Dance Dance Revolution Extreme?

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Dance Dance Revolution Extreme?

Post by Falco Girgis »

Okay, so Hyper Shadow, Anarki, and I were chilling at the arcade. None of us had ever played DDR in our lives. We decided to give it a try. So we busted out the silvas and got on. The first thing I noticed, was that the music SUCKED! Japan can keep its music. None of that Anime chick crap for me. Next, the footpads blew ass cheese. My god I WOULD of gotten into it, only every time I try to hit a damn button it doesn't detect it. I have to litterally STOMP on that mother to get it to do anything. Then, there are like all of these gangsters laughing at you and junk.

Dance Dance Revolution isn't fit to suck Samba De Amigo's ballz.

Playing with maracas to respectable songs like:
Cup of Life
Living the Vida Loca
La Bamba
Take on Me
is soooo cool. I can't stand randomly stomping on pads. I'll just stick with my mad and furious rage of maraca shaking thank you very much!
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Post by Orgodemirk »

Super Sonic, DDR had two good songs Living the Vida Loca and
La Bamba
So I'm standing there and an arrow flys up on the screen and so I stomp on the pad but Turns out I MISSED THE FREAKING PAD WTF?!!?
A glitch?
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Post by Falco Girgis »

So I'm standing there and an arrow flys up on the screen and so I stomp on the pad but Turns out I MISSED THE FREAKING PAD WTF?!!?
LMFAO!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted:

Post by Guest »

I too was at the arcade, and had a torn to hell toe, empty wallet, and a freaking pulled muscle in my back, so I did not play. But it seriously looked like shit.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

OH MY GOD! Quit using such a gay excuse. You were there being stupid with your little sniping arcade. Arce was just too big of a puss to play. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of the chix and gangstas!

Post by Guest »

How would I be embarresed? It looks easy as hell becides the fact that you must stomp on the buttons. With my weight, no problem. So WTF? Why waste money on such a gay thing when there is Evil Dead 2?
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Post by Falco Girgis »

How would I be embarresed? It looks easy as hell becides the fact that you must stomp on the buttons. With my weight, no problem. So WTF? Why waste money on such a gay thing when there is Evil Dead 2?
Arce, considering embarresed isn't a word, I don't think it'd be possible to be emberresed. Good point! :twisted:

As for easy as hell, your blubbery ass would fall flat on your face in a matter of seconds!
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Post by Showdin »

I am not trying to take sides but I would have to say that House Of the Dead 2 is far more respectable than stomping on colored pads.......It usually costs about one third as much too.

Post by Guest »

There was like a grandma there, just wasting their money, dieing on Evil Dead 2! So I helped her until we both died, at the 4th boss. She even thanked me! Is that not better than being laughed at by gothic faggots that are too poor to afford to play the DDR machine and stand on the floor, doing what the screen says, thinking their hot shit? HELLZ NO! :x
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Post by Falco Girgis »

I've said this so many other times.
Last edited by Falco Girgis on Mon May 31, 2004 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Krystal Kirby »

When im an an arcade with money i actually do something to have fun and sitting on my arse and trying to kill things that are already dead is not exactly my idea of fun. No offense
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Post by Showdin »

Oh don't even go there! First People diss on my beloved enter button now THIS? HELL NO! you went too far. Saying DDgayR is funner than House of the Dead? Sorry but I am pretty pissed off right now! Not only because of that but many OTHER THINGS!!!!!!!!!!
You are better than me.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Yeah showdin; I don't think I'd go there. DDR isn't fit to hold House of the Dead 2's jock strap!
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Post by Krystal Kirby »

I didn't mean to put it that way, I think that House of the dead is better than DDR anyday, I only said that because I wasn't thinking sorry
I hope you will accept my appology if you dont I understand :(
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Post by Falco Girgis »

I accept your apology but first require:

1 pair of maraccas
1 Frapaccino
Some other crap I'll think of later. :lol:
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