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Fable 2

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:50 am
by villeballa89
Let's hop right into it.

Story: 500 years after the first (though at some point it says something about 600) think fable colonial times. Enough has happened in the 500 years between the two games to think that it's been an actual a mellinium or more. So the realism isn't really there but, in a game of magic and balverines, that's not really what they were going for. The story is pretty good but if it was made into a movie it wouldn't have won any awards. While the beginning and end are both predictable, most of the times in between are not. Overall, the story could have been expanded upon but was just good enough to keep you going through it hoping for more. I think that, had I not been so hyped for the release, I would not have kept pushing the story along because there was so much more interesting stuff to do.

Rating: 6/10

Looks: simply beautiful. The only problem I've had in this portion of the game is the scenery that seemed interactive was sometimes not and the ones that seemed like not were interactive.

Rating: 8/10


Combat: Everything about this is up to standard with what Lionhead was looking to do. The single button combat is fun and simple, yet if you're a regular gamer it has pleanty of combos to master.

Rating: 10/10

Dog: It is a cool toy to have but is in no way required for the game. If you go through just the main story, you will most likely not become attached to your dog but, if you spend time exploring, building a family, and just hanging out, you will build an attachment, which was the goal. So, I will with hold a rating from this portion

Character Apperance System: This section actually refers to everything that effects your appearance. Evil vs good, fat vs thin, skilled vs unskilled?. In this game if you build you skill you become taller, become strong and you become bulky, use magic alot and the will inside you is visible on your skin. So, if you like the way your character looks don't get used to it. you only age about 3 times in the game but, go evil and you won't be winning any beauty pagents. Oh, and for those of you who plan on playing a female character, you will have to choose between looking good or being powerful.

rating: 6/10

overall gameplay: 9/10

Anyway, just to clarify, if you want to buy a game for an incredibly deep story, don't get this one, it's not even as long as the first but, if you're just looking for some fun combat that is very hack n slashy pick it up. It's fun, just doesn't require much thought to play.

Re: Fable 2

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:56 pm
by Trask
From what I heard, it's probably a good thing that I didn't rush to buy this. I'll probably wait for the bargain bin with this. I heard its not bad, but it doesn't live up to the expectations like the first one didn't and the first one depressed me when I got it and it turned out the way it did.

Re: Fable 2

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:59 am
by Arce
Honestly, thanks for the review. Perhaps the only nonbiased one of F2 I've heard.

I got into Fable late (in comparison to the general gaming population) and loved it. I think this was a fair review, and I must confess that I will probably oneday buy, play, beat, then eventually ace fable 2. Though atm it's not on the top of my agenda.

Everybody else who've played it, do you concur with the ratings?

Re: Fable 2

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 1:20 am
by cronjob00
by no means is it a horrible game I plan on finishing it sometime latter I say it is worth playing but right now there are so many other games I am playing that this one is not at the top.

Re: Fable 2

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:48 am
by Arce
Most every review I've heard about the game is based solely on the contract between what was promised or expected of the game to actual; there are few reviews that accurately describe the game as people are too busy bitching at how it doesn't meet the unrealistically high expectations.

If there were no first game and no promises of extreme awesomeness, how would the ratings be? That's my question. And I think villeballa89 did a decent job answering that.

Re: Fable 2

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:43 am
by cronjob00
overall I think it is a good game I had fun the couple hours I was playing it

Re: Fable 2

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:15 am
by teamtwentythree
Fable 2 = Fable remade for the 360.

The dog is a nice addition, but you soon realize its a gimmick to deal with the strange chests/dig spots scattered around the world. And yea, finding a condom on your 2nd dig screams PR move to get the game some press.

And yes, the main quest line is short...again...damnit.

Side quests are amazingly repetitive, dungeons reuse the same old cave levels over and over again. There are a couple good ones, but thats about it. And you may/may not find out some of the unique dungeons are reserved for the "legendary" weapons. Depending of course on if you look them up online or spend a LOT of time in game. I thought WoW taught game devs to make stuff in game to lead people to these things...

Fable made me angry for being so short. Fable 2 makes me angry for being Fable and nothing more.

Re: Fable 2

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:31 am
by Poolhustler
teamtwentythree wrote:Fable 2 = Fable remade for the 360.
All Fable 2 is, is what Lionhead said would be on the first Fable. I went out and bought it and wished I could get my money back for it. Im thinking of selling it on or something. I say RENT it. Dont pay 60 bucks for it, or even get it in the greatest hits. They need to stop building peoples hope up for the fable games and just tell the truth that it wont be like they said.

I did like how whatever you do in the game DOES change the way you look and how people react to you. No two games character will look JUST alike. Unlike the first one. Plus you can buy a castle, which is very very small to be a castle imo

Re: Fable 2

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:36 pm
by Marx Chaotix
Man! This topic just never dies.

Re: Fable 2

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:49 pm
by Poolhustler
Marx Chaotix wrote:Man! This topic just never dies.
I just wanted to warn people to not buy this game because its a big let down. I mean BIG

Re: Fable 2

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:33 pm
by Marx Chaotix
I'm not trying to be a dick PoolHustler, I was just saying that this game must be popular or something since this topic came back multiple times. Also thanks for the info man.

Re: Fable 2

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 9:16 pm
by Poolhustler
Oh I know. Like I said in my post that it wasnt worth the 60 bucks and it was a BIG let down. I said that because I know how tight money is these days, and didnt want anyone wasting 60 bucks on something that they could just as easy pay 5 and rent it and have just as much fun.

Peace out

Re: Fable 2

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 8:07 am
by Sanshin77
Good review, pretty much agreed with everything.

As others have said before me, this game needed more content. I would give it a 10/10 if the story was longer and there were more spells and equipment. The concept and gameplay is great but the story is too short.

Id say its definitely worth buying even though its story isnt the best(certainly not the worst either) and its too short. If Fable 3 has a longer story and more spells, clothes weapons and "unique" side quests it'll be a win for me.

Oh and its a good thing to do some side quests while youre still progressing on the main story, it'll lengthen and enhance the overall experience(hopefully).