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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 7:39 pm
by skywalker541
I know it's only May and the book's not due for another 2 months, but i'm excited as hell! I was just wondering if i was alone in my anticipation.
Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 8:37 pm
by Showdin
Yeah, you are.

Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 9:18 pm
by Falco Girgis
Nah, I'm waiting too. I wonder how she's going to end all the shit she started in Book 6.
Posted: Sun May 13, 2007 10:07 pm
by Arce
I already know...MUAHHAHAHahAHA!!!
Some African dude who got an illegal copy of the book leaked it online.
Don't read my next post--It spoiles teh book.
And yes, this IS the LAST book for sure; those of you who have any doubts need to clear those now.
Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 6:19 am
by skywalker541
Arce, are you sure it's genuine? I know there's a fan fiction version going around, but i haven't heard anything about a genuine leaked copy yet. But anyway genuine or not will you please delete that last post, nobody wants to ruin the book for themselves and putting it right there out in the open makes it very easy for someone to accidentally read it.
Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:20 am
by mofo joe
I still have to finish the 6th book...
Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 12:50 pm
by Falco Girgis
Dude, I think Arce's post was bullshit, but I deleted it just in case.
Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 3:25 pm
by Arce
You idiots.
I made every last bit up. I wanted to see how you responded. :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:
WTF did you delete it for?

Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 8:16 pm
by Falco Girgis
Arce wrote:You idiots.
I made every last bit up. I wanted to see how you responded. :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:
WTF did you delete it for?

...What a fucking moron. "I made it up" .... WHY DID YOU DELETE IT? If you need to ask that, an answer isn't going to do you too much good, because you're a fucking retard.
Posted: Mon May 14, 2007 9:34 pm
by Showdin
Ha ha good old furcadia. "SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE!"
Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 2:44 am
by MarauderIIC
Showdin, you're doing it wrong.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 9:54 am
by Showdin
Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 5:14 pm
by mofo joe
I LUVF Back to the Future!!!
..that was funni
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:13 pm
by Falco Girgis
So I've decided that starting today, I'm going to reread all six of them fuckers.
I really don't remember enough for book 7 to be as epic or amazing as it should be.
I remember doing the same thing on book 5. I didn't remember anything about the first four, and I missed quite a bit.
I reread them all before 6 came out, and it made perfect sense and kicked ass. It was definitely worth it.
I haven't been reading Harry Potter since 6th grade just so I can ruin book 7 by not remembering anything. *grabs book and starts reading*