I am new here on the forum but an old watcher of the "Adventures in Game Development", and a big fan of the game and team xD.
Well, I am making a "mario type" of game, and I am needing help with the level editor. I followed the lazyfoo's tutorial, and I have done some modifications to it, but I am having problem on selecting the tile.
I am using C and SDL, and what I am basic doing so far is:
-I load everything up and display the tiles on the right side of my window.
-Each one of the tiles have a "code"
-This code is used to render just that "square tile" from the whole tilesheet
Code: Select all
const int TILE_GRASS = 0;
const int TILE_SAND = 1;
bool clipTiles()
clips[ TILE_GRASS ].x = 0;
clips[ TILE_GRASS ].y = 0;
clips[ TILE_SAND ].x = TILE_WIDTH * 1;
clips[ TILE_SAND ].y = 0;
clips[ TILE_SAND ].w = TILE_WIDTH;
int setTileSheet()
DrawIMG(938, 50, grid, screen, NULL);
offX = 943;
offY = 55;
tile = 0;
z = 1;
i = 1;
for( z = 1; z <= TILE_SHEET_Y; z++ )
tileCellY = offY;
if(z > 1)
tileCellY = offY + (38 * (z-1));
for( i = 1; i <= TILE_SHEET_X; i++ )
tileCellX = offX;
if(i > 1)
tileCellX = offX + (40 * (i-1));
[b]DrawIMG(tileCellX, tileCellY, tileSheet, screen, &clips[ tile ]);[/b]
I tried rendering the tilesheet of many ways, but everyone of them produces the same problem!!
How should I do to do this : render all the tiles and when I select them it returns the 'tile' value!?
Sorry if I was confusing, please ask if you need more details!
Thanks in advance!