Dr. Robotnik's hellrazer

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Post by JS Lemming »

How about Flash?
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!
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Post by spideyspiderman2000 »


And a microphone if you wanna record voices.
South Park wrote:Mr Garrison: Okay class. Can anybody tell me what "Sexual Harrassment" is?

Cartman: Isn't that when you're having intercourse with a special lady friend, and some other guy comes up behind you and tickles your balls?
I HATE Jack Thompson!
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Post by MarauderIIC »

Maybe a computer.
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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Post by spideyspiderman2000 »

And a monitor.
South Park wrote:Mr Garrison: Okay class. Can anybody tell me what "Sexual Harrassment" is?

Cartman: Isn't that when you're having intercourse with a special lady friend, and some other guy comes up behind you and tickles your balls?
I HATE Jack Thompson!
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Post by JS Lemming »

No.... you don't really have to have a monitor. You might just happen to have enough mad skillz to visualize everything in your head.
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!
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Post by Marx Chaotix »

Is that about it? :|
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Post by JS Lemming »

You also need the brain capacity to use the software.... maybe you could, I don't know, rent somebody to work the program while you tell him what you want it to look like.
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!
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Post by spideyspiderman2000 »


Unless he rents the cheapest person availible, and that person is a paraplegic.
South Park wrote:Mr Garrison: Okay class. Can anybody tell me what "Sexual Harrassment" is?

Cartman: Isn't that when you're having intercourse with a special lady friend, and some other guy comes up behind you and tickles your balls?
I HATE Jack Thompson!
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Marx Chaotix
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Post by Marx Chaotix »

OK I changed the name from Dr.Robotnik's hellrazer to Dr. Robotnik's Revenge enjoy. :mrgreen:

Dr. Robotnik’s Revenge #5
By Marcus Jaenisch

WARNING: Before all of you read this story you must know that if you like reading books when the good guys always win and the bad guys always lose then you shouldn’t be reading this. Also you might feel sad and depressed after reading the series. I’m just warning you before you read this.

Chapter one the Sonic and Tails
After the troops retreated Tails and the others went back to base. “Well there’s one thing for sure we need to get a hell of a lot more bases and we need more troops.” Said Tails in a positive manner. “Yeah that’s true but I have a bad feeling about this war.” Said Knuckles in a worried voice. “Ah you worry too much Knuckles everything will be fine.” Said Tails “I sure hope so” Said Tails
Then after that everyone went to sleep they woke up. “Ah what a great sleep.” Yawned Tails Then he got ready for the day and went downstairs and he saw in the kitchen Sonic and Team Chaotix talking to each other. “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON KILL SONIC HE IS RIGHT THERE KILL HIM!” Tails yelled in horror then he pulled his gun out and aimed it at Sonic. “Chill out little bro” Said Sonic in a dangerously calm voice “Don’t worry Tails we are making a negotiation with the Freedom Fighters.” Said Vecter “OK so if you don’t attack us then we won’t attack you until tomorrow deal?” said Charmy. “OK then it’s a deal.” Said Sonic then he left but before he did stared at Tails with a sad look in his eyes.
“Tails” “Yes Sonic” Said Tails with a sad look in his eyes to “Should things be this way between you and me you have to snap out of it Dr. Robotnik tricked you he saw we were both fighting and took advantage of us?” Said Sonic But inside Tails his body and brain were talking to him. “No Tails don’t do it Sonic is the enemy he will trick you listen to Robotnik.” Said the brain “No Tails Sonic is your friend he would never do such a thing stop this nonsense before you do something even more foolish.” Said the body Then Tail’s just stared at Sonic with a blank look in his face.
Then outside of the ruins Sonic’s troopship landed and all these solders hollered “Hey Sonic come on we don’t have all day!” “Roger that.” Said Sonic then he ran into the ship and it flied away. “Hey Sonic wait” Tails hollered trying to fly after them using his tails to propel him into the air. Then Knuckles quickly grabbed Tails. “Tails don’t go you have to listen to me Sonic is the enemy this is war you got that Sonic is playing mind games with you he is tricking you.” Said Knuckles
Chapter two Tail’s thoughts
Then after that Tails went in his room and stayed in there for several hours and started to think to himself. “Ok Tails get it through your head Sonic used you he is the enemy this is war.” Then Tails started to remember the times when Sonic and Tails were friends and everything was perfect Sonic was always there to help Tails whenever he was in trouble Sonic took care of him the two were so close on friendship that they called each other brothers.

Chapter three the Great War
Then Tails went to sleep and woke up hearing a very loud crash “EEEEEAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR…BOOOM!! “We are under heavy attack! We need back up hurry they are heading for the ruins.” One of the solders hollered
Tails jumped out of bed grabbed his army uniform and weapons and ran outside and saw a ferocious battle taking place. Then through the battle he saw a couple of solders taking Amy hostage and Sonic is there with the solders. “Let go of me please let go!” Amy said while the solders start carrying her off “You heard her. Let her go her she isn’t apart of this war.” Said Tails while he pulls out his shotgun and aims it at them “Tails you wouldn’t listen to me when I was trying to tell you about Robotnik’s lies now we are at war also I’m sorry Tails but, we are now enemies.” Said Sonic
Then Sonic curls up into a ball and does his spin dash at Tails he bashes into a tree. Then Tails gets back up and barely dodges his punch. Then Tails maneuvers behind Sonic then he trips Sonic but before Sonic could hit the ground Tails kicks Sonic and he bashes into a tree. “Yikes!!! FWAM!” Then Sonic gets up and sees that the reinforcements from Tail’s army came in the Sonic hollers “RETREAT RETREAT!!” Then the army flies away. Tails gets Amy and stares at the planes flying away. “Tails thanks for rescuing me.” Said Amy then she hugs him. “I will be ready for you next time Sonic this is war.” Said Tails as he stares at the horizon
End of story 5# the 6th one will come out soon.

Here is the 6th one. 8-)

Dr. Robotnik’s Revenge #6
By Marcus Jaenisch

WARNING: Before reading the series all of you must know that if you like stories when the good guys always win and the bas guys always lose then you shouldn’t be reading this also that you might feel sad or depressed after reading the series I’m just warning you before you read this.

Chapter one the great depression
After four months of war Sonic and Tails both became super powerful leaders of their army. Then one day they both started marching out the most amounts of troops they ever marched before to attack each other to end the war but, they both unexpectedly met each other at a giant hillside known as Mt. Elmenter. “Well well well it looks like we both bumped into each other.” Said Tails “Captain how many troops do they have?” Questioned Tails “He has approximately two million troops if I’m correct and we do to this will be a close battle.’ Said the captain “Yeah but there is one problem this battle will determine who will win the war we have to win.” Said Tails “OK TROOPS ET READY FOR ATTACK!!” Tails hollered Sonic’s army was about 150 yards away from Tail’s and then he hollers “READY AIM FIIIIIIIIIIRE!!!!!” Then his troops fired all there weapons and it made a deafening sound “BOOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Then the two engage the biggest battle in history known as The Battle of Destiny. The battle lasted for at least 18 hours. All that everyone could see is men fighting and dying and the whole hill had so many troops that you couldn’t even see the ground.
Chapter two the truth finally revealed
Then finally when the last few hundred troops left in there armies Sonic and Tails see two mysterious men walking towards them. “Well now if it isn’t Sonic and Tails.” Said one of the mysterious figures then Sonic and Tails see who they are they see Dr. Robotnik who of course isn’t fat but now actually buff and strong. “You two are complete idiots you actually thought that what I said was true. I did it because I figured the two of you would fight while I come up with a plan to get bases and armies all over the planet to conquer it but, I see my plan actually did a hell of a lot better than I thought you are at war. I can not believe it. Also I have another buddy over here and his name is Ben London he is also a genius to” Said Dr. Robotnik
Tails stood there in shock and tears began dripping down his face. “Sonic I-I-I’m sorry all this happened because of me if I would have listened to you then none of this would have happened.” Sobbed Tails “No little bro I was one of the major causes to we both are held responsible for this but, we can’ sit here and feel sorry for ourselves we have to kill Robotnik and Ben.” Said Sonic
Then he dashed towards Robotnik and Ben in anger. “I don’t think so Sonic.” Said Ben before Sonic could hit any of them Mecha Sonic, Silver Sonic, Metal Sonic, Mecha Amy, Mecha Tails, Mecha Knuckles, and Metal Shadow appeared and blocked Sonic’s attack. “WHOA!?” Said Sonic in shock “Ben has rebuilt all of the robotic versions of all of you little brats and he also made a Metal Shadow.” Dr. Robotnik snickered “Oh and after the past several months of you to idiots having war we have made a genius plan. A little while a go when we stopped Ark from destroying this planet you didn’t destroy it. So I have decided to build half of my old planet destroying battleship Death Egg and I will combine it with Ark. Because Ark is half of a sphere and half of Death Egg is a sphere the two will combine into an ultimate planet destroying battle ship far more powerful then any other creation ever made!” said Dr. Robotnik Then he pulls out a walkie-talkie and hollers through it “Launch the ship!”
Then they see half of Death Egg flying up to space and then they see Ark and then the two suddenly combine and they hear a loud noise from the two half’s “CHING!!!” Then they see a giant sphere appear in the sky. “Meet the almighty Death Ark the invincible planet destroying battleship.” Said Ben Sonic and Tails just stand there in shock staring at Death Ark. “Sonic.” “Yes Tails?” “Will you forgive me?” “Yes Tails I forgive you.” Said Sonic “But what are we going to do Sonic?”
Chapter Three he hunting begins
When Tails was talking to Sonic they saw Ben and Robotnik flying towards Angel Island with a giant fleet of ships. “OH GOD!! They are heading to Angel Island!” Tails yelled in shock
Sonic and Tails leap into the Tornado2 and fly out to Angel Island as fast as they possibly could. “Oh please make before they do please make it before they do please.” Tails begged while he started to fly to Angel Island.
Then finally they made it. Tails jumps out of the plane and runs into the ruins as fast as he possibly could. “Everybody Robotnik is heading this way!! Guard the emerald at all costs he has a giant army heading this way, he could be here any second.” Tails said as he runs in to the ruins out of breath. “He what!?” Said Vecter “You heard me let’s go.” Said Tails
After that Tails and his forces run to the shrine and get ready to guard the Master Emerald.
Then they here outside of the ruins robots marching out of there planes. “Find all of them and kill them and I want the Master Emerald at all costs. If possible get the Chaos Emeralds” Ben said
Out in the distance they here he robots march to a small village at the edge of Angel Island then they here the sound of civilians being shot at and killed. “Oh my god what kind of suck fucks would do such a thing?” Tails said with anger “Shhhh… I here something.” Sonic said
Then they here some robots saying “Sir I sense an unidentified group of people underground.” Said Mecha Amy “Really? Show me the path that leads there.” Said Robotnik
Then the people in the shrine here nothing but, suddenly they here robot troops marching closer and closer to the shrine. “Everybody close the gate and lock it!” Knuckles yelled
After all of them sealed the gates they here a loud bang “One two three bang!! One two three bang!!” “They are penetrating the gate!’ Tails said “Tails I’m scared! Are we going to die?” Amy said while she starts hugging Tails crying “Don’t worry Amy everything will be alright said Tails.” “What are we going to do? The gates won’t hold much longer.” Sonic yelled helping like fifty other people to shut the gate.
Then tails stood there for a moment then he leaps on the Master Emerald and he clenches his fists together and then he goes turbo. “Good idea said Sonic and all of Team Chaotix. Sonic pulls out the seven Chaos Emeralds and goes super, same with all of Team Chaotix. “Ok guys are you ready? Remember once we do this then there is no turning back.” Said Sonic in a serious voice “Yes we are, all of Team Chaotix is guardians and it’s our duty to protect the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emeralds at all costs.” Said Super Knuckles
Chapter four the fall of the guardians
The door bangs a couple more times then it blow down and multiple robots troops march in with their weapons.
Everyone engaged a fierce battle, many have died. “We may be invincible but, we will run out of energy and die. What should we do?” Said Turbo Tails in a worried tune of voice “I know do what I do ok.” Said Super Sonic
He starts forming a barrier in a corner where all of the Mobians were. Everyone joins in and the barrier becomes stronger and stronger. “Quick blow a hole in the ceiling!” Said Super Sonic
Mega Espio starts charging up is explosive plasma ball in his and releasing it at the ceiling and it starts forming a hole until, Turbo Tails sees Amy is out of it and can’t get back in. “AMY!!!!!!” Tails yelled then he starts jumping out of the barrier but, Sonic quickly grabs Tails. “LET GO SONIC I HAVE TO SAVE HER!” Turbo Tails yelled
“Listen once you leave the barrier you can’t get back in.” Said Super Sonic with a serious voice “But I love her she will die if I don’t help her right away.” Said Tails with tears in his eyes. “Ok Tails I’m not saying it’s a smart thing to do but, you love her.” Said Super Sonic
Turbo Tails leaps out of the barrier and dashes towards Amy full speed.
“Not so fast lover boy.” “Huh who said that?” Said Turbo Tails looking through all the ash and rubble and the bionic troops who are trying to break the barrier “Unless you want your girlfriend dead I suggest you don’t take another step.” Said the voice
Then Turbo Tails sees Mecha Amy holding a gun to Amy’s head and Amy is tied up with duck tape around her mouth. “You know good and well that your pathetic friends and you can’t stop Robotnik and Ben from world domination just surrender and we will give all of you a quick and painless death I promise my word and my bionic body you won’t suffer. So which is it a quick painless death or I will have to hunt you down?” Said Mecha Amy “Do you really think I would surrender to you robotic whore!?” “All right Turbo Tails so be it.”
Mecha Amy loads her gun and aims it at Amy’s head but, before she could fire it Turbo Tails does an aerial at her and kicks the gun but, at that exact moment he loses all his power and invincibility then he gets shot in the stomach and falls to the ground bleeding to death.
Amy starts crying and screaming but, her mouth is duck taped. Also the guardians escape with the few remaining Mobians that lived on Angel Island. The army gets onto the ship and flies away but before all of them leaves Mecha Amy walks up to Amy and says. “I will leave you here to watch your boy friend die.” She laughs and walks away.
Chapter four Sonic’s very unlucky unfortunate day
“I sure hope Tails and Amy are okay.” Said Super Sonic “Don’t worry they are probably out of there making out by now.” Said Mega Espio “WHAT!! Making out what do you mean?” Said Super Sonic in shock “Oh you didn’t know oh yeah we were enemies at that time. Well you see Tails developed as crush on her and got a date with her and then they became boyfriend girlfriend but, over the months they hardly saw each other because of the war we had between us.”
The two start talking while the rest of the surviving Mobians were floating inside the barriers then all of them come to a stop. “Well here we are at Knothole Village.” Said Super Sonic Then all of them go from Super back to normal due to the loss of their energy. “Thank god we have the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald.” Said Knuckles
All of them enter then their moths drop open at the sight of what they saw. They see all of Knothole Village in ruins burned to the ground and they see smoke all over the area. Sonic starts running in yelling “Oh my god what about my Uncle Chuck!” “Uncle Chuck are you there Uncle Chuck!!” Then to Sonic’s horror he sees Uncle Chuck hanging dead on a tree dripping blood and his house on fire he also sees the bones left from his dog. Tears start forming in his eyes he walks over to Uncle Chuck’s body and cries then he yells “WHY GOD WHY!!!”
Then he sees Sally Sonic runs to her crying then he says “Oh thank god you are all right Sally we have to get out of here! You should see what happened to poor Uncle Chuck.” Sonic cried “Yeah I know I am what happened to him Sonic” Sally starts smiling with an evil look in her eyes.
Chapter five the big truth revealed
“Sally what’s with you?” Said Sonic staring at her “Well Sonic let’s just say that I’m not who you think I am.” “Huh what do you mean?” “Ok lets put it this way I’m not really your girlfriend after all this time I’m actually a spy for Robotnik you dumb ass. I gave him information secretly also I’m not really the princess of planet Mobius.” Sonic stares at her with a shocked look “Oh also Sonic I would like to tell you a little something.”
Sally pulls out a walk-talkie and says into it “I need some troops over here over.” Then the instant she says that about ten troops appear including all of the Mechas holding two hedgehogs one female hedgehog and one male.
Then off in the distance all of the Mobians Team Chaotix rescued including Team Chaotix walks to where Sonic is and sees what’s going on “Oh my god Sally is a spy for Robotnik.” Whispered Espio then all of them secretly watch what’s going on.
Sonic tries to run but the robots pin him down and tie him up and duck tape his mouth shut. “I will tell you a little story Sonic so listen and listen well.” Said Sally “A long time ago there was a king and queen of Mobius the two had triplets and you were one of them Sonic you were but, Robotnik came out with another one of his master plans and he killed your parents and had mine take their place. Later on my parents had me and my parents stop taking orders from Robotnik but, I stayed loyal to Robotnik. But unfortunately you and your two twins lived. That means you are prince of Mobius Sonic but I’m not nor are my parents that is a fact and the two hedgehogs are your other twins the prince and princess of Mobius.” Said sally pointing to his twins “Sorry Sonic but you get to live not them.” Said Sally
She pulls out a gun and aims it at them and shoots them both they stare at Sonic while the two lay on the ground dead. Sonic tries to get up to beat the shit out of her but, he couldn’t. Then Team Chaotix and the Mobians charge out for battle. “Well look who finally showed up. We need back up Ben.” Said Sally then multiple ships start flying out loaded with troops.
Sally pulls out a gun and aims it at Sonic and shoots it at Sonic’s neck. Sonic starts to get drowsy and everything starts blurring. “I shot you with a tranquilizer dart Sonic. Good night sleep tight prince for tomorrow your life will be a living hell.” Sally said smiling then Sonic fell asleep not knowing how perfectly right Sally was. End of story 6 the 7th one will come soon

I am working on the 7th one be pateint.
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Post by Orgodemirk »

I didn't read it, but was it the exact same with one word different?
A glitch?
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Post by Marx Chaotix »

............................................NOOOOO!!!!! It's not now read it you little douche.
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Post by spideyspiderman2000 »

Better. There's a lot less spelling mistakes. Storyline's a bit better too. Work on grammar and punctuation before you write the next one.
South Park wrote:Mr Garrison: Okay class. Can anybody tell me what "Sexual Harrassment" is?

Cartman: Isn't that when you're having intercourse with a special lady friend, and some other guy comes up behind you and tickles your balls?
I HATE Jack Thompson!
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Post by MarauderIIC »

Doublespace between paragraphs for the ultimate in readability.
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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Post by spideyspiderman2000 »

Another good point...
South Park wrote:Mr Garrison: Okay class. Can anybody tell me what "Sexual Harrassment" is?

Cartman: Isn't that when you're having intercourse with a special lady friend, and some other guy comes up behind you and tickles your balls?
I HATE Jack Thompson!
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Post by MarauderIIC »

However, I must say, much improved.
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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