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Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:45 pm
by mllarson
Check out Robert Pelloni's game at
Bob has made a sweet looking RPG for the DS and is awaiting word back on the official SDK for said system. Bob has gone so far as to ask someone to lock him in a room until Nintendo gives him his SDK. He has a link to Nintendo's feedback page, where he is asking people to help coerce Nintendo into a favorable decision. This is the message I left Nintendo:
Please approve Robert Pelloni's ( request for the Nitro SDK so that he may release his impressive looking game on the market. Note this, if his game comes out I Will DEFINITELY buy it! I have been a Nintendo fan since about '85, and own all your systems (except the Virtual Boy...), and would hope that Nintendo grants my humble request for the loyalty. Thanks!
Check it out and give Nintendo some feedback!

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:41 pm
by bugmenot
Honestly, no surprise. The developer doesn't have a rep in the industry and no funds in place to push the game through to completion. For example, how is he/she going to publish this game by him/herself? He/she should get in touch with a publisher who will provide the funding and also deal with Nintendo in getting the DevKit. (Although Nintendo have some rules where the kit MUST be on site in a secure location at all times).

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:55 pm
by trufun202
Wow. The game looks damn impressive. It actually kinda reminds me of ES - a top down RPG with a modern setting.

If he doesn't find a publisher, he's still got a nice digital resume to get himself into the industry.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:11 pm
by mck567
What one of the best DS games I have ever seen.

I want it...


I left Nintendo a nice message with a few expletives to get my anger through =D

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:14 pm
by bugmenot
mck567 wrote:I left Nintendo a nice message with a few expletives to get my anger through =D
It doesn't help unless Nintendo decides to publish it. It doesn't make any business sense to give a random person with no previous industry or business experience a DevKit kit (which he may or may not afford) to develop a game with no business plan or current means to publish it.

People need to help the developer find a publisher that is willing to fund the project and provide the DevKit from Nintendo.

Edit: Just read:
I am supposed to receive a decision in 6-8 weeks. It has been 16 weeks!
He really should be doing (if not already) calling and chasing up on this or assume it is a rejection and work on another way to get this game published. Locking himself in a room isn't going to help and honestly sounds rather immature.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:26 pm
by mck567
bugmenot wrote:
mck567 wrote:I left Nintendo a nice message with a few expletives to get my anger through =D
It doesn't help unless Nintendo decides to publish it. It doesn't make any business sense to give a random person with no previous industry or business experience a DevKit kit (which he may or may not afford) to develop a game with no business plan or current means to publish it.
Yea, I get that, my point just being that so many ds titles are crappy..

This would be nice to have though not likely to ever happen.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:33 pm
by avansc
bugmenot wrote:
mck567 wrote:I left Nintendo a nice message with a few expletives to get my anger through =D
It doesn't help unless Nintendo decides to publish it. It doesn't make any business sense to give a random person with no previous industry or business experience a DevKit kit (which he may or may not afford) to develop a game with no business plan or current means to publish it.

People need to help the developer find a publisher that is willing to fund the project and provide the DevKit from Nintendo.

Edit: Just read:
I am supposed to receive a decision in 6-8 weeks. It has been 16 weeks!
He really should be doing (if not already) calling and chasing up on this or assume it is a rejection and work on another way to get this game published. Locking himself in a room isn't going to help and honestly sounds rather immature.
this is a good post. they really dont care how good your game is. if you cant tell them what you can do with their investment (ie, what kinda money you expect to make in what kind of timeframe), they wont give you a cent.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:44 pm
by bugmenot
*business cap off*

Wow. I am impressed, I just watched both trailers and for a 1 person project, it is very good. The only problems I see from the videos is that it isn't really clear what the aim is short of 'existing' and that I can see many people (beyond the hardcore) just being stuck on the first level.

I be interested to see which publishers he has approached already.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:53 pm
by mllarson
He has been looking at publishers, etc. He just needs the "official" dev kit since he used "unofficial" methods to make his game (flash card, indie tools, etc.). He's also working to port it to other things besides the DS, which is one of the reasons he's barricaded in his room. I personally think that he should release a demo rom to the masses so we can see how well it plays and the fun-factor.


He's spent five years alone making his dream game from scratch. I highly doubt that he's going to give up easily. I sure wouldn't.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:02 pm
by bugmenot
Hm. I am just trying to figure which publishers are more likely to pick it up. Until he gets a publisher, trying to get a SDK is virtually pointless. The only publisher that comes to mind are Gamecock.

The alternative is to release for niche platforms like how Yuan Works did with Wind and Water (GP2X and Dreamcast) and/or release for the PC where he can easily self publish.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:11 pm
by avansc
bugmenot wrote:Hm. I am just trying to figure which publishers are more likely to pick it up. Until he gets a publisher, trying to get a SDK is virtually pointless. The only publisher that comes to mind are Gamecock.

The alternative is to release for niche platforms like how Yuan Works did with Wind and Water (GP2X and Dreamcast) and/or release for the PC where he can easily self publish.
yeah, its hard to tell just how good it it. and if someone is interested in it, they are going to try and screw him out a deal.
they will offer him a fair amount of money for complete rights to it.

as for 5 years development time. thats a bit excessive i think. im not saying thats not how long it took him. but just looking at returns on time spent. he would have to make at least $500 000 to consider it successful. (im just going by what i think/know a lead programmer on a game should get per year.) (not to mention he did everything) im sure if they give him 50000 for it he will be psyched, he probably doesn't have to pay rent. so 50K is like mega money.

ps: i dont know him from anywhere so all this is just speculation. and im not saying anything bad of they guy, its obvious he has accomplished a great deal.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:20 pm
by bugmenot
At least it still had a shorter development time then Duke Nukem's Forever. Random fact, Pokemon took 6 years from concept to release and Nintendo had no idea it was going to sell that well. ... _Interview

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:36 pm
by avansc
bugmenot wrote:At least it still had a shorter development time then Duke Nukem's Forever. Random fact, Pokemon took 6 years from concept to release and Nintendo had no idea it was going to sell that well. ... _Interview
yeah. i dont know if im also the only one that found this a little interesting.

Duke Nukem Forever : DNF. commonly the abbreviation for did not finish.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:54 pm
by eatcomics
I have to say, I love the art style... reminds me of Jhonen Vasquez's art style....

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 8:42 pm
by teamtwentythree
Guess I'll have to go against the grain here.

I dislike how much of his page is devoted to how hard he worked and how much he did on the game. And then the acclaim/fame its gained. His attitude (Or what I interpret his attitude to be, I could easily be wrong) is enough to put me off. And I still can't really tell how good the game is given what he's shown so far. That said the last game I bought was Fable 2, so I'm probably a really bad barometer for whether his game is good or not...
