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My parents are fucking retarded

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:33 pm
by Moosader
So I've been suffering from insomnia for a while, and as a change I decided I'd try shifting my sleep schedule, so instead of waking up and going to work, I go to bed after coming home from work.

So last night I played Spore all night. Around 3 am, I guess my stepdad was using the bathroom and heard the... noises... coming from my room. :P If there's one thing my parents hate, it's having a daughter who STAYS UP LATE ON THE COMPUTER OMFG.
So he started bitching about how he would have never "bought the internet" if he had known I would have been so addicted to it.
Once I explained that Spore requires the internet to play, but is single player, he oddly seemed less angry. Go figure.

That morning, when I was getting in my car to head to work at 6:20am, my mom came out before I left and asked me if I was on drugs.


I responded, "yeah, caffeine.", as I had a bottle of bawls, a can of mountain dew, and some caffeine mints to get me through the night (hadn't slept much day before, so not at full energy).

I'm seriously sick of these people. Yes, I'm on drugs, because I stay up late at night and tend to avoid my stepdad. OF COURSE I AVOID MY STEPDAD, HE'S AN ASSHOLE.
Yes, my favorite drug is not-being-around-a-verbally-abusive(-and-on-special-occasions-physically-abusive)-old-fucker.
I've always been a good kid, and they could have it so much worse, but no, their daughter occasionally pulls all-nighters. At home. On the computer. "doing" Caffeine.
I'm the bad kid, though. Pretty much have always been treated like it since I've been a teenager. They even blame me for hurting their marriage, even though I try as hard as I can to stay away from them and keep to myself.

Re: My parents are fucking retarded

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:24 pm
by Trask
Yikes... sorry to hear all that. Now I can see why you\'re anxious to move out, any luck on that front? People always look for the easiest way out of a problem, even if its blaming their own child(at least in your mother\'s case). Any chance of getting your mom to kick this ass out?

And not trying to sound preachy, but, when I went through a nasty bout of depression I reversed my night and day and I can honestly say that I never felt rested sleeping through out the day and staying up all night. It led to a lot of problems that took a few years to get over... still some sleep is better than no sleep, but its definitely not a good solution.

Re: My parents are fucking retarded

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:45 pm
by Falco Girgis
I think you really just need to move out. Your parenting problems will magically disappear. My parents and I had always had a decent relationship, but when I got 18-ish, we would always argue, fight, and bitch over stupid things. Now that I'm moved out, we get along better than ever. My room mate has always hated his parents (they remind me of yours), and moving out at least has kept him from seeing them, so everybody is happy.

So move in with us, m'dear.

Re: My parents are fucking retarded

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:33 pm
by Moosader
Well school starts in a couple weeks and I definitely can't keep it up then. I've just always been curious and wanted to try.

I just woke up, and I slept sooo well, despite being woken up several times by people.
I'm hoping that, if I'm awake all night, I'll actually get some coding done, and hopefully not feel so god awful at work.