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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:56 am
by pubby8
I joined here because you guys piss me off - and so I can get into pointless arguments with assholes.

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:50 am
by StackOfBits
Well, that sounded really asshole-ish :shock:

So, what's going on? xD

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:41 pm
by BugInTheSYS
Good evening guys!
This is me, well, not only me, but me and a friend of mine who will most probably be using this account - I'm Fabian, a 15-year-old-programming-loving teenager, German citizen and basically not involved in the (as I put it) "real" game programming... so far. Which as far as I am concerned is using OpenGL or DirectX as an API, after having found out that what is commonly referred to as Canvas is really slow and b*llshit^^
However I started programming as a seven-year-old using the good ol' Visual Basic 6.0 on the old Panasonic CF-50 which ran W2k - and now I'm getting quite used to Win32 programming in C++ (btw C++&MFC kinda sucks) on the notebook featuring Windows 7. Uh yeah, time goes by ;)
In my free time I like to - apart from coding - play games (either at the PC or in real life), play the piano and have a local radio station running with other people I know. The other guy is my age but he started up with delphi, which is the main reason why we have not yet made anything big together; though, as I have to admit, both languages are almost equally easy to learn if you just spend enough effort. But he's trying to get into C++ right now and I hope that won't take too much time so we can have a nice coding time together. Whatever we're gonna create. 'Till now the all-night party weekends consisted mainly of playing that game called FlatOut and having fun with some other features of Windows though. And eating Pizza, of course :)
I really like your work and especially how much time and effort you put in it, it's just amazing to see how the stuff happens, your videos actually gave me an idea of what programming is like in a team, and I hope that one day you will be able to release the game and make your dream come true.
Let's have a great time here!

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:41 pm
by Ginto8
Sounds like you're off to a pretty good start BugInTheSys! Welcome to the forum.

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:32 pm
by eatcomics
BugInTheSys welcome. and the dude with 8 after his name, grow up please.

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:05 am
by StackOfBits
Welcome BugInTheSys :D

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:44 am
by GroundUpEngine
pubby8 wrote:I joined here because you guys piss me off - and so I can get into pointless arguments with assholes.
ahaha! :lol:

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:49 pm
by ParticleGames
Hello, I am ParticleGames :) I joined because I have been watching your videos for a year now and they are fantastic. I've already gotten some help and I am glad I joined.

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:25 am
by StackOfBits
Welcome to the forums. :)

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:10 am
by dandymcgee
Hey ParticleGames, nice to meet ya.

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:10 am
by Aleios
How goes it everyone? im glad to have finally gotten off my ass and registered here. Just been lurking for a long time and decided that this place seems fun :P I am a C++ developer and I'm currently experimenting with ways to make a game engine that is functional and easy enough to shove a (proper) game on top of. I have watched Adventures in Game Development since the 2nd episode was released, and i must say that i love the series with a passion :worship:

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 4:27 am
by Odifma
Hey the names Matt but my username is Odifma, Odi for short :) just joined these forums. LOVE what the Elysian Shadows team is doing. Just got introduced to the vids from a friend. I JUST started to learn C++ even though im 23 haha BUT im not new to computers so hopefully i can get the hang of it easier then someone who doesnt know what alt+ctrl+del does haha.. Video game development has been a old fav/passion of mine but i never got serious about learning how to write code or learn programming. Furthest i went was to make my own Private RO servers (Ragnarok Online). Cant wait to start creeping these forums at 3am readiing all the posts :) and hopefully you guys can offer some advice to a noob / beginner like me :worship:

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:29 am
by k1net1k
^ welcome

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:03 am
by dandymcgee
Hey there Aleios and Odifma, thanks for introducing yourselves.

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 8:56 am
by rogue72
hi "im new"...
names Mark, screen name / gamer name ROGUE72 / ox4d41524b

generally interested in anything with a processor in it
have been owning / playing / POKE-Ing computers & consoles since the
sinclair zx spectrum / c64 (THE WOOOOOT?) i was only 9-10 then thou
yeh i was learning basic / z80 before the majority here were even born
(but then i discovered beer and girls)

currently own around 20+ consoles/machine, so no real preference
working with computers & actually developing apps at work for clients
i am still activly programming c/c++..

stumbled across the ES vids, and it really struck a cord with the game system/toolkit
having dabbled with these myself AND ALWAYS FAILED due to been alittle short sighted
the ES vids seams to cover 2 year and there still rewriting the engine and tool kit
were as i gave up after two month lol

so hoping to revisit some of my old wishlist, and sure this forum will be a great source
of inspiriation/knowledge

ty for reading my little hello