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Post by skywalker541 »

Since this is my first post since the site went down, thought i'd christen this new server with another PS3 bashing post. i found this article revealing the latest news about the videogame system that will flop more than michael johnson's limp dick running a marathon. ... its-1.html

Nothing much to say here, these articles speak for themselves. Just read them and observe the homosexuality flourish. :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:
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Post by DJ Yoshi »

TheInquirer is also the genius site that brought us the "official" revolution specs a while back which were bunk. I'll go look up the article if you like. Nothing they say can be trusted.

Though Cell yields are low, it has nothing to do with inequities on Sony's part as they're not even manufacturing. It's just a complicated processor, and even one thing wrong throws it into the recycling bin, which is...bad for business, so to speak. But they're coming along.

That first article is old news--Sony already said they wouldn't limit a game to a single console. Sony's made some stupid moves with their console thus far, but it's still shaping up and I don't think Sony would be stupid enough to do that, bar the rootkit and other fiascos.

You fail sir. Once again. Just like every other time.

Also, who are you to be speaking on any[thing/one] else's homosexuality? Seriously, everyone who knows you in person can attest to the point that you must be at least bisexual, if not a full on faggot in the closet. :)
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Post by Tvspelsfreak »

skywalker541 wrote:Since this is my first post since the site went down, thought i'd christen this new server with another PS3 bashing post. i found this article revealing the latest news about the videogame system that will flop more than michael johnson's limp dick running a marathon. ... its-1.html

Nothing much to say here, these articles speak for themselves. Just read them and observe the homosexuality flourish. :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:
Wow, I think you actually pwnt yourself. And it's probably not the first time either.

Seriously, you even make 360 fanboys look bad. :guffaw:
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Post by Falco Girgis »

skywalker541 wrote:Since this is my first post since the site went down, thought i'd christen this new server with another PS3 bashing post. i found this article revealing the latest news about the videogame system that will flop more than michael johnson's limp dick running a marathon. ... its-1.html

Nothing much to say here, these articles speak for themselves. Just read them and observe the homosexuality flourish. :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:
Yeah uhm, I think that would be Michael Johnson's limp dick flopping into your mouth.

Please reread the articles carefully, then learn how semiconductor productions work.

so uhm...

lolololllolooollolololol x infinity back at you?
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Post by skywalker541 »

Well it's interesting to me that the only defense against the PS3 sucking you guys have is personal insults against me. Seriously can't we be civil in our debates? I'm pretty sure that at least 95% of the time i haven't been the one to cast the first stone as far as personal insults go. So from now on can we be mature about our arguments?


Wow, I think you actually pwnt yourself. And it's probably not the first time either.

Seriously, you even make 360 fanboys look bad. A Hearty Guffaw
lol...didn't notice that last line in the cell yield article. Still 20-40% yields is an expensive loss for sony.

Edit: I'm sick of hearing that the XBOX360 isn't going to have any awesome rpg's. ... ids_1.html

Check out the latest footage of Mass Effect then tell me what you think, and be objective.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

skywalker541 wrote:Well it's interesting to me that the only defense against the PS3 sucking you guys have is personal insults against me. Seriously can't we be civil in our debates?

I never thought I'd hear those words from you.

Perhaps the 360 might get some good RPGs, but until Squeenix signs on and delivers (which they haven't yet), a 360 has absolutely nothing I want. (I guess Halo, Halo, Halo, and Oblivion are okay)
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Post by Yikarso »

Ah, so we are usually the ones who start the personal insults.

"LOLOL PS3 R teh sukz lololo aucse 360 are get DMC For!"
"Yes, LOL"


Know what I find funny? The fact that most of the best arguments against PS3 are based on information that could or could not end up being true . The system isn't even out yet and still people say 360 wins.

The 360 is already out. We already know it sucks.
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Post by skywalker541 »

I'm not saying i haven't done my share of being a dick about this stuff. I have and well, I know it won't mean much to you guys but i'm sorry. So from now can we hold off on the personal insults and argue with a little more class?
GyroVorbis wrote:
skywalker541 wrote:Well it's interesting to me that the only defense against the PS3 sucking you guys have is personal insults against me. Seriously can't we be civil in our debates?

I never thought I'd hear those words from you.

Perhaps the 360 might get some good RPGs, but until Squeenix signs on and delivers (which they haven't yet), a 360 has absolutely nothing I want. (I guess Halo, Halo, Halo, and Oblivion are okay)
Have you checked out Blue Dragon? It's a Japanese RPG being developed for the 360 it looks pretty cool to me. The guy who started the final fantasy games is the head designer. After they make that they're making Lost oddysey which looks pretty sweet as well.

Check out this article by IGN outlining all the new RPG's being developed for the 360 there's going to be quite a few this time around.
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Post by DJ Yoshi »

skywalker541 wrote:Well it's interesting to me that the only defense against the PS3 sucking you guys have is personal insults against me. Seriously can't we be civil in our debates? I'm pretty sure that at least 95% of the time i haven't been the one to cast the first stone as far as personal insults go. So from now on can we be mature about our arguments?


Wow, I think you actually pwnt yourself. And it's probably not the first time either.

Seriously, you even make 360 fanboys look bad. A Hearty Guffaw
lol...didn't notice that last line in the cell yield article. Still 20-40% yields is an expensive loss for sony.

Edit: I'm sick of hearing that the XBOX360 isn't going to have any awesome rpg's. ... ids_1.html

Check out the latest footage of Mass Effect then tell me what you think, and be objective.
1) I already said, one of your articles isn't reliable and the other just outlines a truth everyone knew. Cell yields are's an expensive and complex processor. This has been known since before E3.
2) 20-40% is an expensive loss for Sony? No, really? That doesn't mean it sucks though.
3) The 360 has shit lined up for RPGs. It has a couple that look interesting, but nothing good. Seriously. The PS3 already has Assassin's Creed and MGS4, while the latter isn't an RPG, it's going to be awesome nonetheless. I would lay down 600+ for MGS4 alone (and probably will, after the initial die down of all the bugs).

Finally, the only way you should associate yourself with class of any sort is when you get to school. You lost your "I'm sorry" rights long ago, after stupid comment #3952. Just shut up.
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Post by skywalker541 »

Well Assassin's Creed is most likely not going to be an exclusive to the ps3. The fact that it was being played with a 360 controller on a 360 at the PS3 demo station at E3 shows that.
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Post by DJ Yoshi »

skywalker541 wrote:Well Assassin's Creed is most likely not going to be an exclusive to the ps3. The fact that it was being played with a 360 controller on a 360 at the PS3 demo station at E3 shows that.
Or it could be that the two platforms are extremely similar in design, and the PS3s were in short supply/not ready yet. All signs so far point to a PS3-only release, despite what it was played on (and that "information" is dubious at best coming from you and your oh so veritable "sources").
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Post by skywalker541 »

ROFL, LOL :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: Are you saying the PS3 and Xbox 360 have a similar hardware platform?
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Post by DJ Yoshi »

skywalker541 wrote:ROFL, LOL :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw: Are you saying the PS3 and Xbox 360 have a similar hardware platform?
Both RISC multicore chips, both use standard video cards, both use regular RAM...the only difference is the disc drive and the fact that the Cell is much more attuned towards gaming/media than the shitbox360's tricore abomination.
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Post by skywalker541 »

Wow, They may both use RISC style ships, but they do not use standard video cards at least the 360 doesn't. And although the Cell and the Tricore are both RISC chips you have to program completely differently for each one. Game code that runs well on the 360 will not run well if at all on the PS3 and visa -versa. I can find you all kinds of articles supporting this if you want, but i'm pretty sure you're only kidding about them being that similar, you have to be.

LOL, what you pretty much said is since they both have CPUs, video cards and RAM they're the same. Surely you didn't mean that.
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Post by DJ Yoshi »

skywalker541 wrote:Wow, They may both use RISC style ships, but they do not use standard video cards at least the 360 doesn't. And although the Cell and the Tricore are both RISC chips you have to program completely differently for each one. Game code that runs well on the 360 will not run well if at all on the PS3 and visa -versa. I can find you all kinds of articles supporting this if you want, but i'm pretty sure you're only kidding about them being that similar, you have to be.

LOL, what you pretty much said is since they both have CPUs, video cards and RAM they're the same. Surely you didn't mean that.
The 360 uses a minorly upgraded X1800XT. And you don't have to program completely differently for each one--since they're both RISC at the core, they just need to be recompiled. And I'm not kidding at all, they're extremely similar.

And you obviously have no grasp of architecture in a PC. But this was made apparent to me during my junior year while you pestered me with endless stupid questions about your computer.
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