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GumShoe (NES)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:16 pm
by Falco Girgis
Okay, I really don't have enough time to write a review, but I am anyway. That should make you realize that this is one special NES game. :wink:

I had known of this game's existance for a little while now. I just never got around to owning (or even playing it) due to its rarity. We drove to Scottsborough (some gay place that I can't spell). Anyway, the one good part is that I found some ghetto guy selling NES goods on the side of the road at an outdoor flea market. Sadly, I didn't have enough for the Original Mario Bros for NES (been looking for it for years, the one time it turns up, I can't afford it. :cry: ). Alas, I wasn't sad for long, as I did have enough for another title that I've been endlessly searching for.

This game is Gumshoe

Graphics: 10/10
I don't even want to talk about graphics. Guess what? I hate graphics and I think you can shove them up your ass. Nobody has any right to criticize an NES game for graphics, because unlike now games could actually be good without looking "OMFG TEH REAl!" Nowadays, games suck balls, so developers have to account for that with realistic graphics.

Graphically, this game can be compared to Wrecking Crew, Super Mario Bros., Gryomite, Metroid, Zelda, and the other earlier (1980s) classics. There is nothing to complain about. You want to complain--join an emo band and spare us.

Sound: 7/10
Nothing short of what I'd expect from an NES game here. I personally find NES music some of the most beautiful music I've heard, because, again, people can't rely on excellent sound hardware to save them, they had to make music that actually had a great melody.

As with all of the older NES games, there aren't too many tracks on Gumshoe, but what few there are remain just as catchy as the other 1980-ish games that we all love so very, very much.

Gameplay: 9/10
This is where the game stands out. This whole time I haven't even established what Gumshoe was or is about. Gumshoe is a forgotten light gun masterpeice. That's right, there are games other than Duck Hunt (and Hogan's Alley) that utilized the light gun. I have owned Hogan's Alley and Duck Hunt for years, and I didn't realize there were any more in the lightgun series. Just like Gyromite--this is another game that time has forgotten.

Unlike Hogan's Alley and Duck Hunt, this game isn't a simple shooting range. Your daughter has been kidnapped, and you've got to guide your character (one badass mofo) throughout the levels without getting shot, run over, or getting your ass pwnt in another way.

Your character is walking forward forever. You can shoot him to make him leap over obstacles, but at the same time, you've got to gun down cars and other projectiles that're trying to blow your ass to hell.

That's right kiddos--you'd better go have some more training with your little "Duck Hunt," because your level 0 n00b skills aren't going to cut it here. This game takes real skill. Projectiles are sometimes tiny, and you've got to concentrate on your character at the same time. I'm afraid "Sharpshooter" on Hogan's Alley/Duck Hunt just isn't going to cut it here--it'll require real skill.

It's so damn addicting.

Overall: 8/10

This game is badass. I've been waiting to come home and play it all day at school. It's officially beaten Hogan's Alley as my new favorite light gun game. If you ever happen upon this game, buy it or you'll never get the chance again. Also, if you've never played, I'd say it's time to bust out your emulator so that you can at least give it a glance.


Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:40 pm
by Wutai
Sounds cool. I've got Hogan's Alley and Duck Hunt on one of those 12,000,000+ games in one N64 controller things. I also have the actual cartridges and an NES light gun, but the NES itself is hopelessly broken.

Gumshoe sounds pretty cool.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:39 pm
by MarauderIIC
I have Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt on one cartridge. =) Came w/ the nintendo (which I now have back)

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:00 pm
by Imprezamtt
I have a golden Zelda NES cart.
and a Zelda A link to the past cart w/ box for SNES.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 3:19 pm
by Wutai
My brother has the cartridges for Chrono Trigger and Earthbound for the SNES.
He only has the box for Chrono Trigger though.


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:00 pm
by Falco Girgis
I hope to god you aren't serious. I would take a picture of my NES collection, but that's not even worth the effort.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:51 pm
by Orgodemirk
How many NES games do you have now? 60? 70?

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:23 pm
by Wutai
I was pwning Imprezamtt, not you. I know my collection means nothing compared to yours, Gyro.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:31 pm
by Falco Girgis
My collection is nothing compared to what it will be in a few days when I get a license and a job.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:46 pm
by MarauderIIC
I have one of the gold zeldas. I had both at one point, maybe one of them's in the NES.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:51 pm
by Falco Girgis
I have the original Zelda with its sexy golden self, but my Zelda II: Adventures of Link is gray. :?

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:22 am
by spideyspiderman2000
How many Gold Zelda cartridges did they make? I heard it was around, like, 160 or something.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:03 am
by DJ Yoshi
WAY more than that.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 9:49 am
by Falco Girgis
Yeah, they aren't that rare. (they are that badass though)