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"A FPS Game" Online Game

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:36 am
by LeonBlade
Hello everyone,

I'm making a game in school called "A FPS Game" in XNA (GyroVorbis' favorite ;) lol)
Yes, I could do something like this in OpenGL and C++ and give myself the satisfaction of writing everything myself, but I figured it would save me a lot of time to make a 3D Game with XNA.

Once I get my new computer I'll start developing for the PS2 with C++ and you'll be proud!

But anyway, this isn't what this is about.

The game is basically tall rectangles that you control in a first person perspecive. It's Online only and at first it's just Red vs Blue team deathmatch style gamplay.

I'm curently working on collisions and physics... and eventually having to program some sort of map editor with Winforms (something I do not look forward in doing with my limited time at school)

You can track all updates of the game on my site at

Here are two screenshots for you to look at...

Enjoy, if you have any questions, comments, whatever, feel free to post a reply.

Re: "A FPS Game" Online Game

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:50 am
by Aeolus
So why rectangles? Why not a quick 3d model?

Re: "A FPS Game" Online Game

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:01 am
by LeonBlade
Well, they where originally placeholders for future player models, but I grew attached to "Steve" as I like to call the blue one "Steve The Rectangle" so I decided to use it in the game!

Re: "A FPS Game" Online Game

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:47 am
by Aeolus
lol still thats cool.

Re: "A FPS Game" Online Game

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:03 am
by Falco Girgis
Looks badass, and I totally approve of your gourad shaded quads. *remembers the days of the gay pride rectangle*

Re: "A FPS Game" Online Game

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:18 am
by Chaos Clown
Looks cool, looking forward to seeing more of this, would be nice to see it in action too.
GyroVorbis wrote:Looks badass, and I totally approve of your gourad shaded quads. *remembers the days of the gay pride rectangle*
Yeah... I wonder if we'll ever see the return of that rectangle?

Re: "A FPS Game" Online Game

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:09 pm
by LeonBlade
Thanks guys!

I'm not new to programming at all, but I'm fairly new to game programming, however, it's not challenging at all really if you have programming experience.

I have to give props to GyroVorbis because they are making their own engine. The half a high school day amount of tIme each day to get something like that done without getting lost.

I am getting a new computer from my friend, so hopefully I can work on the game better...

Nothing new to add today, I was playing around with a virtual machine from Sun (love those guys) and I installed Windows 7 on it lol (the only good thing microshits has made in a long time oooooh lol)

So I'll try to be more productive tomorrow.
I would program on my PS3 for the cell but we don't have access to the GPU so I have no real interest...
I'll just have to wait for that computer, then I can sky rocket into awesomeness lol.

If you got any other comments I'd love to hear them... Also, what is the rectangle you speak of...?

Re: "A FPS Game" Online Game

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:33 pm
by MarauderIIC
I support a cross-post to this thread

Re: "A FPS Game" Online Game

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:00 pm
by dandymcgee
LeonBlade wrote: Also, what is the rectangle you speak of...?
Rectangle of Awesomeness It looked similar to this one but slightly more.. rectangular :P

Re: "A FPS Game" Online Game

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:21 pm
by LeonBlade
I'll make my player model that color scheme lol

Re: "A FPS Game" Online Game

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:31 pm
by Falco Girgis
JForce Games!

No that’s not what my “company” is caled lol…

JForce is a team of people over at (who would of known!)

They are also developing a game in XNA such as myself.
It’s a top-down 2D shooter with “The Best Sprite Ever” (if they/I do say so them/myself)
Oh god...

Re: "A FPS Game" Online Game

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:46 pm
by MarauderIIC
Racism moved to "Posts you shouldn't make." Also, I hate you for making me split a multipage thread.

Cut content out from LeonBlade's OT post:
LeonBlade wrote: And to make this post on topic, I've decided to make a height map for the game instead of using collision objects for every single object...
Basically it will make it so that I don't have to worry about my collision so much...

I will take an overhead view of my map and then based on the height of everything assosiate a lighter/darker color to the map...
And then for movement, anything that is to steep of an incline I will stop all velocity in that direction... oh crap... this doesn't sound fun lol...

Let me rethink this...
Yeah that's not a good idea at all...
I'm having some troubles with my collision lately... especially the physics and the ground collision stopping my player from falling through the map...

My current "map" is just a large plane and a few crates and a wall...
My collision is based on BoundingSpheres for the boxes and player model, and BoundingBoxes for things that are aligned to the grid with no angle applied...

Now, how in the world am I going to detect my player model against another object...
Both Box and Sphere have an intersect method that passes in another bounding object and returns a boolean value whether the collision is true or false...

Code: Select all

if (BoundingBox.Intersects(BoundingBox))
     // Insert collision logic here
I'm not quite sure on what to do...
I could stop all velocity in the direction I'm facing... but I don't think that will work out so well...
I'm afraid the radius of the BoundingSphere is way larger than the actuall object, so I'll need to somehow show a visual representation of the sphere in order to figure out what I must do...

Do I check to see if each vertex of the object is touching the other object?
And to limit the amount of checking only check the colliding faces?
I'm pretty sure that is what I need to do... I just have to figure out how to do it...
I can get away without having to really working a lot on collision because all objects in the game will be rectangles essentially.

So if the left face of my player model is close enough with the wall face, then I want to stop any velocity I'm trying to get to the direction of the collision. I just don't know how to calculate that just yet, I don't have anything in front of me to mess around with.

I guess I could calculate the side I'm on depending on position of the player maybe?

I strafe left.
The collision sphere of the player enters the collision box of the wall.
Collision logic begins.
All 4 vertices of the left face of my player model are within X ammount of distance from the wall vertices.
Checking positions.
Wall's X coordinate is 100
Player's X coordinate is 105
Stop all X velocity in the negative direction

Senario 2:
I'm moving into a corner.
The collisions meet and logic begins.
6 vertices are X ammount of distance from the two wall vertices
Checking positions
Left Wall's X is 100
Player's X is 106
Right Wall's Z is 60
Player's Z is 58
Stop all X velocity in the negative direction
Stop all Z velocity in the positive direction

Does that sound good?

Re: "A FPS Game" Online Game

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:48 pm
by LeonBlade
Thank you for keeping that part

Re: "A FPS Game" Online Game

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:50 pm
by MarauderIIC
You're welcome. So for the record, certain terms that are seen by the public as a racial slur are not allowed. Don't do it again. That's the final word. Back on topic, please.

Re: "A FPS Game" Online Game

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:58 pm
by Ginto8
MarauderIIC wrote:You're welcome. So for the record, certain terms that are seen by the public as a racial slur are not allowed. Don't do it again. That's the final word. Back on topic, please.
Certainly. I'm glad that's over with. On the brighter side, I must say that you're pretty good to be making a 3D FPS, leonblade.