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DragonSkin Body Armor better than Interceptor, but REJECTED?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:25 am
by Hyozan
As we all are quite aware of, technological advancements in reference to DOD and Military equipment account for a large portion of spending in our Nation.

This is a small, but serious issue that really hits home being that I've experienced combat. Dragon Skin body armor, as some of you may know, was developed a couple of years ago and employs the use of discs overlapping one another like 'medieval chainmail', allowing it to wrap around the body to cover a much better area of vitals on the upper torso. In tests, it withstood countless rounds from weapons soldiers and other DOD contractors would be facing down range. It even took the full blast of a fragmentation grenade without puncturing the vest itself.

However, in March of 2006, the Army issued a 'cease fire' order on Dragon Skin calling it 'ineffective' and saying that it had failed ballistic tests miserably. The problem here is, the military didn't physically test Dragon Skin till May of 2006. In fact, it was found that higher ranking officials and numerous other individuals were still utilizing the Dragon Skin body armor in VIP transportation missions, etc. The creator of the Interceptor body armor, the armor currently being employed down range, stated in an interview that Dragon Skin was a better choice of armor. He also said that if he had to leave and go to war today, he would choose Dragon skin over the IBA.

NBC conducted an investigation on this controversial matter, and you can view the 5 min. video here:

I bring this to light here because as I've said: I've been there, and done that. I believe that our country doesn't quite value the life of a soldier enough, and found Dragon Skin to be to expensive for use in combat situations. In lamens, I think this is bullshit. It's shady dealings like this that leave me questioning, at times, what exactly I am fighting for. I simply have to remind myself that it's for my family, and your families. The same reason every soldier fights. But let me be a little less than articulate here and say, "Fuck you, Military Officials. You come draw fire in a contact situation, and maybe you'll rethink your choice of our body armor."

If any of you care about this, I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks for reading.

Re: DragonSkin Body Armor better than Interceptor, but REJECTED?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:19 pm
by Falco Girgis
Actually, that is bullshit. I work as a DoD contractor, and that's the kind of stuff that we do (automated tests for things like apache helicoptors, armors, Bradley fighting vehicles, etc.)

Not only is that bullshit for you guys who are risking your lives, but that's the kind of thing that engineers in my division get paid to develop. You're risking your lives, and we are losing funding...

edit: I meant "that is bullshit" as in I agree. :)

Re: DragonSkin Body Armor better than Interceptor, but REJECTED?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 3:52 am
by dejai
Good on you for serving your country but I strongly stand by the stance of not killing any other human. Except if they wish to die or abortion neither of which I care about. I am angry at the army for canceling that project as well. How can you put a value on a life?

Re: DragonSkin Body Armor better than Interceptor, but REJECTED?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:15 pm
by avansc
dejai wrote:Good on you for serving your country but I strongly stand by the stance of not killing any other human. Except if they wish to die or abortion neither of which I care about. I am angry at the army for canceling that project as well. How can you put a value on a life?
haha, omg thats a double standard if i have ever heard one.

you just admitted that abortion is killing another human being.
so basically you said killing is wrong unless you dont care about it.


Re: DragonSkin Body Armor better than Interceptor, but REJECTED?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:19 pm
by Trask
I think I remember hearing about this. It's complete horse shit. They put such a small price tag on their soldiers and it's just a joke. They much rather have more meat to throw at the enemy then to protect whose doing all the dangerous shit for our country. It's really sad...

Re: DragonSkin Body Armor better than Interceptor, but REJECTED?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:48 pm
by avansc
dejai wrote:Good on you for serving your country but I strongly stand by the stance of not killing any other human. Except if they wish to die or abortion neither of which I care about. I am angry at the army for canceling that project as well. How can you put a value on a life?
i saw one of your youtube videos in particular, and it explains why you have this view.
and you say how can you put value on a life? is a baby in a mothers womb not a life? obviously you believe so from reading your post, yet you put absolutely no value on it, you dont care if that human being gets killed. you are only a humanitarian when it fits you. and thats sad. and i really am sorry for you.

this is not an attack, im merely pointing out the hypocrisy .

Re: DragonSkin Body Armor better than Interceptor, but REJECTED?

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:30 am
by XianForce
dejai wrote:Good on you for serving your country but I strongly stand by the stance of not killing any other human. Except if they wish to die or abortion neither of which I care about. I am angry at the army for canceling that project as well. How can you put a value on a life?
Our Government does everyday...

The price of a life, is apparently like $8.1 Million.