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How much is your girlfriend worth?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:25 am
by Falco Girgis
On a scale of 1-10, where does she stand? Where does any girl stand? Well, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to let you find out.

I'm bored at work. In an attempt to release stress, further objectify a girl that I am trying to get over, and avoid formatting this goddamn word document, I'm creating a cheap ass little console program to calculate your bitch's worth.

What I need from you are criteria that you deem to be important. Here's my own personal list:

Interests shared
Success of parents
Attractiveness of mom
Personal success (college? work?)
Overall shape
Emotional stability
Taste in Music
Style (clothing, aesthetics)
Number of males she's slept with total
Cooking and housekeeping abilities
Sexual performance
Sexual open mindedness
Religious orientation

These will all be entered as integer values, probably 0-10 as well. I haven't decided how I'm going to weigh these things. Please post any recommendations. Back to work.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:08 pm
by cypher1554R
I'd remove:
- Success of parents (it's just very irrelevant, results vary a lot)
- Number of males she's slept with total (you can NEVER know)
- Religious orientation (you can't make a static criteria.. it depends from person to person preferment)

Weight, Boobs, Ass, Athleticness can all be counted as Overall shape.

Insted of "Sexual open mindedness" i'd put just "open-mindedness".. More general..

Also, housekeeping is not so important value these days..
In fact, can sometimes be negative..
"Don't put your legs on the table, I just cleaned that up!"

Oh! And let's not forget the Honesty.. that can be important..

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 3:10 pm
by Arce
I'd remove:
- Number of males she's slept with total (you can NEVER know)
Naw...I'd actually keep it, but I wouldn't allow it to be a standard in/out value. You should have some kind of a 'margin of error' algorithm...Account for number of confessed, number of assumed, perhaps take into account emotional stability, personal success, sexual performances. For something like that, you need to use given statistics for more than just averaging--use the values one can be positive of and/or observed and then use those values to help derive some kind of margin of error (+- value) for the ones that aren't certain.

Example, a girl confessed to have slept with two people. If her emotional stability is somewhat in check, and her appearance stats aren't WAAAAY downstream, then you can probably assume that her margin of error downward won't be too high (she probably isn't lying about having slept with those two people.) But, lets say that her appearance stats are high. Her reliability is only moderate. Then you can assume the possibility of a lie based on known facts, then try to get an estimate of how much a lie and somehow derive a number of possible variation of the initial known sexual encounters.

Perhaps I'm over complicating it--i don't know if you're planning to make this a big enough application to handle unknowns, derive values for those, account for estimations, etc.

If you are, then call the program "Mirganda' and name yourself "Holger M. Jaenisch".

Oh, and have you seen this? (link safe from work)

And, if you don't want to look like a fag making a virtual program, remove this topic and get back to real devving. ;P

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:38 am
by MarauderIIC
It's funny cause I could probably actually use my statistics class now.

But since I don't really remember any of it I'd have to find my notes.

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:31 pm
by DJ Yoshi
If anyone's girl gets a score over 5 I call bullshit.

Cause that's a mistake.

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 2:53 pm
by Falco Girgis
DJ Yoshi wrote:If anyone's girl gets a score over 5 I call bullshit.

Cause that's a mistake.
:guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:


Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:32 am
by unholysavagery
cypher1554R wrote:I'd remove:
- Success of parents (it's just very irrelevant, results vary a lot)
- Number of males she's slept with total (you can NEVER know)
- Religious orientation (you can't make a static criteria.. it depends from person to person preferment)

Weight, Boobs, Ass, Athleticness can all be counted as Overall shape.

Insted of "Sexual open mindedness" i'd put just "open-mindedness".. More general..

Also, housekeeping is not so important value these days..
In fact, can sometimes be negative..
"Don't put your legs on the table, I just cleaned that up!"

Oh! And let's not forget the Honesty.. that can be important..
"Success of parents" not at all important."
"Number of males she's slept with total" I consider that pretty important even if you can never be sure.
"Religious orientation" VERY important to me because my ex cheated on me because I was atheist and she was christian... Go figure...
"Cooking and housekeeping abilities" I can kinda cook so I'm neutral about that but the housekeeping may actually be a negative to me.

Other then that I'd say the list is about right.

Re: How much is your girlfriend worth?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:49 am
by avansc
Interests shared : very important
Success of parents : i dont know why everyone thinks this is not important, i think it is, its a good indicator of what she will be.
Attractiveness of mom : not very, but if she is dog ugly and you see she was hot when she wat younger, well then you might have to reconsider(if you are superficial like me)

Personal success (college? work?) : i never excelled at college, but thats because i was bored half the time, but i dated a girl through out college with a 4.0
Weight : she was 5'9'' 130lbs. i like em slender.
Boobs : contrary to most i like small to medium, nothing bigger that a C cup.
Ass : Image
Overall shape : just slender
Athleticness : i like to job, she better to.
Emotional stability : this is very important, the last one was a tad crazy.
Reliability : meh, as long as its nothin serious i dont care. i am forgetful of small things like anniversaries and so on. jk
Taste in Music : Rock, metal. and contemporary jazz.
Style (clothing, aesthetics) : i like woman in classy business dresses.
Number of males she's slept with total : very important. i dont sleep around, so i have this formula, floor(# of my conquests * log(my age)), if its bigger than that she get on walking.
Cooking and housekeeping abilities : not so much
Sexual performance : kinda, but if she shows improvement thats good. if she is totally rocking in bed chanches are she a whore.
Sexual open mindedness : very, if sex is mundane the marragy will phizzle out.
Religious orientation : for me it is. im christian, and just want her to share the same beliefs, its not really about her, but if we had kids it be hard to raise them (religeosly i mean) if the house is devided.
Intelligence : very, i can only pretend that im interested for that long.
Charisma : not really, i like some shyness and mystery.

oops, didnt read the whole thing. sorry.

Re: How much is your girlfriend worth?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:02 pm
by unholysavagery
I'd want a girl with more ass then the above picture, something like this!

