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Tic Tac Toe

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:50 am
by villeballa89
Anybody written Tic Tac Toe? I just want to know if it works best to clear the whole screen and rewrite it after every move or...... well I'm not sure what else..... so I basically just answered my own question but any ideas on how to do this without writing each possible screen?

Re: Tic Tac Toe

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:06 am
by M_D_K
What language are you using(C/C++, blitz+, etc), what are you using for graphics(SDL, Opengl, Direct3D).

Most of the time your gonna want to clear the whole screen to avoid corruption.

Re: Tic Tac Toe

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:24 am
by MarauderIIC
It's possible to update a screen rectangle in certain situations using certain libraries. SDL_UpdateRect does this for instance (I think).

Re: Tic Tac Toe

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:26 am
by Falco Girgis
I'm pretty sure that he's trying to make a text based Tic-Tac-Toe with cout or printf().

Re: Tic Tac Toe

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:27 am
by trufun202
Yeah, for a Tic Tac Toe game, you can get away with redrawing the entire screen after each move.

For more fast-paced games, there's a concept called "dirty rectangles," where you only redraw the portions of the screen that have changed since the last frame.

That would be overkill for Tic Tac Toe.

Re: Tic Tac Toe

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:50 am
by villeballa89
yea, sorry I wasn't specific. I'm using C++ and cout. Also, I have to include classes someway and since I only speant about a month learning C before my class moved to C++, I still don't know object oriented programming (this is my first assingment with it/ in C++)

Re: Tic Tac Toe

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:54 am
by MarauderIIC
If you're doing it in console, some IDEs like, um... Borland have special stuff where you can position the cursor at only a certain part of the screen and draw there. But for cout, clearing the screen should be alright.

You could try something like this if you want

Code: Select all

//assuming public (bad oo practice)
class Board {
    Piece pieceLocation[3][3];
    char verticalBorder; //make default '|'
    char horizBorder; //make default '-'
    char intersection; //make default '+'
    void DrawBoard();

class Piece {
    int val; //0 = no piece, 1 = x, 2 = y

Re: Tic Tac Toe

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:30 am
by villeballa89
okay.... just an update....I'm using two classes as of right now. One creates the gameboard and the other is the rules. my new question is whether there is a more efficient way to cover my bases for placing a game piece like here.

Code: Select all

if (x == 1 && y == 1 && x1y1 == " ")//if the x  and the y = the (x,y) pair and that place hasn't been used then...
            x1y1 = "x"// draw x here
        else if (x == 2 && y == 1 && x2y1 == " ")
            x2y1 = "x"
        else if (x == 3 && y == 1 && x3y1 == " ")
            x3y1 = "x"
//this goes on for all nine places
there it is. Each space has it's own variable so yea..... Not sure if there's anything else you'd need to know in order to help me.

Re: Tic Tac Toe

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:51 am
by avansc
Full java version of tic tac toe, with AI.
compliments of me.

Code: Select all

import java.util.Random;

 *	@Author : Andre van-Schalkwyk
 *	@Version : 8.19.05-19:18

public class TicTacToe
	private int spacesLeft; 				// int that hold the amount of spaces left on board.
	private Random r;						// random number generator.
	private String game = "";				// string that displays game state.
	private char[] board = new char[15];	// array that holds the char of specified space.
	private char whosTurn = 'x';			// char detirmening whos turn it is.
	private char[] winCon = new char[5];
	private int[][] con = new int[9][4];
 	public TicTacToe(){	// TicTacToe constructor.
		r = new Random();
		spacesLeft = 9; 	
		for(int a = 0;a < 15;a++){
			board[a] = ' ';			// inits the blank array.
		winCon[0] = 'x';
		winCon[1] = 'o';
		con[0][0] = 0;
		con[0][1] = 1;
		con[0][2] = 2;
		con[1][0] = 3;
		con[1][1] = 4;
		con[1][2] = 5;
		con[2][0] = 6;
		con[2][1] = 7;
		con[2][2] = 8;
		con[3][0] = 0;
		con[3][1] = 3;
		con[3][2] = 6;
		con[4][0] = 1;
		con[4][1] = 4;
		con[4][2] = 7;
		con[5][0] = 2;
		con[5][1] = 5;
		con[5][2] = 8;
		con[6][0] = 0;
		con[6][1] = 4;
		con[6][2] = 8;
		con[7][0] = 2;
		con[7][1] = 4;
		con[7][2] = 6;		

	} // end of constructor.
	public String getMessage(){ // returns game state.
		return game; // game is string containing game state.
	} // end of function.
	public void runAI(){	// AI function.
		int temp = 0;	// temp for position
		int winO = 0;	// position for victory execution.
		int winX = 0;	// position for victory prevention.
		winX = isPlayerAboutToWin('x'); // assign prevention spot if one.
		winO = isPlayerAboutToWin('o');	// assign execution spot if one.
		boolean gameOver = false;	// boolean to state of game is over.
		gameOver = gameOver();	// see if game is over.
		if(gameOver != true){ // check if game is over.
			if(winO != 0 && spacesLeft >= 1){ // check if victory is possible
				System.out.println("AI chooses: " + winO); // print chosen spot in console.
				board[winO-1] = 'o';	// enter spot into array to win.
				spacesLeft--;			// decrease the number of open spaces.
				nextTurn();				// go on and give human player back control.
			}else if(winX != 0 && spacesLeft >= 1){ // check if defeat is possible
				System.out.println("AI chooses: " + winX);	// print chosen spot in console.
				board[winX-1] = 'o';	// enter spot into array to foil defeat.
				spacesLeft--;			// check if mouse is on bottom of screen.
				nextTurn();				// go on and give human player back control.
			}else if(spacesLeft >= 1){	// see if spaces are available, happens when neither players can win.
				temp = getRandomSlot();	// get a random spot to choose.
				board[temp-1] = 'o';	// enter spot into array.
				spacesLeft--;			// decreast number of spots available.
				nextTurn();				// go on and give human player back control.
		gameOver = gameOver(); // get game state.
	 *	return x or o at certain spot
	 * @param : int whichOne
	public char getMark(int whichOne){ // returns the char value that is stored in array
		return board[whichOne-1];	// return array value at certain spot.

	} // end function.
	private void nextTurn(){ // switches player control.
		if(whosTurn == 'x'){ // basic switch around.
			whosTurn = 'o'; // O's turn.
			whosTurn = 'x'; // X's turn.
	} // end function.
	 * @param : int slot
	 * 	puts a x at slot.
	public boolean setMark(int slot){ // to assign 'x' to certain spot in array.
		if(whosTurn == 'o'){ // make sure it is human players turn.
			System.out.println("O's turn"); // if not display cause of denile.
		}else if(board[slot] == ' ' && spacesLeft != 0){ // check if space is empty.
			board[slot] = 'x'; 	// assign spot to array.
			spacesLeft--;		// decrease number of spots.
			nextTurn();			// switch players.
			runAI();			// execute AI.
			return true; // return true.
			System.out.println("Space is not vacant"); // else print that the space is taken.
			return false;	// return false;
		return false;		
	}	// end function.
	 *	starts a new game and resets variables.
	public void startNewGame(){ // new game function, resets critical game data.
		spacesLeft = 9;	// make all spaces available.
		whosTurn = 'x';	// assign turn to human player.
		for(int a = 0;a < 15;a++){
			board[a] = ' ';			// clear array.
		game = "";	// make game message nothing.
	}	// end function.
	 *	to check if game if over,
	 *	either by victory, defeat, or draw.
	public boolean gameOver(){	// function start.
		char[] array = new char[15];
		for(int a = 0;a < 15;a++){
			array[a] = board[a]; // copy array over to temp array.
		for(int a = 0;a <= 1;a++){	// loop for checking x and o
			for(int b = 0;b <= 7;b++){ // loop for checking 8 possible win conditions.
				// check if X won.
				if(array[con[b][0]] == winCon[a] && array[con[b][1]] == winCon[a] && array[con[b][2]] == winCon[a]){	
					//System.out.println("X won");	// print "X won" to console.
					game = winCon[a] + "X is the Winner!";					// make game state message "X won".
					spacesLeft = 0;					// make spaces 0.
					return true;					// return true.
		if(spacesLeft == 0){	// check if the are not spaces left.
			game = "Draw.";	// assing "Draw" to game state string.
			return true;	// return true.
		return false;		// return false.

	}	// end function.
	 * This method chooses a random slot for the computer to take.
	 * @return The number of the slot for the computer to take
	private int getRandomSlot(){
		int go = r.nextInt(9) + 1;	// get random int.
		char[] array = new char[15];// create temp array.
		for(int a = 0;a < 15;a++){
			array[a] = board[a];	// copy array over.
		if(array[go-1] != ' '){ // check if space was unavailable.
			System.out.println("AI chooses: " + (go));	// display what spot was chosen.
			System.out.println("that space was taken");	// display that it was not available.
		}	// end if.
		while(array[go-1] != ' '){ // wile loop till open spot is chosen.
			go = r.nextInt(9) + 1; // generate random int.
			if(array[go-1] != ' '){	// check if space was unavailable.
				System.out.println("AI chooses: " + (go));	// display what spot was chosen.
				System.out.println("that space was taken");	// display that it was not available.
		System.out.println("AI chooses: " + (go)); // display that it was available.
		return go;	// return chosen spot.
	}	// end function.
	 * This method determines if the player is about to win
	 * @param mark Which player we are inquiring about (x or o)
	 * @return The space in which the player would win if they took
	private int isPlayerAboutToWin(char mark){
		if(findOpen(0,1,2,mark) != 0)
			return findOpen(0,1,2,mark);	// return if victory is possible.
		if(findOpen(3,4,5,mark) != 0)
			return findOpen(3,4,5,mark);	// return if victory is possible.
		if(findOpen(6,7,8,mark) != 0)
			return findOpen(6,7,8,mark);	// return if victory is possible.
		if(findOpen(0,3,6,mark) != 0)
			return findOpen(0,3,6,mark);	// return if victory is possible.
		if(findOpen(1,4,7,mark) != 0)
			return findOpen(1,4,7,mark);	// return if victory is possible.
		if(findOpen(2,5,8,mark) != 0)
			return findOpen(2,5,8,mark);	// return if victory is possible.
		if(findOpen(0,4,8,mark) != 0)
			return findOpen(0,4,8,mark);	// return if victory is possible.
		if(findOpen(2,4,6,mark) != 0)
			return findOpen(2,4,6,mark);	// return if victory is possible.
		return 0;	// return 0 is victory not possible.
	}	// end function.
	 * This method finds the open space that if taken the given player would
	 * be the winner.
	 * @param one The first slot we are checking
	 * @param two The second slot we are checking
	 * @param three The third slot we are checking
	 * @param mark The player we are inquiring about (x or o)
	 * @return The open spot
	private int findOpen(int one, int two, int three, char mark){
		char[] array = new char[15];	// create temp array.
		for(int a = 0;a < 15;a++){
			array[a] = board[a];		// store temp array.
		if(array[one] == mark && array[two] == mark && array[three] == ' ')	// check if victory is possible.
			return three+1;	// return slot for victory if possible.
		if(array[one] == mark && array[two] == ' ' && array[three] == mark)	// check if victory is possible.
			return two+1;	// return slot for victory if possible.
		if(array[one] == ' ' && array[two] == mark && array[three] == mark)	// check if victory is possible.
			return one+1;	// return slot for victory if possible.
		return 0;	// return 0 if victory not possible.
	}	// end function,
}	// end class.

Code: Select all

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

 * This class creates a JFrame for the game to be viewed in
 * and creates a TicTacToePanel object, which is added to
 * the frame's container.  JButtons for starting a new game
 * and quitting are also created and given to the TicTacToePanel.
 * This file DOES NOT need to be modified.
 * @Author  : Andre van-Schalkwyk
 * @Version : 8.19.05-16:15
 * @Program : TicTacToe
public class TicTacToeGUI extends JFrame // the GUI
	/** The textfield that shows the end of game message */
	private JTextField message;
	/** The button that will start a new game */
	private JButton newGame;
	/** The button that will exit the program */
	private JButton quit;
	 * This is the constructor, which initializes all
	 * intance variables and sets up the GUI
	public TicTacToeGUI(){ // constructor.
		super("Tic-Tac-Toe"); 	// super name.
		setSize(600,700);		// setting the size.
		setLocation(100,0);		//nsetting the location.
		setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // default close opperation.
		Container c = getContentPane(); // container for objects.
		message = new JTextField("", 20); // our text field.
		newGame = new JButton("Start New Game"); // button to start new game.
		quit = new JButton("Quit"); // button to quit program.
		JPanel btnPanel = new JPanel(); // new panel.
		btnPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2)); // set the layout.
		btnPanel.add(newGame); 	// add the new game button.
		btnPanel.add(quit);		// add the quit game button.
		JPanel bottom = new JPanel(); // bottom panel.
		bottom.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1)); // set layout.
		bottom.add(btnPanel);	// add the panel containing the buttons.
		bottom.add(message);	// add the message box to lower panel.
		c.add(new TicTacToePanel(message, quit, newGame), BorderLayout.CENTER);	// create the TicTacToe panel.
		c.add(bottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // south border layout.
		setVisible(true);	// make it visible.
	} // end of constructor.
	 * This method starts the program.
	 * @param args Command Line arguments (not used)
	public static void main(String args[]){	// main of entire program
		new TicTacToeGUI(); // new gui.
	}	// ends entire program.
}	// ends the TicTacToeGUI class.

Code: Select all

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

 *	@Description : The TicTacToePanel class contains all the listeners
 *		and event handlers. Also contains the graphical aspect of the
 *		program. Does minimal computation, just determains which block
 *		was chosen depending on what location the mouse was clicked at.
 *	@File :
 *	@Author : Andre van-Schalkwyk
 *	@Version : 8.19.05-18:12
 *	@Param m : JTextField for the game messages.
 *	@Param q : JButton for quit game.
 *	@Param n : JButton for new game.

public class TicTacToePanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener, MouseListener // implements 2 listeners
	public TicTacToe ttt = new TicTacToe();	// ttt contains all the functions to run the tic tac toe program
	public JButton quitGame;	// button reference for quit game.
	public JButton newGame;		// button reference fot new game.
	public JTextField text;		// text reference for messages.
	public TicTacToePanel(JTextField m, JButton q, JButton n){ // starts TicTacToePanel object.
		addMouseListener(this);		// adds a listener for the mouse. 
		repaint();					// function to repaint the screen(panel).
		quitGame = q;				// reference to the quit game button.
		newGame = n;				// reference to the new game button.
		text = m;					// reference to the message text field.
		q.addActionListener(this);	// action listener for quit game button.
		n.addActionListener(this);	// action listener for new game button.
	 * This method paints the graphics in the window
	 * @param g The graphics object that does the painting
	public void paint(Graphics g){
		paintMark(g,ttt.getMark(1), 1);
		paintMark(g,ttt.getMark(2), 2);
		paintMark(g,ttt.getMark(3), 3);
		paintMark(g,ttt.getMark(4), 4);
		paintMark(g,ttt.getMark(5), 5);
		paintMark(g,ttt.getMark(6), 6);
		paintMark(g,ttt.getMark(7), 7);
		paintMark(g,ttt.getMark(8), 8);
		paintMark(g,ttt.getMark(9), 9);
	 * This method paints all the marks on the board
	 * @param g The graphics object that does the painting
	 * @param c The character to paint (x or o)
	 * @param slot The slot in which to paint the mark
	public void paintMark(Graphics g, char c, int slot){
		int x = (slot % 3);
		int y = slot / 3;
		if(c == 'x')
			g.drawLine(x*200,y*200,x*200+200, y*200+200);
			g.drawLine(x*200+200,y*200,x*200, y*200+200);
		else if(c == 'o')
	 * This method paints the lines that make up the board.
	 * @param g The graphics object that does the painting
	public void paintBoard(Graphics g){
     * @Param e : action event.
     * @Description : to translate the event and to proceed acoordingly.
	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
		Object source = e.getSource(); // take event and convert to understandible object.
		if (source == quitGame){	//	check if quitGame button was pressed.
      		System.out.println("Program Ended"); // print "Program Ended" in console.
      		System.exit(0);	// end program.
      	}	// end if.
      	if (source == newGame){		// check if newGame button was pressed.
      		System.out.println("New Game"); // print "New Game" in consloe.
      		ttt.startNewGame();	// start a new game.
      		text.setText(ttt.getMessage()); // display game state message.
      		repaint();	// repaint the screen.
      	}	// end if.
		repaint();	// repaint the screen.
	public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){

		int x = 0;		// create int x variable for holding mouse x coordinate.
		int y = 0;		// create int y variable for holding mouse y coordinate.
		int block = 0;	// create int block to store sector of mouse.
		x = e.getX();	// assign mouse x coordinate to x.
		y = e.getY();	// assing mouse y coordinate to y.
		if(x < 200){	// check if mouse is on left of screen.
			if(y < 200){	// check if mouse is on top of screen.
				block = 1;	// assing sector 1.
			if(y > 200 && y < 400){	// check if mouse is in middle vertically on screen.
				block = 4;	// assign sector 4.
			if(y > 400){	// check if mouse is on bottom of screen.
				block = 7;	// assign sector 7.
		if(x > 200 && x < 400){ // check if mouse is in the middle, horizontally on screen.
			if(y < 200){ // check if mouse is on top of screen.
				block = 2;	// assing sector 2.
			if(y > 200 && y < 400){	// check if mouse is in middle vertically on screen.
				block = 5;	// assing sector 5.
			if(y > 400){	// check if mouse is on bottom of screen.
				block = 8;	// assing sector 8.
		if(x > 400){	// check if mouse is right on screen.
			if(y < 200){	 // check if mouse is on top of screen.
				block = 3;	// assing sector 3.
			if(y > 200 && y < 400){	// check if mouse is in middle vertically on screen.
				block = 6;	// assing sector 6.
			if(y > 400){	// check if mouse is on bottom of screen.
				block = 9;	// assing sector 9.
		boolean gameOver = false;	// create boolean gameOver.
		gameOver = ttt.gameOver();	// get the game state and assign it to gameOver.
		if(gameOver != true){		// checks if the game is over, continues if false
			ttt.setMark(block-1);	// sets a 'x' at the location clicked.
									// (-1 there because arrays start at zero [0]).
		text.setText(ttt.getMessage());	// display the game state message in the text field. 
		repaint();	// repaint the screen(Panel).
	public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
		// not used
	public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
		// not used
	public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
		// not used
	public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
		// not used

Re: Tic Tac Toe

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:41 pm
by MarauderIIC
villeballa89 wrote:okay.... just an update....I'm using two classes as of right now. One creates the gameboard and the other is the rules. my new question is whether there is a more efficient way to cover my bases for placing a game piece like here.
Use a 2D array as your board. Then you can do:

Code: Select all

bool placePiece(char whatPiece, int x, int y) {
    if (x > 0 && x < 3 && y > 0 && y < 3) { //(x, y) is in-bounds, bounds are 0 <= x,y <= 2
        if (board[x][y] == ' ') { //assuming board[][] is defined as char board[3][3]
            board[x][y] = whatPiece;
            return true;    //success!
    return false; //cant place here
I guess you didn't read or understand the classes I posted earlier?
The definition of board changed here to be more in line with what you already have.