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Battlefield 2

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:26 pm
by Fox2Fox2
Ahh, the smell of tank exhaust, the roar of jets, and the thump of troops as they run for cover.

Yeah... Its another Battlefield... 2 For the PC


Version 1.02 - Ownz

First off, my specs
2.53 Ghz P4
1 gig RAM
Radeon 9800 Pro 128Mbit Graphics card
1.3gig page file size

Now, you MUST have broadband or this is useless. And a pretty good computer.

Graphics - 5/5 crazy good. If your system can handle it. Mine can run only on medium but its smoother than a silky va-you get the idea.

Gameplay - 4-5/5 It depends on the team really. If your buddies are complete IDIOTS (unlike my clan btw, *cough*Join*cough*) then you'll be going solo and its not terribley fun. However, you can unlock guns for better killing devastation.

Sound - 5/5 Incredible. The rumble of tanks, the crunching of the grass under your feet, and the fear and awe of a jet roaring past you 30 feet up make this game an aural orgasm. Explosions are good. Guns are good. Blowing things up with C4 is GREAT.

Overall - 4.9/5 - Some people still have problems with the game and some ppl are still ultra-noobs but overall this is an incredible game. Pick it up. If you can't? Too bad, we'll tell you all about the fun we have! Teehee shotgun to the face! :twisted:

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:43 pm
by DJ Yoshi
I'll wait till it doesn't crash on load. In the meantime I'll enjoy Dungeon Siege 2.

Re: Battlefield 2

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 11:09 pm
by Xylene
Fox2Fox2 wrote:Overall - 4.9/5 - Some people still have problems with the game and some ppl are still ultra-noobs but overall this is an incredible game. Pick it up. If you can't? Too bad, we'll tell you all about the fun we have! Teehee shotgun to the face! :twisted:
Yep, ultra n00bs becuase apparently EA developers (or Dice) can't code their way out of a paper bag (lolzlzlzozlzolz!!!). The first set of patches fixed a few things but the game is still loaded with bugs. The server menu is still slow, though not as slow as the first release.

Besides UI problems, the actual gameplay is riddled with issues.

Friendlies sometimes appear as enemies.

The game randomly crashes.

You graze a vehicle and it's instand death. Really, talk about BS.

Video rendering sometimes drops framerate out of nowhere, even on a high end machine.

And more that I don't feel like typing.

I can't believe I paid $50 for this pile of shit when it was first released. I haven't played it in weeks now.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:21 pm
by DJ Yoshi
It's not Dice or EA's developers. It's EA themselves, rushing the games to shelves before it's finished.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:42 pm
by Marx Chaotix
That game sounds ok not that good I'm pretty sure it could have been a hell of a lot better if the programs spent more time programing the game.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:55 pm
by Fox2Fox2
true but the 1.02 patch really changes things. The whole vehicle hit thing is crazy yes, but the bugs are not very common... the team color bug is maybe.... 1/13 games.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:52 pm
by Wutai
Hmm.... Yeah, I think I'll just wait for the Next-Gen Console release since my five-year-old machine can't run it.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 2:23 pm
by MarauderIIC
Pruned - Bad part of topic split to "Posts you shouldn't make", thread unlocked.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:14 am
by Fox2Fox2
Well, now that the dust has settled and the admin nukes have been launched. The new update is out and I think it is actually a nice piece of work!

They fixed a lot of bugs (a bunch that I dont want to type and cant access due to gayzorz Dans Guardian!)

They added an old favorite BF1942 map (hehe coolness)

VEHICLE-PLAYER PHYSICS CHANGED! No instant deaths from a slowly downhill sliding LSV!

Lower point requirements for rank so MORE UNLOCKED GUNS WOOT!

They fixed the radio comm rose so you dont have to stand up all the time.

And I still believe this is one of the best games of the year despite some bugs (mainly from EA rushing it. If Dice has full control I'm absolutely sure it would be a higher quality game but hey, thats life)

My judgement for 1.3 is :hitit: definately.