Weak PHP Tic-Tak-Toe
Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:16 pm
So I basically finished the website at my work in about a week or so, so on the day that they were transitioning me to a new job, I had some free time to goof off. [what a craptastic sentence... 3 so's in one] I thought to myself, what can I do in about an hour. I decided to make an attempt at Tic-Tac-Toe in PHP because I thought it would be fast and easy... It ended up taking a wee bit longer. Yeah.... it ended up being like a billion lines of code. And the AI blows because I got bored half way through and just said the heck with it.
I thought it would be humorous to send all the game info through the URL... so I did... But I don't know why I thought that was funny at the time.
Anywho, check it out: Tic-Tak-Toe
This be the code. (although there seems to be strange amonts of white space towards the bottom, must be the text editor I used)
Tic-Tak-Toe sux.
I thought it would be humorous to send all the game info through the URL... so I did... But I don't know why I thought that was funny at the time.
Anywho, check it out: Tic-Tak-Toe
This be the code. (although there seems to be strange amonts of white space towards the bottom, must be the text editor I used)
Code: Select all
// PHP Tic Tak Toe
// Version: lame.weak
// By Travis Stuart
echo "<body bgcolor=\"#DDDDDD\"><b><center><font face=tahoma><br>\n\n";
//Randomize if true
$meFirst = $_GET['meFirst'];
if($meFirst == true) { $meFirst = mt_rand(0,1); }
$g00 = $_GET['g00'];
$g10 = $_GET['g10'];
$g20 = $_GET['g20'];
$g01 = $_GET['g01'];
$g11 = $_GET['g11'];
$g21 = $_GET['g21'];
$g02 = $_GET['g02'];
$g12 = $_GET['g12'];
$g22 = $_GET['g22'];
//Grid Array
$grid[0][0] = $g00;
$grid[1][0] = $g10;
$grid[2][0] = $g20;
$grid[0][1] = $g01;
$grid[1][1] = $g11;
$grid[2][1] = $g21;
$grid[0][2] = $g02;
$grid[1][2] = $g12;
$grid[2][2] = $g22;
//Do AI here
if($meFirst != 1)
$aiDone = false;
//Block human if need be
//Check cols
for($row = 0; $row <= 2; $row++)
$xThere = false;
for($col = 0; $col <= 2; $col++)
if($grid[$row][$col] == 'x')
if($xThere == false)
$xThere = true;
} else {
//Uh-Oh, there are 2 x's now... try to put an o in there!
for($colN = 0; $colN <= 2; $colN++)
if($grid[$row][$colN] == '_') { $grid[$row][$colN] = 'o'; $aiDone = true; }
if($aiDone == true) break;
if($aiDone == true) break;
//Check rows
if($aiDone == false)
for($col = 0; $col <= 2; $col++)
$xThere = false;
for($row = 0; $row <= 2; $row++)
if($grid[$row][$col] == 'x')
if($xThere == false)
$xThere = true;
} else {
//whoa, there are 2 x's now... try to put an o in there!
for($rowN = 0; $rowN <= 2; $rowN++)
if($grid[$rowN][$col] == '_') { $grid[$rowN][$col] = 'o'; $aiDone = true; }
if($aiDone == true) break;
if($aiDone == true) break;
//If no need to block, randomize placement later, maybe
if($aiDone == false)
//See if there are any spots left to take
$spotsLeft = false;
for($col = 0; $col <= 2; $col++)
for($row = 0; $row <= 2; $row++)
if($grid[$row][$col] == '_') $spotsLeft = true;
if($spotsLeft == true)
for($col = 0; $col <= 2; $col++)
$oThere = false;
for($row = 0; $row <= 2; $row++)
if($grid[$row][$col] == 'o')
for($rowN = 0; $rowN <= 2; $rowN++)
if($grid[$rowN][$col] == '_') { $grid[$rowN][$col] = 'o'; $aiDone = true; break; }
if($aiDone == true) break;
if($aiDone == true) break;
if($aiDone == false)
$okay = false;
while($okay == false)
$randX = mt_rand(0,2);
$randY = mt_rand(0,2);
if($grid[$randX][$randY] == '_')
$grid[$randX][$randY] = 'o';
$aiDone = true;
$okay = true;
//See if anyone won
//if x one
for($col = 0; $col <= 2; $col++)
$valueCount = 0;
for($row = 0; $row <= 2; $row++)
if($grid[$row][$col] == 'x') $valueCount++;
if($valueCount == 3) echo "You WON!";
for($col = 0; $col <= 2; $col++)
$valueCount = 0;
for($row = 0; $row <= 2; $row++)
if($grid[$col][$row] == 'x') $valueCount++;
if($valueCount == 3) echo "You WON!";
$valueCount = 0;
for($dia = 0; $dia <= 2; $dia++)
if($grid[$dia][$dia] == 'x') $valueCount++;
if($valueCount == 3) echo "You WON!";
$valueCount = 0;
for($dia = 0; $dia <= 2; $dia++)
if($grid[2-$dia][$dia] == 'x') $valueCount++;
if($valueCount == 3) echo "You WON!";
//if o one
for($col = 0; $col <= 2; $col++)
$valueCount = 0;
for($row = 0; $row <= 2; $row++)
if($grid[$row][$col] == 'o') $valueCount++;
if($valueCount == 3) echo "You LOST!";
for($col = 0; $col <= 2; $col++)
$valueCount = 0;
for($row = 0; $row <= 2; $row++)
if($grid[$col][$row] == 'o') $valueCount++;
if($valueCount == 3) echo "You LOST!";
$valueCount = 0;
for($dia = 0; $dia <= 2; $dia++)
if($grid[$dia][$dia] == 'o') $valueCount++;
if($valueCount == 3) echo "You LOST!";
$valueCount = 0;
for($dia = 0; $dia <= 2; $dia++)
if($grid[2-$dia][$dia] == 'o') $valueCount++;
if($valueCount == 3) echo "You LOST!";
$g00 = $grid[0][0];
$g10 = $grid[1][0];
$g20 = $grid[2][0];
$g01 = $grid[0][1];
$g11 = $grid[1][1];
$g21 = $grid[2][1];
$g02 = $grid[0][2];
$g12 = $grid[1][2];
$g22 = $grid[2][2];
function editGridValues($x,$y)
global $g00,$g10,$g20, $g01,$g11,$g21, $g02,$g12,$g22;
case 0:
case 0: $gridValues = 'g00='.'x'.'&g10='.$g10.'&g20='.$g20 . '&g01='.$g01.'&g11='.$g11.'&g21='.$g21 . '&g02='.$g02.'&g12='.$g12.'&g22='.$g22; break;
case 1: $gridValues = 'g00='.$g00.'&g10='.$g10.'&g20='.$g20 . '&g01='.'x'.'&g11='.$g11.'&g21='.$g21 . '&g02='.$g02.'&g12='.$g12.'&g22='.$g22; break;
case 2: $gridValues = 'g00='.$g00.'&g10='.$g10.'&g20='.$g20 . '&g01='.$g01.'&g11='.$g11.'&g21='.$g21 . '&g02='.'x'.'&g12='.$g12.'&g22='.$g22; break;
case 1:
case 0: $gridValues = 'g00='.$g00.'&g10='.'x'.'&g20='.$g20 . '&g01='.$g01.'&g11='.$g11.'&g21='.$g21 . '&g02='.$g02.'&g12='.$g12.'&g22='.$g22; break;
case 1: $gridValues = 'g00='.$g00.'&g10='.$g10.'&g20='.$g20 . '&g01='.$g01.'&g11='.'x'.'&g21='.$g21 . '&g02='.$g02.'&g12='.$g12.'&g22='.$g22; break;
case 2: $gridValues = 'g00='.$g00.'&g10='.$g10.'&g20='.$g20 . '&g01='.$g01.'&g11='.$g11.'&g21='.$g21 . '&g02='.$g02.'&g12='.'x'.'&g22='.$g22; break;
case 2:
case 0: $gridValues = 'g00='.$g00.'&g10='.$g10.'&g20='.'x' . '&g01='.$g01.'&g11='.$g11.'&g21='.$g21 . '&g02='.$g02.'&g12='.$g12.'&g22='.$g22; break;
case 1: $gridValues = 'g00='.$g00.'&g10='.$g10.'&g20='.$g20 . '&g01='.$g01.'&g11='.$g11.'&g21='.'x' . '&g02='.$g02.'&g12='.$g12.'&g22='.$g22; break;
case 2: $gridValues = 'g00='.$g00.'&g10='.$g10.'&g20='.$g20 . '&g01='.$g01.'&g11='.$g11.'&g21='.$g21 . '&g02='.$g02.'&g12='.$g12.'&g22='.'x'; break;
return $gridValues;
echo "<center><br><br>";
echo "<table border=5 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>";
echo "<tr><td>";
if($g00 == '_') echo "<a href=test.php?".editGridValues(0,0).">";
case '_': echo "<img src=_.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'x': echo "<img src=x.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'o': echo "<img src=o.gif border=0>"; break;
if($g00 == '_') echo "</a>";
echo "</td><td>";
if($g10 == '_') echo "<a href=test.php?".editGridValues(1,0).">";
case '_': echo "<img src=_.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'x': echo "<img src=x.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'o': echo "<img src=o.gif border=0>"; break;
if($g10 == '_') echo "</a>";
echo "</td><td>";
if($g20 == '_') echo "<a href=test.php?".editGridValues(2,0).">";
case '_': echo "<img src=_.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'x': echo "<img src=x.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'o': echo "<img src=o.gif border=0>"; break;
if($g20 == '_') echo "</a>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
if($g01 == '_') echo "<a href=test.php?".editGridValues(0,1).">";
case '_': echo "<img src=_.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'x': echo "<img src=x.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'o': echo "<img src=o.gif border=0>"; break;
if($g01 == '_') echo "</a>";
echo "</td><td>";
if($g11 == '_') echo "<a href=test.php?".editGridValues(1,1).">";
case '_': echo "<img src=_.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'x': echo "<img src=x.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'o': echo "<img src=o.gif border=0>"; break;
if($g11 == '_') echo "</a>";
echo "</td><td>";
if($g21 == '_') echo "<a href=test.php?".editGridValues(2,1).">";
case '_': echo "<img src=_.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'x': echo "<img src=x.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'o': echo "<img src=o.gif border=0>"; break;
if($g21 == '_') echo "</a>";
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
if($g02 == '_') echo "<a href=test.php?".editGridValues(0,2).">";
case '_': echo "<img src=_.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'x': echo "<img src=x.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'o': echo "<img src=o.gif border=0>"; break;
if($g02 == '_') echo "</a>";
echo "</td><td>";
if($g12 == '_') echo "<a href=test.php?".editGridValues(1,2).">";
case '_': echo "<img src=_.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'x': echo "<img src=x.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'o': echo "<img src=o.gif border=0>"; break;
if($g12 == '_') echo "</a>";
echo "</td><td>";
if($g22 == '_') echo "<a href=test.php?".editGridValues(2,2).">";
case '_': echo "<img src=_.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'x': echo "<img src=x.gif border=0>"; break;
case 'o': echo "<img src=o.gif border=0>"; break;
if($g22 == '_') echo "</a>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
echo "<br><br><a href=test.php?g00=_&g10=_&g20=_&g01=_&g11=_&g21=_&g02=_&g12=_&g22=_&meFirst=1>New Game</a>";