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Sony fanboys, please read:

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:39 pm
by Falco Girgis
This topic is because I've had enough of this:
Stereotypical Sony Fanboy in Response to Great DC Homebrew Achievement wrote:ok, im going 2 say this agan. DREAMCAST IS DEAD.

ps2 is more powerfull in evry way. cpu and gpu. im sry, but i can only speak the truth
So here's our official response:

D34r $oNy Fanb0yz,
We, the Dreamcast scene, regret to inform you that not only are you full of shit, but we've taken the liberty to devise a list of major strengths the DC has against the PS2 (aka stand):
List of major PS2 ownage wrote:1) Launched with 56k modem
2) DC supports REAL VGA output
3) Dreamcast anti aliases, so you don't slit your wrists on the damn jaggies.
4) PS2 has 48 sound channels. DC has 64
5) DC has a more programmer-friendly architecture
6) DC has 4 control ports instead of god damned multitaps
7) DC has more accessories
8) DC is the only console to have a web browser
9) DC is backed by a loving scene that'll make sure it outlives PS2.
10) PS2 has 1/2 DC's Vram--same as my N64 with expansion pack.
11) PS2 has no texture compression support
12) VMU r teh more powerfull tehn 8MB ps2 mem carsd. gpu and cpu. I can nly speak teh truth!
So you see, you PS2 owners should be very proud. You now have a place to put your Sega Dreamcast!

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:43 pm
by Don Pwnious