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Request for help from SDL gurus

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:12 pm
by sparda
I've finally decided to plunge into some SDL baby! But I ran into a bit of a problem, and was hoping some SDL gurus could help me (Falco, Marcel, Marauder, etc). First of, understand why there is a problem: I hate Dev C++, and I want to use the terminal instead. Now, that means that I'll be using Code::Blocks for text highlighting, or simply raw MinGW (which Dev C++ runs under anyway) from the command line to do my coding. But the base SDL is simple, I just downloaded the MinGW development files. And set up the environment in a makefile, using the proper lib and include path, like so:

Code: Select all

-Ic:/SDL/include -Lc:/SDL/lib -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL
Of course, I know the order is important if not some stupid error message pops up about @Main or something.

What I want is information on SDL_image, as thats all I need right now regarding external SDL libraries. You see, SDL_image, I've heard, bitches under windows when there is an attempt to compile it. the TTF library has some major bugs I hear.

So the real question is: does anyone know of a compiled SDL_image for MinGW? I've searched everywhere and I either get: outdated useless information, or just plain err. I decided to ask for help, instead of attempting to compiling this beast under VISTA!!!! oh, no! If no one has any information, no problem, I'll just try to compile SDL_image natively. I just thought I should ask you guys first. Any help is appreciated.

Re: Request for help from SDL gurus

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:38 am
by MarauderIIC
sparda wrote:I've finally decided to plunge into some SDL baby! But I ran into a bit of a problem, and was hoping some SDL gurus could help me (Falco, Marcel, Alex, etc).
Fix'd, just since it seems weird to call 2/3 by actual names :P

So you need a Win32 binary, right? ... inary+ming
link 2 is
which says
but more specifically says
>>> ... <<<
as opposed to ...

He seems to be using MinGW. Let me know if that works for you. Hopefully you have 32-bit vista. :)