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Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 4:41 am
by Falco Girgis
Marx Chaotix wrote:[I'm castrating Arce's post so no one has to see it Gyro. This is JSL]

And Arce just keeps coming back for more. :roll:

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:45 am
by JS Lemming
I've always wondered how the heck those missionary people converted so many people long ago. I wonder what they said that was so convincing. I mean, wouldn't the people still have been skeptical like they are today?

Another thing... people who worship Satan. Why? What is the benefit? Seriously... what would posses someone to do that? I simply don't understand.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 8:30 am
by DJ Yoshi
Luke, you act as if your way of thinking is the only right way, period, and that's why none of your arguments carry any weight. Come back and discuss this when you're less of an egotistical elitist prick.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 10:33 am
by Falco Girgis
Marx Chaotix wrote:[I'm castrating Arce's post so no one has to see it Gyro. This is JSL]
Well said/done.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 11:38 am
by Falco Girgis
DJ Yoshi wrote:Luke, you act as if your way of thinking is the only right way, period, and that's why none of your arguments carry any weight. Come back and discuss this when you're less of an egotistical elitist prick.
I agree with the Christianity being elitist part. Is it all of Christianity or just most denominations that believes that those who don't believe in a god will perish?

Think about what you're saying there. Adam Sandler will either literally burn in hell, or symbolicly suffer from greater guilt than can be fathomed? Do you realize how much the guy has donated to charity? Do you know how many fatally ill kids the guy has met with from the make-a-wish foundation? Dude, that's sick. Adam Sandler is a good guy, that kind of sick shit doesn't happen to good people--I don't care what your religion is.

That's just a ploy--an advertising tool that Christians use to get others to convert. A god of love doesn't look good no matter how different denominations pepper and spice up the burnings of the wicked. Litteral and symbolic interpretations that conclude that non believers parish are just as bad as each other--and are both elitist bastards.

Imagine now, if Christianity wasn't so elitist. Imagine if they didn't use that ploy to either scare people or round up supporters. Do you know how much better you'd be? The Christians would be true Christians. They'd worship because they want to, rather than being afraid of consequences. The Christian religion would actually be sincere and really would reflect intentions of a god of love. But nope, you're elitists.

I'm agnostic. If it ends up Christianity is true, do I think dear Mr. Sandler will be in hell? Fuck no! That's sick. I'm not elitist. People can be good without Christianity. Don't let your religion be shown as elitist by an agnostic or atheist who has more love and compassion for a race than your god.

Also, don't give me "the bible says it" garbage. You know what? Snape kills Dumbledore. Wanna know why? Harry Potter says it. That's about how much the Bible stands up to as far as an agnostic/atheist or any other religion goes. It's either fiction or cannot be proven period.
skywalker541 wrote:Can religion be disproven: NO!
:guffaw: :lol:

Haha, not unless you consider going against the laws of nature, being based on elitist ideals, not being able to be proven, and a book full of contradictions written 2 centuries ago--nope, then it certainly must be true!

Enough with your elitist ideals. If your god is one of love, this crap is so far below him. If your god is real, and he really is a god of love, I'll tell you what he thinks: he thinks elitist Christians are idiots. He prefers an atheist.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:35 pm
by skywalker541
I don't see how i'm being an elitist when all i'm trying to tell you is that god loves you

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 3:52 pm
by MarauderIIC
...Religion can't be proven, nor can it not be proven. Therefore neither argument holds any weight.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 4:05 pm
by Falco Girgis
MarauderIIC wrote:...Religion can't be proven, nor can it not be proven. Therefore neither argument holds any weight.
That's exactly what I believe. That's why I'm agnostic.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:35 pm
by skywalker541
Yes than if it is just a matter of chice of something over nothing, why not believe? What is so bad believing about believing in the lover of your soul, that makes it worse than just believing in nothing. It's actually quite fulfilling, i speak from experience. Much more fulfilling than having no belief, i also speak from experience here. and yes i know we are different people but if you choose to believe than we are of the same design and that design is one that was made to experience the love of god.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:44 pm
by DJ Yoshi
Believing because there's nothing else to believe won't get you into heaven, and not only that, but there may be something more plausible out there. I speak from experience--everyone's different. Maybe not believing is less stressful and less of a constant worry on you whether what you're doing lines up with your beliefs.

And humans were designed by evolution, not your god (and note, I am non-denominational Christian, and the God that Luke believes in is most definitely much different than the one I believe in)

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:03 pm
by skywalker541
DJ Yoshi wrote:Believing because there's nothing else to believe won't get you into heaven, and not only that, but there may be something more plausible out there. I speak from experience--everyone's different. Maybe not believing is less stressful and less of a constant worry on you whether what you're doing lines up with your beliefs.

And humans were designed by evolution, not your god (and note, I am non-denominational Christian, and the God that Luke believes in is most definitely much different than the one I believe in)
That is sad that you don't want ot believe in a god that is quick to forgive and extremely slow to punish and does nothing but try to show his love to you. and if you are a christian how does evolution fit in to the bible, if you are a true christian you would belive in the whole bible in its entirety not just bits and pieces.'

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 7:09 pm
by DJ Yoshi
Christianity does not dictate believing in some fictional piece of contradictory trash. Now STFU and move on, I don't tell you your views are wrong and skewed, or that it's 'sad' even though your outlook on God is quite skewed, and quite sadly so. Let me believe what I want, and stop shoving your beliefs down my throat like your kind is prone to do.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 8:11 pm
by Karkash
GyroVorbis wrote:
DJ Yoshi wrote:Luke, you act as if your way of thinking is the only right way, period, and that's why none of your arguments carry any weight. Come back and discuss this when you're less of an egotistical elitist prick.
I agree with the Christianity being elitist part. Is it all of Christianity or just most denominations that believes that those who don't believe in a god will perish?

Think about what you're saying there. Adam Sandler will either literally burn in hell, or symbolicly suffer from greater guilt than can be fathomed? Do you realize how much the guy has donated to charity? Do you know how many fatally ill kids the guy has met with from the make-a-wish foundation? Dude, that's sick. Adam Sandler is a good guy, that kind of sick -blam!- doesn't happen to good people--I don't care what your religion is.

That's just a ploy--an advertising tool that Christians use to get others to convert. A god of love doesn't look good no matter how different denominations pepper and spice up the burnings of the wicked. Litteral and symbolic interpretations that conclude that non believers parish are just as bad as each other--and are both elitist bastards.

Imagine now, if Christianity wasn't so elitist. Imagine if they didn't use that ploy to either scare people or round up supporters. Do you know how much better you'd be? The Christians would be true Christians. They'd worship because they want to, rather than being afraid of consequences. The Christian religion would actually be sincere and really would reflect intentions of a god of love. But nope, you're elitists.

I'm agnostic. If it ends up Christianity is true, do I think dear Mr. Sandler will be in hell? -KAZAAM!- no! That's sick. I'm not elitist. People can be good without Christianity. Don't let your religion be shown as elitist by an agnostic or atheist who has more love and compassion for a race than your god.

Also, don't give me "the bible says it" garbage. You know what? Snape kills Dumbledore. Wanna know why? Harry Potter says it. That's about how much the Bible stands up to as far as an agnostic/atheist or any other religion goes. It's either fiction or cannot be proven period.
skywalker541 wrote:Can religion be disproven: NO!
:guffaw: :lol:

Haha, not unless you consider going against the laws of nature, being based on elitist ideals, not being able to be proven, and a book full of contradictions written 2 centuries ago--nope, then it certainly must be true!

Enough with your elitist ideals. If your god is one of love, this crap is so far below him. If your god is real, and he really is a god of love, I'll tell you what he thinks: he thinks elitist Christians are idiots. He prefers an atheist.
Edit: Unfortunately, the comment about the ten commandments being something any douchebag would follow is untrue. They're broken all the time by people, Christians included.


Actually, if you are a Christian out of fear of punishment and not out of love, then you aren't saved. The sad, but true thing is that most people who think they're saved, aren't. Which would partially explain why most "Christians" don't act the way you'd expect Christians to act. Also, if Christians didn't follow the Bible, what would they follow? All we have are the Bible, which is God's will, faith, and experiencing God working in our lives. I looked at that list of contradictions. They were all very minor things and probably taken out of context. I do plan to look into them though. But it is a book written by over 40 people from all walks of life over a period of over 1000 years. And considering that, the things in it that are most important are not contradicted. And I know everything in it is not meant to be taken literally. Many things are parables, but the Bible points it out when it's just a parable. And I'm aware morals and good people exist outside of Christianity. Also, I'm not sure that some other religions are wrong. I've been looking at the Ba'hai religion that believes that most other peaceful monotheistic religions are the Christian message just for different people at different times and that we're actually all worshipping the same God. I'm not sure I agree with everything they teach but that is an interesting concept that I had actually considered before I'd heard of Ba'hai. And I don't understand this recruiting stuff. "Recruiting" you really doesn't benefit me. I've told you why I've gone as far as saying the things I've said. I give you the information and you can do what you want with it. The reason that even some good people will have to experience Hell is because, even they are sinners. Jesus died for their sins, He took their place, but they have to accept the gift. But God does love everyone equally, Christians and non-Christians. And it hurts Him when people choose to die for their own sins instead of accepting that Jesus died for them.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 10:41 pm
by skywalker541
You explained it so much better than me, thank you. That is what i have been trying to say.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:52 pm
by DJ Yoshi
And it still sounds stupid. If I didn't follow the bible, I'd follow what I know to be right, and what I think a truly loving and kind God would want, not your guys' vengeful evil god (and if you go by the Bible, that's what he is. He is not love. You guys are disillusioned if you think this).