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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:03 am
by Arce
quickshot14, hello and welcome to the forums! I'm not even quite sure how I managed to miss your post--my apologies.

Incase you didn't know, I'm Marcel from AiGD and ESRev, and Gyrovorbis is Falco.

It's always good to meet new members, and especially so when they're somebody who share a passion for games and game development. Looking forward to seeing you around!

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:54 pm
by Maevik
Welcome quickshot14! It'll be nice to more folks around here representing the late-twenties & married crowd :D

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:43 pm
by quickshot14
GyroVorbis wrote:Nice to meet you, quickshot14! Sorry for not properly greeting you earlier. I read your post, but didn't really have time to respond.

It'll be great to see you around. I've already seen several constructive, educated posts from you. Always welcome. ;)
No worries Falco I can imagne how busy you can get man, only things missing from my side is a job...well unless you count me taking care of our kids a job while the wifes at work...i guess that counts lol

Not a problem and great to be here! And I do try when I post even if I cant spell or anything for crap most of the time. :) (love your guys work btw ;) )
Arce wrote:quickshot14, hello and welcome to the forums! I'm not even quite sure how I managed to miss your post--my apologies.

Incase you didn't know, I'm Marcel from AiGD and ESRev, and Gyrovorbis is Falco.

It's always good to meet new members, and especially so when they're somebody who share a passion for games and game development. Looking forward to seeing you around!
Hey Marcel, no worries it does happen particluarly when your focused on something else so no worries. I sure do know and love your guys (and girl ;P) work and your vids. Definlty and great to have a place that shares it as well so we can not only all share it but share what were working on whatever project, system and even programming language its very sweet, so thanks for having me and look forward to seeing you both around too :)
Maevik wrote:Welcome quickshot14! It'll be nice to more folks around here representing the late-twenties & married crowd :D
*heh* I know were not exactly a rare breed but well we program and game and all that other stuff so fast before you know it were thirty! So scary lol Awsome to meet another like me too thou so thanks Maevik!

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 4:39 pm
by xiphirx
Hello there, I am Xiphirx. Currently attending college, going to be a game designer for the near future.
Lets see... I found out about ES on YouTube a loong time ago (right around episode 3 I think) and finally subbed you guys a few months ago :O. I've been programming C++ for about 1 1/2 years, and I am still learning it. I am not that great with it, and I probably wont improve since all of my future programming classes have decided to fuck me over and switch to Java midway. I have a site, well, its not a personal site, its for a clan, (free hosting FTW). I am interested in PSP homebrew (CSPSP mainly) and am looking forward to the port of ES.

I know this stuff:
HTML (I know my site isn't WC3 approved, just shows my lazy side eh? :P)
PHP (Intermediate level, learned whenever I need it)
JS (Intermediate level, learned whenever I need it)
AJAX (lol doesn't really count, but it makes me look cool D:)
C++ (still learning)
QBASIC (fuck yeah)
Photoshop (about 5 years using it)
Advanced general computer stuff.

I am currently working on a Tile Map Editor in SDL. This is the first time I have done something graphically in C++, other stuff was all console. It's been a smooth ride so far, but I always think my code sucks (as many programmers do) and rewrite, a lot. I am about to work on a portfolio site of my artwork (pixel and non) along with some programs I have made (which isn't impressive :( ) and a new game that I am planning to start making soon.

More stuff:
17 Years old
West side USA.

If any care or wonder, yes I visit cancer chans so I might spew a few memes at times.

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 12:53 am
by epicasian
Hey guys, My name's Tyler, but my friends usually call me Asian or Asian Kid. I'm know as EpicAsian or TehEpicAsian on forums and the like. I got that nickname in 6th grade, and I guess it just stuck(even though I'm not really Asian :lol: )

I found out about ES when looking on YouTube for game dev tutorials. I found Falco's "Getting Started" videos and watched those and the "Adventures" and now "Revolution".

I currently attend high school in Woodford County, Kentucky. I'm 16 years old. I've always been interested in computers and video games. My favorite console(s) would have to be the DC (I own 2) and my PS2. I really got back into learning C++ about a couple weeks ago. I really want to dev for the DC, and either the GBA or NDS.

I Know:
non-compliant W3C HTML, Basic-Mid Windows Troubleshooting and Linux Basics.

I'm Learning:

I Want To Learn:
PHP, SDL, NDS/GBA and DC Game Programming, Pixel Art

I guess that's it. If ya wanna know anything else, just message me:D

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 8:47 am
by MrDeathNote
Welcome everyone, it's nice to see new ppl joining all the time :mrgreen:

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:27 pm
by Benjamin
Hello, my name is... well... Benjamin. You may have seen me on mIRC (Benbo).
I've been around for quite a while, but I've never felt like making a user, or posting anything.
(I guess I'm one of those typically socially awkward people with sporadical tendencies.)
So I've basically just been lurking around on here. :p
But I thought that I should come out from the twilight, and at least introduce myself to this fine community. ^^

A little about myself...
I'm 15 years old, from Norway. I've always loved gaming, played games since I was like... 6 or 7 years old.
The super nintendo of course, Donkey Kong, Mario, Zelda, and all of those classics, nintendo64 and all that came with that, and of course the xbox and so on.
So basically, my whole childhood (from start till now:p) is and have been very affected by games and gaming. I've also always had an interest for computers, but not as much as I have today. It was only until a year ago that I figured I'd really like to get into programming and game development.
(The adventures in game development is one of the reasons I got the motivation and interest for this.. (and particularily learning C++ as first language), so I want to thank you guys for that! :D)
I'm programming in C++, I'm also learning SDL and have began my first game project with a friend.
(I'm also familiar with Java, Python, and Lua.)

Of course I have other hobbies and interests. I've been playing guitar since I was 6 years old, I like all kinds of music, except punk rock. (ugh!)
I like to go to the gym, freerun(parkour), mountain climb(bouldering), snowboard... basically I like being physically active.

So I guess that's it, I hope to see you all around. :)

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:32 pm
by eatcomics
Benjamin wrote:Hello, my name is... well... Benjamin. You may have seen me on mIRC (Benbo).
I've been around for quite a while, but I've never felt like making a user, or posting anything.
(I guess I'm one of those typically socially awkward people with sporadical tendencies.)
So I've basically just been lurking around on here. :p
But I thought that I should come out from the twilight, and at least introduce myself to this fine community. ^^

A little about myself...
I'm 15 years old, from Norway. I've always loved gaming, played games since I was like... 6 or 7 years old.
The super nintendo of course, Donkey Kong, Mario, Zelda, and all of those classics, nintendo64 and all that came with that, and of course the xbox and so on.
So basically, my whole childhood (from start till now:p) is and have been very affected by games and gaming. I've also always had an interest for computers, but not as much as I have today. It was only until a year ago that I figured I'd really like to get into programming and game development.
(The adventures in game development is one of the reasons I got the motivation and interest for this.. (and particularily learning C++ as first language), so I want to thank you guys for that! :D)
I'm programming in C++, I'm also learning SDL and have began my first game project with a friend.
(I'm also familiar with Java, Python, and Lua.)

Of course I have other hobbies and interests. I've been playing guitar since I was 6 years old, I like all kinds of music, except punk rock. (ugh!)
I like to go to the gym, freerun(parkour), mountain climb(bouldering), snowboard... basically I like being physically active.

So I guess that's it, I hope to see you all around. :)
Welcome, and use that awkward social-ness to your advantage, I'm a very awkward person, and I use that to make friends :D All the best friends I've made are the nicest people and they are just as awkward as I :D

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:35 pm
by Arce
Welcome, Benjamin!

I love talking to people to enjoyed "Adventures in Game Development..."

I don't know. I just tend to feel like people who enjoyed the original series are usually guys who shared a similar childhood as me. Atleast, in the gaming aspects. =)

I'm glad you finally decided to start an account! I'm looking forward to hearing a bit about your project, as well as gaming interests. :p

Cheers to a Super-Nintendo filled childhood!

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:26 am
by Maevik
Arce wrote:Cheers to a Super-Nintendo filled childhood!
Here Here! ::raises glass::

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:22 pm
by Espiodude2
Hello, I am Espiodude2, well obviously, but... I am 15, I go to a catholic school, I play Gmod, I administrate on a Gmod clan, iG. Umm, I just became interested in Minecraft, which has fueled my want to learn Java, which I am doing. That's all, I guess :) .

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:51 pm
by LeonBlade
Espiodude2 wrote:Hello, I am Espiodude2, well obviously, but... I am 15, I go to a catholic school, I play Gmod, I administrate on a Gmod clan, iG. Umm, I just became interested in Minecraft, which has fueled my want to learn Java, which I am doing. That's all, I guess :) .
Welcome welcome welcome.

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:06 pm
by quickshot14
Hello and a big welcome to Ben(Benjamen), Mr.DeathNote, xiphirx, and Episodeude2! Look forward to seeing you around the boards and hopefully seeing any projects you have to show. And dont mind the mess of bottles, cans, jugs, crates, and other various trash and the constant taping of keys, cheers, awsome calls, curses and other various sound level noise. Were all developers and programmers and such around here so yeah dont worry about it ;)

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 4:44 am
by MrDeathNote
quickshot14 wrote:Hello and a big welcome to Ben(Benjamen), Mr.DeathNote, xiphirx, and Episodeude2! Look forward to seeing you around the boards and hopefully seeing any projects you have to show. And dont mind the mess of bottles, cans, jugs, crates, and other various trash and the constant taping of keys, cheers, awsome calls, curses and other various sound level noise. Were all developers and programmers and such around here so yeah dont worry about it ;)
Am i the Mr.DeathNote your refering to??? If so i'm not really new lol :lol:

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 5:13 pm
by quickshot14
MrDeathNote wrote:Am i the Mr.DeathNote your refering to??? If so i'm not really new lol :lol:
LOL true and opps must of snuck in there, lesson learned here never say hello back when your half asleep lol