Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:57 pm
Yup.. That's the name of the engine I'm working on.
It might sound narcissistic, as if it wasn't enough to write my name once in the title x] ..
Which probably is.. a little.. I made it, I deserve it :P
If you read it, it sounds like you said "Mr. Jin engine".
After posting the latest video, I decided to open an official topic.
I don't dare to say what I'm planing to do, even if it's not god knows what. I just wouldn't like to promise something I wouldn't be able to carry out. The engine expands together with the ever more functionality performing requests by editor, which makes the process more harmonized.
Here is the basic concept of how things work in the editor:
There are 2 main managers (for now):
- Material Manager
- Object Manager
PhysX properties are a part of a certain material, Textures are linked to a certain material, and finally material can be linked to an object.
It all goes by linking, so you can have many objects assigned to one material, and stuff like that.
So far the PhysX properties only include dynamic or static checkbox option, and convex mesh object to actor creation. Triangle meshes aren't working too well for me. I'll see into that later. I still have to check out how softbody meshes, and cloth meshes work.
That's all about talk for now. Hopefully I'll post updates on progress (unless I get a life).[/joke]
Here is the latest video update (on editor): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjJkL9oP_a8
And here is the playlist with all the development videos uploaded so far: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... 39A03E1054
edit: I changed name to just "&jin" .. less pretentious..
It might sound narcissistic, as if it wasn't enough to write my name once in the title x] ..
Which probably is.. a little.. I made it, I deserve it :P
If you read it, it sounds like you said "Mr. Jin engine".
After posting the latest video, I decided to open an official topic.
I don't dare to say what I'm planing to do, even if it's not god knows what. I just wouldn't like to promise something I wouldn't be able to carry out. The engine expands together with the ever more functionality performing requests by editor, which makes the process more harmonized.
Here is the basic concept of how things work in the editor:
There are 2 main managers (for now):
- Material Manager
- Object Manager
PhysX properties are a part of a certain material, Textures are linked to a certain material, and finally material can be linked to an object.
It all goes by linking, so you can have many objects assigned to one material, and stuff like that.
So far the PhysX properties only include dynamic or static checkbox option, and convex mesh object to actor creation. Triangle meshes aren't working too well for me. I'll see into that later. I still have to check out how softbody meshes, and cloth meshes work.
That's all about talk for now. Hopefully I'll post updates on progress (unless I get a life).[/joke]
Here is the latest video update (on editor): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjJkL9oP_a8
And here is the playlist with all the development videos uploaded so far: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p ... 39A03E1054
edit: I changed name to just "&jin" .. less pretentious..