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Can someple please tell me if this is a joke.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:55 pm
by avansc
so i finally summoned up the courage(i just had nothign better to do) to take a venture over to J Force games.
i mean im not hating, i really think this must just be a practical joke. i mean they are comedians right.
JForce wrote:It will have the most diverse character line-up of all time. Picture this: a modern soldier, a robot centipede, a ninja made of sand & glass, a spider-vampire hybrid, a ball-n-chain wielding samurai, a living black hole, a wizard ghost, a super hero flower man, aliens with chainsaws, a killer origami box, stampeding wildebeests, and zombies…all in the same game.
where is the transvestite bowling ball juggler?

lets review their preview.

i mean seriously. a robot centipede, wtf... okay so a ninja made out of sand and glass. i was like yeah that bitch would make noise trying to tip to. if they could actually impliments some nice physics that be one badass character. imagine he like melts into these death shards of glass. or he like has grenades he swallows and then turns to glass, then exploding into millions of death shards. lolz anyways.

spider-vampire hybrid... is that like the new honda comming out. anyways, not much to say here. a spider, that turns into a bat, then a vampire.

a ball-n-chain wielding samurai... i guess this has to be a character to fight against the ninja. idk. but thats not really original.

a living black hole... this is by far the best one, i mean seriously. not even light would escape. you are the badest ass mother fucker in the universe.

a wizard ghost... when there something stange.. in the neigborhood, who you gonna call? GHOST BUSTERS!

a super hero flower man... this is why i say this is a practical joke and not for real. i mean fuck. flower man..

aliens with chainsaws... this one just boggles my mind. i assume this is set on earth, so these hyper inteligent being travel farther than jesus can piss. and the best weapons they have are chain saws... maybe they are just sadistic.

a killer origami box.... man i hate paper cuts.

stampeding wildebeests... are they gonna be characters. cause the lion king on SNES and sega did wildebeests a long time ago.

zombies... ofcourse, what indy game is complete without dumb AI. which btw is the reason people use zombies.

this next quote is brilliantly funny.
JForce wrote: If that doesn’t sound like the best indie game ever, you might as well just stop playing games right now. And there’s plenty more where that came from. You'll just have to watch our documentaries as we slowly reveal all the characters, features, and other top secret information."
there more of that. they say it in a tone like they totally just kicked your ass.

anyways. to conclude i really think this just a practical joke, there is no way that bad game developers can be this funny.

Re: Can someple please tell me if this is a joke.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:03 pm
by Trask
My head hurts just by thinking of all that.

And the transvestite ball juggler is a hidden character.

Re: Can someple please tell me if this is a joke.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:48 pm
by dandymcgee
Well.. They're Definitely far more creative than me, I'll give 'em that. I can't wait to see their finished product.. if I'm still living when it's done.