exponentially over online gaming market. Leaving that area is just a really really bad move.

I also doubt that Diablo 3 will take higher public interest than WoW. Not by far.. IMO, of course.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:35 pm
by dandymcgee
I meant I hope it's free instead of $15 a month.. I'm dirt poor. Lol.

That and the fact that WoW has no single player.. wtf?

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:03 am
by bugmenot
I have changed my mind:
Nintendo, you cannot continue ignoring me.

There is nobody like me. I have created the entire game, start to finish.
I am far better than Miyamoto, Itoi, Kojima, Carmack, and Wright COMBINED.
NONE of these "designers" could create the entire thing if their lives depended on it!
They rely on the assistance of others- and take all the credit. They don't even deserve their titles! I have bested them all by far.

"bob's game" is a game by ONE PERSON, and it's one of the GREATEST GAMES EVER MADE- if not THE BEST.
I stand alone on a mountain no other has even dared to climb. I have swam across the ocean only cruise ships could cross.
I have walked through the desert of no return. I have stepped in the footprints of none, a path never taken.
I have MADE HISTORY, and history cannot be undone. It's too late, Nintendo.

No man has ever accomplished what I have accomplished at 25 years old- it's no wonder you fear accepting this truth!
My work has humiliated your teams of engineers. One young man- singlehandedly- has made their lifetime of work seem like child's play.
How can they possibly compete with such overwhelming skill? It's not even fair, is it? That's too bad, Nintendo. I'm real, and I'm here.
You can't ignore me forever. I AM RIGHT, AND IT WILL WORK.

I am a GENIUS, and I will be around for the next 40 years- eating away at your company until it exists no longer.
I will find way after way to slowly destroy your bottom line, and your business will fail.
The name NINTENDO will be forgotten, a discarded husk like so many others.
"bob's game" will live on FOREVER.



I don't care how good this game is if he is presenting himself like this.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:33 am
by Chaos Clown
There is nobody like me. I have created the entire game, start to finish.
I am far better than Miyamoto, Itoi, Kojima, Carmack, and Wright COMBINED.
NONE of these "designers" could create the entire thing if their lives depended on it!
I hope LusikkaMage doesn't read that...

Either his solitary confinement is causing him to go mad, or he's a massively arrogant prick. Possibly both. Either way, someone should probably let him out soon before he hurts himself. :roll:

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:14 am
by programmerinprogress
At first, his proposal seemed fairly reasonable, but locking himself in a room shows he's clearly unpredictable and an unstable person, not someone you want to invest in from a business perspective.

Think about this scenario, he's coding away on Bobs Game 2, when a representative from nintendo tells him he's off schedule, and he needs to hurry things up, what will he do? lock himself in his broom cupboard?

it's absolutely bonkers!

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:00 pm
by cronjob00
I hadn't commented on this cause although he had come off a bit cocky I was still impressed that he did the game by himself weather it was good or not, and even if it did take a long time just because I figured it was something that not a lot of people have done so I gave him a pass on being cocky. But post like this make it hard to believe that he really wants to get his game published when he is threatening to bring the company down that he is trying to convince to help him.

There is nobody like me. I have created the entire game, start to finish.
I am far better than Miyamoto, Itoi, Kojima, Carmack, and Wright COMBINED.
NONE of these "designers" could create the entire thing if their lives depended on it!
They rely on the assistance of others- and take all the credit. They don't even deserve their titles! I have bested them all by far.
I am a GENIUS, and I will be around for the next 40 years- eating away at your company until it exists no longer.
I will find way after way to slowly destroy your bottom line, and your business will fail.
The name NINTENDO will be forgotten, a discarded husk like so many others.
"bob's game" will live on FOREVER.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:29 pm
by eatcomics
Wow this man should be locked in a nice foam room, with no sharp objects, he should also stop acting like he is better than nintendo. That probably killed his game in every single way.... And how is he going to destroy nintendo... sounds like a terrorist to me.... Wow this post went from one thing to the next...

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:18 pm
by mllarson
I noticed that a day or so ago. I think he's just flat out upset at Nintendo for ignoring him. Truthfully, Nintendo has to be choosy about things like that. If they signed up every would-be game developer to make games, quality would drop. That's what happened during the big video game crash during the 80's: a lot of crap games flooding the market took the market down. Nintendo's licensing scheme helped bring quality back up, so it's no surprise that they'd shoo away someone they've never heard of. As far as his attacks on the greatest of the greats, I think he's acting like a little twelve year old who thinks he's the best at everything and has no peer. Reality comes swooping down on said twelve year old--like a pimp backhanding a ho--eventually. I used to support this guy, but after reading that, I think it's game over for him. I just hope he doesn't start saying he's better than God soon...

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:31 pm
by eatcomics
This guy should stop locking himself in his room like an emo and get a job....