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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:24 pm
by TheIrishPhilosopher
Thanks Dandy.

Im loving a lot of the posts here, its great to see the creative genius that is present within the programmer.
Inspiring to say the least

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:08 pm
by techboy123
Hello Everyone. After lurking round the forums for quite a while now. I decided to actually make a hello post and get involved with the community.
I've been programming in C++ for about 6 years (first two years were really just dabbling with the language). Today I now play around with game development using SDL and OpenGL and enjoy software development in general. Looking forward to discussing with everyone. :)

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:59 pm
by TheIrishPhilosopher
HI Techboy

Good to see you, Im just starting out in C++, just at the stage of learning about vectors and iterators
Look forward to reading your posts

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:36 am
by DualEntity
Hi, everyone. I'm just another programmer on Youtube (alias: DualEntity). You guys can call me DualEntity or Casey, whichever you feel more comfortable with.

I've only been doing C/++ programming for about a year and a half, but I've been told I have a rather decent grip on it. Also familiar with Python, C#, and VB.Net.

Very nice to meet all of you, and good luck to everyone towards their projects. ;)

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:06 pm
by techboy123
Hey Irish. Thanks for the welcome. I wish you luck in learning the art of C++. I remember certain areas being adventurous to learn (pointers left me feeling dizzy until a couple hundred crashes later). Have a great time and don't feel frustrated if you don't quite get something. Some parts of C++ just take time to learn.

Welcome to the community DualEntity. I saw the Clashing Cubes video and have to say good job on it. I look forward to seeing what your next project produces.

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:44 pm
by k1net1k
welcome to all you guys :)

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:53 pm
by DualEntity
techboy123 wrote:Welcome to the community DualEntity. I saw the Clashing Cubes video and have to say good job on it. I look forward to seeing what your next project produces.
Thanks for the compliments, techboy123. ^^
k1net1k wrote:welcome to all you guys :)
Thanks for the welcome. :D

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:45 pm
by RyuTran
Hi everyone, I'm most likely the youngest in programming game development, I'm starting second year of college and studying C++/Java.
I want to, love to be influential in C++ so that I could start developing.
I have read, the forum several times, you guys are the funniest and most hard worker I have seen. I love to be here.
I just don't know if I should start some easy developing OR I should learn C++ thoroughly first.
Please guys, lemme stay and learn from you guys

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:26 am
by k1net1k
you probably arent the youngest, but its better to start asap. just remember every little thing you learn about programming will come in useful at some point in developing games. have fun with it, learn 1 language well before moving to another language.

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:07 am
by Falco Girgis
RyuTran wrote:Hi everyone, I'm most likely the youngest in programming game development, I'm starting second year of college and studying C++/Java.
I mean no offense, but I started developing on the Dreamcast when I was 14. That isn't even anything special either. We've had 12 year-old developers who were better at 12 than I was at 14.

The age at which you start is really not a good indicator of your competence.

But anyway, welcome to the forums. :)

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:16 pm
by johnsonevan
I've been watching AIGD for a while, but I'm quite lazy and this forum required email validation and everything so I only just joined. But yeah.

I'm a lowly XNA dev. I messed around with SDL for a few years without making anything but tech demos, and now I've been in the XNA community for a while without making anything either. I have the "I must rewrite my codebase and switch projects every few months" disease.

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:58 pm
by MadPumpkin
Yea, pretty sure Ginto is still the youngest, I just turned 15 so eh. But anyways, welcome everyone!

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:45 pm
by johnsonevan
It's probably a bit sad that I started programming at 13 and have nothing to show for it 7 years later.

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:16 pm
by k1net1k
johnsonevan wrote:I have the "I must rewrite my codebase and switch projects every few months" disease.
ahh i know this one only too well. as long as you make each version better and implement more flexibility each time, you are going forwards.
having a complete engine that does something is far more important than having the world best half finished engine.
take on smaller projects that you can finish

Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 3:59 pm
by johnsonevan
ahh i know this one only too well. as long as you make each version better and implement more flexibility each time, you are going forwards.
That's what I keep telling myself.

I've been finding more time to work lately, so I'm planning to actually stick with what I'm working on now. It's not necessarily small (comes with the territory, I'm an RPG fan, heh), but if I can outsource art and sound it's definitely doable. So I spend the next few weeks using dummy art to get something workable, then start looking for a graphics guy. I'll probably post more information about the project in the near future.