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Re: Blade Brothers Engine: Creating my first 2D Game Engine

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:18 pm
by LeonBlade
Alright, sounds fine to me.
I just need a way to load in sprites and a way to index them, I could just do this alphabetically... meh...

I was structuring the events based on Advance Map the Pokemon map editor :lol:
I think it will do well... but I just need to do work today, I was busy all yesterday :nono:

So yeah... anyways I should stop thinking ahead else I wont get anywhere...
UI elements later if I find the time.

Re: Blade Brothers Engine: Creating my first 2D Game Engine

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:32 pm
by avansc
if your "string" members are char*, you can easily just dump the length into the bin file, then dump the string, when you read you just read the length in, then you know how many bytes to read in for the "sting". alternatively you can have you strings be char[20] or how ever long you needed, that will automatically dump 20 bytes into the file and you just read 20 bytes in. many many old games did it this way. altho i probably would not choose to do that.

Re: Blade Brothers Engine: Creating my first 2D Game Engine

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:49 am
by LeonBlade
Hey everyone.

I haven't posted much on the project because... uh... it hasn't gone anywhere...
I've been stuck not knowing what to do for quite some time, and I was talking with Live-Dimension about how I felt like I was doing something wrong with the way I was going about making it (which I was) so now I'm starting to get back on track.

Also, I'm almost 100% sure I'm switching the engine to SFML instead of SDL.
Unfortunately, while SDL is nice, it doesn't have the power that I'd like it to have. So I think I'll go with SFML, what do you think?
If I do plan on switching to SFML, I plan on using Qt for the Editor and that will be where all the actual game editing will be done (not just the maps). However, starting off it will be just the map editor because... that's all I have going so far.

I've been taking a break from coding and made a few sprites which are shown below, tell me what you think etc.
I may decide to use 16 by 16 for my game, I'm not entirely sure yet though because I was going to do 32 by 32.
These tiles are only for testing purposes though, so really I have nothing to worry about at the moment.
Here is a little guy I made too.

Still have to work on other directions and stuff, but right now I'm just playing around with SFML and deciding whether or not I should use it. I'm currently running into a problem with it too so...
As you may notice, there is some bluring going on :lol: I need to get rid of that, so I'll look into that when I wake up (it's 7:48 AM about to sleep ;))

So yeah, figured I'd just update you all because I know a lot of other people on here update a lot, and I get jealous of their progress :(

That's all for now, now I'm going to bed.

Re: Blade Brothers Engine: Creating my first 2D Game Engine

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:10 am
by K-Bal
sf::Image::SetSmooth(false) ;)

SFML is definitely a good choice.

Re: Blade Brothers Engine: Creating my first 2D Game Engine

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:43 am
by LeonBlade
K-Bal wrote:sf::Image::SetSmooth(false) ;)

SFML is definitely a good choice.
Ahh! Thank you! :)
I got my guy do do a little animation (not yet wrapped in a class just sitting in the main loop ;))

EDIT: Okay, now I'm going to bed :lol:

Re: Blade Brothers Engine: Creating my first 2D Game Engine

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 12:02 pm
by GroundUpEngine
Fuck yes, More SFML users! :mrgreen:

p.s. gratz on getting back on track ;)

Re: Blade Brothers Engine: Creating my first 2D Game Engine

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:07 pm
by lotios611
GroundUpEngine wrote:Fuck yes, More SFML users! :mrgreen:

p.s. gratz on getting back on track ;)
I never liked SFML. Too easy and OO for me. Anyways, great work so far!

Re: Blade Brothers Engine: Creating my first 2D Game Engine

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:27 pm
by K-Bal
lotios611 wrote:Too easy

Re: Blade Brothers Engine: Creating my first 2D Game Engine

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:46 pm
by Innerscope
K-Bal wrote:
lotios611 wrote:Too easy
yes, why is that a problem?
I can see inflexible as a valid reason to not like something... but too easy? :lol:
Maybe I'm just not h4X0r enough...

Re: Blade Brothers Engine: Creating my first 2D Game Engine

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:13 pm
by Live-Dimension
lotios611 wrote:
GroundUpEngine wrote:Fuck yes, More SFML users! :mrgreen:

p.s. gratz on getting back on track ;)
I never liked SFML. Too easy and OO for me. Anyways, great work so far!
What would you use instead?

Re: Blade Brothers Engine: Creating my first 2D Game Engine

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:23 pm
by lotios611
Binary. Seriously though, I guess I meant "inflexible." I need to be more precise with my words.

Re: Blade Brothers Engine: Creating my first 2D Game Engine

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 6:48 pm
by Live-Dimension
What's inflexible about it? you have drop-in OpenGL any-time, I believe it's made upon OGL. You have access to shaders. You wouldn't be doing much more if you did it in 2D OGL. You can always use bass if you really need to instead of the audio, but from what I've seen its good enough.

Re: Blade Brothers Engine: Creating my first 2D Game Engine

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:49 pm
by Ginto8
If you're going to use the same library for both window management and rendering, go with SFML. Since (IIRC) it uses OpenGL for rendering (as opposed to SDL's rendering, which is completely in software), it is much faster. If you're having window management and rendering separate, it's your choice; SDL and SFML are about equal, though SFML is slightly superior in that you don't have to explicitly initialize the window for OpenGL.

Re: Blade Brothers Engine: Creating my first 2D Game Engine

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 8:41 pm
by eatcomics
Still kinda thinking about using SFML myself, I'm just more familiar with SDL, so tell me how it is vs SDL if you do switch :D

Re: Blade Brothers Engine: Creating my first 2D Game Engine

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:43 am
by GroundUpEngine
K-Bal wrote:
lotios611 wrote:Too easy
I concur.