So what're you addicted to nowadays?

Anything pertaining to video gaming whether it be old or new, PC or Console.

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Falco Girgis
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So what're you addicted to nowadays?

Post by Falco Girgis »

Since Christmas, I've really been focusing on one game: Final Fantasy 12.

This game is so amazing and awesome. It pisses me off every time I think of Twilight getting game of the year over FF12. This game seriously deserves it. No doubt is it up with DQ8.
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Post by Karkash »

Burning Crusade came out Tuesday and I guess I'm addicted to that now. Right before that I was addicted to Neverwinter Nights 2. And before that was Kingdom Hearts II. OMG, I love that game.
DJ Yoshi
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Post by DJ Yoshi »


But seriously, CS:S and WC3.
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