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A game, that'll probably never exist.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:09 am
by DFxPirate
I've been trying to get into Game Development for a while now, I'm just simply studying C++ currently though I'm still far from being complete though I'll post what I have done so far. There has been many other work that has been done for this game but, I don't have it on me currently because I'm simply a Graphic Designer/Programmer.

Some concept art, I know its just concept art.. but I like them.

These were suppose to be some character builds in the game.

Image Knight on the left, Mystic on the right. Both characters that'll hopefully be in the game.

Image A ninja, haha sweet eh?

Image I'm not entirely sure what this is.

Image Before I coloured it, lul.

Image Took me a while to colour this, also had to reconstruct the outline of the drawing.

All these images are all drawn by the hand-artist, thats probably the reason why I tend to explain them in a such a retarded format. It means, I never drew them
The game it's self was planned to be an MMORPG with many unique features not like anyother.

Though, personally I'm losing intention of continuing to develope this game.. Because I'm like the only person in the team that actually knows any knowledge of game development. I'm still a nooby, but I still understand some-what game development. The leader of the team always expands the information of the game, he continues to babble about stuff that he wants to see in the game, like.. "Oh this feature for the assassin character and shit..." Though, I personally dislike all that. Funny thing is that he doesn't know much programming and isn't good with any graphics.

I've been graphic designing for a few years now, so I'm slightly knowing what I'm doing. I can easily get into designing a sprite sheet or even some 3d models.
Though, I don't really find it useful if I can't develope anything towards the game because no one needs it as of now.

NOTE: NO WORK HAS BEEN DONE FOR CREATING THE ENGINE YET. (No programming, nothing at all.)

Re: A game, that'll probably never exist.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:46 am
by cypher1554R
I envy your drawing skills.. I haven't seen such good concept art in a long time.

Re: A game, that'll probably never exist.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 6:44 am
by M_D_K
Wow! That is some wicked concept art.

Re: A game, that'll probably never exist.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 8:33 am
by trufun202
Wow, you have some serious skills. Your concept art looks amazing. Good luck on this project - there are plenty of great programmers around here to help you along the way.

Nice work muh friend.

Re: A game, that'll probably never exist.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:20 am
by dandymcgee
Yea, sweet concept art. Like trufun said, there are plenty of people more than willing to help after you get it started by yourself.

Re: A game, that'll probably never exist.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:47 am
by DFxPirate
I can never be more happier hearing those fabulous comments. A great community I see here, indeed. All I need now is people who're willing to work on the engine its self. Ah, I'll look around later. Thanks for everyones comments though.


Re: A game, that'll probably never exist.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 4:57 pm
by Diablo vt
DFxPirate wrote:I can never be more happier hearing those fabulous comments. A great community I see here, indeed. All I need now is people who're willing to work on the engine its self. Ah, I'll look around later. Thanks for everyones comments though.

All I need now is people who're willing to work on the engine its self.
HAHA! Awesome art btw! I am very envious!

Re: A game, that'll probably never exist.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:45 pm
by DFxPirate
Diablo vt wrote:
DFxPirate wrote:I can never be more happier hearing those fabulous comments. A great community I see here, indeed. All I need now is people who're willing to work on the engine its self. Ah, I'll look around later. Thanks for everyones comments though.

All I need now is people who're willing to work on the engine its self.
HAHA! Awesome art btw! I am very envious!
I'm not sure what that's suppose to mean, am I getting the feeling that you're willing to help me design the engine of the game? :) if so, then I love you.

Re: A game, that'll probably never exist.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:17 am
by ver.min
A few things stuck out to me when reading your post, namely being:

1. "MMORPG with many unique features not like anyother."
2. "Because I'm like the only person in the team that actually knows any knowledge of game development"
3. "Funny thing is that he doesn't know much programming"
4. "NO WORK HAS BEEN DONE FOR CREATING THE ENGINE YET. (No programming, nothing at all.)"

This project sounds like its destined for failure. I'm sorry to say this as your concept art looks superb but an mmo is a collossal undertaking and, from what i gathered, one you(and your team) are unprepared for. I see too many teams these days, drawing up all this concept art and making spread sheets, but no game in site. Before going any further, I highly recommend working on a prototype server/client. If you can't do this I'd suggest taking a step back and working on something a little less ambitious. After all, pretty art and stories don't make games... code does. That's not to say you won't succeed and by god I hope you prove me wrong, but I simply can't shake the feeling of deja vu.

That's my 2c anyway. Good luck.

Re: A game, that'll probably never exist.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:17 am
by M_D_K
ver.min wrote:A few things stuck out to me when reading your post, namely being:

1. "MMORPG with many unique features not like anyother."
2. "Because I'm like the only person in the team that actually knows any knowledge of game development"
3. "Funny thing is that he doesn't know much programming"
4. "NO WORK HAS BEEN DONE FOR CREATING THE ENGINE YET. (No programming, nothing at all.)"

This project sounds like its destined for failure. I'm sorry to say this as your concept art looks superb but an mmo is a collossal undertaking and, from what i gathered, one you(and your team) are unprepared for. I see too many teams these days, drawing up all this concept art and making spread sheets, but no game in site. Before going any further, I highly recommend working on a prototype server/client. If you can't do this I'd suggest taking a step back and working on something a little less ambitious. After all, pretty art and stories don't make games... code does. That's not to say you won't succeed and by god I hope you prove me wrong, but I simply can't shake the feeling of deja vu.

That's my 2c anyway. Good luck.
Well it depends. Yes its rare to see a homebrew or community MMO but its not impossible(worldforge). It all depends on the programmers and being able to work as a team.

Re: A game, that'll probably never exist.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:44 am
by avansc
M_D_K wrote:
ver.min wrote:A few things stuck out to me when reading your post, namely being:

1. "MMORPG with many unique features not like anyother."
2. "Because I'm like the only person in the team that actually knows any knowledge of game development"
3. "Funny thing is that he doesn't know much programming"
4. "NO WORK HAS BEEN DONE FOR CREATING THE ENGINE YET. (No programming, nothing at all.)"

This project sounds like its destined for failure. I'm sorry to say this as your concept art looks superb but an mmo is a collossal undertaking and, from what i gathered, one you(and your team) are unprepared for. I see too many teams these days, drawing up all this concept art and making spread sheets, but no game in site. Before going any further, I highly recommend working on a prototype server/client. If you can't do this I'd suggest taking a step back and working on something a little less ambitious. After all, pretty art and stories don't make games... code does. That's not to say you won't succeed and by god I hope you prove me wrong, but I simply can't shake the feeling of deja vu.

That's my 2c anyway. Good luck.
Well it depends. Yes its rare to see a homebrew or community MMO but its not impossible(worldforge). It all depends on the programmers and being able to work as a team.
unfortunately working together as a team will only get you about as far as maybe, and note i mean a very small maybe, a working client. making MMO (that actually is decent and playable), is so challenging, not only is the network infrastructure so hard to even conceptualize, never the less implement, the quest system alone in a MMO is a mazzive undertaking. if this was a project just about a RPG, diablo kinda style, i would consider getting involved. but a MMO, haha.. good luck is all i can say.

Re: A game, that'll probably never exist.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:32 am
by DFxPirate
I think I should be agreeing at your comments, it's true that it's possible. But a team which most are unable to even program? I don't think we're going to make such a great game with those issues. I believe I should just size it down for now, create a small game and keep on raising my inability. Start off with pacman, than make an advanced pacman. :) Or even something similiar towards that... meh

Re: A game, that'll probably never exist.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:49 am
by avansc
DFxPirate wrote:I think I should be agreeing at your comments, it's true that it's possible. But a team which most are unable to even program? I don't think we're going to make such a great game with those issues. I believe I should just size it down for now, create a small game and keep on raising my inability. Start off with pacman, than make an advanced pacman. :) Or even something similiar towards that... meh
i think you meant ability rather than inability. anyways.
dont be discouraged. i have started 100's of projects (games and apps) that have fallen flat. and usually its because i tackled to big of a demon. if you feel that you can tackle OpenGL (its easy) or something like SDL, then jsut start by making a ISO engine. just so you can more object around and stuff like that. back it up and start tinkering till you find something that works. most great games today have to have a story and quests and lost of playability hours. for that you need a huge profesional team. so what i suggest indy game developers do. go back to the roots. the golden rule for a game is this. seconds to play, but years to master

why do you think tetris is still being made today, and varients of it. mario. fun game, but not so easy to complete. have you ever hear of a game called "thief" its old, graphics suck balls. its just not a pretty game. but it is by far the most fun. it is actually possible to go through out the game never being seen, and thats the challenge.

dont be a cookie cutter, MMO's are done and they really arent that fun, and if you dont have millions to support it no one is gonna play it. be original.

Re: A game, that'll probably never exist.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:51 am
by villeballa89
well here's my thoughts. why not work out a basic (non-mmo) game from this concept and then, after some time and experiance programming, expand the story and take it to mmo. Then again, I'm in the same boat as you with the whole just learning languages at the moment so I'm not completely sure how that would work but, from what I hear, the only way to get good at programming is to program, and if this is the project you're set on, make it a longterm goal and decide upon the stepping stones to get to that point.

Basically, I'm saying, I'd be interested in the game, just based on the looks of it and, if I were a bit more experienced, I'd offer what help I could on a non-mmo story/game from this concept, to get things set in motion for the overall goal.

Re: A game, that'll probably never exist.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:56 am
by avansc
villeballa89 wrote:well here's my thoughts. why not work out a basic (non-mmo) game from this concept and then, after some time and experiance programming, expand the story and take it to mmo. Then again, I'm in the same boat as you with the whole just learning languages at the moment so I'm not completely sure how that would work but, from what I hear, the only way to get good at programming is to program, and if this is the project you're set on, make it a longterm goal and decide upon the stepping stones to get to that point.

Basically, I'm saying, I'd be interested in the game, just based on the looks of it and, if I were a bit more experienced, I'd offer what help I could on a non-mmo story/game from this concept, to get things set in motion for the overall goal.
before you do this let me jsut warn you. making a MMO is basically the art of wrapping a game around a robust network infrastucture with databases and god knows what else. so making a singleplayer game and then trying to make it MMO, is basically impossible.