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My first game(youtube link included) :)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 2:56 pm
by systat
I started programming this game on December 30 2008, because I didn't want to program my first game in 2009, so I started programming...
I told myself that I will hang my sorry ass If it is not done by 2009.
So I started programming, and of course it wasn't done by 2009, but I decided that I will not hang myself, because I thought I acomplished something, even though, it hasn't had(sorry for my shitty english) main menu. The game would just start and after 10 "goals" finished, damn, I now remembered that I didn't add posibility to change number of "goals" that player can get.
Anyway, I added dropdown OpenGL console, and I was really mad, because at first I thought Ill make SDL only game, and I couldn't implement my OpenGL console on SDL surface...
Okay I don't want to write anymore, here is the link.

There is Windows & Linux version of game, Mac version expect soon because I don't own Mac computer.

Linux version(The original one): ... ar.gz.html

Windows version(The ported one):

Re: My first game(youtube link included) :)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 3:00 pm
by M_D_K
Looks pretty good. But did you really have to put all that BS into the description?
It won't really get you more views.

Re: My first game(youtube link included) :)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 3:12 pm
by programmerinprogress
yeah all that BS is very unprofessional, it 'may' get you more views, but do you really want people to click on it, realise it isn't porn, and then just click on something else that is porn?

The game itself is pretty good for a first try though, would have preffered the video without all of that 3D wire frame stuff before the game (since its a 2D which misleads the viewer, and then sets them up for unwarranted disapointment)

but still pretty good use of SDL

Re: My first game(youtube link included) :)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 3:21 pm
by systat
You are right, I'll remove porn stuff.

Re: My first game(youtube link included) :)

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 2:51 pm
by dandymcgee
Yeah.. I absolutely hate searching for "Halo 3" and getting "Me and my friends are cool" videos. Tag your video accurately or don't tag it at all. Anyways, cool game I like the sound effects :P

Re: My first game(youtube link included) :)

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:49 pm
by Aeolus
Nice, I dont like the color change. Otherwise nice.

As for people who put bs in youtube videos just get negative reviews and media... Plus people dont search youtube for porn... lol

Re: My first game(youtube link included) :)

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:39 pm
by eatcomics
aparently my cousin searches it for breastfeeding, cause he spent the night one time, my laptop was out, I go to youtube the next day and it says "recomended for you" breastfeeding, and some basketball videos, I havn't watched basketball on youtube in forevef :lol: I guess maybe I might have searched something and watched a video with some bs tags... oh well waht's done is done