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Dumb Devvers :/

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 12:31 am
by Moosader
I don't know what it is, maybe it's from hanging out with kids the past couple days, but I have no patience. I must be a meany behind "fellow" developers' backs.


Exhibit A: "Super Smash Bros 2D"
This guy joins my Gamedev-alliance club on DeviantArt , asks me to post news about his game, and tells me to play it and critique. Thing is, it's hosted on YoYo Games, where you HAVE TO download a dumb plugin to play it. How about no?
Also, it irks me because not only have I already seen a Super Smash Bros 2D done before (albeit crappily), but I've essentially also MADE a Super Smash Bros 2D, except with legal characters XD

Here's this guy's deviantart showcase:
Screenshot 1 - ... 1-85224437
Screenshot 2 (10 days later, looks THE SAME) - ... 2-86169757
Screenshot 3 (a month later, same shit) - ... 3-87896556

On my gamedev alliance page, I don't discriminate if someone wants news of their games posted because we only have like four active members, including myself and some lonely emo fag who essentially posts five screenshots of the same build of his (3d engine/2d shmup/pong clone/text adventure) over and over.


Exhibit B: Red X Productions

This website is hilarious. This is another member of the gamedev alliance, who is making an "epic RPG!" in RPG maker XP, and is planning to sell it.
(I grit my teeth every time I see him post another poll entitled, "If I sold EXodus, WOULD YOU BUY IT?!")

Be sure to read the site, particularly Vampire Quest...:

Vampire Quest is a 3 dimensional RPG currently in planning phases. It will feature full offlin and online playablility.

Vampire Quest will always be our goal here at Red X Productions, and we will not stop until we gain the estimated 2 millions US dollars to produce it.

Offline and online playability.
Stunning 3D graphics, planned for the CryteK engine.
Revolutionsary HD loaded files, reducing lag, allowing even Dial-up users to play.
Many more in developmen.

And on the main page:
The goal of us here at Red X Productions, is to develop the technology, skills, and knowledge required to create a life-simulation realisitic Procedural-genertated Role playing game (LSRPGRPG) Called Vampire Quest, and release it into the market.

We will do so by pursuing a career in video game design and the development of such graphic technologies required to make it work.


I'm sorry, I just had to get that off my chest. :P

I don't hate other developers, I swear. Just the amateur ones who either (a) Expect me to have enough free time / care enough to play their dumb game, (b) Think they need 2 million dollars to produce their revolutionary vampire game with the Crytek engine (aka, are overestimating themselves a bit)

I mean, for chrissakes, a dash of manners and a tad of humility goes a long way. I really hate any emails I get, source code included in the first message, saying "DEBUG THIS", or "PLAY THIS NOW". How about not? I have tons of other things to do right now.
I always respond well to people who are nice, even if they're asking basic questions.
I always respond sourly to people who are jerks. And I feel bad for it, but I can hardly help it. I lack patience, it seems.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen

Re: Dumb Devvers :/

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:55 am
by Falco Girgis
Wow, that would definitely piss me off. You seem to be having so many more problems with this than I do. I guess it's because people enjoy talking to you and not so much me, haha.

Re: Dumb Devvers :/

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:15 am
by trufun202
LusikkaMage wrote: Vampire Quest will always be our goal here at Red X Productions, and we will not stop until we gain the estimated 2 millions US dollars to produce it.
lmao, nice. They're going to make a 2 million dollar game, but they can't shell out a few bucks for paid web hosting...

Re: Dumb Devvers :/

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:31 am
by MarauderIIC
Maybe they should invest some of it in a spelling & grammar checker. But yes, I support you in the 'dash of manners and humility' department.

Re: Dumb Devvers :/

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 12:12 pm
by Falco Girgis
Arrogance has to be earned. For example, if trufun or Marauder decided one day that they would like be a dickhead and flaunt their achievements and/or skills purely to please their own narcissistic desires, I'd have much less of a problem than these kiddies who demand respect after accomplishing nothing.

Re: Dumb Devvers :/

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:54 pm
by dandymcgee
life-simulation realisitic Procedural-genertated Role playing game (LSRPGRPG)
:lol: Are you kidding me?

Re: Dumb Devvers :/

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:01 pm
by Falco Girgis
That's the most redundant acronym that I've ever seen (both in meaning and in consonant repetition in the acronym itself).

Re: Dumb Devvers :/

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:34 pm
by sparda
Nice post Lussika, although I probably would have ignored annoying messages if I was in your position. I make a huge effort not to offend anybody, because I remember when I was younger and asked stupid questions myself (how do you hack?). Hence, I try to be as un-elitist as possible. At the same time I try to not limit myself in substance.

Re: Dumb Devvers :/

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:36 pm
by Moosader
Yeah, but at least when I was (more) young, dumb, and inexperienced, I'd suck up to a potential mentor instead of making demands. =P

Re: Dumb Devvers :/

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:05 pm
by MarauderIIC
GyroVorbis wrote:Arrogance has to be earned. For example, if trufun or Marauder decided one day that they would like be a dickhead and flaunt their achievements and/or skills purely to please their own narcissistic desires, I'd have much less of a problem than these kiddies who demand respect after accomplishing nothing.
Thanks! That means a lot! :) /sincere

Re: Dumb Devvers :/

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 5:12 am
by cypher1554R
The goal of us here at Red X Productions, is to develop the technology, skills, and knowledge required to create a life-simulation realisitic Procedural-genertated Role playing game (LSRPGRPG) Called Vampire Quest, and release it into the market.
The cool thing about this kind of "devvers" is when the time comes to show some progress, hear what they have to say.. x]

Re: Dumb Devvers :/

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:34 am
by programmerinprogress
some people really don't have a clue do they?

I laughed at those SSB clone screenshots, same level...same characters... same old same old? (why didn't they just post one?)

Arrogance, and being naive plagues the programming community, people think because they can say the sentence "3D MMO with a £1m budget", it will somehow materialise in front of their eyes.

The reality is, you have to work hard, and know your stuff, and if your not in the game to learn, and expand your skills, and just there to make money, then you're not going to get very far, unless you have a lot of time, and the skills to pull something off.

I think the best thing you can do in any community, is to admit you need to learn more, depending where you go, people will be willing to help, just as long as they can take you seriously!

Now i'm going off you re-create the big bang in Assembly!, and when I do, it will make me lots of money, and i'll be able to take over the world!

one question though, how do those variable thingies work again? :lol:

Re: Dumb Devvers :/

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:00 am
by dandymcgee
one question though, how do those variable thingies work again?
Maybe you should start with how to unzip a .zip archive. That one always gets the newbies.

Re: Dumb Devvers :/

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:51 pm
by cypher1554R
dandymcgee wrote:
one question though, how do those variable thingies work again?
Maybe you should start with how to unzip a .zip archive. That one always gets the newbies.
What's a zip? I don't see any "zip" there's just a giant button, and if I press it.. oh! So that's how you turn this thing on. The TV automatically turned itself on, wow.. Do I need a remote or something now..??

(you asked for overkill)

Re: Dumb Devvers :/

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 2:39 pm
by dandymcgee
^ :lol: