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This is why all Microsoft has is Halo.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:40 pm
by Orgodemirk
Microsoft – 2011
Date: September 2nd
Time: 11:32 a.m.
Meeting Place – Microsoft Head Office

Head of Microsoft: DAMN, Halo 17 sure did well in sales today. It sold four whole copies.

Man 1: Halo sales have been going down as much as the 360 did in 2007. We desperately need a new franchise.

Head of Microsoft: What are you talking about? Halo is our best selling game.

Man 1: That’s because it’s out only game.

Head of Microsoft: What are you talking about? We’ve got Call of Duty 4, PSU Episode 3, Dear or Alive 6, and Elder Scrolls 5: Something.

Man 1: Have you ever taken a second to look at the titles of those games?

Head of Microsoft: No, why?

Man 1: Look, I brought some of them with me.

Head of Microsoft: Look, It’s Call of Duty 4, nothing else.

Man 1: Move your thumb.

Head of Microsoft: What the? Call of Duty 4: Halo Edition.

Head of Microsoft: What? Dead or Alive 6: HALO VERSION?

Head of Microsoft: WHAT?? HALO HALO?

Head of Microsoft: He’s right. We need a new game. Any suggestions?

Man 2: Well I’ve done some research and it seems that we have about 1,290,603 first person shooters, so I suggest that we make another type of game.

Head of Microsoft: You’re right. We never had a first person shooter. We should make one of those.

Man 1: WHAT? We’ve never had one rythym game. We’ve had way too many first person shooters.

Head of Microsoft: He’s right, we’ve made way too many rhythm games.
Head of Microsoft: So, we’re making a first person shooter? What should it be called?


Head of Microsoft: He’s right. We should call it Halo.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:01 am
by skywalker541
Obviously you haven't heard about Gears of War, Enchanted Arms, Mass Effect, Blue Dragon or Too human.
None of those have anything to do with Halo. Gears of War is looking like it will actually be even better than Halo. So again stop posting completely baseless arguments against the 360, it just makes you look stupid and uninformed.

Also, there's a rumor going around that Guitar Hero 2 will be on the 360. How's that for a rhythym game?

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:30 pm
by Orgodemirk yeah, an argument from the future.

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:50 pm
by Falco Girgis
Whoah, whoah, whoah.
Skywalker541 wrote:So again stop posting completely baseless arguments against the 360, it just makes you look stupid and uninformed.
That's just as bad as the time you posted and asked why we couldn't be civilized in our debates.

Here, you'll see that in the same post:
Skywalker541 wrote:Also, there's a rumor going around that Guitar Hero 2 will be on the 360. How's that for a rhythym game?
You are defending your 360 with a rumor? How is that for baseless? That's as oxymoronic as it gets. All that you can do is attack the PS3 with rumors and defend the 360 with more rumors.

Now lets take a walk on the wild side and make-believe that the 360 actually did get Guitar Hero. I wouldn't be surprised, it's just like everything else. The 360 is dumped with hand-me-down games from other, more successful consoles. Note that the top-seller, Call of Duty 2, wasn't even originally made for the 360.

Technically, if you'd take a closer look at the 360's best sellers like so: wrote: * Call of Duty 2 (1.32 million) Originally on PC, later ported (quite shittily) to 360
* Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (1.28 million) Ported to PC soon after 360 release, so it's not special
* The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (1.13 million) Originally a PC game. PC version also features the "not Hyrule field" mip mapping method

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 11:29 pm
by Dark Crusader
Am I the only one who didnt take that seriously? I like many of the games for X-box and the 360. But yes Halo is...well.....I dunno. Its fun for the first few times arownd but I can never get into the multiplayer. Its just the same thing over and over. They should have had an online co op mode for the story. Atleast it would make it more fun the next time rownd. And yes I now it had a co op singleplayer but I want to see how hard it is to play with some kid from Bolivia and jump the language barrier.
Oh well. Skywalker.....Just calm down and take a joke.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 11:38 am
by DJ Yoshi
skywalker541 wrote:Obviously you haven't heard about Gears of War, Enchanted Arms, Mass Effect, Blue Dragon or Too human.
None of those have anything to do with Halo. Gears of War is looking like it will actually be even better than Halo. So again stop posting completely baseless arguments against the 360, it just makes you look stupid and uninformed.

Also, there's a rumor going around that Guitar Hero 2 will be on the 360. How's that for a rhythym game?
The only one of those I've heard of is Gears of War. And, I'll give you it's not a lame FPS--it's a lame TPS. Seriously, all I've seen from it are graphics, and since it's supposed to be a 360 "exclusive", I could give a rat's ass for it, especially since the only other game worth playing on the 360 is on the PC too (well the only other games...CoD2, Oblivion, Condemned).

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:31 pm
by skywalker541
All those games i listed are exclusives and look like they're going to be awesome. The multiplayer lip-synching feature sounds crazy, this means your character will lip-synch when you talk into your mic. Just one of the awesome things about Gears of War.

The joke implied only games based on Halo will be coming out in the future, so i listed games proving that wrong and completely baseless.

And the rumor about Guitar Hero isn't completely baseless. Check out the article here. ... _hea.shtml
DJ Yoshi wrote: The only one of those I've heard of is Gears of War.
This shows just how uninformed you are about 360 games, proving that you really don't look to see what's on the 360 you just assume the PS3 will be better without really having any proof as far as games go.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:58 pm
by DJ Yoshi
skywalker541 wrote:All those games i listed are exclusives and look like they're going to be awesome. The multiplayer lip-synching feature sounds crazy, this means your character will lip-synch when you talk into your mic. Just one of the awesome things about Gears of War.
skywalker541 wrote:d forgive me if I don't care about multiplayer lipsynching--they've had that since CS.
skywalker541 wrote:The joke implied only games based on Halo will be coming out in the future, so i listed games proving that wrong and completely baseless.

And the rumor about Guitar Hero isn't completely baseless. Check out the article here. ... _hea.shtml
Gamerandy. Sounds like a site to be trusted Image
skywalker541 wrote:
DJ Yoshi wrote: The only one of those I've heard of is Gears of War.
This shows just how uninformed you are about 360 games, proving that you really don't look to see what's on the 360 you just assume the PS3 will be better without really having any proof as far as games go.
Uninformed? I haven't looked at PS3 games much either. I know the PS3 will be better because the games so far have been tried and true. Metal Gear Solid 4 is enough to convince me.

Also, the 360 sucks so far, and nothing has made me change my mind yet. I keep up with it minorly, but I expect nothing from it so I don't really look into it. My point stands--the best selling 360 games (save Kameo and PD:Z, which suck anyways) are on the PC and, mostly, look better on there. Call of Duty and Quake 4 both look insanely better on the PC, Condemned looks better and is on the PC, and Oblivion...well...that one's self-explanatory. TES games have always been better with mouse and keyboard.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:40 pm
by skywalker541
You haven't looked at PS3 games either huh? Well this just means your even more uninformed and rely more on assumption than i had thought.
DJ Yoshi wrote: Uninformed? I haven't looked at PS3 games much either. I know the PS3 will be better because the games so far have been tried and true. Metal Gear Solid 4 is enough to convince me.
Wow, this sentence is one big oxymoron. If you haven't looked at the PS3 games that much how do you know they will be better? PS3 games have been "tried and true"? Lol, that makes no sense since they haven't even come out and most couldn't be played at E3.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:12 pm
by DJ Yoshi
skywalker541 wrote:You haven't looked at PS3 games either huh? Well this just means your even more uninformed than i thought and rely more on assumption than i had thought.
Much. Much. Much. Is your brain so feeble as to not understand what that word means?
skywalker541 wrote:
DJ Yoshi wrote: Uninformed? I haven't looked at PS3 games much either. I know the PS3 will be better because the games so far have been tried and true. Metal Gear Solid 4 is enough to convince me.
Wow, this sentence is one big oxymoron. If you haven't looked at the PS3 games that much how do you know they will be better? PS3 games have been "tried and true"? Lol, that makes no sense since they haven't even come out and most couldn't be played at E3.
Much. Much. Much. Much. Much. Much.


Also, Assassin's Creed (or whatever it's called) will blow Oblivion out of the water, MGS4...well it's MGS. If Kojima fails to deliver, it will be the first time in almost 2 decades. Those two games plus the promise of sequels of such awesome titles such as Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, God of War, and the guaranteed release of Guitar Hero sequels, PLUS the ability to play any PS1/2 game on it is more than enough to convince me.

Sorry, I like my backwards compatibility to include more than "Barbie's Magic Ranch House".

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:02 pm
by Falco Girgis
DJ Yoshi wrote: Sorry, I like my backwards compatibility to include more than "Barbie's Magic Ranch House".
And Sonic Heroes.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:34 pm
by spideyspiderman2000
Now imagine Microsoft consoles without Halo...

Xbox 45, anyone?