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The great debate! Organized Religion vs Logic.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:10 pm
by Falco Girgis
THE DEBATE ON MSN wrote:Falco says:
he's coming.
Falco says:
We're both in the same room.
Falco says:
This'll be sooo fun.
Anton says:
Falco says:
Dude, you have to hear his beliefs.
Falco says:
Sometimes I want to fucking rip my own cock off.
Falco says:
goddamn him.
Anton says:
Falco says:

Anton was added to this conversation. Handwriting is no longer supported because not all participants can view handwritten messages. Handwritten messages will be sent as text.

Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
Okay, lets start at square one.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
What was TV's last argument? Post.
Falco says:
Tvspelsfreak: If none of the bible has been proven and even the tiniest bit of science has been proven then isn't science infinitely more likely to be true than religion?
Falco says:
That's exactly what I told you a few minutes ago.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
The question isn't wheather one or the other is true--Science is true by definition, so YES. The question is about the part of UNPROVEN science that is equally likely.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
A theory, by DEFINITION, is unproven.
Falco says:
Yes, but a theory contradicts science none.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So uh. What exactly was that post trying to prove again?
Falco says:
Religion contradicts science.
Falco says:
So the THEORY of the big bang is infinitely more likely than any religion against the big bang.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No. An invalid assumption like that is one that can't even be used in a debate.
Falco says:
. . .
Falco says:
Falco says:
How is my argument invalid?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Religion contradicts science is a false statement.
Falco says:
Falco says:
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And it's the basis of your argument.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Though MOST religions tend to defy it
Falco says:
How is the statement "Religion does not contradict science" true.
Falco says:
Name one that doesn't.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Unnamed. Undenominational. Personal beliefs.
Falco says:
wait, wait, wait. I have an idea.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
A religion is defined as a personal beliefs
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Lets assume that no religion contradicts science.
Falco says:
None. They are all congruent.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
That would also be false...but ok
Falco says:
Even you will agree that religion has more factors.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Has more factors than what?
Falco says:
Like a god with powers, things that you say cannot be proven false.
Falco says:
Than straight science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Again, not all religions rely on a supreme 'being.' Some believe in an entity and not a 'god' for say.
Falco says:
You think there are no additional factors to (true) religion than pure science?
Falco says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Is a BELIEF science?
Falco says:
That's an additional factor.
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Is a theory science? That's not the argument.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
A theory IS science.
Falco says:
It's COMPLETELY relevant.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No. A theory is BASED on science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It's actually the OPPOSITE of science. It's science in the making.
Falco says:
A theory must be scientifically possible. It must make sense.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It's UNPROVEN science.
Falco says:
UNPROVEN, yet completely in agreement with science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Ok. Then i shall call religion a theory.
Falco says:
Only, it's not.
Falco says:
A divine entity does happen to defy science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Only, yeah. You're generalizations are again invalid.
Anton says:
Religion is not in agreement with science
Falco says:
So it can't be a theory.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
TV, same reason.
Falco says:
So please, prove a god with science.
Falco says:
Prove it can be possible.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Not all religions defy science.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
That's not my argument.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm not arguing for god.
Falco says:
You're arguing a deistic religion is as likely as an atheistic one.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm countering your argument, and doing a pretty fucking good job ((seeing as you're getting off on everything but the topic...Lack of arguments?))
Falco says:
. . .
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Now. lets resume
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm going to use theory and religion interchangably.
Falco says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Because the religions I'm referring to are SOLELY the ones that DON"T defy science.
Falco says:
Does a religion (deism, anything) require faith?
Falco says:
by definition.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Define faith.
Falco says:
a religion is faith-based.
Anton says:
So you're not referring to any religion?
Falco says:
2. belief that is not based on proof:
Falco says:
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Anton says:
So you're not referring to any religion?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Referring to no specific large scale religion, no.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
But a religion ( can ALSO be defined as personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
PERSONAL set. Does not require mass conformity.
Falco says:
Still, a religion requires more than just SCIENCE.
Falco says:
It requires FAITH.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Oh? As does a theory.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
For a theory to be universally accepted, it must be presumed true, which, due to it being unproven, requires faith also.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So no, not another variable.
Falco says:
Yes, but it defies nothing. It's scientifically possible.
Falco says:
Science agrees with it.
Falco says:
Faith is not the same.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Again, the religions I am referring to are the ones that agree with science (the way you stated it, 'science agrees with it, is invalid')
Falco says:
Faith is blind. Science doesn't support it. You support it in your mind.
Falco says:
Falco says:
Then you're referring to atheism.
Falco says:
Because it's the only one that agrees with science.
Falco says:
So we win. XD
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
We've already gone over this. Ignore my arguments?
Anton says:
What arguments?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Anton says:
So you're not referring to any religion?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Referring to no specific large scale religion, no.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
But a religion ( can ALSO be defined as personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices

Falco says:
Until you're able to PROVE that the idea of a god is supported by science, you're "ideal" religion that's congruous with science STILL has an extra factor that is infinitely less likely than atheism to be true.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It does not require a mass conformity, and I am referring to personal beliefs of people that can centralize a religion around science.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm not argueing an idea of god.
Anton says:
Please explain
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm arguing the idea of religion.
Falco says:
I have no idea what he's talking about.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
A belief of factor x.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
A belief in there being more to science than proven.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And, by argueing factor x, I'm saying that factor x can be filled with religion.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
As it has no proven value.
Anton says:
Only if it goes hand in hand with proven science
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And your value, purely based on science as it CURRENTLY exists, is equally likely to be true AT THIS POINT IN TIME.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So we are at an agreement.
Falco says:
Atheism has no factor X. It's completely science. By arguing that, you're saying that factor X is ADDITIONAL. Religion DEMANDS a factor X to go ALONG with science. So atheism is still infinitely more likely than an unprovable factor X ONTOP of science being true.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, excuse me, possible agreement.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism isn't the topic of discussion here..
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
If you want to take that rout.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Then this is why you're wrong:

Cole has been added to the conversation.

Falco says:
Anton says:
Atheism goes hand in hand with science, no religion does. That's our point.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Oh? 3 on 1?
Cole says:
I agree.
Falco says:
Atheism IS what's in discussion. Why the hell would we debate anything else?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, that's NOT the point Gyro started this with.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And that's NOT what I'm trying to prove.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Now. Stfu and give me a second to scroll up and reply to gyro's invalid stupidity.
Falco says:
Falco says:
Atheism has no factor X. It's completely science. By arguing that, you're saying that factor X is ADDITIONAL. Religion DEMANDS a factor X to go ALONG with science. So atheism is still infinitely more likely than an unprovable factor X ONTOP of science being true.

Falco says:
he calls it stupid before he's even read it.
Falco says:
An unbiased debator indeed!
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I never claimed to be unbiased--doing so would make a debate IMPOSSIBLE.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
As being biased is taking a side, and the point of a debate is to DEFEND YOURS.
Falco says:
okay, okay WHAT THE FUCK EVER.
Falco says:
Falco says:
We don't give a FUCK if you're biased.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Stop getting off on irrelevant info.
Falco says:
Falco says:
Are you going to respond to my argument?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
By definition, you and I both are equally in this instance. Shut up. Argue with dignity and validity.
Falco says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Cole says:
Lol... shit.
Anton says:
Falco says:
shit, gotta piss, brb.
Falco says:
It'll give him time to come up with new material.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Cole says:
Or just more excuses to avoid the argument at hand.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
This may be hard for you to grasp
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So, I need you to shut up for a moment and give me time to voice the WHOLE argument before you begin trying to rebute it.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Anton says:
Sure, go ahead
Cole says:
Shut up and type powk.
Falco says:
go for it.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
This is the way it's going to play out.
Falco says:
I just took a fucking piss, and there's still nothing new.
Cole says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism has no factor X. It's completely science. [FALSE]. By arguing that, you're saying that factor X is ADDITIONAL. [TRUE]. Religion DEMANDS a factor X to go ALONG with science [TRUE]. So atheism is still infinitely more likely than an unprovable factor X ONTOP of science being true. [FALSE]

[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Now, allow me to explain.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism is DEFINED by the LACK OF BELIEF in a god.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
My bad. Not what I meant to say, false. No it's not. ((I just said EXACTLY what i'm trying to disprove.))
Falco says:
Falco says:
1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism is NOT defined by the lack of belif in a god.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Yes it is.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism is a BELIF.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
doctrine OR belief.
Falco says:
A doctrine based in science is no belief.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Which, on SO many grounds (give me a seconds and I'll get to them all) invalidate your argument.
Cole says:
The lack of belief in god, and the belief in the lack of a god are pretty much the same if you ask me.
Falco says:
You're believing only that which is provable.
Cole says:
So get to the point already.
Falco says:
yeah, fuck.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No. They are different.
Falco says:
He's building this up more than foreplay with the cheerleader time. Somehow I doubt the orgasm at the end.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
1) You already argued earlier that a belief is a faith, which is unattained by science.
Cole says:
Cole says:
Are you going to post the definition of 'faith' as well?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Already did.
Falco says:
2. belief that is not based on proof:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
We're at an agreement there, you already argued it. Just that point would make your statement invalid. though allow me to continue.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism is a RELIGION. It is a BELIEF. A FAITh, which, by your just now posted thing, is UNPROVEN.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
A belief is a fiath based on NO proof.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
*****not based on proof.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Back to factor x.
Falco says:
Atheism is embracing pure science. explain to me how that is unproven.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Shut up and let me scroll up to see my agenda again
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
By DEFINITION it is unproven.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It embracing science is irrelevant
Falco says:
It said doctrine OR faith.
Falco says:
Didn't say it must be faith.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm argueing for the religions that embrace it also, remember?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It also calls for a factor x.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Just as a religion does.
Falco says:
You can be an atheist for having FAITH that there is no god, or you can be one for realizing that science disagrees with the fact that there's a god.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
a faith.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, you can't.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Or, by DEFINITIOn, you're NOT atheist.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You're simply not a diest.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism has no factor X. It's completely science. [FALSE]. By arguing that, you're saying that factor X is ADDITIONAL. [TRUE]. Religion DEMANDS a factor X to go ALONG with science [TRUE]. So atheism is still infinitely more likely than an unprovable factor X ONTOP of science being true. [FALSE]
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Um..what's next? Okay.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
By arguing that, you're saying that factor X is ADDITIONAL. [TRUE]
Anton says:
Atheism is not a religion
Falco says:
a·the·ism (ā'thē-ĭz'əm) Pronunciation Key

1. Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.
2. The doctrine that there is no God or gods.

Anton says:
It's the complete opposite
Cole says:
I disagree that atheism is a religion, rather a lack of religion.
Anton says:
the lack of religion
Falco says:
I have a DOCTRINE that there is no god. It's not a BELIEF.
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No. It's not.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Reread the religion definition
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Agnostic is lack of religion
Falco says:
1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
4: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith (
Cole says:
Falco says:
We don't have a set of BELIEFS. It's not a belief. We don't have devotional, ritualistic observances, moral codes, or any of that bullshit.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It doesn't require them.
Cole says:
Agnostic is the belief that there is no possible way to know if there is a god or not.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It can contain, though doesn't require.
Falco says:
Cole is right.
Falco says:
1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christi
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Shut up for a second, and allow me to REITERATE.
Cole says:
Atheists are convinced that there is no god.
Falco says:
There is one motherfucking 3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
4. the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
5. the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.
6. something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.
Cole says:
I have a scrolllbar dickhead.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Because obviously this is where we're at a disagreemnt.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
There is one motherfucking definition that doesn't use the word "belief." We aren't talking about monks.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
As does ATHEISM.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Religion is DEFINED by belief.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Read every definition of it.
Cole says:
Yeah, belief without scientific proof
Falco says:
If you define agreeing with science as a "belief," then what the fuck ever.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism is defined by the BELIEF that there's no god, NOT the LACK OF BELIEF>
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You believe that god CANNOT exist. Not simply that he doesn't because it's unlikely. You believe that sciance, as we know it, means it CANNOT.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism agrees with science, yes. No, that's not the definition of a belief, and making generalizations like that are invalid.
Anton says:
"When defined more broadly, atheism is the absence of belief in deities"
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
That's too broad of a definition to be valid.
Falco says:
It's perfectly valid, powk.
Anton says:
Wikipedia, which got it from Encyclopædia Britannica
Falco says:
Falco says:
1. something believed; an opinion or conviction: a belief that the earth is flat.
2. confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof: a statement unworthy of belief.
3. confidence; faith; trust: a child's belief in his parents.
4. a religious tenet or tenets; religious creed or faith: the Christian belief.
Falco says:
The definition of belief is unprovable. Science is provable.
Falco says:
Atheism CANNOT be a belief.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And you're citing wikipedia as credible? Don't make me laugh. Notice how it says WHEN DEFINED BROADLY.
Anton says:
I said what wikipedia got it from
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
What part of stop posting definitions didn't you understand? I'm trying to make a point fuckbag.
Falco says:
A blatantly douchebaggy point, cuntrod.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And? How's that realivant? It's a GENERALIZATION that WIKIPEDIA made of a valid source. An INVALID generalization of a VALID source.
Falco says:
The definition of belief is unprovable. Science is provable fact.
Anton says:
The exact quote: "...a more adequate characterization of atheism consists in the more complex claim that to be an atheist is to be someone who rejects belief in God for [reasons that depend] on how God is being conceived."
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism is a RELIGION. Your argument, and the argument at debate here, is that Atheism is more likely, by statistics, to be true than ANY other religion, or religions, collectively, and therefore anyone who believes in a religion of other than this is a n 'idiot'.
Cole says:
Atheism is NOT a religion pokw.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Yes, it is.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
By definition.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
TV, source.
Falco says:
Something based in fact is infinitely more likely than something based on the unproven.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
That's not at discussion.
Cole says:
Because religion requires 'faith' which is unable to be proven scientifically, which is the entire reason atheism exists.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism required faith.
Cole says:
Faith in?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Faith in the lack of a deism.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism does NOT deny that there's a variable x.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
If it did, then it WOULD NOT go hand in hand with science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And thus, the whole argument is flipped.
Falco says:
Powk, start declaring your variables for fuck sake. This isn't Java or C-tic-tac-toe here.
Cole says:
Cole says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
The whole point here is that variable x is UNDECLARED, and UNDEFINED both.
Falco says:
So it's a compiler error, which means that deism, theism, and all of that bullshit of religion cannot fucking exist, so you lose.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And thus, it exists without a positive definitions to this point an can be an array reference for all we fucking know.
Falco says: wouldn't compile, assweed.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, because you'd lose also, making me win.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Making it equally likely.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
Okay, define for me (NOT DECLARE) atheism's "undeclared" variable X.
Falco says:
With your fucked-ass Java coding style.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, because Java is like Christianity.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
you don't need to declare your variables.
Cole says:
A pile of shit...
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm arugieng completely C.
Falco says:
Anton says:
Falco says:
You said atheism has a variable X that is undeclared.
Cole says:
well, I disagree.
Falco says:
So what the fuck is this variable that you pulled out of your asshole?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Aight. I need a break for a moment. piss, drink, reenergize.
Cole says:
the variable has to be declared.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'll explain when I return.
Anton says:
And atheism is the lack of belief
Falco says:
Powk is gone for now.
Anton says:
And it's not a religion
Falco says:
Wow, what a fucker.
Falco says:
This isn't Perl or Java or any of that shit up in here!
Cole says:
If you reference an undeclared variable x, your compiler will gawk at you and say WTF??? x?? you dumbass.
Falco says:
Fat shit's compiler has some serious fucking issues, apparently.
Falco says:
Do you guys see what I'm talking about? He's arguing in circles.
Falco says:
It's so fucking frustrating.
Cole says:
Haha yeah, however humoring.
Falco says:
Nothing gets through his tubby ass.
Anton says:
And since when didn't you have to declare your variables in Java?
Falco says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Marcel has no idea about Java.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Back. don't talk, let me catch up
Cole says:
Forget fucking java, back to the point.
Cole says:
Part 2!
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I have no idea about java. Also, my termanology might be screwed.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
int <var>
Falco says:
nobody gives a fuck.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
int is the...? Declaration.
Falco says:
Falco says:
Anton says:
Get to the point
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
no. Since you've brought this up, it's become realivant. i'm going to tie it to my argument.
Falco says:
Yes, motherfucker. If the entire argument against atheism is an integer vector, then so-be-it.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Or not. Fine. On with debate, so I may contine to shoot down all that you toss my way.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm not argueing against atheism, smart dumbshit.
Falco says:
Pork, you haven't shot down what's gone your way. You've let everything we've thrown at you crawl up your asshole.
Falco says:
You're arguing that the chances of there being a god are as likely as there not being a god. Which we all call bullshit on.
Cole says:
And then you puke out some irrelevant nonsense that you claim is some sort of proof.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Stop. I'm going to leave if you continue to argue like a flaming douche.
Falco says:
Falco says:
I'll be civil.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
If you feel it's irrelevant, call me on it.
Falco says:
We have been.
Cole says:
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Which part. Allow me to readdress.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Tv, you alive?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Variable x. exists.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
One way or another, no matter what you argue, it does.
Cole says:
If atheism requires a variable x, then what does it require it for?? and what is x?
Falco says:
uhm. Where's your proof? What the fuck is this variable x? Exactly. Quit talking about it and fucking tell us what it is!
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Okay. good question. Allow me to get there in just a second.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Shut up and allow me to talk.
Cole says:
We've been waiting hundreds of seconds douche.
Falco says:
You argue for an hour assuming something that you haven't yet addressed is true.
Cole says:
Cole says:
We're not locking up your keyboard assmunch.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
because it is true and your arrogance refuses to believe it. Now, civilness, begin.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Variable x is undefined.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It can be ANYTHING
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
A memory point reference to a larger thing.
Falco says:
If it can be anything, and it's undefined, how the fuck do you know it exists?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
A fucking reference to a whole hiarchy of classes.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
OR, it can be null.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Because, by definition of the argument, it does. Allow me to get there IN JUST A FUCKING MINUTE>
Falco says:
If it's null, atheism has no X. Which makes it still more likely than theism. So you lose.
Cole says:
... omg...
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, it doesn't. It being null would mean atheism is true. However, it's NOT null, and we're not bebating the value. One you finish letting me explain WHAT IT IS I'll explain WHY it is
Cole says:
A reference to a whole heirarchy of classes??? wtf are you talking about, quit straying from the point.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm only straying because of fucking interruptions.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Shut up.
Cole says:
Well... You said x could be ANYTHING.
Cole says:
Therefore it could be null.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Yes. YES.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I just said that. Shut the fuck up and listen.
Cole says:
Uhmmm once again, we're not locking up your keyboard.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
What part of shut the fuck up didn't you get?
Falco says:
Pork can't pull shit out of his asshole when we're typing.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Aight, I'm about to leave.
Falco says:
Anton, you there?
Falco says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Anton says:
I'm here
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I can't see what i'm trying to read if you keep typing. do it in private chat then.
Cole says:
Just fucking type and don't make assanine attempts to make us stop arguing in a DEBATE you fucking MORON.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Okay. Variable x exists. It does by all of our definitions, and by definition of this argument. You disagree, and you should. I will tell you WHY is exists in JUST A SECOND. FIRST, on the agenda, I'll tell you what it IS. Then i tell you WHY. I'm going to use programming terminology to help illustrate my point mathmatically, so if I type something wrong or say something really wack, call me on
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Variable X is the part of science that is undiscovered.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It is undefined.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
There is a possibility that it is null, in which case, we've got it all, and atheism is true.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
But there's a possibility that it's a refernce point to a whole fucking class. A whole new dimension.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And that's where religion would come in.
Cole says:
I don't recall declaring an x.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
The bible, by some miraculous bullshit, could be stored within this variable.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
We'll declare it in a moment, stfu.
Cole says:
Uhmmm. No.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Okay. Now, I need a straight, SIMPLE answer to this question. All 3 of you tell me your answers.
Cole says:
Okay. Variable x exists. It does by all of our definitions, and by definition of this argument.
Cole says:
Is what you said
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm getting there.
Cole says:
Now explain THAT specifically.
Cole says:
No, that was the first thing you said.
Cole says:
Before you move on.
Cole says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I am.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
Marcel, you do realize that you just admitted defeat by saying "There is a possibility that it is null." Religion DEMANDS an X, which still makes atheism more likely.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Becuase you're impatient bitches, I am. Answer my question, all of you, breifly.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, I didn't. Shut up and listen, smart dumbshit.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
RELIGION demands an X, which is what i'm proving.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
That's why I DIDN'T admit defeat.
Cole says:
And once again, atheism is not a religion.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Listen idiots. EVERY time you interrupt, I have to stay from the topic and fucking rebute your on EVERY statement in order to validate mine. If you want to get to the point, SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Cole says:
Buddhism is religion, and atheistic religion, meaning that they do not belive in a diety.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Yes, it is, and we've already proven that.
Cole says:
As is satanism.
Cole says:
Atheism is NOT a religion.
Cole says:
Religions can BE atheistic.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
YES, it is. Being a religion does NOT mean that your belief cannot be the basis of another religion.
Falco says:
Cole is right.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Christians based their religion on the Jewish religion, the old testament, then added shit.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm about to leave unless you learn how to debate. We're straying for far from the point, AGAin, and in order to validate mine, now I have to take time to prove you wrong, AGAIN. If one part of my argument is false, it all is. i'll never get to it unless you shut up. Also, go by fucking REAL debating. If you're going to make a gerneralization like "COLE IS RIGHT," then you'd better have fukcing me
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
ans of enforcing it.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I can't believe I'm having to tell a room full of atheists to ARGUE WITH LOGIC.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism is a religion.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I've proven it.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Disprove me now or agree, atleast momentarily, so I can continue.
Cole says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Based on what?
Cole says:
Is based on logic rather.
Cole says:
The logic that there is no wordly scientific proof that a supreme power exists.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Yes. Thanks. NOW we can move on (I told you all to anser my ONE question. I was going to ask you, what is Atheism based on. that's the answer I was looking for. Thanks.)
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
How is a conclusion logic?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You mean logic based on proven science, right?
Cole says:
Where as christianity is based on 'faith' which is unproven, and unprovable.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
All of you. Atheism is based on science, correct?
Cole says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Logically following science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Okay, finally, we agree.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
TV, you agree?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Tv, you there?
Anton says:
Hold up, reading
Falco says:
You fucking killed the man.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Tell me when to resume. i'm nearing my dramatic conclusion.
Falco says:
. . .
Falco says:
It's not an orgasm.
Falco says:
I feel like I'm playing Furcadia, arguing with powk.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Oh, it will be. Just a little, TINEY bit more foreplay.
Anton says:
Atheism is defined as a lack of belief. And it's based on logic. I agree on that
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Let TV catch up. Gyro, you concur?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No. We've already argued this.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
We're at a disagreement Anton.
Anton says:
That we are
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
One moment, hold that thought.
Cole says:
Lack of belief!!
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Cole, agreed witht he statement "Atheism is based on science and logic."
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Gyro, do you?
Cole says:
Okay. Variable x exists. It does by all of our definitions, and by definition of this argument.
Cole says:
shit disregard that
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Gyro, you agree?
Cole says:
re·li·gion /rɪˈlɪdʒən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ri-lij-uhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of
Falco says:
Yeah, atheism is based on science and logic.
Cole says:
Falco says:
not beliefs, cuntwrangler.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Okay. Shut up.
Cole says:
a set of BELIEFS
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Anton, meet me in private chat.
Cole says:
Anton says:
Atheism is defined as a lack of belief. And it's based on logic. I agree on that

Falco says:
Anton says:
What for?
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Because you agree with me, He doesn't.
Falco says:
LOL. He's talking to my dad on the phone saying that he's winning this debate. ROFL>
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You'll just get in the way. i need to make him believe real fast.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Wait a sec, fone/
Cole says:
Lol... Oh lord.
Falco says:
Anton, don't. He'll probably flash his cock.
Anton says:
In what part do I agree with you?
Falco says:
"I'll make a believer out of you!"
*Pork wants to send mycock.PNG*
Anton says:
Falco says:
He's on the phone.
Falco says:
What a prick.
Falco says:
He has gotten NOWHERE.
Falco says:
Every fucking one of us has disproven his ass.
Cole says:
Cole says:
Haha dude, he's a christian.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:02 pm
by Falco Girgis
Cole says:
They seem to have a blindfold to logic tied around each of them.
Falco says:
Now you can see how far Jesus's cock has penetrated him.
Falco says:
Both of you!
Cole says:
Anton says:
Cole says:
It's now penetrated his brain.
Falco says:
Anton says:
What am I missing? Have I ever agreed with him?
Falco says:
I can't wait to hear his epic conclusion.
Falco says:
No, haha.
Falco says:
Nobody fucking agreed with his ass.
Falco says:
He's going to paste some Bible verse and be like "OMFG I WIN!!!!!!"
Falco says:
just watch.
Anton says:
Cole says:
Falco says: ... 0552#20552
Anton says:
Falco says:
It ended with Cole saying he's a christian, beautiful.
Anton says:
Falco says:
If factor X may be null, then there's a chance it may exist. What about the fact that the chances are in favor of factor X being null? What the fuck are the chances of factor X not being null? Like infinity to zero. Then the chances that the "unexplained" factor X having anything to do with religion or supporting pork's fucked up views are another entirely infinitely impossible scenario.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
*sigh* Having debate with dad brb...
Falco says:
and seriously, what the fuck is factor X? It's symbolic. Symbolic for pork's own hope and denial. You see, if factor X didn't exist, then we would win. Atheism is undisputed. Pork has to make that shit up so that his theory makes sense.
Falco says:
and even though it's made up, it still only gives his theory a .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 percent chance compared to 99.(fuckload of decimal places worth of 9s) percent chance of atheism being right.
Cole says:
What the fuck is he saying that variable x doesn't have to be declared.
Falco says:
Which, as I said before, means that pork doesn't believe in statistics.
Falco says:
Cole says:
He said himself that any religion requires a variable x (in his fucked up mind atheism is a religion).
Cole says:
So we'll humor him on that.
Falco says:
The fact that it isn't declared proves that he pulled it out of his asshole.
Cole says:
Cole says:
X MUST be declared with his logic.
Cole says:
Perhaps not instantiated, but declared.
Falco says:
Falco says:
You're right.
Cole says:
And here we are talking java syntax again... lord.
Falco says:
Marcel honestly think he has some sort of debating gift.
Falco says:
he said the he thinks he's the only one who can look at religion objectively and that everybody else is biased.
Cole says:
Falco says:
Then he called me an arrogant prick. lol
Cole says:
Cole says:
He has some sort of denial gift.
Falco says:
Hey, everybody, lets shake this up.
Falco says:
Don't say ANYTHING about the porn I sent both of you.
Falco says:
I'm begging you, if you want more.

[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] has been added to the conversation.

Falco says:
Welcome to the religious debate.
Cole says:
Haha welcome
Falco says:
We are eagerly waiting for powk to return.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Uh oh, what the hell

Anton has left the conversation.

Falco says:
waiting for him to declare his fucking X variable.

Anton has been added to the conversation.

Falco says:
Cole says:
Here we have logically minded atheists vs. the hyporcite arrogant ignorant christian.
Falco says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
I'm Catholic, does that count
Falco says:
You can be on Powk's side.
Cole says:
If he thinks he is the only one who can look at religion objectively then HE is the arrogant prick.
Anton says:
Cole says:
Haha yes, yes.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Cole says:
Organized religion, vs logic, round 3.
Falco says:
Oh, nice.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Do I have to be here?
Falco says:
*renames topic*
Cole says:
Falco says:
Fuck yeah, you do.
Falco says:
It's a moral imperative.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Off the books for a second.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Offtopic, off debate.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
Cole says:
Yes, if you leave this conversation, you forfeit your belief in god, and he will condemn you to an eternity of suffering for not defending his name.
Falco says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:

[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm supposed to be the defensive one here, taking away the validity of YOUR argument. Look how it's turned. 3 on one, and now you're defensive!! xD
Cole says:
Now, dooes that sound like an all loving all caring divine entity to you guys?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Okay, now.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
We resume right where we left off
Falco says:
hurry the fuck up and declare your fucking variables.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Unless there's some need for me to reread what you guys said while i was gone.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Is there?
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
***Not reread, read.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
I can sum it up.
Falco says:
"You're a fucking retard."
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Make it fast.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Nice and civil.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And we begin....
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Cole and Gyro both agree with this statement:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism is a religion based on science and logic.
Falco says:
whoah, whoah, whoah.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
You asshole.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
You ADDED religion!
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Falco says:
We agreed on "Atheism is based on science and logic."
Cole says:
Cole says:
Cole says:
Put words in mym outh cunt.
Anton says:
Cole says:
Atheism is NOT a religion for the final time.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
*sigh* We've discussed this for 30 minutes. Now you're just being dicklicking christians who refuse to change for the belief of truth.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Then allow us to take a step back
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Is a belif, true?
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Cole says:
Cole says:
a lack of belief.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
4: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith
Falco says:
Cole, agreed witht he statement "Atheism is based on science and logic."
Falco says:
That is a QUOTE from you, dickweed.
Falco says:
That's what we agreed to.
Falco says:
You ADDED religion to that quote.
Falco says:
God's cock might've penetrated your oral cavity, but please keep it the fuck away from ours.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Okay, then we'll get tehre. I want to have my whole argument, full way through, with no taints. I must first get you to accept that atheism is a religion, though it's not 100% relevant to my major arguement in the debate--I simply want a flawless victory, plus a fatality.
Cole says:
*srolls and rereads* LOL he's right.... dumbass.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Okay. I added it. i don't deny. that's why i asked you to REAFFIRM.
Anton says:
You won't be getting any agreements
Falco says:
and we reDENY
Cole says:
And I objected.
Cole says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Can I go now?
Anton says:
Cole says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Okay. Tell me how you can deny the definition of atheism and say that it's based on logic?
Cole says:
Defend your honor catholic worm.
Cole says:
Justify your faith, or abandon it.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
a: a disbelief in the existence of deity b: the doctrine that there is no deity
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
i dont have to prove my faith to anyone but myself and my god.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm defending god right now.
Cole says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Cole says:
Not belief...
Cole says:
I was talking to the wench.
Falco says:
You're proving your faith to the person that defines your faith?
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
I suppose so
Cole says:
And uhm,,, you feel you need to do this why?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Wait...When did this blue text person show up?
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
She's on your side!
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Cole, you said this.
Cole says:
Hahaha, amen.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
And I don't feel a need, its my opinion and choice to express my religion
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Do you deny it now?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Cole says:
The lack of belief in god, and the belief in the lack of a god are pretty much the same if you ask me.
Falco says:
and now it's your OBLIGATION to DEFEND your religion.
Cole says:
I can't deny it.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Shut the fuck up. Cole, agree with that statement, or do you suddenly thing your 20 minutes previous self an idiot
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
They're pretty much the same thing in the sense that neither are really beliefs.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
There's no denying, it was said. I'm asking if you stand by it
Falco says:
He's not denying cuntfragger!
Cole says:
^Read fag
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Cole says:
Cole says:
I can't deny it.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
gyro, do you agree with he's statement?
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And tv.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Cole says:
So where you you going with this poke?
Falco says:
Yeah, it's still pretty much true. Believing he isn't is the same thing as not believing he is. Neither is really a belief. It's fact/science based.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I need to prove that atheism is a religion. Unless we all agree to postpone that discussion to get onto the bigger point.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
well, its not really a religion
Falco says:
Falco says:
She even agrees!
Falco says:
Fuck me!
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Okay, gyro, you agree with what you just said, right?
Falco says:
Welcome to the dark side.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Cole, you concur?
Anton says:
Cole says:
Take that one and cram it up your already doctorine-stuffed asshole.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
TV, you agree?
Falco says:
He said it, assweed. Of course he concurs.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Yeah, it's still pretty much true. Believing he isn't is the same thing as not believing he is. Neither is really a belief. It's fact/science based.
Cole says:
You're counterpart is denying you.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
How is believeing fact or science based?
Cole says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
That's exactly what you're trying to DISPROVE.
Falco says:
Your BELIEF is fact based. By definition that wouldn't be a beleif. As something you believe is unprovable.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
So by believing there is no god, which is science based, that belief really isn't a belief.
Cole says:
Something you believe, as opposed to something you know.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
That's where you're wrong.
Falco says:
uh, okay.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Allow me to exaplin
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Lemme pull up my resources.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
1 sec
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Is that something that comes out of your asshole?
Cole says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
1: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing2: something believed; especially : a tenet or body of tenets held by a group3: conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence
synonyms be
Cole says:
You're pathetic if you can't prove your OWN beliefs without a resource.
Cole says:
Or express them at least.
Falco says:
DJ Yoshi is reading the debate live on the 'Rift.
Cole says:
Not recesarrily prove.
Falco says:
Our audience grows.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Belief. By definition, it says 'especially based on reality of some being or examination of evidence'
Falco says:
That doesn't prove anything.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
A belief can contain facts. It's not defined by the lack of them
Cole says:
Well, I'm glad you found a dictionary somewhere on the web that somewhat favors your remark.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm getting there.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Yeah, the most well known and prostegious english one out there. As well as the longest existing. thanks.
Anton says:
How come you're the only one that says atheism is a religion then?
Cole says:
I'm sure if I cared to look hard enough I could find the right definition to make myself think I was proving something too.
Falco says:
prostegious must be something you stick in your prostate during anal sex.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Anton, if you dare try to hit me with that, I'll bat you down so fast you'll trip on both nuts on the way down.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
atheism isnt practiced.
Cole says:
Alright, this is better.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
In a nutshell, I'll explain:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
its not a religion
Falco says:
haha, cole.
Falco says:
Amen that.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
religion consists of a group of people who have the same belief and in some way practice it.
Falco says:
and even the woman agrees.
Falco says:
Fuck, powk, you're worse than a woman!
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
shut up you.
Falco says:
shut up isn't what you told me last night.
Falco says:
err... a few nights ago, rather.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Anton, I believe it on LOGIC, just as you believe atheism. I believe it as an INDIVIDUAL, just as your atheism is against the majority or beliefs.
Cole says:
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So, trying to prove me wrong by 'others don't agree, the mass majority must be right' directly contradicts your whole 'my religion's clearly superior' theory (which is basically the point of this argument.)
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Someone get the woman outta here. It's bothering me.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Oh, wait, which one you might ask?
Falco says:
He's bothered because she's smarter than him.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
K, back on topic.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Well, thanks. But you're correct, majority in this chat doesnt rule
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, because she's contradicted herself so many times, she adds clutter to the chat, her text is girly blue, and she randomly decides to punctuate for the beginning of her sentences, then decides half way through now to. Consistanly inconsistant--A standard woman.
Falco says:
Uhm, fat shit. A MAJORITY can change the SUBJECTIVE meaning of a word in the dictionary. I don't care if you have a EVERYBODY against it, you aren't going to change science with a majority.
Cole says:
Anton says:
So you're saying the meaning of atheism isn't for atheists to decide?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I know that.
Cole says:
I haven't seen any contradiction.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So you're saying the meaning of christanity isn't for a christian to decide? Anton, think before you speak.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Your'e saying that 'christianity by def goes against science'
Falco says:
Karen, he wants your cock.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Stop argueing like a christian.
Falco says:
Errr... other way around.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
I'm going to kill you
Falco says:
You can beat me.
Anton says:
What's wrong about my argument?
Falco says:
Or my little man.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So long as I get the body, so what?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
The fact that it is directly what you're disproving.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You earlier found something wrong with my argument when I went that route.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
SO appearently there's something wrong.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Yes, I'm taking the DEFINITION of an atheist's word over the individual.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
We're argueing PURE fact in this chat, okay?
Anton says:
Okay, I don't believe in anything. I'm not a part of any religion. Then am I not an atheist or but something else?
Falco says:
Cole says:
No, you
Cole says:
ARE an atheist.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And I already said, a religion is a belief. You have your own form of atheism ((which, early, when I made reference to in christiantiy, you tried to shoot down, lol))
Anton says:
Cole says:
I don't believe in shit, other than I like nachos, beer, and punk rock.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Then you are what I am. Nothing.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You are what most are.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Stop trying to catagorize yourselves, it just makes thing complicated.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Accept me definition of relgion as an individual belief.
Anton says:
Stop pulling definitions from yur ass
Falco says:
"nothing" isn't a category, cunticator.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It's much easier.
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
m-w isn't my ass.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Though I'm quite posotive 'yur' if straight from the upper regions of your rectum.'
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
TV, we've alredy argued this at the beginning,
Falco says:
Pork... this is becoming fucking illiteracy.
Falco says:
I can't make your shit out.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I alredy proved to you why my definition of religion is right. You had your time to refute it.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You didn;t.
Cole says:
Religion is not a belief, btw, but a set of beliefs.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
That time's over, and for the sake or argument, shut up.
Falco says:
whatever, whatever.
Falco says:
Let powk get to the "orgasm" of the debate.
Falco says:
So I can jizz all over Karen's tits.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Alright stop being assholes and get on topic -.-
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, because we're right back at the beginnign and apparently I msut start over.
Cole says:
Hey, I wanted to jizz on Karen's tits.
Cole says:
Can I jizz on her ass?
Falco says:
Okay, bro, we both can.
Falco says:
Anton says:
But how can we go on if his arguments requires atheism to be a religion?
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It doesn't.
Cole says:
Are you laying an offer on the table?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I simply wanted a fatility win. though now that you're obviously playing out of turn and not following a real debating format
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
That's not possible.
Falco says:
We can't, technically. Everything after that point would be void. But then again, he never had a point to begin with.
Falco says:
goddamnit, pork.
Falco says:
First Java, now Mortal Kombat.
Cole says:
Mmm Mortal Combat
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
That's not my underlying reasoning for you're being wrong--It's a side point, twice removed, that makes little difference to the convo overal.
Cole says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, we can. I'm not basing my MAIN points on it. My MAIN argument...Is...Is..
Anton says:
Then why the fuck do you keep arguing about it?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Variable X.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Because it would HEIGHTED my point.
Falco says:
Oh, for the love of allf uck.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It's not BASED on it
Falco says:
Cole says:
Cole says:
Not x again....
Falco says:
Your random undeclared, undefined, uninstantiated variable that allocates space deep within the depths of your fucking rectum.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Proving you wrong TWICE would show for a larger win.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
You need to stfu.
Cole says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Proving a theory incorrect in two instances is more accurate that one.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Ready to move to variable x?
Anton says:
Just go on
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Cole. Gyro. You agree with this?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism is based on science and logic.
Cole says:
I've been asking you for an hour wtf variable x is...
Falco says:
We agreed to that like 10 times.
Cole says:
Now onto variable x.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And TV, you STILL disagree, right?
Cole says:
*waits impatiently*
Falco says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Tell him to move to variable X.
Anton says:
Wtf? When have I ever disagreed to that?
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
i'd like to know what it is.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Shut the fuck up before i leave. I'm not kidding. I have homework. Stay on topic.
Cole says:
Show him your tits so he will oblidge.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Are you kidding? Omfg, twice now.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Lemme find where you disagreed....*sigh*
Falco says:
Anton never disagreed.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Everyone stfu and please, continue
Falco says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, I need to go show TV where he disagred...
Falco says:
No you don't.
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
((that's the whole reason the debate is so spread now.
Cole says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You agree now
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
All of you?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism is based on logic and science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You 3 concure?
Falco says:
int char float double x = #)($)#*$)(#$*)%%_%;
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Anton says:
I never disagreed so yes
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Hell, ask the woman even, See if she agrees (though don't let it count if she doesn't)
Falco says:
Three men and the vagina agree, proceed.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Now. Tell me if you agree with this:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Science is the basis of all logic.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Allow me to explain further.
Cole says:
This argument calls for some Slayer *puts on*.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Without science, there would be no logic. Science is, through observation, what sets the boundries and truths of logic.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Logic can only stay within the proven boundries of science, right?
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
i would agree with that, thought i dont believe in science for shit.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You all concure?
Falco says:
Karen, that's why you're Christian.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And my debate's about to prove WHAT THAT'S OKAY
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Aren't you a smart cookie?!
Falco says:
Not as smart as the two of you.
Falco says:
Left tit and right tit.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Shut the fuck up and ANSWER MY QUESTION. The woman agreed faster than you.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
The fucking woman did.
Cole says:
What that's okay huh?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Or are you still trying to devour that simple logic (despite your claims to be that of your superiority because of your beliefs (or, to make cole happy, lack of) based on logic)
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
I guess.
Falco says:
I mean, it's kinda vague.
Anton says:
Partially agreed
Falco says:
It's like "Vagina tastes like pussy. So pussies must be vaginas."
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Where do you not? Are you just saying that it's too broad?
Falco says:
What if you licked a fucking cat?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Gyro, that is false.
Anton says:
I'm just saying logic isn't all based on science
Cole says:
Vague indeed.
Falco says:
Logic can be formulated upon opinion.
Cole says:
Like there can be different definitions.
Falco says:
And often times it's based on opinion, experience, other factors.
Anton says:
Cole says:
Like "I don
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Gyro, stop now while you're ahead. before you make me disprove you, agian, and bring out another big point based on what you just said.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Experince IS observation
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Which, is the basis of science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Observation IS science. It's the only way or proof.
Cole says:
"I don't follow his logic" Can mean I don't follow his principles of reasoning.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
That's not the discussion.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Logic is dependant on science. Without it, there is no logic. Agree?
Cole says:
I'm trying to say that your question is invalid
Cole says:
As the english word 'logic' can mean different things.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Without PROVEN (through observation) theories for which to base logic, it cannot exist.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Okay, do you all concur with this:
Logic is based on science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And yes, if you believe there's more to it than that...Then GOOD.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Anton, you KINDA agree, right?
Cole says:
Or there can be logic that is actual proven fact like, "It is not logical to rub dog shit on your feet because they stink."
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You think there's more to logic than that.
Cole says:
As dog shit fucking stinks.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Which is fact. Fact is science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So that's based on science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So do you agree?
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Everyone say yes so we can get through this already.
Cole says:
Fact is not science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Abstract logic, also, is science, as you know through observing proofs that a=a, a+1=a+1, and a=b, b=c, :.c=b
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No. Science is FACT.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No. Science is the FORMATION of facts.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It's the process of creating facts.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
The process of observations in which facts are defined.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Now that we all SEMI agree...Allow me to draw a conclusion.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
i'll agree that its the process of creating facts because of a series of observation, i will not agree it is fact.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Yeah, good. I didn't mean to say that.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Exactly. The woman follows it perfectly.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
For variable X.
Cole says:
This better be good....
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
This is how it stands. As we ALL agreed, and now you won't be able to deny without forfeiting the debate.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Facts are formed from science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Logic is based on facts.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism is based on science and fact.
Cole says:
FUCK g2g work... falco you'd best record the dramitic orgasmic conclusion for me.
Falco says:
I will, bro.
Cole says:
Sorry I couldn't jizz on your ass woman

Cole has left the conversation.

Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Those we all agree on. Those are the universal truths of this chatroom, correct?
Anton says:
Falco says:
He will be missed!
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Now. If you have a hard time agreeing, thne good. Allow me to explain why.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
There's more to it than that.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
A whole factor more.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Variable X.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Science is NOT fact.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
but the fucking CREATION of facts.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Meaning, that science includes THEORIES.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
and we've already agrees, as does all dictionaries, that theories are DEFINED as UNPROVEN beliefs.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
. . .
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Take out the defined part. Makes no sense.
Falco says:
As if the rest did.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
If you can't follow simply logic, then your religion is SHIT. Lol.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Ready for me to continue?
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Anton says:
Go on
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Trust me, you're abou to cum.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
See? The woman's getting wet now.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
I don't like to be told what to do, i
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
i'm a masochist, but enjoy sadism
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Science includes theores. Which aren't proven.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Right now, it's a common MISCONCEPTION that we've discovered everything in science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
There's three states of matter.
Falco says:
Nobody thinks that, ass.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Okay. Cool.
Anton says:
Who said that?
Anton says:
Falco says:
Nobody thinks everything in science has been found.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Thanks for proving my point.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Because it's NOT.
Anton says:
No shit
Falco says:
Thanks for stabbing your point in your asshole.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
There's an extra element. Science includes the UNFOUNDED areas.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And, for the sake or discussion, the unfounded science, is variable X.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
For all we know, x could be nothing. We could have it all.
Falco says:
Falco says:
That's it? That's X?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Or it could be a new dimension.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Falco says:
Atheism is at best as bad as a religion in the absolute .0000000000001% worst case then by that logic.
Anton says:
This'll be a rickroll
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Wait till I tell you why you're debate is wrong, and why YOU lose. Shut teh fuck up and wait until the orgasm takes you away.
Falco says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
I like orgasms.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Do you all agree with me so far?
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I need affirmation.
Falco says:
uh, no.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Um, tell me where you disagree thne, dumbshit.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Falco says:
You're missing sooooooooooo many factors of variable X.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, I already said.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Variable X can be an array
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Or a whole fucking class.
Falco says:
Like the chances of the X existing is already slim, the chances of the X being relevant to religion and creation, the chances of X supporting your argument.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm letting X stand for EVERYTHING, the WHOLE range.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm not there yet.
Falco says:
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Stop jumping ahead idiot.
Falco says:
No, fuckrod.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
chill out
Falco says:
That's not jumping ahead.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
let him finish
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
no, i don't because that's not my point. Shut the FUCK UP and LISTEN.
Falco says:
I can't agree with X until I know its nature.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
Fine, if it's not your point, then why the fuck do you need "affirmation"?
Falco says:
Falco says:
then go on.
Falco says:
and no, nobody here agrees.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
shut up.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Anton says:
I get what X is so go on
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So I can get to my fucking point without you being able to reverse your original logic. You're about to fall smack on your face, jackass.
Falco says:
I get what it is.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Okay. You get what it is.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Now, I need to prove to you that it exists.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Without question, and by definition.
Falco says:
Falco says:
No you don't.
Anton says:
Of course it exists
Falco says:
We already know that science doesn't cover everything.
Falco says:
How is that relevant?
Anton says:
We haven't discovered everything
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Theories exist. Therefore x does. Agree?
Falco says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Anton says:
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[[Omfg you idiots are SOO easy. If only you know what you contradicting asses were saying !!! (the braces here are out of character text remarks, btw.) wow, wait till I bring this all together, LMAO!!]]
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So you don't deny the existance of X.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And X corresponds with science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It's an element of the definition of science, correct?
Anton says:
Please tell me why we would think everything in the world has been discovered?
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I never said that.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You've already denied X is atheism though.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You're whole "vX is in your religion , but not atheism, therefore atheism is more likely b/c less factors!!"
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Now. Time for the logic flow.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
X exists. Science exists to discover X. Logic exists as a result of the discovered aspects of X. Atheism is a combination of Science and logic.
Falco says:
whaaaat theee fuuuck?
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Therefore, atheism requires X.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Your entire fucking argument is wrong.
Falco says:
If science knew everything, atheism would still exist.
Falco says:
without the X.
Falco says:
explain to me how "knowing the mysteries of the universe" would make atheism cease to exist?
Falco says:
He's just begging his point and assuming that there's a god.
Falco says:
that's the only case.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
I don't see how X is a major factor in atheism. yeah it plays a role.. but..
Falco says:
This entire argument was for nothing.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Wiat.I'm not done.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No no no.

Anton has left the conversation.

[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Good. That means you BOTH agre with me.

Anton has been added to the conversation.

[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Should I wait for fuckass to come back?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Oh, shit, he heard that, didn't he? xP
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It's aight, he's from a 3rd world country anyway.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Now. Apparently, Gyro agrees that variable X can equal null.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Menaing, we've discovered everything.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Anyone else concur?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And, in that situation, atheism is correct.
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'll wait.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Tell me when to go on.
Anton says:
Go on
Falco says:
uhm, if atheism is right when science knows everything, then you're saying that you don't beleive in a god.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No. That means that I don't believe in god IF IT'S ALL DISCOVERED.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Which, as TV just asked...Who the fuck said anyone here believes that?
Falco says:
. . . So then you're saying that God defies science? Because if you'd be atheism if all science has been discovered, then there can't be a god.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No. I'm saying that GOD IS VARIABLE X.
Falco says:
whoah, WHAT.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
There could very well be an undiscovered aspect of science that could explain god.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
As well as no such fucking thing, which couldn't.
Falco says:
So now you're assuming your variable X IS god without proof.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
What? You're a complete idiot. listen to what you're syaing before you speak. We've already addressed this.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Science is the process of making facts through observation
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Which, IS PROOF.
Falco says:
Falco says:
So now you're assuming your variable X IS god without proof.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No. I'm saying that GOD IS VARIABLE X.
Falco says:
What the problem is?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
The problem is bad phrasing on my part.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
God COULD BE variable x.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
OR variable x could be null.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Talk simply, they arent as smart as us.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Yes, I fault you for your inability to tell me what YOUR problem is.
Falco says:
I'm not very fluent in BULLSHIT.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Now, allow me to continue.
Falco says:
Falco says:
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Call for back up? lol
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Ready for me to go on?
Anton says:
Go on
Anton says:
I'm listening
Falco says:
Has he made any real argument whatsoever?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Fuck, i aught to start a enw religion...The 'X Theory'
Anton says:
Maybe he'll get to it
Falco says:
Or a new religion "Dipshiticism."
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Now. Atheism REQUIRES variable X.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
you all throw around the word religion a hell of a lot.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
Tvspelsfreak, does science require that we don't know everything?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You're idiots. You can't follow logic then.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Well ... i agree with them >.>
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Science HAS to have a variable X.
Falco says:
If you program a game, and you're done. You understand how it works, people can play it, but the science behind it still exists. The program that it's running is still there.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Or it doesn't exist.
Anton says:
If we know everything then there is no god
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
But we know, for fact, right now, that we DON"T know anything.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And I can prove that.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
By definition.
Falco says:
How the fuck does science simply disappear when we know everything?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It doesn't.
Falco says:
That's the weakest fucking argument ever.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I haven't made it
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Science HAS to have a variable X.
Falco says:
Science has to have th unknown in otherwords.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm still trying to get you in the correct mindset for the conclusion.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Get to the point.
Falco says:
Which is complete and utter bullshit.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, science DOES have an unknown.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And that's fact.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Want me to prove it?
Falco says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Quit fucking switching.
Falco says:
everybody has agreed like 10 fucking times.
Falco says:
Falco says:
nobody thinks science NEEDS an unknown.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Okay, then you're a dumbshit who contradicts himself. Now, remain civil, follow this simple logic, and answer this:
Falco says:
Falco says:
am I going fucking crazy or is he switching?
Anton says:
I think he is
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You just said science has an unknown. And you renamed this unknown x. Then you told me your 'atheism' is based on science. Science contains an x.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So either your atheism defies science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Or it agrees that there's an X.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Science HAS to have a variable X.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, science DOES have an unknown.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
That's all you needed to say from the beginning.
Falco says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Nobody agreed that the X is required.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
For the love of all motherfucking cunt.
Anton says:
Isn't this an awful lot of BS to get to the point?
Falco says:
Atheism is rooted in science, science has an x, atheism has an X. That's not any huge point. That's not a victory.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Not YET.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
What about all of the other factors?
Falco says:
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Okay. Final-fucking-ly.
Falco says:
Jesus fucking cock sucking christ.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Falco says:
My time would be better spent jerking off to the virgin Mary than listening to this.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
I hope you burn in hell.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Falco says:
Will do.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Shut the fuck up. what part of civil didn't you understand?
Anton says:
I would if there was one
Falco says:
Everybody would.
Anton says:
Oh yeah XD
Falco says:
So I'm waiting.
Falco says:
How is this a victory?
Falco says:
Your entire argument is 2 sentences.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So, therefore, atheism and every other religion are equally likely to be true at this point in time.
Falco says:
Which doesn't show anything that we didn't already know.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
The variable X has an equal chance of being null, nothing, nada (which, we agreed, would prove atheism right) as it does another value, which could proce it incorrect
Falco says:
The chances of X having to do with religion rather than the way in which hydrogen atoms bond is a huge fucking deal. The chances of X PROVING a god is another huuuuge motherfuck of a deal. The chances of X's relevance at all is almost infinitely small.
Falco says:
Falco says:
If X represents everything unknown to science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
X can be an array
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
a whole object
Falco says:
It could be fucking ANYTHING.
Falco says:
Which has NOTHING to do with god or the creation of the cosmos.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You're basing your whole religion on it being ocmpletely NULL
Falco says:
Uhm, no.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It doesn't have to.
Falco says:
I'm basing my entire philosophy on the 999999999999.9999% chance that X isn't a god.
Falco says:
Tvspels, you see what I'm saying.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
What if suddenly we find a way to take hydrogen atoms and turn a person into a pillar of salf? Of shitfuck, the bible just god more credible.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And you're basing it entirely on teh basis that it's ZERO
Falco says:
yeah. .00001% more credible is a big fucking deal.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No. You're saying that all religions collectively aren't as liekly as the variable being null
Falco says:
I'd rather bank my chances on 99.999999999999% than 0.00000000000001%, you dumbshit.
Falco says:
You don't believe in statistics.
Anton says:
If what you're getting at is "if there's proof of a god would I believe it?" then yes, I would. And I think all atheists agree with me on that.
Falco says:
am I fucking righit?
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
you all lost a sense of direction.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
How in the FUCK is a variable, whithout definition, more liekly to be null than anything else
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Anton says:
Because science says so
Falco says:
Falco says:
Because the nature of the fucking universe says so.
Falco says:
you dumbshit.
Falco says:
I can't believe we're actually fucking arguing this.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
A variable that can be anything is more liekly to be one value than every other value out there?
Falco says:
Cole would fucking choke and die if he saw the epic conclusion.
Falco says:
He'd lose his erection immediately.
Falco says:
Yes, it is.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Anton says:
It's more likely Jesus DIDN'T walk on water than that he did. Proved physics Vs a 2000 year old book.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
That's not the issue.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I'm not talking about religions that defy science directly right now
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Goddamn you idiots don't listen
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
I know.
Falco says:
The chances of Science uncovering miracles versus the chances of science uncovering more shit that agrees with the workings of the universe.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
This is a different arguement.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I said I could use theory and religion interchangeably right now, because the ones I'm referring to are the ones that DON'T defy sciecne right now.
Falco says:
I don't believe in a religion that doesn't defy science.
Falco says:
Falco says:
So your conclusion still would be void.
Anton says:
Me neither
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It has an equal chance of proving another religion, that currently does NOT need a mericle proven, as it does to itself.
Falco says:
Theory is based in science, religion is based in bullshit.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Then you don't believe in atheism.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
I don't believe in a religion that doesn't defy science.

Falco says:
He's acting as though there are dozens of fucking religions that don't contradict science. ROFL.
Anton says:
The thing is there's no such religion (correct me if I'm wrong)
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Tvspelsfreak. Allow me to make reference to you earlier.
Falco says:
Falco says:
Don't fucking bother.
Falco says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Both agree what?
Falco says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
just make everything clear -_-
Falco says:
Falco says:
I don't believe in a religion that doesn't defy science.

Anton says:
Me neither

[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Good boy.
Falco says:
Now for the love of fuck.
Falco says:
I guess we're done.
Falco says:
Is it over?
Anton says:
I dunno
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
found it
Falco says:
To sum it all up
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Anton says:
So you're saying the meaning of atheism isn't for atheists to decide?

[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So, you're telling me the meaning of christianity isn't for christians to decide.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
We've alredy declared a series of beliefs to be a relgion.
Falco says:
The fact that atheism is rooted in science, and science still has things left to be discovered makes atheism equally as improbable as christianity or any other religion.
Falco says:
That's it.
Falco says:
That's all he said in 4 hours.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
If a person, as a single unit, can find a way to make his religion fit without defying science, then he's equally as liekly to be right as you.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Atheism is NOT 'rooted' in science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
It's just the lack of belief in a god.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Remember? Idiot.
Falco says:
based on science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Therefore, it's not the belief in a big bang
Falco says:
Science is the REASON to be an atheist.
Falco says:
Falco says:
just lack of a belief in a single entity.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Oh, really? WRONG. It's the belief that GOD DEFIES SCIENCE, SO CAN"T EXIST.
Falco says:
Anton says:
Falco says:
what the fuck?
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
That's your basis or argument for being better than all other religions. They defy science.
Falco says:
and we agree with it.
Falco says:
and.... you have done nothing but prove it.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
well, he's completely correct.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No. Not all religions defy science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Who's he?
Falco says:
Please name one.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
you baka
Falco says:
and explain why it doesn't defy science.
Falco says:
Well no shit, he is.
Falco says:
As if defying science is no big deal or something.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Agnostic. Theism.
Falco says:
Agnostic makes no claims.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Individualistic beliefs. Disciples of christ denomination of christianity.
Falco says:
It's IMPOSSIBLE for it to fucking go against anything.
Falco says:
oh my fucking god.
Falco says:
all this to argue your own fucked up branch of christianity.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No. It's an example.
Falco says:
Disciples of Christ's Cock believes in the Bible.
Falco says:
That's all you need.
Falco says:
and the bible obviously doesn't believe in science.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Any person who has faith that SOMEHOW doesn't contradict with science is as equally likely to be right as you are, as the only thing that makes atheism practical is the fact that it doesn't defy science.
Falco says:
Every fucking faith in a divine deity goes against science. It's just in your head that it doesn't.
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, they don't believe it litterally. they believe those stories to be parables.
Anton says:
Falco says:
don't you think?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No, they don't.
Anton says:
I'm stunned
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And not all religions believe in an entity.
Falco says:
okay, let's assume that EVERY motherfucking story in the bible is nothing but a parable.
Falco says:
Science still points to no god.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So shut up, and BE FUCKING civil.
Falco says:
so you still lose.
Anton says:
We could've gotten this far in 5 mins instead of 3 hours
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
haha, yeah.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
If you'd shut the fuck up.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And stop pulling shit outta your ass.
Anton says:
Yeah, stop that
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Do you agree with me or not?
Falco says:
notice how nobody has asked him to shut the fuck up, but he's too big of a bitch to type when we talk.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Because it's 4 on 1? NO SHIT.
Falco says:
Nobody fucking agrees with you, noboby has in 3 hours, and nobody fucking will EVER.
Falco says:
and dumbfuck, Karen has been on your side 90% of the time.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
No shit I'm going to lose. I'm debating with 4 people at once on a topic that goes against their arrogant beliefs.
Anton says:
It's 2 on 2 atm
Falco says:
It's equal, you moron.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
No, i'm a woman, I don't count, remember?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Woman count as negative, igiot.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Falco says:
Well fuck.
Falco says:
it's -2 on 2 then.
Anton says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
no, seriously.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
We agree then
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
And I win.
Falco says:
not a chance in hell.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
No, I win, I have bigger boobs.
Falco says:
Falco says:
I vote karen wins.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
*IF* and only *IF* I can find, somewhre, somehow, ONE religion that doesn't defy science, it has an equal chance of being true as atheism.
Anton says:
If she gives us proof that is
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So you're wrong.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Dude, just get laid, you shouldn't be arguing with idiots about this shit.
Falco says:
The problem is that you'll never fucking find that. rofl.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I get laid alll the time. GF of 2 years.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
She must feel like a princess too.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
no, she's negative, rememebr?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
So, do we agree or not?
Falco says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
My point exactly.
Falco says:
end of discussion.
Falco says:
see you guys later!
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Thank you.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Psht. Fucking hypocrit.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Pull that christian string.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Ignore all logic
Anton says:
I don't agree
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
'I'm right, end of discussion'
Falco says:
There was no logic.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Um, tell me why not.
Falco says:
in this entire debate.
Falco says:
Because there's no such thing as a religion that doesn't contradict science.
Anton says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
I'm sorry, but nothing in science points to reincarnation or an imaginary force of enlightenment or nirvana or moksha.
Falco says:
Anton says:
Buddhism is non-theistic as well
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
The ONLY reason atheism is more likely than another religion is if it defies science. But if there was one that didn't, you'd be wrong. And, as your already fucking asked, "so it's up to a non atheist to tell me what ahteists believe" how can you logically tell me 'oh, there's no other religion like that?" You're the most arrogant sacks of ass I've met in my life, and I can honestly say you're wor
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
se than argueing with a christion
Falco says:
At 8PM, I leave this chat.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Did I say religion had to be theistic?
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
ANY religion
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
We've already gone over this
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
I win.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
you lose.
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
You can't accept it
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
haha yes you win
Falco says:
uh, wow.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
in that statement, however.
Anton says:
Wow, just wow
Falco says:
I know, ROFL>
Falco says:
he still hasn't pointed out a religion that doesn't defy science.
Falco says:
We've been waiting so eagerly.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
he has.
Falco says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
what the hell are you reading
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Your argument was that ANY RELIGION BUT ATHEISM MAKES YOU AN IDIOT BECAUSE IT'S THE MOST LIKELY OF ALL RELIGIONS. That's falce. Any other religion not defying science is equally as likely.
Falco says:
The chat log. What the fuck have you 3 been reading?
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
named about 4 so far.
Falco says:
falce? rofl.
Anton says:
What religions?
Falco says:
Falco says:
Jesus motherfucking christ almighty cock sucking cunt of the mother mary father son holy spirity gangbang orgy.
Anton says:
And nvm that buddhism is non-theistic. Not the point, but it still goes against science
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Anton says:
Falco says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
Desciples of Christ Denomination of christianity. deism. Buddhism. Theism. My personal belief. Karma. Scientologists.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
okay.. ill agree to that
Falco says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Anton says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[Arce] - WTF's up with life? O.o;;;; says:
okay, scientologists believe variable x WAYY too much.

Falco says:
Falco says:
Falco says:
Desciples of Christ Denomination of christianity. deism. Buddhism. Theism. My personal belief. Karma. Scientologists.
Falco says:
Desciples - His sect of Christianity, of course the biased fucker wills ay that. They believe in the bible, so no.
Falco says:
Deism - belief in a divine entity, LOL
Falco says:
Buddhism - reincarnation. ROFL
Falco says:
Theism - divine entity. LAWL
Falco says:
KARMA? - Reincarnation. You dipfuck.
Falco says:
Scientology - I hope this is a joke.
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
[c=#F43700]-Karen-[/c=#E38851] says:
Nice strategy there, btw.
Anton says:
I'll end it at this. If there's definite proof I'll believe it.
Falco says:
Yeah, Marcel left the room.
Falco says:
for the love of all fucking fuck.
Falco says:
I'd rather solder my dick to the floor than listen to this.

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 10:10 pm
by Arce
If you're going to post it online then you could atleast have given it color so we can tell wtf's going on. >.<

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:18 pm
by JS Lemming
Yeah I about barfed from nausea after 20 lines of that.

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 9:40 am
by Falco Girgis
I don't blame you. Marcel argued something for three hours that could've been summed up in two lines.

Go ahead and sum it up, Powk.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:31 pm
by Karkash
Okay, I didn't read the whole thing and I may regret this because there's barely any point in arguing with Arce. It seems like it turned into him mainly arguing that atheism is a religion based on the definition of religion and that he got caught up on the word belief.

I'd say that every religion contains beliefs but not every belief is a religion. Just an example but most people believe the sky is blue, that cats meow, and dogs bark, but none of those are religions, just beliefs. So saying that not believing in a god is a belief still doesn't make atheism a religion.

The main difference to me is that all religions are man made and atheism is not. If you were born and were never exposed to the concept of god, you would technically be an atheist. It's the natural state we are born in.

The word atheism comes from the early Ancient Greek adjective atheos meaning godless. Atheist is merely a descriptive word to describe someone who does not believe in a god and that is all it is.

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 2:40 pm
by Falco Girgis
The part about the belief vs religion is exactly what we tried to argue with him (somewhere in the 3 hour long debate).

About atheism being our natural state, I've never heard anybody put it that way. I like that. Very poetic, and very true.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:57 pm
by cypher1554R
there is no way I'm reading this.. i gave up after 3 lines..

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:33 pm
by Falco Girgis
Don't bother, Marcel's an atheist now, anyway. :guffaw:

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:53 pm
by Arce
Don't bother.

I barfed myself about line 30.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:05 pm
by dandymcgee
I read the whole thing :P Found it rather interesting (and funny). I guess there's something wrong with me? In the end nobody really won, Marcel's overall argument was still intact, in that IF he could find a religion that did not DEFY science, it would have exactly the same chances of being true as not being true (atheism). But the argument is not complete without a sound example of a set of beliefs that does not defy KNOWN science in any way, yet whether or not such a set of beliefs exists CANNOT be proved OR disproved 100% until variable X no longer exists (we know EVERYTHING).

I don't regret tossing an hour or so of my life into the past by reading this, as I would've probably sat here bored watching TV otherwise ;).
Don't bother, Marcel's an atheist now, anyway.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:11 am
by Arce
Wow, amazing...I wouldn't have the patience to read that shit. ;P

I enjoy debating for the sake of argument, not always because I agree with what I myself am saying. Is this the case in that argument? I'm not really sure, actually. :mrgreen:

Though skimming back over it, I will say that I had some pretty stupid arguments, as well as some valid ones.

The irony here is that I became a professed atheist before anybody else in that argument. I made the decision at around age 11, while Gyro, Js lemming, and others were hardcore Christians. Then, as time progressed, I became somewhat religious again, professing to be a deist with beliefs biased towards Christianity. They became x-core atheists. ;P

Then for a while I did a little flip-flop, depending on my mood.

Now don't even bother asking me my religion. We all know where I stand now.