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pulsating festering pussy ass

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:33 am
by Arce
So I have poision Ivy again...Fucking EVERYWHERE.

THis time, I went up into the jungle behind the house with two huge ass steel enforced rakes ((yeah, we happened to have them in our rented garage..o.o;;)) a leaf blower, a bush trimmer, longs pants and shirt, hand shovel, and a hand saw. I thought I was fucking ready to kill the goddamned ivy...And i got to work on a new trail that would connect our house to the main paths, and to some other secret pads. A few hours and buckets of sweat later, I emerged, taddaa! FUCKING AWESOME, I'll try to post pics sometime--Huge trails, with kewl bolder inclosed hidden cleared flatlands perfect for a tent/campsite.

However, this all came at a cost. When I was celebrating later ((you know, with just me and my little man)) I realized, oh fucking fuck. I forgot to wear gloves when I made the trail...

Yeah, it's safe to say I'm no longer a man down there, and my body is now festering, just like last tiem with the Ivy pumpkin. Only this time, I don't yet have a new version to comforst me through it...= (

So I hope to goto the doctor today and get a steroid shot for it, it's only getting worse...As we speak the ass between my fingers is ozzing down my hand and forming a pussy puddel on the keyboard--Sorry, just had to say it. ;P

So, my sacrifice has been made for the good of humanity--I got the goddamned poision ivy so those venturers who dare to enter the woods behind the house would be spared.

Peace out.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:55 pm
by Showdin
Haha, just use some "special solution."

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:57 pm
by Wutai
cut it off

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:29 pm
by mofo joe
:oops: embarassing
and you posted it on the worldwide interweb
god bless

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:35 pm
by Arce
So I went to the doctor today and got some roids for my ivy...OMFG THAT SHIT TASTES LIKE ASS!!!!

And, she's sitting there telling me, Yeah, there's this brand new anti itch pill you can get for it--It's the best because it has NO side affects what-so-ever!! You won't even get drowsy!

So I get it, and I read the bottle...It has in big hige text "Will make you VERY (it was underlined) browsy." My mom's like..."Well, she said it wouldn't make you, so maybe what she meant was that when it reacts with the steroids it won't. Take two, and i'll drive you back to school."

I do so ((they're the most tiney little fucking pills I've seen in my life)) and I go about my day. For nearly a whole period, I'm fine. I'm like, kewl, maybe it works. Then, all the sudden, I get all sweaty and so drowsy all at once, I'm fighting to keep my head up. I couldn't walk straight--I was so fucked up anyone would think I was on drugs--And I was! OMG. So, I litterally don't remember the rest of school I was so tired. My eyes drooped half shut every time i opened them, and finally I just slept throught the rest of school and decided to do my work at home.

Moral: When the fuckers say they'll make you drowsy, despite their non-threatening size, that fucks means, THEY'LL MAKE YOU DROWSY.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:39 am
by DJ Yoshi
What's the name of the pill? Simple benadryl?

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:43 pm
by mofo joe
What's the name of the pill? Simple benadryl?
Psht.... *Mummbles* What's the name of this 'pharmacy'?[/quote]

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:18 am
by Arce
The pills aren't over the counter shit--They're prescription only.

The roidz are Prednisone 10 mg, and my ivy is no longer weaping--Fuckers work good, I'll give it that. I take three of them twice a day. ((two 30 mg doses))

The other pills that fucked me up at school are Hydroxyz Hcl 25 mg, and also needs perscription for refill. I took two and litterally couldn't stand straight.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:22 am
by Arce
BTW, those are the most shitty tasting pieces of ass I've ever had. I pop them as fast as I can and still need to scrub my mouth out with mouthwash or gag for the next few minutes.