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Re: Programming Terms

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:11 pm
by MarauderIIC
dandymcgee123 (11:23:20 PM): Who do you think you are.. a Superhero from Wyoming? I wish I had some crackers for my chessehat.
Mech MarauderIIC (11:23:27 PM): hahaha
dandymcgee123 (11:23:44 PM): ahh man now i'm banned forever
dandymcgee123 (11:23:50 PM): I mispelled "cheesehat"

Re: Programming Terms

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:25 pm
by Aeolus
Superheros dont come from Wyoming they come from kansas.... A small town, no wait was it village? Those words sound familiar, eh i has no idea.

Re: Programming Terms

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:08 am
by LeonBlade
Superheros come from Superheros' mothers' vaginas...

Re: Programming Terms

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:18 am
by Aeolus
Not always... lol we are all nerds here, The last thing we want to do is turn this thread from 5 pages to 12 pages in one tiny debate lol

Re: Programming Terms

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:17 pm
by dandymcgee
Back on topic:

Superhero - A programmer >= MarauderIIC

Usage: "If only everyone had a personal Superhero to do the dirty work."

Re: Programming Terms

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:45 pm
by killercoder
I need some help understanding how exactly making your own function works because the book I am reading is making me confused :P

Re: Programming Terms

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:02 pm
by dandymcgee
killercoder wrote:I need some help understanding how exactly making your own function works because the book I am reading is making me confused :P
Why the hell did you bring back a thread so old that a woman could have gotten pregnant and had a baby since my last post?!?! Not only that but your post is COMPLETELY irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Come on man, THINK before you post. :nono:

Re: Programming Terms

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:24 pm
by XianForce
dandymcgee wrote:
killercoder wrote:I need some help understanding how exactly making your own function works because the book I am reading is making me confused :P
Why the hell did you bring back a thread so old that a woman could have gotten pregnant and had a baby since my last post?!?! Not only that but your post is COMPLETELY irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Come on man, THINK before you post. :nono:

Re: Programming Terms

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:22 am
by OmegaGDS
killercoder wrote:I need some help understanding how exactly making your own function works because the book I am reading is making me confused :P
Well, seeing that the other two people who commented on this thought it was a bad idea to post what you did, I guess I must agree with them. How dare you post a topic relevant to the name of the thread! JK, I applaud you for actually putting something relevant, and I am here to help.

So, making your own function... how to explain this. I think i will use java and write a very simple function.

Lets say that you are writing a function whose purpose is to find out if a number provided is between ... two and seventeen? that sounds good.
The function would look something like this...

public boolean twoSeventeen(int numbah){
boolean a = false;
int b = 2;
int c = 17;
//some pluggin' and chuggin'
if(numbah <= c)
if(numbah >= b)
a = true;
//return what you got (making sure that it is the correct return type)
return a;
}//end of function

So, there is a basic funtion, it should be fairly similar for other languages... I hope. anyway,
here is the only way that i can think to explain this.

where it says boolean in the line "public boolean....", this is the return type for the function. In this case, the function will return a boolean. You can return all sorts of things: int, double, string, char, etc., when the function is done running, you will return something of that type.

next comes the name of the function. The name of the function is to the right of the return type. here it is "twoSeventeen(...)." in order to call and use the function,
you will have to use this name. So, inside the parameter that will be accepted. Some functions don't have/need parameters, so you leave those blank. but in this case, the function accepts an integer and stores it in numbah. NOTE: any variables created inside of the function will die once the function has quit running.

next is the stuff it does (as in finding if the number provided is between 2 and 17), and doing crap. If the # is between those two, a is set to true, else nothing happens, and a remains false.

Lastly, you return something. if you don't, you'll have a major syntax error on your hands. this is done with the "return a;"

Finally you end it with a curly bracket/brace/whatever ya call it. NOTE: there has to be a bracket after the public......twoSeventeen(){, and at the end of the function.

That was about as bad as i could have put that, if you have any questions, just ask

Re: Programming Terms

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 10:44 pm
by MadPumpkin
I think this is an awesome idea. If someone wants to put all of the posts in one, I'll do the alphabetizing. I wrote a program for it in C++ a while back... So no problem.

Marcels list in alphabetical order:
*Assembly: Masochism to the suicidal degree.
binary operator
function signature
low vs high level
short circuiting
ternary operator
unary operator

Re: Programming Terms

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 10:57 pm
by XianForce
MadPumpkin wrote:I think this is an awesome idea. If someone wants to put all of the posts in one, I'll do the alphabetizing. I wrote a program for it in C++ a while back... So no problem.

Marcels list in alphabetical order:
*Assembly: Masochism to the suicidal degree.
binary operator
function signature
low vs high level
short circuiting
ternary operator
unary operator
Yeah one of these days this summer, I'll need to go through and actually give them definitions, and compile it all into the first post.

Re: Programming Terms

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:53 pm
by Ginto8
I was bored, so here we go:
ones marked with a * are ones I think someone should double-check, cuz I'm not sure about them.
  • Assembly: a language that can be translated directly back and forth to and from machine code. The closest to the machine you should try to program. See also: Masochism, Suicide.
    binary operator: an operator that takes 2 operands (used in the form a <op> b where <op> is the operator examples: +,-,*,/ etc)
    *composition: having a private member variable and functions that "wrap" around that variable's functions. typically seen in Java
    constant: a value that doesn't change. Can be numeric, but isn't always.
    declaration: a statement basically telling the compiler "Hey, I'm <name> and I'm here!" In C/++, this is different from the definition.
    decrement: decrease by one; the opposite of increment.
    definition: telling the compiler what something that has been declared is. "Hey, I'm <name>, and here's what I actually am!" in C/++ this is different from the declaration.
    *dynamic: changing; anything memory not allocated on the stack.
    *encapsulation: Hiding class data so that the class can control all access to it.
    function: a chunk of code that can be used over and over to do a specific task.
    function signature: the name of a function
    heap: an area of memory separate from the stack. Memory in the heap can be allocated whenever you want it to be.
    increment: increase by one. opposite of decrement
    inheritance: taking the properties of one class and "inheriting" them, (sort of) adding them into your class.
    *instance: an instance of <class> is an object of type <class>
    iteration: once through. Doing something once, typically in repetition. Also for going through the contents of containers.
    low vs high level: low level[/b]: closer to the hardware. high level: more layers of abstraction
    *lvalue: something that has an address. Objects in memory (variables) are lvalues, but literals (values) are not.
    operator: a symbol that does some operation (+,-,*,/,>>,<<,etc.)
    optimization: making something faster, or less power hungry. But remember, "premature optimization is the root of all evil."
    *overhead: extra time/power required to do something a certain way.
    overloaded: 2 or more functions have the same name. However, they have different parameters.
    overwritten: replaced
    pointer: a value containing an address. Can be used to access data from other parts of a program.
    *polymorphisms: manipulating base-derived class relations to create a desired effect. See also: migraines
    postfix: coming after
    prefix: coming before
    procedural: a programming paradigm based on functions (procedures)
    recursion: a function calling itself. Can cause infinite loops.
    reference: an automatically dereferenced pointer that can't change.
    *rvalue: an expression that can be on the right side of an assignment. Can contain lvalues, literals, function calls, etc.
    scope: the area of a program in which a variable exists. Often defined by {}
    short circuiting: electrical current encountering minimal resistance, therefore flowing at highly unsafe levels of current through the wire and often equipment. Equipment that is on a short circuit will most likely be fried.
    static: existing constantly. A static variable is allocated at the start of runtime, and deallocated at the end.
    *structured: a programming paradigm based on grouping related data together.
    subclass: a class inheriting from another class.
    superclass: a class from which other class inherit.
    ternary operator: an operator that takes 3 inputs. In C/++ and related languages, there is only one: "?:". x ? y : z acts like the following piece of code:

    Code: Select all

        return y;
        return z;
    unary operator: an operator that takes one operand (* is a unary operator for dereferencing a pointer. - negates a number. * takes the address of a variable).
    virtual: can be overloaded by subclasses

Re: Programming Terms

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:53 am
by ismetteren
Ginto8 wrote: *encapsulation: making everything private and only accessible through functions.
Nice list, i think this one is wrong though. I dont really know how to describe what it really is, since im not good at descriping stuff and english isent my main language, but to "encapsulate what varries" is a OOP design principle, where you put stuff that you are going to change in a different class(the strategy design pattern, so you dont have to change that class later, but can instead just write another class, and use it instead, so that you can follow the open/closed principle.

But maybe encapsulation has a more general meaning too..

Re: Programming Terms

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:39 pm
by MadPumpkin
Ginto8 wrote:I was bored, so here we go:
ones marked with a * are ones I think someone should double-check, cuz I'm not sure about them.
Well shit... Looks like Ginto's gettin laid! Marcel is this worthy of allowing him to decide the gender?

Re: Programming Terms

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:42 pm
by XianForce
ismetteren wrote:
Ginto8 wrote: *encapsulation: making everything private and only accessible through functions.
Nice list, i think this one is wrong though. I dont really know how to describe what it really is, since im not good at descriping stuff and english isent my main language, but to "encapsulate what varries" is a OOP design principle, where you put stuff that you are going to change in a different class(the strategy design pattern, so you dont have to change that class later, but can instead just write another class, and use it instead, so that you can follow the open/closed principle.

But maybe encapsulation has a more general meaning too..
Yeah, I'm pretty sure what Ginto posted is sort of a means of implementation of encapsulation.

Encapsulation is like hiding data away to make things simpler.